Monday, October 12, 2020

The Soul of A Man

Identify & Surrender to his body language.

Listen in Silence to his communication.

Respect his Accomplishments and Support his Ambition.

Standby his fears by showing him; we can both conquer our fears together.  

So when time calls; one of us will be prepared for the final test. And the other will rise on tomorrow; to grow our seed until we meet again

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Blink of An Eye

Anything is possible in the Blink of An Eye. So be prepared to Lead or to be Mislead.

The devices are in place, and what I mean is this. If you thought you had a plan. If you thought you were ahead. If you thought you found isolation and are being singled out. Its time to regroup, process


Enjoy the fruits of your labor in this life.
Enjoy the family you treasure more than riches another person will plan to rob.
Enjoy your freedom in the state we are presently living in.
Enjoy the idea we as a people possess; of freewill.
Enjoy the opportunity to express your religious beliefs.
Enjoy a moment you can still find a quite place to marinate in peace.

Tomorrow is filled with many opportunities. Because today is slowly ending. Therefore remember to enjoy all of the above.

Friday, March 27, 2020


Whether you have or have not the ability to travel create a place of escape with the intentions of leaving the world behind for a moment in treasuring peaceful time.  Focus on enjoying the labor of your harvest and not on what tomorrow could bring, grasp this moment and focus on more fruitful things. Hug your love ones as tight as you can, eventually they will be torn from your hands. Enjoy the airway while it is still free soon the TSA will be unable to control the air space due to calamity coming its way.

Take long walks around the parks. Enjoy a bike ride with your spouse and kids. Thank god everyday for the educators who are enforcing the fight to end education growth is purely spite. Invest in a passport while there is time eventually everyone will be restricted to their own side. Consume healthy food you would have never tried, eventually it will be destroyed by pesticides. Don’t allow the financial torture to destroy your life, people your more precious than trying to contend with the worldly price. So why wait to plan another day, instead allow the sunshine to brush against your beautiful face. Eventually darkness will consume this entire place.

The news has advertised another claim of attack on Brussels. Although this is a huge concern please listen to what is said from whom you can't hear. It's seems there is war throughout the land. So still travel abroad and safely with Watch the crowds and movement in whatever state or country you are in. And just continue to enjoy the pleasures of life, while we still can. 

In Honor of the family's; who have suffered a great loss in 2021.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Panic Mania

The people have received another wake up call. Another virus is spreading around the world. So the people panic in fear; of what may, or not be clear is near.

                                    Time is what we never had; if we've continued in wasting it. 

I lost my only child. To a man who did not respect the time he had. Unfortunately neither of us can rewind it back, again. And why is this significant. 

Until we learn to have more compassion in this life; many people will parish over-time. Under pressures that are real. Where a lie, cannot hide the truth we challenge inside.  

A wise son once said "mom live, live! Don't worry about what people "say or do". Just because we don't all take the same path's, it does not mean we will not meet up again.

In the end every person gets a turn, to challenge time. 

In memory of my son, and all who cherish Time....

Saturday, January 4, 2020


Reality is this; communication will change the world in how we live.

Reality is this; the truth will no longer be quite.

Reality is this; secrets will be revealed that no man or woman can hide.

Reality is this; nations will rise and seek peace; after the war concludes in more death and generations of misery.

Reality is this; lack creates poverty. And greed & arrogance creates more negativity, wrath and confusion.

Reality is anger & aggression stems from; social rejection, abandonment and separations.

Reality is war is inevitable; where peace is not respected and people are left alone.

Reality is a paycheck or financial investments will not resolve; debt in any color of race in generations.

Reality is; divorces will continue until accountability & communication is implemented.

Reality is children will follow ONLINE for answers they seek, but cannot find in a generation that refuses to change their ways, hate and payback attitudes of what should of, could of, but did not happen. Because of what someone could of, and should have done. But no one chose to turn the pages and write NEW ONES.

