Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Abraham was told to leave his kindred but he was never told he would be headed towards a fight. The land was there for him and his family but of course they had to fight for it. But the story does not end.
To all colored boy and girls, women and men I know some of you have settled into a container space of thinking which simply means; to only think and react to what is programmed into your mental space. But have you thought about it this way; maybe your life circumstances involve people who are simply playing out life’s script. It is not limited to what action is portrayed in humanity. It is how we react towards one another in a SILENT RAGE due to our failure in power TO CONTROL SOMEONE ELSE IN FREELY CHOOSING TO BE THEMSELVES.  

If no one has told you lately people DO “BEND” where they become accustomed to “WHAT IS PROGRAMMED into their heads” because some people have realized they are free. While others ponder emotionally with the fact that SOMEONE ELSE has ACCESS their MINDS to silent their FREEDOM and WILL TO SURVIVE. And EVEN TAKE THEIR CHILDRENS LIVES. And I’m not insinuating anyone has or is doing right or wrong, justice or injustice but what I am saying is that we will have to answer for ourselves, in the mist of mistreating someone else.  
So we pay HOMAGE to our local and world leaders who are still alive and in memory those who have died. Take this message with you today “when life’s burdens weigh you down and change looks as if you’re meant to be challenged 6”ft into the ground” immediately take a hold onto what is your control then release those remaining burdens from your hands and place them in a secure place were only God has a plan to end “recklessness”,  protect your heart from vulnerability, keep your eyes on the prize and most importantly position your next move where the WORLD CAN VISIBILY WITNESS WHAT YOU DO. Because man in time is destined to create obstacles that will challenge your mind, obscure your VISION and if you’re not prepared for your NEXT, TEST you will face CHALLENGES.  

Man will debate who wrote the bible and challenge Christianity. Man will debate with the Romans and Catholics while challenging their religious beliefs. Man will create a channel for poverty then rescue a few but not many. Man will create wars and eliminate the threat. Man will support life until putting it to death.  Man will inspire you to be a visionary until you initiate your dream. So what are we as a people trying to say; well look around in how we judge, crucify and play with human lives every day. I know some of you feel as if what you’re programmed to think no one else suspects what is going on behind  closed doors; but the truth of the matter is only a few will be invited in to witness what is about happen next. I know some of you feel you’re not the extension of what your brother or sister does; but the reality is people will never cease to “JUDGE”.   I know some of you feel you’re living out the American Dream; but the truth is you were all a plan to be distinct or left to struggle with poverty. I know some of you refuse to believe your COLOR IS MORE POWERFUL THAN THE STRUGGLES you face today now maybe you will change your container thinking.
If suicide is a contemplated thought out process before any person decides to end their own lives. Then why would a leader drive miles away to deal with something “internally”. No pun intended just a reality check.

In Memory of Sandra Bland

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


As a little girl I would pretend to be an adult, I would wear dresses and makeup, twisted my hair and painted my nails. As a little girl I often dreamed about meeting my prince charming, having his babies and wearing his last name, attached to a diamond ring. As a little girl I wondered what people were talking about when all I saw and heard was how people who wish for and fall in “love does or does not work out”. As a little girl I watched mommy and daddy talk about building a strong relationship and emulate theirs like the elders did. Then eventually I came to realize fantasies were only a fig-mentation in my mind. And the reason why is because time would not allow myself and people who make promises to remain the same, without change of reasoning, responsibility and taking some accountability.

Growing up would be one of my greatest challenges in this life. And it does occur in different stages of all ages, over time. And the reason I can testify to this is because one of my greatest challenges was to completely allow God to deal with me in my flesh through lessons of how a relapse can occur in anyone’s faith, celibacy, loneliness are just a way out through expressing emotions that accommodate fear and doubt. Because in any test there will be propositions.
I could stand before you and intensely confess all of my actions. But there is more logic in sharing why being single is really a blessing in this day and time. And some one may disagree or have some doubts to what has not been figured out which is “how we seek intensely to be loved by someone else before we truly take some time in treasuring ourselves”.

On my single journey with God I made some mistakes but not any that God would not erase; I chose to give a life before being someone’s wife, I chose to nurture someone else and in return forgot about myself, I chose to love people who did not respect me or neither love themselves responsibly, I chose to deal with man instead of letting God handle it. I believed in broken promises and immediately decided to take time and get reacquainted with my own life. And then my reality stepped in of noticing how men were living in their own fleshly sins.

