Sunday, July 27, 2014

Global warming

It's not a myth; feel how the climate, lakes and earth have taken a shift. Along with the produce that is becoming a dangerous threat, and how the meat we consume in abundance to eat; may one day become  out of our reach. Simply because we refuse to reproduce what was once in our control "the capability to grow things naturally" in a rapid, growing and greedy economy.

A person of interest was compelled to say; you people don't understand global warming. I simply replied "the knowledge you possess only came from a text book and class. And it only takes common sense to realize the seasons are not confused. Now please explain scientifically, why winter feels like spring in 2015.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Free Your Mind

To loose all hope a person has either experienced rejection or fear they are powerless and assume no one really cares. But the truth of the matter is fear is every persons adversary that will either provoke people to fight or  intimidate people to settle for what is not right through compromise rather than researching it's truth to thoroughly think things through.


People often choose battles they are not equipped to spiritually fight. And often  resist to doing what is right. In walking away. To enjoy having the peace of mind in another day". We must choose to defuse our angered attitudes. In the physical. Because the real enemy we internally fight. Is the inner enemy that keeps us awake at night.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Kennedy Family

The Kennedy's were an amazing family never to be forgotten in American History and to honor such a loss we take this  moment to remember their lives filled with the  courage, love and sacrifice they once left behind, as times goes bye.

In memory of JFK.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Happy Feet

I saw the anger in people's face  today as tiny children ran passed our way. Immediately we both took a look down and it was not long before our frowns were turned around.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Everything effects the way you survive so take immediate interest of mineral rights. If you plan or posses land it will behoove you to understand.

Privacy Rights

Privacy is a constitutional right. Until a persons secrets are revealed into the light.

Communication begins with a two-way conversation, if not observation or affiliations in associations.

Angry Birds

Obstain from evil if you can. Because stress only manages the best of a persons emotions in circumstances they cannot control or comprehend. And how they allow their patience to get so out of hand.

Thessalonians: 5:22

Monday, July 14, 2014

Go Getter

Once you have decided to execute a plan allow no one to bogart their way into your space, kindly encourage people to be wise, assertive and confident. Because circumstances will allow some people to lack in hard times simply because we procrastinate in utilizing our own capabilities to achieve what other people have proven to be a possibility.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Face 2 Face

I came face to face with  an old nemesis today and  some how I allowed misery to interrupt my day forcing me to take precautious measures to avoid the trouble I saw coming my way.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wear your Confidence

When people are surreptitious by making slick remarks that you can't hear continue to hold your head to the air. Because anyone can lack confidence when they place judgement on who is really of relevance.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...