Monday, September 19, 2016


I read a quote today that read "Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations"

So therefore who really knows what life has in store from day to day. All we can do is plan for and focus on what is coming ahead. And I get the facts of how we all have a different plan. But remember this life was never promised to lack limitations of hardships in our future and some that still rise-up from our past. Therefore we as individuals must define; what is it we’re seeking or doing that adds happiness, contentment or aggressive hardships in our future lives. And consider this it does not discriminate on any race of color in any given day. Sometimes the choices we make are not always sudden mistakes. Their just the choices in which we make and continue to seek of a new opportunity.

Bridges will be crossed at some point in time. Some bridges will be burned, because of the choices in which we choose in not valuing how we make one single move. Some bridges will be created, to separate ourselves in space. Some bridges will remain; and never been looked upon the same. Some bridges will be shared; because we have accepted our human errors to see that life has two paths of life and death possibilities. Why, because we are all destined to be crossed.  Of bridges overtime time. And it just depends on how you will approach them in your life.  

I crossed a bridge today and before I looked back, I made a reality check within myself. To see if I had made the same choices in seeking a different result, knowing what’s ahead of me of taking on life’s accountability; another bridge to cross. But this time how will I take this final walk? And have I figured out in enough time it’s not always wrong to take a chance. It’s only a challenge to cross certain bridges.

We as a people “plan, stand and look forward” to this year’s winner in the Presidential election, Creating Stronger relationships in any family, society and space, Putting that old baggage to rest; the cause that results into an affect where we a people are destined to cross a bridge of success, failure or contentment. In our human minds of consciousness where it seems the reality of our two candidates are faced with a challenge beyond defamation of character and tales of who is genuine or fake, our families are faced with who will lead our kids if not pay the bills, relationships will struggle due to lack of human communication, compassion & respect while the entire world is watching. And yes, every living human being with breath holds some form of accountability, to his or her own living reality. So today ask yourself what bridge will you cross, with or without someone else to enable you? Because many people are bound to remain at a lost, while others will move ahead and walk. 

"The Burdens of A Heavy Heart" on kindle 

Thursday, September 8, 2016


In 1947 real people survived the cold war. Our past legacy was made of the "Black Wall Street, that was burned to the ground in 1921, and in a New Millinium a new "Wall Street" now stands open to the young and old investors offering conservative and high risk options.  We've witnessed "The Great Depression in 1929", and in 1933 extremist maintained power through "Gun Control, Hitler's regime", and our second AMENDMENT gave back Americans control but not all in the future faith of the people. Throughout the world we continue to strongly "Express" our sincere actions and concerns against Domestic Violence. And in the 1800's was the Battered Women's Movement" and in another moment of 2016 history The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, exist even in same sex marriages" and The average cost to raise a child according to the US Department of Agriculture is $250 K. In an economy of unemployment, smaller take home wages and lesser signs of an increase in living for years to come. So how far has this human race progressed from a past "COLD AGE in time to accommodate a 'NEW WORLD of ORDER" occurring in every moment before our Global eyes.

There is a "WORKING CLASS" in the human race seeking answers in every direction that will lead them, to more & more questions. There is a the "THINKING CLASS" of people who feel a certain type of way about almost anything; so pay close attention to what they do or not say do.  There is a plan that involves "GENTRIFICATION" which is not advertised in such a way that ordinary people will identify with; how their money is not adding up to every inch of square footage. So there is a new word called "DEPOPULATION" and some people are limited to think that it only means "EVAPORATION" of human lives. To increase the richness of things to maintain in this life. Where there is "PREJUDICE" in any and all forms of human existence. And the only misconception is that this word can only be expressed; through another human acts of hatred and violence. But what about what has no hands "SYSTEMS" created with a plan, for every race of child, woman and man. Who symbolize in every race "UNITY" of strong and respected morals, values and beliefs. But not every ingredient mixed is a recipe for "Peace, NON-Violence and Harmony".

I was corrected today because of my enlightened ways.  Which caused this person to be angered because of  a different form of communication, so they lashed out to me as if I was attempting to hold them back if not challenge their intelligence. Where we are secure in our individual comfort zones of securities placed in our own boxes of life choices and people. And I would have not known if someone in life had not redirected me where I stirred wrong. So if you have not yet to live life in all spaces of races and ages of man; then understand how LIFE has already Lived in many Stages & Ages of our Present and Past Human Existence while we still have time to learn from one another, and lesser time to conquer each other.