I can’t tell a young girl or woman what choices to or not make. If I had not made some of my own choices & mistakes. Because the truth of the matter is “men and woman were created to love one another. If not equally then responsibly” once this woman or man, boy or girl find some balance in their life; beginning with respecting their bodies and treasuring their souls and minds right.  

It is in our actions that we reciprocate to one another who gives more or less, and who is buried with the heartache of the rest.

Monday, July 13, 2015


Fifteen years ago today we still remember the “mourning” of 9/11. 

As the dawn breaks through our window pane families immediately arise with the anticipation of starting a new day, children wrestle to wing themselves from their warm beds, as fathers tuck their heads underneath the covers to steal another wink of sleep before starting their day in providing for the family. Mom proceeds towards the kitchen to prepare a breakfast feast to ensure her crew has the energy to defeat whatever obstacle they should meet. But who could have seen the calamity coming in the air that would silence the world with a desperate glare.  As fire fighters attempt to catch human life flying from the twin buildings set on fire. Many miles away brave pilots attempt to stir for a clear landing. As passengers prepared for their final calls to warn their families "I want be home”.  And in a moment of despair these passengers would risk their lives in one mission for all to survive. Against the bitter faces of death that ceased one opportunity to rob peace, freedom and unity.

In Memory of “The Lives We Lost”

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Blood Money

For the love of money if not  deceptive intensions.  We the people of the world have manage to change the laws of truth into legalized loop holes.

Who does not want to be associated with the word "MONEY". And it does not matter what title or image you up hold the truth is MONEY drives people out of CONTROL.

Why is money so powerful that it makes people think that they are "INVINCIBLE" and there is no game to which people will limit themselves to play. Just to hold onto that green printed paper "MONEY".
Why is it money can influence a presidential election race, the purchase of water rights so the wells can't produce freely what will preserve human life globally, corporate has a front woman or man to leverage your negotiated salary then encourage the investments of 401k and medical plan, Hollywood selects who will receive CREDITS through AWARDS and EMMY's and race does play a role on who stays in the lights or satisfied their pay stays "AIGHT", the music industry is filled with deceit of manipulating copyrights and other things, but not anything that will disturb the distribution of money, legal representation for a fee can cover up a murder case to man slaughter or a plea, near by illegal immigrants can cross a barb wired fence and enter into a land of independence, governments have the power to fund classified jobs and assassinate a man's faith, profits are rising from the advertisement of billboard and aired pornography and not limited to age or sexuality, drug deals are fabricated with rules and only granted to corporations or individuals who have clearance or else you will be locked down in jail or the penitentiary, sales and trades of human bodies for sex and slavery are happening before dawn breaks in every state on any given day, car sales are making loot on what will increase the original sales amount quoted to you; by the sale of extras with limitations that will halt you to use now read the law of how Deceptive Trading Practices are being calculated into what may default you, then there is the real reality of what will or not be paid through filing claims of torts and injuries, for injections, or plastic surgery you paid for to have that new IDENTITY.  
Every wonder why they say having money is not enough money in this life. It became simple for me to see clearly how man is wired to manipulate you into his or her plan of reversed thinking. And yet some of us continue to struggle with the intent or motive by man to head which is; what we place our trust, morals and values in. That is either reiterated, written, sold or promised with a paper, ink and pen.   
And I know you're probably wondering how I can write about stories such as this. It's because I learned to react to the silent assassin in man. Which taught me how life is my best friend because it revealed to me real "identities" of the characters who would mold me.   

I was advised to take a day and read The 48 Laws of Power by Arthur William Greene

The STATUTE OF LIBERTY READS  “Give me your tired, your poor," ... found on the tablet in her left hand, engraved by man.


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Shacking without the Ring

What happens once this relationship takes a twist and one or the other feels neglected or contentment.

What happens when the other stays out late. But pays the bills on time. To keep you quite by satisfying the bottom line.

What happens in a blended relationship where the children are not your biological kids and one person does not mind to show it. By sharing more than communication with the ex for the sake of kids.

What happens when one person matures and the other person remains unchanged throughout the relationship. But now that time has been invested no one can walk away empty handed.

What happens once the debt has been accrued and only one person sacrifices to make any moves. Remember there are usually children involved where some grown-ups can't figure out how to get pass and sacrifice what should come next to last. Which is finding love in someone else" before caring for their children and self.

What happens when the in laws interfere in an abusive relationship. But one person can't seem to walk away even for the children sake.

What happens when you decide to stay and continue growing this unorganized family. And the reason why we should ask ourselves is shacking the remedy or a "ban aid to secure our selfish wants not necessary need" to layaway some type of security.

