Thursday, September 25, 2014


Two stranger's oddly meet at the same time God had planned for them to share their testimonies and in that moment both parties would humbly hear one weep to another of their fears. It is when we are going through tough times God is often put on hold to hear a comforting line instead of the truth; that trials are in place to strengthen you before your BREAKTHROUGH..

There are dangers ahead so never be misled that God has or will ever forsake you of the only original blue print plan designed to save you!


Friday, September 12, 2014

Confidently Single

Single people opposites do attract but only is this expression true to territorial self confidence and if you're unsure about this statement in it's clarity confirm with the people you meet before climbing in between the sheets.

Get Better, Be Bold, Stay in Control.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


The feeling is overwhelming to grasp the thought of holding a person one day and tomorrow there suddenly taken away because our time is limited here on earth for us to cherish and value one another's worth before God decides the world can no longer love us eternally is when we will be  immediately retrieved and taken too a place of peace to sleep heavenly.

Lost Love

If a man or woman spills their heart to you of what could have been of a lost relationship that never developed because of the distance it's only an excuse. Because that person is secure of what they are not planning to do, which is making the "sacrifice" to secure a life with you.

No man or woman was created and  meant to be alone but when the direction of the relationship goes unclear never be afraid to accept the truth of what people speak but lack the vision to do of working towards a committed relationship with you.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Government Assistance

Once you invite the agencies to probe through your private life for assistance to recovering from the economical fight expect to be delayed and patient when treatment does not seem right. Don't allow judgment from other people to control the focus of your goals by allowing  anger to multiply inside.

Instead learn your legal rights because every human being will be tried in a crucial situation and their attitudes will also determine their final destination.

Be Encouraged!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Day's Of Our Lives

The journey is long I won't lie, the days are tedious sometimes that I won't deny, and friends become few near the end but hold on another day even when you feel all hope is gone because God has a special plan beyond the plot satan has in-store for all of us.

I saw a Blue Dragon fly today flying by my way to say "it's time I celebrate prosperity & harmony".

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Class in Session

Good morning students young and old today in class we will learn effective information beyond accolades and accreditations that many or few of you have accomplished to achieve above Highschool graduations, Associates, Bachelor's, Master's, PhDs and Doctrine degrees. Which is if any person lacks in understanding seek and ye shall find, knock and the doors will be answered. Now get ready it's about to blow your mind of what the real issues and challenges are. That will be our final test in changing times. Of what associations will invite of powerful influences; into your space to keep you awake at night if not meditating on if the world is a makeup of the inner struggles we manage to fight.

50's, 70's, 80's, and 90's Babies

Time will tell the difference between a generation of birth's and how these babies would identify future worth, born into a world of sin where two opposites attract initiating an outcome that could never be taken back:

The 50's parents labored by the sweat of their brow as they sacrificed to ensure the family had food and shelter to keep them warm at night it would take unity, prayer, and obedience the necessary needs to survive through prejudice times where economics defined whether struggling families survived or died.

The 70's crew is now the new trend of a generation mixed of new parents and grandparents.

The 80's babies are making babies and some will be left alone to grow up in a systematic world where their tiny feet will stumble on rocks and stones.

Finally the 90's birth a new generation of life which took an alternate course simply because this generation creates it's own set of rules and disrespect the old schools by thinking they have accomplished something new from what our elders manage to do. They miss the point of understanding why it is up to them to ensure there is a future of hope in a place where things only temporarily change if people remain the same.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

No Cause Evictions

Protecting your legal rights means understanding how to approach a legal fight by reading what is written in black and white regardless of your  age. And most importantly to my young audience listen cautiously because credit is an extension to establish what will later be a mandatory necessity.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bed Time

Normally we lay down to sleep and for a few we pray the lord "our soul to keep" , while other's lay awake in a spiritual delay because God's promises seem they
have been delayed or no longer a necessity. But for those whose levies have broken away still continue to pray, for your help is on the way.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Getting Reacquainted

It's been a while and I must say the energy you invigorate takes me to a different space that makes my day. I've missed your magnetic energy and the funny things you say, I yearn to embrace your smile and tenacious attitude that ignites the go-getter inside of you. I appreciate you complimenting me today by sharing something the world lacks to see of your eccentric beauty.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...