Angel L. on Kindle

Friday, August 19, 2016


To all my readers who have found a quiet place to be enlightened on a certain kind of day remember buried treasures are not always what you can find maybe their hidden in an Angel L story line. 

I know you’re probably wondering why are people addicted to being online; whether it's to rant or rage, meet people then date, monitor who avoids meeting you face to face, searching for the next career or investment if not catfish opportunity. We just can't deny that people are socially involved on their face book page all hours of the night and day. Or some people just love to share some enlighten moments of what has been accomplished over the years while other people choose "face time" because they long to touch other people who are far away from us. Then there are text messengers who take advantage of brief conversations to avoid answering that incoming call in which some of us either miss or anticipate receiving it. So what is it about People Pleasures we do or not connect with? Well the interesting part is that we are all trying to please someone in our own space and human existence. But follow closely to where I'm going with this. 

One day I found myself in a moment enlightened by different races of people passing bye. And they were not far from being the same. The truth is we've always co-existed in a universe of some formation attached to LOVE, FAMINE, STRUGGLE, HEARTACHE and PAIN. But yet we treat one another as if we can't identify with how we manage to cope and process the STRUGGLES in our individual human existence. So we tend to overlook patterns in ourselves not diagnosed  internally of repeated history. Before connecting with something or someone else. Leaving a wide open space untouched of  in-depth understanding about ourselves. And trust me that I had to learn many lessons about myself; before processing what is of logic in other situations often created by me or someone else.

In the Angel L blogs I've manage to write through real human eyes. I've manage to decrease what was once a one sided pessimistic side of wiring. I've managed to hear real people experience, and not always making myself available to attempting a fix to other people's real struggles that can only connect with one sided thinking. I appreciate my own understanding to connect with other people that have found out that it's ok to be "who you are in this life'. I identify with the people who have become disconnected with themselves from a society of people who share different morals, values and religious beliefs. And the people who have lost faith or never had faith to begin with. Because in their world they honestly believe things are just meant to happen. And there those people who are good at what they do, in the space their living in. So who are we to argue and judge them?

For me my inspiration occurs in every experienced moment of my life. I am matured and embrace all my corrections overtime. I find lesser error in myself and give up fault to blame people who did not care enough to claim ownership in the situations we both create. Why, because at the end of the day life did not change its original plans for our; family, children, strangers, associates and friends. We as a human race make the conscious decisions that will determine our own individual destinations. 

Coming soon! A revised blog II "Change Your World"

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Before we began this passage on Child Support let’s first remove our arrogance and ego's; and refocus on "how was life" for us before we made one or more choices. Where did we first meet to later discover that we were either meant to be or just experience one or many moments of sexual opportunities.  In a life that did not change its original plan. But people made final decisions to barter with one another in it. Or fell in love with someone in whom they were committed to see if they were compatible in building a life with.  And let’s not ignore the real facts that not every person or couple is willing to “let go and walk away” so easily. Because of one or more misunderstandings especially if love is the strength in holding together that new or old relationship to possibly building a solid foundation.  

Is it proper to say in the world we live in today; that dating or finding a functional balance in relationships seems more troubling because of our “immature actions and limit of wanting more understanding” because not every person makes the same choices in life? Not every person sleeps around in life. Some people manage to negotiate for the best interest of who is most important. So therefore every person has a choice to make in life. At every stage in our youthful lives we all have taken or will take on many rides. But some of us are not always prepared to take on adult responsibilities in this life. So later down the line in life we should become more responsible with what we take in and whom we choose to mate with. Therefore projects don't seem idealistic; just remember these are real people with different upbringings and characteristics. That will require more than enough adapting to deal with a different mindset. Once it brings out an attitude with what comes next.

