Friday, January 1, 2021

Farewell 2020

 The time is quickly approaching to speak our farewells; for a new year of resolutions and goals to set for our personal achievements.

We could complain about this year of misfortunes. But ill be first; to share God's grace and mercy.

We witnessed over 300k affected by the Covid-19. We whaled for our love ones & small children & family members to homicides, police brutality, suicides & gun violence if not cases overloaded at all CPS offices. If we change our behaviors then our children or not exposed in this world of human immortality; human trafficking, incest, rape, and victims of all types of domestic violence.

We witnessed millions of lines at foodbanks, we watched as many receive pink slips. We debated police brutality, we sat on edge as leadership debated how much humanity should receive in financial support; to feed their families. We watched our neighbors get evicted over all seasons. 

We mourn for Church doors to reopen while other groups plotted to bomb if not burn them. As clubs allured public attention the FDA approved certain quantities of drugs as meth, cocaine and weed a solution to medically heal the sick. As crime increases across the world.

2021; may children be reunited with their blood lines, humanities effort to communicate is resolved. So no one else has to die. Community & Police involvement about their own environments so no else has to go fund me page; another child or family because of the oppression. And behavior we entertain by disputing our own in accountability. Education funded equally across the demographic lines, and infrastructure not limited to strip malls & the lowest of hourly pay in areas of low income, and lack of resources to educate those who initiate themselves to heal. Welfare programs to broaden races on poverty and the overall impact if the recipients are capable physically; to mentally make a change to help their own families. Farmers provided millions to feed the world again. Doors open to give people a second chance. Drug addictions is casting demons out of children; who will save them if the Families refuse to breaking the generational curses if no one addresses we got some problems; public information is our warnings. Poverty revisited so everyone is accountable for their inputs and laws & resources reallocated. The Criminal Justice System realigned & more accountability behind those closed doors & titles. Credit & loans educated & more approvals for colored people. In a War humanity created, of many wars we fight in our own minds.

Its a long shot; but now that we all know better. What can change from 401 of years of aggression, famine, heartache and pain for a peace of mind?

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2021 Tweekers

Money smart. Most common thinkers say if you don't have money "I don't have anything". Not necessarily a true statement. To yourself you should feel that you're a valuable person. If not presenting yourself as a walking corporation.

In this complex time of distressed situations, and lack in finances. People are dependent on one another; where some people were accustomed to being independent. And I know its a hard pill to swallow. But there comes a time you must go incognito. 

If you want some money; come up with a leprechaun conversation & flash light mentality. But if you want success in abundance; be prepared to sacrifice, label the level of what your success is based on. And keep your plan limited to sharing. Why, because titles distract our attention. So more than often we do get caught up in the attraction if not gaining the validation. In being who we already are in our own success. 

Once you are at a level of stability to share in increments if any of your own wealth; be mindful of the external insecurities surfacing around you. Why, because some people don't take an eye lid of time to invest in their own plans; for trying to figure out the ingredients to your sacrifices and finances.

The biggest mistake you can make. Is not believing in yourself. And before you become "A Boss or Big Fish", sometimes it is required some people learn to maintain staying on a job. That structures skillsets, conversation & character. However, some people are straight beast; mentally. And I can relate jobs are scarce right now. But to lack in any type of development around knowledge and education to grow; is not an excuse or anybody else's responsibility for the hardships you will endure. Kids are not the makeup to all poverty. Evaluate if the adults are making obligations if not conformed to a mindset of Ill leverage the taking of less; while waiting to see who is going to invest in my plan.

The biggest statement u can make; is in your confidence by mastering a hustle that real people respect. Just as I did at a young age 14yrs, mistakes increased my motivation while watching successful people including my mom who attempted to work out in their own business plans. In reality it was overwhelming and mind consuming to watch. Oh, I forgot don't get caught up in the constructive criticism or another persons stuff. Success is based of your own losses & gains, diligence and loyalty in it.

Rich is a state of being, poverty is deceitful. The condition itself is the algorithm that leverages around knowledge and self-esteem to limit the impoverished lack-and with no ill malice; in every race of man we saw what, who and how slavery dismantled the black people. Around this same algorithm where all people of colors are now sharing the same oppression of suffering in economics, lack in funding of education and rapid spread of depression. In a Covid-19 era even today we refuse to stop splitting the behavior & expressing hating one another, if not counseling in our discussions of how to survive in our own colored situations. As humanity hopes of receiving those stimulus checks before all hell is loosened on earth. 

Choose your audience  cautiously now that we are all the Consumers to one another; regardless of status, accolades & color. Time & Change is destined to out weigh the demand. As humanities basic needs remain the same.  Rationalize in your minds to mentally find rest; and prioritize your first order of business; in accountability for the choices you can control no matter what type of business you are conducting in your own homes. There is a lack of financial planning of investing in all families. One is life insurance policies. Second, delegate a responsible party or person. Then watch who will remain determined.