What happens when all you need is more tenderness BUT you lack the patience with the person you shack with who no longer for-fills your ambitions. Because there is a real reason for Sexual Transmitted Diseases.
And the reason why Shacking was the topic of today. Is because so many people live inside other peoples fantasy and not their own reality.

So the question is why do some people engage or entertain with other people who live under a shared  roof. That may or not be committed to the person they already lay next too.

A young man ask me today "is it ok for me to feel and move out temporarily to have my own space". I said listen closely to what I'm about to say " what can you live with", "what can't you live without" or what or you willing to throw away". The young man said I just need some space away from my old lady and her kids. And I proceeded to say " is it you who needs to see what is out there of other opportunities" and before you answer with the decision that is on your mind think what you have invested with this woman and her children over time.

The reality is we as a people are not so different. We create some similar situations. And that is why people are going to do whatever suites them in this life. So the real problem is we don't know ourselves until we figure it out through someone else.

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Family

All families bicker and fight. And some sometimes a family can rectify disagreements that cause them to lose sleep at night. But when a family member or members refuse to communicate it causes tensions and words that leave us feeling heartbroken and lonely. Or for some people it's ok to disassociate from further "HELL". And every now and then people swear their searching or would like to know the truth. But the reality is they prefer for you to accommodate their unwillingness to catch an attitude.

What happens once we lose the head of a family? What happens when grandparents step in to raise their children, small children? What happens when youth disrespect the provider who you depend on and live with? What happens when we turn against one another in these last days? And as far as we know, the enemy now lives outside and in our homes.

I'm not implying that I am without flaws because I myself had to endure a childhood of madness due to someone’s insanity of insecurities. So therefore I don't expect anything less or more from any kind of people we live amongst. Just keep in mind; your main focus is your state of mind.

What happened to Sunday dinners and family day? Because it seems everyone is scattered all over the place, trying to keep up with the economic and emotional race. But forgetting what may one day keep us sane "love and communication with the family".

Why do siblings feel that your accomplishments are an extension of their entitlement? When they did not initiate sacrifices in places you thought that you would break simply to feed, shelter and provide if not share for the immediate family. At the funny part is; they often silently judge on what they have no clue of.

Children born out of wedlock will force a responsible adult to make a choice from the heart. So never question why the disrespectful and selfish sibling will almost, always fall on hard times. And what you struggle to leave these siblings or children behind; will wither away in a millisecond of time.

No parent can possibly love their children the same. And the reason why we try is because; where one brings joy we hope and pray for the other to change. Who rebelliously brings on their extra struggles and pain?

Siblings are attached to the heart and they know how far to go. But this younger generation feels "entitled" speak and act of control. And if you're not careful you will lose your way of serving God to place more value on what they want. And with all due respect some families are well mannered. So therefore they are burned with what is going on in the mind of this adult or kid.

Who does not appreciate a mom, dad and grandparents that will sacrifice their last dime to post bail, initiate a mortgage loan for college tuition? While pacing the floors at night trying to figure out when there change will come.

There are families who fight but people will be the last to know the struggles they manage to get through. There are siblings who will fight till the end of their old life. No matter what title or association you do or don't hold in this life. There are children and siblings who are plain out disrespectful and angry about everything. Until you give into doing anything to change their mood swing.

One more lesson I had to learn was to safe guard my heart from those friends who have no family connection. And the reason why is you will figure out what they will never allow themselves to return unto you "compassion and understanding of what real love will make you do".

I think people share the truth of what is hindering the family. And maybe we could change if we could allow ourselves to seek change.

Every person of age who complains, are feel entitled to something. Is really responsible for pulling his or her, own weight. And therefore baby food should be replaced to digest meat into a more mature space. 

Again, I ask who has yet to struggle with famine, heartache and pain. And dealt with having some or no money?

Friday, June 26, 2015

Same Sex Marriages/People Differences in 2015

Same sex marriage has finally been passed down. Now let’s loosen our faces and place our bibles to the side because a few people have decided today’s FAITH. Of what was once a questionable move to make. So the question is who is now choosing or aiming at who to legally give into them of what is now legalized to do. And if you’re unsure to what this riddle has to say you will learn and watch society divide or come together in unity.
The argument about the direction of RELIGION is no longer the issue at hand. The reality is that people have activated their own PLAN. And many believers have accepted their places on what they believe and stand. Because someone knows the truth of what we’re held accountable to or not to do.