There are no statistics in this area of life. We are dealing with our human and fleshly side. So sometimes we feel that we can enlighten other people in a new light. But it is sad to say some people are so bitter that they become unavailable, cut off and act out a certain way to other people in this life, through a silent rage.  Why, because of real life situations in which they are accustomed to the drama, disorder, dysfunction, and manipulation of engagement with another type of people or persons. And then there are those people who wish they could be the opposite of feeling like this person in their life. But maybe, just maybe if some of us will make more room in our own lives of  insecure thinking to grow, then maybe, just maybe  we could catch up to a good person who does not mind “investing some of their time” on what is not seen as being an issue to add in their lives.  I could be wrong but the population reflects we find irrelevant ways to take from one another. Than we have figured out how to uplift, support and build up each other.

One day I opened up my space. I met a gentleman who do not look familiar to me; but he made himself clear to see. His dialect was appreciated. His bare hands felt like a hard working man. He swear he had no game, but the truth is what he shared with me about his present situation did not add up to the reasoning in which he sold it to be. So, I decided to proceed. Because we all have a story to share until the real problems occur when we think we have sold our best, to the people who have not witnessed our worse. Eventually I found out it does not matter who you are. Every person has or will make a crucial choice. But not every person deserves the payback in which you have incurred.   

Monday, August 15, 2016

All The Way Up

According to that "old cliche" in order to see the change you must present something new in an extradordinary way. Where Angel's are watching over everyting that is happening.  

One day it was all a dream. One day we fantasized about places where people would change things. One day we dreamed about being millionaires with extraordinary business ideas. One day we would rule the world in places where people really cared. One day we would be the masses if not invited into a society from non-influential classes and know I did not say it. This is what has been happening. One day bribery and greed became the addiction we all denied to deal with. One day sugar sweetened up every man and women in this world, and before you assume hold that thought and think twice. Because many of us are destined to figure out why the CDC holds the cure to prolong some of our lives and why HIV affects 40,000 persons each year. While in other places a value is placed on young trim to profit grow ass men and women. One day hunger & economic poverty was no longer revealed to the world as a black thing because people of all colors became a part of everything. One day investors would profit from jail. But not only from the ratio they hoped that would not excel. Because people are making the same idea moves in every corner of the world.

One day the Pimp and Pimpettes would lose their swag and I'm not limiting this section to "those who trample over and whoop that ass". I'm speaking in terms of the ones who have taken in the most followers that believe in paying for the drama.

One day the drug game seemed it became inspiring. The prices were to high and " you need to cut it" blew up the charts. But not everyone is hooked on a line. Some of us are just addicted to the tricks that money can buy. Because money is not the real bitch. It's the addict that is drawn in by having the power to play it. Against one another in an effort  to destroy each other. So the prisons are gaining above a average percentage. And the war on drugs is not a coincidence. Now recognize how you are a propsective asset in it.

On any day a good person with "intensions or plans" can change the game. One day our familiarity with people could mislead our thinking to a confined space. 

One day a song played with a message that was heard through the airwaves loud and clear. One day a leader spoke with a mouth full of jokes that provoked animosity where there was lack of faith and hope. One day people heard what they wanted to hear, in order to cope. One day pain was inevitable to take so we seeked out something or someone else to help us self -medicate. 

One day men & women desired double dipping. Which is nothing pleasurably wrong in it. So we can agree or disagree; in a public or private setting. Until we are not so slective and protective of the areas we enter in spreading dangerous messages. According to human behavoral statistics.  

One day people had more than enough and still struggled to manage it, so the IRS makes it a point to remind us of it, every tax year.

One day men made it rain with a conversation, tone and that pow-wow bang. One day women figured out what they could barter with. And all men & women would pay for it, even a pimp who invested his life to it. Then the responsibilities became real. But few committed to a deal which is maybe acceptable depending on who says’ “yes, maybe or no” is what we have become accustomed to, in today's society of all nationalities. And there is a slight possibility I'm incorrect. My apologies are extended to those people who have it correct. But the CPS, State and or Attorney General’s office case load tells the difference of what we conceal of controlled personal business. Where helpless is what you can't relate to unless your fighting for a life who has no clue.