If can look back tomorrow; and see the same people complaining, plotting, debating or procrastinating. Then u might need to determine your position in this audience; including family. Because every household has its own obligations, perception & ideas of what unity is. That will determine in our familia's if we survive hard times or die in mental division. Therefore no one can take what they lack from themselves to share in another persons house of "I'm grown", but the lack & limited motivation in development to plan; is not adding up to making logical sense.

However, in the event u have  failed the first time or two in business, or an illness and even job loss or pay reductions because that Business owners or Corporation if not LLC market is scarce. Evaluate what u possess, downsize, consolidate & keep it moving around your capability to stay afloat. Then re-evaluate whos in on idle in the audience around u. Could be time & people have changed their wants & needs. Check your "packaging" it may be in your presentation of how you are advertising, and communicating. So in the event this generation does not succeed in breaking the generational cycle. In humanity many people will continue in wandering, a few people will ponder, and the remainder of people will take accountability in accepting the change they could of, should or made.

Love my son's motto: fear is your greatest enemy. And lack was not optional. Because I was raised to know the Power in prayer, know truth, love myself. So my life was taken, because Life is to be embraced. So don't be apologetic in living it to the fullest. One day we will be judged for breaking the generational curse; of the mental poverty in mindsets. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Negative People

 In a world of chaos & opportunity; change is inevitable and negative people always seek a platform to be heard or seen.

We are not perfect people. It was not a flaw in Gods plan. However Satan's work is crafty. In how Satan works through all in humanity.

For generations, we have observed the dysfunctions in our people and within ourselves. And yet we cant deny the negativity that rolls off our tongues. No matter what race or status we hold..

Positivity is seen as a weakness the perception is. Where negativity is spoken to establish a strength. In two types of people in this world.

If you notice the weakest person in the room is the person shouting, yelling and drawing negative attention to themselves. 

We lose good people everyday, we destroy a relationship with committed people in everyway. But yet we cant look in the mirror and judge our own behavior.

Make some sense of life today; the possibility is although the positive exist. Someone negative is destined to ruin it.

God bless all, and children who lack this season, and those who suffer for no damn reason.              

1991-2020 In memory of Dominique White 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


The more we have; the less we need. The less we have; the more we need. There are rules to the math, now even more rules to oblige in the science. 

Money a light weight printed piece of paper and no checking account across the world can hold it. Or keep it safe. In a critical moment of history if this bill is not signed by next week; what will occur if we cannot agree on humanity.

Welfare; a digital system compacted of numbers and names. Demographics of were poverty is most stricken. 

My point is this; food is critical. Without it "angered people" is the least of the world's worries. 

Welfare; without this supplemental support "a catastrophe", awaiting is the least any human is prepared for in war. 

Criminal Justice System; although it contradicts the checks of balances. Without this separation in between good and bad in humanity "controlling the social environment is a detrimental move in contribution", to what will happen if this system is not re-assembled.  

Medicare/Healthcare; we better get some answers to how this is going to make sense. Sickness ranges in all ages. Where the body and mind was not created to endure; this multitude of pressure over time we have put them both through.

Education; parenting and society is drawing attention. And funding was not always allocated before the Pandemic. Now we face in our own home personal issues. In the past generation education was crucial. And if we were to stop growing mentally, think of what is waiting for the children and who will lead. At this point some of us think we know everything. 

Debt; the poor man has to survive, until they are caught. The rich man has to live, until they are made aware of survival is not prejudice or neither does money discriminate in who holds it weight . Suffering has no date or time, and its nots always money that demonstrates the behaviors behind it. Look around the world every human being is talking about the same drama, now that is affecting all of us. 

Paper & Pen; sit down and figure out the math. What has two legs and organs. And how much is accessible for you to manage control of those legs and organs. If the math no longer adds up. It's time to make several choices to be safe, the only option left to do; is what I also can relate to. Is trusting in the process and watching who is next. 

The reason we share little or pertinent information of those 600 pages; is so that we don't destroy one another to eat. For our investment in history we have collectively created of a BEAST. 

One day I'm going to get me some moneyThe song writer wrote. However, how to hold onto it was part of the process we all will join.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


If you have noticed the air is thick. People are running around if not into one another for last minute gifts.

Once in a while you can see a sigh of relief with snares, if not the glazed eyes and 40 pounds of decompressed nasal air. In another year of repeat in history. We invest of ourselves waiting for the returns on Jan 1st.

However, we choose our temperature for the ending of this year is approaching. We either left somethings undone, someone or ourselves cold or hot. Due to the challenges this year has brought. No matter what our plans were forecasted to do.  Life seems to adjust the dial causing compounded confusion in the world. If not the overload of anxiety because the brain stop receiving any new information.