Today Americans chose to fight and won against the battle for same sex marriage rights, yesterday many women, children and men died to STD's and disease. While healthcare is still being strategized. Which will determine who lives or dies.  Meningitis is showing up in newborn babies spines so young girls ask your Doctor for the test while you’re still pregnant. And to all people of any religion who enjoy the pleasures of anal sex wrap up tight before your AIDS or HERPES TEST COMES BACK positive, human trafficking is happening in our USA homes, blue collared workers are struggling to maintain their retirement plan and pay down if not own their homes, education is now an investment of who is able to pay for higher education,  utilities and homeowners insurance are rising every day by the hands of elected officials who strategize how much we use according to head count and space, welfare is rationed to young women and men while the elders struggle to live on  fixed income to pay what will keep them physically and mentally capable of being a residence of the STATE,  illegalized or legalized weed is no longer a fight eventually children of all ages will take a nice ride if we don’t pry into their lives, toll and bridges are creating more consumer taxes on taxes, red light cages were created by a third party entity and negotiated with the County, society will educate your kids on same sex marriages and the reason why is that you’re too busy with keeping up with LIFE, the teenager who feels abandoned and without an identity will finally find their place in society, riches, power, sexuality, pornography will feed into your fantasies because people think money and false illusions can persuade you into  anything. The IRS will allow you to live in your dreams just make sure you pay up before April 15th. The major or minor crimes you commit will either be dismissed or labeled A, B, C misdemeanor or a felony. If you don’t choose the "PLEA" bargain deal that will 0nly black ball how you LIVE.
The reality is the hell is here on earth lives inside people who fight for what they value to have in their own lives.

I’m not against any person and the choices they make.  But never ask yourself the question why the things we as a people once denied, has now taken over our LIVES.

How many believe that the work is plenty. But the WORKERS are few. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Reality Check

Have you ever fallen upon hard times and the people that you would least expect; have your back. And I’m not referencing hard times with less money or negative in the bank account. I’m talking about when sh!# is not going right.  For example the car breaks down and it’s the first of the month, grown adult kids are acting as if they are out of orbit, adults are questioning the attention you give to children because they can no longer get your attention, the land sinks into the ground which causes the house to take a shift, and why is the insurance agent quick to say they don’t cover it, the mailbox is full of bills current and past due, kids or out of  college and school, summer daycare is due before 5pm before late fees kick in. And don’t dare ask anyone else to inconvenience themselves, those caring friends all of a sudden begin talking arrogant so they can suck you into enlightening their “foolishness”, and let’s not forget about the family who will pitch in; but only for a wink in a moment.
See the reality is some people will swear they have not dealt with real situations like this. But the real truth is people really prefer you don’t know what they allow themselves to go through. So allow the truth to enlighten you; when going through life’s journey you will see people who choose what they want to believe, you will deal with non-logical thinkers that sound influential in
your low moments, and you will hear the truth but respect a lie simply because you won’t to continue in doing what is comfortable to you. Children will be disrespectable no matter what age they are but you will justify their wrongs to make it right. People you know will bring you joy or pain; just remember this “we all are destined to change”. And just in case you find a person or people that are conducive to your life; be more grateful that sh!# s going right.
How times have changed significantly from the importance of understanding wisdom to living in a false reality.
To a young girl who has given birth to kids and the fathers or father show little, some or no interest.

One day a young girl read what I had to say and asks the question “do I feel like a loner some days”. And I kindly replied as a young girl I lived a full life with tons of people who influenced the choices I made. That were not always great. And I said "do you understand there are real consequences in the choices you have made. Because every choice is not a mistake. Immediately this young girl looked at me with a strange stare in her eyes. Is when I kindly replied "until you have lived life and clearly comprehend the choices you make never attempt to analyze what you can't understand until you have knowledge in experience to understand WISDOM.
To any young girl or woman; you can’t raise a man but you can guide him. And before you try to control his life with innocence that grows inside; first do a reality check of what may be your “long term commitment” then you will have the wisdom in knowing not to challenge a mother who made the sacrifice to carry this son to a full term in life. And the reason why this statement was necessary is because what you give up is powerless until this boy grows into his own mature man.
People do not have to progress at the same time. But you must develop a mature STATE OF MIND.

Friday, June 19, 2015


This word requires all nations of men to comprehend its meaning. And the reason to why is that people were destined to alter one another in some extraordinary way in this life.  And one day you will face a situation or circumstance in which you will or not ask for “Forgiveness”.

The reason why age and people progress over time is because we’re supposed to physically and mentally grow our minds, bodies and souls.
I spoke briefly about the sinners prayer and ask that God would heal men of all nations from everywhere. And someone may say I don’t need “Faith” “I have enough Faith” or “My family is ok without ‘Having Faith” in a nation of people who are “ROAMING” around trying to figure out what is going down. God please have mercy on our souls for what is yet to come. As we struggle to become one in our individual storms.