One day a song was written and It was prolific in it's message. It's anthem was taken as "Turn all the way up" is exactly what people walked away with in their own human understandings. And by no means is any human being perfect in this life. But there is a reason to why some people prefer to hear a lie. Verses hearing some truth that maybe "right". In order to resolve a situation you must silence the mental confrontation. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Life has a peculiar way of making us feel were limited in spaces, we could say. People can build relationships in far or nearby places, if they commit and believe. Any person can make you feel invincible,invisible and sometimes they can test us in patience. To make us question whether or not they were the correct choice we should have made in this life, either without Gods permission or to fill our own desires and ambitions. Time will strengthen us in all of our life lessons, while some of us continue to struggle with those lessons. And maturity will change the way we think, act out and verbally share words that can kill or prosper dreams.

I’ve heard that finding true love sounds crazy. And know I’m not limiting this topic to man and woman. But how much can we really accomplish in this life without one another?  

One day love changed everything. It broadened our views. It gave us a reason to smile. It brought to life new ideas that we could have never thought of. It made us responsible for one another. It taught us valuable lessons to be more open minded in our understandings even if we choose to be limited in our understandings. We learned the importance of who we invest and what we invest our time in to avoid negativity and repetition.  

One day time made it clear to us. Just wait before allowing congestion to crowd your space, again. So some of us looked deeper into ourselves and the situations that we brought on our self’s if not a life lesson with something or someone else. Is when we found out what our journies were all about; searching in temporary places; filled with many faces and sometimes we find ourselves played out from mind games, sold out to lies and deceit. So to be enlightened is not all a bad thing. When you’re prepared to accept a life change from doing repetitious things.  And in that fairy tale the truth exist where if we have not have learned to love and rest, and learn from our challenges. To identify with those little things we can or refuse not to change in ourselves. Then how can we expect to be loved, respected and appreciated in the right ways, by anyone else? And I know some people refuse to believe in anything. But yet some not all of us have not managed to be alone. In order to learn how to stand on our own. And just like our individual fantasies we like to hold onto what our minds allow us to dream. Then why can't life also hold onto what it will allow us to or not to do.    

So if you’re feeling a certain way in life about the choices you’ve made in life. Allow time to heal your mind. Allow lessons to groom your maturity. Allow your soul to be enlightened by the opposite of negative energy. Allow old lovers to find a new way. And no, not everyone is meant to be married or in love the same way. Because everyone has their own idea of what happiness is in accomplishing personal ideas.

For me I knew in those moments of triumph, defeat and tragedy how time allowed me to search for me.  And plans were already in place without any reservations of whom and where it would lead me. So remember you are the executor of your master plan. You are visionary in what waits ahead of your destiny.  It is you who chooses what to believe or not to believe. So when those challenges of life waivers our human minds it is on us to identify with if people are not always at fault in making us feel 1” inch or 10 feet TALL. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Final Cut

There will come a time in this life when you will be forced to cut people out of your life. Even the ones you love the most; that often hurt you even more. But not limited to the people you expected to have your back and more understanding. And what brought on this passage today is because some of us have lived to long in other people’s ‘redundancy, NEGATIVITY, sold dreams and captivity of repetition in doing the same old things. And today they will meet their Faith. At the Final Destination stage. 

It’s quit ok to remind some people that this is my life not yours. It’s ok to remind mom and dad that I’m going to continue to make mistakes, but until I mature in my choices you will be forced to allow me to bend not break. And we should not always assume one another is looking for random answers, sometimes we just need someone who is willing to patiently listen.  So maybe we can all if not both agree to disagree once we decide on how to sit down openly. To work through or modify the struggles we are all inevitable to go through with family, relationships, business deals or just taking time alone, to figure what are we continuously doing wrong,  especially where the “bread winner” has lesser, of what your use to of having more.  Is where we should limit our arrogant demands to gathering answers for our self- inflicted if not idealistic choices then turn around and curse the hand that is helping you gathering some understanding.  And if you think that you’re not affected by change look around the world it’s ongoing in all people and generations. Who struggle in a world of ongoing insanity and some people may not admit it. But it’s hard waking up to live. Why, because of the choices our leaders and people are making. Then turn around and judge your change to no longer do things the same old way.