In we our own this Blog Page it is only because of grace and mercy that collectively made it to see this new day in; 2020.  

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Child Safety

In every race of people, is there really a "titled class of people? Or did we as people decided to separate ourselves, from dealing with the own issues in ourselves. And if so then why can't we find a solid answer to "one question" in every racial dispute.

1. What did we learn" in our truth from our generations; to pass on to the next generation of what we did and how did we really lived to survive people and life that changes in real times.

There are three areas of seeds I have sewn into the children I love. The 3 things that only you can control.

1. Your choices.
2. Your self forgiveness
3. Your own directions. 

Therefore when life happens, and people change. Ask yourself "what 3 things can I control about myself", that every people may have or not taken the time to cure within themselves? 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Chatter Box

In life I have "learned through life experience"s" with certain people; to have a limited conversation.

First, reason is this everyone has their own individual perception. if not human intentions. And more than often it's prior to every conversation, that people hold in frustration. Are caveat prior to relate the information.  What stands in between reality is 1 opportunity; to speak out loud. To whom they cannot handle. Are wait face to face; to hear who is talking are silently listening.

Second, reason is because of hidden expectations to answer back to the staged perception. In what some people have already calculated up. what they pick and choose not to hear. But prepared to say. In making a point; or pointless in the types of attempts made.

Third, reasoning is often people don't want  to comprehend to what they should of; but not listened to begin with. In knowing acknowledging is showing accountability. In or what what they initially did.

I admit at times being a chatter box; but what I have learned with People is ; boundaries & limitations. To gear from the unexpected irrational behaviors. If not those spontaneous human reactions. 

In what one or the other person, did or not intend to do. But remain blindsided in what I just said or did to you. To justify Confrontational & Defensive actions. These are two words often used in  Conversations & in Corporate America. But what's not on record as being advocated. Of high level caveat. Is how and when do we as human beings; avoid one or the another. With class or just respect. Of not entertaining each other's; jealousy, envy or straight out story tellings.


Tell the truth; about why our boys in any race can possibly grow-up to be angry men.

Tell the truth; about what we have, or been not told as little girls once hurt by them. How to unfollow them.

Then allow ourselves to be accountable; for the truth of what we were taught, and act as is we do, or choose not to know.

Anger stems from a traumatic occurrence  in all races of life, which brews overtime.  Hindering our focus, hearts and minds. And then we ask; what is wrong with this generation.

Self confidence; is what has been inbedded in our thinking.

Peace of mind; is a freewill to posses. So why is it that people live as if someone else has a hand on it?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Speed Bumps

Life is filled with speed bumps. And just when you think you have crossed the last one; there awaits more speed bumps.

The moral of this passage is we heard of the journey's taken in this life, some decided to rise above the confusion, while others accepted defeat. To accept settling and live in a state of silent misery.

But in the end, judgment still awaits to address those speed bumps of all people who decided; to either avoid or cross over in this life.

Real Power & Knowledge is possessed in the hands & minds of those who controls of it in him or herself.

A lot will say, it's all about me. Many will believe only what they can hold & see. A masses shall fear what has not revealed to them. And the remainder will fight to not sell out of their own preservation to keep a  peace of mind.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Breaking Cycles: Listen

Breaking Cycles: Listen: My mother text me one night; listen to what your children have to say. Even listen to the little things. So one day when they have bigger t...


My mother text me one night; listen to what your children have to say. Even listen to the little things. So one day when they have bigger things to share; the trust is there.

I text back to my mother; thank you mom, but our children must never forget there was an age they never knew text existed. And some mothers were always around to listen to their children even when their words were not clear beyond just making sounds.

What is a possibility is this; our children will always be our babies at any age. And when life forces them to make real time choices hopefully our children will turn to us in those moments.

One thing about life is this; on any day, at any moment life it will happen. The question is how prepared are we to face it?  


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...