Most of the time people assume that one man’s struggles is his or her destiny but how about struggles were designed for every PERSON WITH A PURPOSE that was born into this life. And the reason why some people can’t find EQUAL peace is simply because of other peoples’ ‘REBELLIOUS WAYS’ to manipulate SITUATIONS so they may give up on having “FAITH”.

Take a look around the world today and see how people present themselves to be genuine or fake. Because actions do speak louder than words regardless of whose OCCUPATION is making the STATEMENT.
Every wonder why the question is never advertised “if the gun was legal or illegally” used in a violent crime. It’s time we pay attention to necessary information in our states; visiting the voting polls because of laws that will be written, passed down and made into rules that will determine what people are orchestrated to do. Our prayers go out to the families of Emanuel.   

I heard a man say HATE is not generational it’s STRUCTURED into a person’s mind but what about ANGER which is demonstrated in many ways, Haters of all ages operate through rage with a master plan in place, Missions are kept TOP SECRET for years so that many ORDINARY people who feed off SYSTEMATIC organizations, interest groups, mass buildings and fellowships are geared into operating off a ‘STAGNATE STATE OF MIND”.  Eventually one day things that never happen to you will be your reality of HEINOUS CRIMES that rest on people of all cultural minds. 
One day people of all nations will open up their eyes to how we LOVE and HATE, manipulate ONE ANOTHER WITH OUR energy through using religion, sex, money, politics, greed and vanity. And no passion for understanding in situations that call for acts of individual self-conviction; family, neighbor, enemy and friends.  

And no I did not make this riddle up. Humanity decided to find comfort in it. Instead of asking and praying for ‘FORGIVENESS”

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sara Baartman

Change the dynamics of the way you think and be more confident in your own original tenacity. Because the truth of the matter is even the most beautiful people are defined on how someone else feels.

Beauty fades overtime. But what is Authentic ON THE INSIDE AGES LIKE FINE WINE.   

Every girl young or old wants to be resemble a model. And I’m not talking about the model that cat walks on the runway. I’m referencing the molding of someone else instead of being happy about your physical and inner self. And if this were not true then why ARE women and young girls seeking and paying to add more ONLY TO DESTROY THEMSELVES. JUST TO FIT THE IMAGE OF SOMETHING ELSE.

Self-examination of our selves reveals several things; confidence, beauty, low self-esteem and vanity which is a conditioned mind of non reality that some women or girl sustains to gain attention from you. Why, because perfection was intended in the creation of all women and men not solely for the purpose of labeling who represents “Real Beauty and Rushed Innocence”.  

Which brings me to a close of what people in society place strongholds on “association, classifications, and physical presentations” meanwhile their real identity” is lost in what someone else “believes of what is artificial beauty”. For the love of self-gratification people will drive you into the state of “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME” portray what I need you to believe of my outer beauty. And the reason why is because we need one another to survive in a makeup world of people who are self-absorbent in this life. No pun intended but due to an unfortunate circumstance which revealed Rachael who represents a model image.

Always enhance your naturalness. Flaunt your weaves, wigs, finger tips, luminous lips, padded butts, breast injections, and body wraps to obtain an 'IMAGE" OF PHYSICAL BEAUTY. Then one day when that outer beauty begins to wrinkle, droop, malfunctions or simply just fades away ensure you have invested enough time in your life to deal with what is left on THE INSIDE. To a young girl, single women or wife.   

In Memory of Sara Baartman the original booty queen in our history. Where a people labeled & mocked her “natural authentic beauty”, rest in Peace.




Saturday, June 13, 2015


We are in a war and every one is looking around to see who may be targeting the US now. But the problem began a long time ago within ourselves for pursuing ways to see people not grow and progress. And it's no longer acceptable to think our children and families are safe in a place our hearts struggle to love, against hate. And know I'm not the Taliban or a terrorist but what I can see clearly is what the world has no excuse to miss. Because the enemy does not always carry a gun, plant bombs, wear hoodies, labeled with a misdemeanor or felony and speak with a foreign decent. This was a stigmatism planted into our heads so that we may segregate from people we fear to love, with hate.
WAR was created by man and there is prelavence to understand how stereotypes in today's society affect our entire nation. And that is why people of all colors will struggle to live in peace and organize unity until we collectively realize and accept change is of relevance.

Peace. Love. Happiness-2015


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...