I'll add this one in just because it's obvious that males and females will continue in mating or having promiscuous sex. Which means there is a possibility that not everyone has found the right person to love yet? If not finding true love with a person of interest who will care enough to stand with them through life situations. So therefore people continue in seeking to fill a void with no marital status or commitments. And that's the reason why Statistics say "there is an increased on the rise of unmarried cultures" in these times which has not fail to result in major situations where people are running low. So no, I did not make this up. We as people made a choice. And I'm not saying we are all at fault because there are still strong beliefs in the best interest of family with mutual understandings. But what I'm saying is this generation of children in all ages will either find or lose hope due to situations we place high expectations. So therefore we as a people depend on systems that later judge our dispositions.  And who suffers the most as "children all around the world” who grow up in an environment of "immature logic". And no money is enough to solve this madness, in whatever class you associate yourself with. So I'll leave you on this note to wonder why other people and family members are carrying the extreme load of someone else. Then maybe we can process where our elders are finding permanent rest. Leaving behind a generation commanded to lead us into a state of Parental Assistance. Just to fix this new generation of wandering children of all ages.     

I’ve matured in places my peers and family noticed, and strangers tested me. And maybe it could be they don’t accept the limitations and boundaries we possess and the power to set them in.  And if not we will learn the reasoning for our hardships. And I’m not saying I have all the answers and deal with every situation and people with patience.  What I’m saying is it did not take an ordinary person to write Angel passages based on Humanity in this life. We have to humble ourselves to make sense out of it. Before assuming we were authorize to step into God’s plans with our averaged minded thinking.

I’ve drifted through seasons where my mind went untouched. I’ve drifted through seasons of mismanaged financial investments; and either people did not want to or accept that having a plan of my own simply meant investing in what we would later need to raise our children, shelter our elders and find rest when the wages and taxes no longer made sense. Is when men and children of all nations would grow angrier because of their own internal fears, and hate of not accepting their lack of planning in what is occurring or has yet to happen “here, there and everywhere.  And yes, we do only live life once. So why is it we fuss and fight over who is wrong or right? Before men all nations come to terms with “the inability to patch things up again”. Just because of our attitudes of not having  plans. Where we were not mature enough to subdue or actions to find a balance in collective understandings. When all it required was to listen to one another’s concerns and explanations, not demands to take on repeated choices.  And I’ll share with you some tea that will keep you sipping on it with laughter for life; in this entire world we live in some people think that not one thing that points out there imperfections applies to them. It’s always someone else who lacks common sense in not identifying with it. But the reality is we all are in a situation because of ourselves or someone else’s demands, concerns or ongoing explanations.

I have been wealthy in my life more than a dozen of times. I have been poor in my life where I lacked the strength to say “no more” than half of the time. I have labored beyond the pay of what I was trained for to achieve in what someone else accomplished above their bottom lines not desperate basic needs. I have made sacrifices to broaden my education. I have borrowed to assist someone who did not plan for it, which left me to answer for it. I once thought love would change the love for money. Until I learned that selfishness has no plan, but to be buried with it. See I figured out; why all situations and people are not meant to be figured out. Just politely turn down their volumes if not “cutoff” whatever and whoever is causing the direct threat; to your own internal happiness.   

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

People and The Drama

According to the "drama" it does exist in all forms of human existence. Because people would love to rule out their own "bad habits and intensions" when it comes to dealing with other people and their emotions. So the question is when was the last time you engaged in the "drama voluntarily or through a "negative or positive verbal comment with shallow intensions" if not "a physical altercation". So what if it could possibly be that confrontation" is a part of how we choose to react in place of knowledge that we fear acceptance if not change and maturity in our understanding because time did allow us a moment to gather our thoughts and transition forward in order for people to resume life beyond the drama. And if your personality is mentally confident then you're the type of person who "executes are acknowledges the drama" once you see it coming, which is not related to a Black movement, just people who have a right to silently express their 1 amendment concerns written by; you fill in the blanks. And if you never comprehend that drama places boundaries on how we deal with "one another" in real life reality. Let's review the current debates between our Republicans and Democratic parties who really think they're divided in this "race". When in actuality it has become a "Hillary" if not "Obama" debate. Instead of resolutions and accountability of all the years any leader has ever promised the restructuring of the systems that continue to remain broken in this country. So who’s choice is it to be entertained about what has escalated with challening the change? And it's not because of Obama and Hillary, what about sexual freedom to disease progressing, younger and younger pregnacies, one working income unmarried families, or minimum wage in all progressing taxing countries. While there is uncontrolled spending and sometimes government assistance does or not exist. So the reasoning to why there is an increase of poverty; because people in all nations are really struggling. So this argument did not just began. This ripple affect started way back in every generation. Where men and women worked off the land to provide for their families and pay the tax man to keep temporary ownership of their lands, not just 40 acres and a mule given to the black people once slavery was removed. So the economic games is a straight strategy to keeping the working class "on edge, while dealing with  dramatic adveristy" and until those dramatic leaders place their asses flat down in a chair around the world with some real intentions of resolving the broken systems with some clear communications. We as a people will remain in the condition were in. Because of our world leaders in control of  balancing out the "budget and politics" over people who make up this world that live in these micromanaging systems. We love to debate mention but avoid explaining how and why this device has full control of all "access" to what  men "may borrow, earn if not denied to have". 

And if you have never taken one moment to think your opinion or vote. Then maybe you should reconsider what you're in and who's responsible for figuring it out. Because one day is now and people of all calibers are at the realization that drama does exist in this free country were all people of races that have been welcomed to live in. But it comes with rules and many conditions. And although money provides access remember credit is only a promise, to pay back. We have yet to manage what we incur of bad relationships and investments through our poverty thinking and racially motive actions.

I will share with you this if we as a people do not implement some real time to figure out; that drama is often used as a another person's way out.  And instead of feeling you have been made a fool of; because we are known to argue, disagree and judge with whatever proceeds out of our mouths. Then maybe the actions we project will not always come off that we suffer from internal issues we have not yet to deal with. When the reality is all and anytype of people 'act out" to either gain attention and support of what they need other people to believe in. Regardless if they know its some foolishness it allows their drama to continue. Simply because we look for answers but avoid in knowing how to ask the "accurate" questions. 

My rule of thumb is what I once ignored "was how to not get so involved, with sideway conversations, philosophically smart assess with gargled information, and people seeking attention with dramatic intensions. In a real world where all people if not some people have learned that not taking any accountability only leads up to a reality of facing full responsibilities. So it does not matter "who or what "color of people are involved, what titles we have earned and credibility that is rapidly lost. Once people are turned off is where some people just can't exist without the dramatics and attention. That validate some people in a strange way in how they have accomplished gaining a reputation.

So let's end the rants and rage, and focus on the drama instead:

In a generation that acts as if there is a limitation of concerns and commitment to one another, but more of an economical interest that involves living together. We have found ourselves unsheltered in an environment of "shacking". So you would think there should be little to no excuse to why men and women, or young people walk around with their heads hung low. If not searching the ground with their backs bent over in any culture. And let's not be misled that having money is an access but if you listen closely to why even the richest lose sleep at night.

In what is a reality of sandwiched generations where grandmothers or no longer reserve. They still hang out and date younger and twerk in the club, and appear on reality shows. And if not single and settled down they take pride in being called cougars. And no pun intended just make sure the young people you date have a plan already in motion. Because one day father time will test who will stick around and have your best interest.

In a generation where leadership is having the power to dictate who has or will take a number and wait. If there will be a cost of living increase for social security, oh maybe many have not read there may not be another increase for the next 1 to 3 years. What I'm saying is sometimes we must stick to locking the doors, reading what we think is not of relevance, understanding what is contributing to the increase of human statistics by paying more attention to what direction we are being stirred in. And how systems are keeping folks in a trans. 
And this is of importance but most of us are to caught up in our own relevance. To be made aware of that sexual tranmistted diseases that continue in progression. And just because you can't see all the faces it lies dormant in understand sexual perversion exist in all ages in every population. That people can't bear to greet one another with kindess. But they can agree on unprotected sex then later judge who increases the statistics.  

There is nothing that is not real of what has been shared in the dialogues of Angel L. But somehow we profusely believe we are not another person’s story. But the reality is we are the masters in the created drama we bring into existence. So allow peace in this human race to change the faces of how we love, but act as if we hate of one another. And if any human being "hates" may you find judgment in your own conscious space.  

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Blind -Sided

Although it may seem as if some people will never change. Whether it because of our disagreements, partialness or our non-apologetic arrogance. Somehow the truth of our mannerism will always prevail in our human acts. Far beyond what we call “tainted” evidence in what we waste no time to justify with what had to happen in questionable circumstances. Or what is of non-evident to some of us who are not quick to pick up on other people’s act of vagueness which does exist in any and all human relationships through divisive acts of craftiness. Working our mental peace where the true source of our individual happiness lays.

I was recently told “persistence overcomes resistance”. So immediately I logically geared my thoughts into a clearer direction. Not vague in knowledge to see the real intentions in which this person attempted to guide me in. This person was unaware of my self-preservation in confidence that allured me away from the evil that “good and bad people” set the stage. To manipulate the choices in which you do possess of control in determining what is reality and not a disillusion of our own destiny. Because where it may seem there is influence and control of what you can or not see. Please believe that it is in knowing the difference of what causes the affect. That will keep our minds mentally capable to process unhuman acts. When caught up in another person’s persistence.

The truth will always prevail. But it will not always be something people are comfortable to accept, receive and or believe. But it will always show-up in our choices, speeches and arrogance ways. That many people are not prepared to change, if not adjust of their ways. So instead we continue to co-exist in our flawless ways of thinking. To rationalize with the idea of “why and how” we should change but find so many challenges to remain the same. In a beautiful world filled with passion to hold onto discretions regarding “whether or not “our steps have been ordered” by God. And what I mean is not all people believe in God, but many people do claim religion of what is their truth to justify how they will continue to live. Then blame the final outcome on what someone did or did not reveal to them. 

And on a lighter note here is where we are in Humanity still searching for what we want. And still not of acceptance of the one we truly need. So we continue this rapid rate of velocity. In whatever people find in their own fulfillment to believe meanwhile we as a people are really struggling to overcome a time where our actions never failed at being excelled. To whether we should question our order of misdirection through persistence, so we continue to seek answers but not answering the right questions. In places current events people hornist misinterpretations through direction. Because a person of interest

Who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words"
-Elbert Hubbard

Now apply this analogy to every breathing human being so that you can process some understanding in this human race. 

Angel L. wishes all races; peace if not one page of human understanding.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Hands Up

To all colors of people around the world "Please do not make one move" until you are directed to. And if we don't pay closer attention to the state of mind people are in. Things may get beyond a "peaceful protest in this land" according to our 1st amendment rights. And by no means is this a platform to make any type of threat where this is just a world-wide alert. Because some people do not possess any composure in how they process their passive aggressiveness.

In light of all the violence and wars around the world; your statements have been made, and heard out loud and clear. Of what intentions are stimulating human fear. And it does not matter the color of your skin for people to act out their differences with violence. And I'm not saying there is no fault. Because people in every environment play a major roll where the government, officials, leaders and the public know a threat could be any human act in every environment. So here we are again same situation different environment where a darker than colored skinned is "down on the ground" with a sound of rounds which has escalated all people to a different mental space. See what our past violence did for this future generation.

What I'm saying is we have talked about Peace and Separation for ages. And it has yet to change man’s frustration; and not every
👮 official and colored person in society hate people's race. But they do believe in unity by working together in finding peace. And you would be suprised to know how many are judged outside of their uniform. So maybe by now we are not planning for revenge. Because we don't know who is next to rise up from our burned bridges, hateful actions and lack of wanting understanding. Even in our personal relationships. This website is just a platform to clearly see our wrongs written in the Book of Life ,Revelations". And before we re-direct blame let's be clear about somethings; every life does matter regardless of the color of your skin. In any and all systems across the nations created by man. Where time required all accoutablity for our actions in the truth we use systems to cover up lies in what we can or not prove. And to all cultures across the globe; your cries or no longer hid in the dark shawdows.

God Bless All colors of man in every nation. Keep a level of eye to eye contact. Keep your hands "open" and in the "air" and comply with no conflict to avoid being another statistic. Be peaceful in your rights to the 1st and 2nd amendments implemented by our founding forefathers through out time. Because Divided we fall, but together we can stand. If we deal with our hate and inflicted confusion.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

People Purge

For every experience in love there is a "process" of challenges tagged to it and who we fall in and out of love with. And so many people will never admit "I've been in and out of love" more than I've enjoyed it. But maybe we just need to figure out that love is never about "one's self". Love warns us of our enemies; disrespect, selfishness, refusal of our obligations, laziness to change with deceit, spiritual misguidance and emotional negligence and what about the "old cliché" of voicing "I have options". Love is seductive, natural and educating but not absoluteness. Love is an emotion that stimulates all conscious way of thinking. Love is positively controlling and reminds us in every minute of the day "of how you need me" is the reasoning to why we of all colors can't stop fantasizing about it in our lives, because love is all the functioning components of a thinking mind, moving body and yearning soul that repeatedly proves why we're so emotional. Love has a way of revealing our hidden things. And forcing out of us to share truth in what we had no reasoning to. Love has tamed all races of man for generations of all ages. And if we have not managed to somehow show so much of our asses by disrespecting the power of it, then some of us have found the respect in finding out the reasoning to understanding why being in "LOVE" is uncensored with no prejudice and limitations.  

Today our prayers go out to the Sterling and Philando Castilles family. In the midst of losing two more black men to a system that monitors black lives. But what's even more confusing is the mentality of who will be judged strategically if not temporarily placed on "administrative leave". In a country that people swear is non-prejudice. But for a black life this system covers up "lynchings" with background checks and warrants if not arrest. Because validating politics is referenced back to economics and environment. But this is what happens when the color of our skin; reveals the real emotions.       

One day love spoke to HUMANITY but we we're not listening when it shared "while you were wondering around in the dark looking for me "love". I was the light you were walking in and chose to not see". So what I've learned is how to relate in love from a more mature mental, spiritual and physical capacity. Why, because not every person in this human race "will" or is "looking" to reciprocate and receive a loving form of gratification

Just because a person is born with disabilities; it does not mean they can't "feel and see"

Just because I got love for you; it does not mean that I'm in love with you and willing to respect what you're willing to prove. 

Just because we love and or pleasure, hide who we really are. Or perform above high expectations in our "sexual" innuendo's inside and outside of marriages and relationships, if not one time experimental hits; it does not mean someone or many will not pay for this rebellion of ways and extra insanity. And no offense to the talk show host who did not share the reality where our children, love ones and people we idolize to mate are not exempt from detouring into opposite places because some of us are struggling in facing our choices that have been made without asking Gods direction before we proceeded in pleasuring our immature natures.  

Just because in God we Trust; it does not mean that is the truthful belief of all in humanity

Just because people share their opinions and strong views; it does not mean people will never "agree or disagree" moving forward towards any type of transitioning concerning change. That affects "all nations of human beings". Are maybe we as a people honestly believe and accept that people are the real product of any "open, private and closed" environment. And if so then who really is "right and wrong, free or controlled, of sound mind are unstable" in spaces we write many rules, consume and assume, breed and birth past and this present generation of men and women. And we must be honest about the past where our people we did not have "to lean on" what we presently have. 

Just because we love our children, spouses and family; it does not mean that unbroken cycles will not suddenly challenge our faith. Where patience turns into more heartache and to many disappointments will push someone to walk away if the family does not pray, collectively on one page. 

Just because we vowed "I do"; it does not mean one day time will test what we may have or will go through. To see if real love is what we promised and made a vow to do.

Just because a leader loves to lead; it does not mean love conquers everything. Where people see struggle comes with change. 

Just because some of us have thicker skin; it does not mean we can't still learn from one another a different way of seeing things. 

Just because of the love I have for you. To promise I will ride or die for you; it does not necessarily mean that life will not bring a change of mind. That will test that loyalty.        

Just because I love you; it does not mean I will not challenge you in those moments you are weak. Why, because the reality is one day I will not be around to pick you up where people will run your ass straight into the ground.  
Just because people believe they are the truth; it does not mean you follow what you perceive of what you have yet to find out of your own understanding.  

The word Purgatory as we understand is "an intermediate state after physical death". But what happens before we reach the end of it. Theologically speaking and you don't have to believe what is not seen in this life. You don't have to change until time forces you to pick one side. But you will gain some focus and insight if love is the direction that will bring us out of darkness into the light 


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...