As we walk away from 2020 into a new year of different journey's.  We can either choose to look back and trip over our  own footprint of decisions or some one else's frustrations. Or we can choose to keep it moving, accepting or scramble with what did not break us, only prepared us for another new year.

Something old, something new. Its about time to Clean out that old baggage to make room, to receive whatever is new that tomorrow is going to bring for me & you.



At this point it's to late to argue; race. 

Any man can fight it, and any type of woman can dismiss she needs it. But at the end of the day it does not matter whose heart it is. Every heart desires a human touch on the outside of that hard shield we cover up in.  

Life has emptied out our cups, but we know in our truths for every argument we later laughed about, for every social media click, or cell phone text. Behind it there is a cup that remains unfilled. And human need wide open to be cuddled, appreciated, body held if not loved.

Now that we’ve established the understanding of who denies love; let’s dive into what we can establish together of figuring out what we both need.

We need one another to figure out our understandings.

We need each other, to figure out who really has our backs; when the rubber meets the road. No matter what color we cohabitate in.   

I need, you need, we both need to know; where one is weaker I’ll be your strength.

We need to know that we’re all in those good & bad times. And the day I leave you won't forget our love. But mature and be strong for what we together conquered of storms & learned about ourselves, before we place one more feeling of entitlement. On our children if not another man or woman.

We need to know in hard times, I am confident in my ability to work for more than bread. So we never fight over crumbs that will end this love. 

Our shoes will be hard to fill. For some reason love leaves people angry, lonely, spiteful and abandoned instead of peaceful & confident.

But if they appreciated what love lessons taught them, and even by watching us. They could of  appreciated Life moves on, and people make final choices. And for every cup that is empty there is the next Someone; who is waiting to sip slooowly from it.

Thank you mama for watching over me, listening carefully, loving my kids, walking with me in those darkest days, and teaching me what is a priority in my own life. I made promises before I left. I know you will end this story on the right melody for me. You always knew "WHY" our feet will stumble over rocks & stones. And I listened & learned how to love me first.  Transforming into being my own man, with my children at my end. In a world we've given up on one another. Bartered with limited time, exhausted excessive energy to not change ourselves. While attempting to change each other. 

The reality is so many made empty promises to each other. I kept my faith. And watched closely to who sustained loyalty, served our community & lead in our history. But lacked in our own human performances, and patience. Then expected; higher expectations in return. Because of our minimum effort to communicate & first understand more about ourselves. To be open in learning more about each other.

 In memory of your son 1991-2020, 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Cursing A Generation

Young ladies; it’s not how you turn it up. It’s what you use to lock him down.

Young men; it’s not how deep you can go. It is what the man demonstrates without being repeatedly; told.

Older woman; it’s what we expose to the young ladies. That they expose to the young men who are choosing them, if not she choosing him.

Older men; it’s what you are saying and demonstrating in the presence of these young boys. Who are emulating the older men and 3  things can  happen with a weak influence; these young boys will find a father in one another, or they be daddy’s at younger ages. If not attempting to figure out the crises of what their minds are bodies are experiencing.

Who said a woman can’t raise a man; I raised my son to respect with integrity, knowledge & wisdom. And his daddy taught him not to be confused, about himself. His children taught him how to love and come home at night. His aunts & uncles showed him how to have heart. And granny taught him always; pray. And  papa showed him how a man operates. Then life led him on his own journey.

See we get confused about the texture of our skins, our material accomplishments. And who can go down for their own dramatic situations. When the reality is this life was not that complicated; as we in humanity created of  the generational curses in every;  

Trial it corrected a man, or woman and child of color.

In every relationship or engagement with a woman or man playing mind games; it reminded him why he wears or not wears the pants. It showed her how much she either or not brings to the table.

Betrayal teaches him; not to sleep on the enemy. And accountability earned him the respect at all levels and classes of the masses. In a world we collectively survive one another in. And all these things taught her what to value in this man. And in the event either was not taught over time. This is why the curse has to be broken down the blood line.

FB/Social media chats, exposed the followers and leaders on every chat; we discuss & expose our issues and personal achievements. If not share relevant or tasteless information. And more than a half of times these are not even the people; with any positive influential intentions..

In the End, Time revealed all the racism & hate in all ages; exposed men and woman who were the creation of Adam & Eve. Could not hold it together until they respect if not appreciate one another. Is when the generational cycles; can be broken.

In Memory of Dominique White, 1991-2020                                                                                                                                          I am one man who can attest; I was blessed to bare good fruit from my mother's womb into my family's bloodline. And for my legacy they are covered with a hedge of protection. No matter the generational curses that remain to be broken.   

When will families figure out we got to work openly minded in unity. Because today we are out of time to continue in judgement of other races & people. Until we ourselves have judged our own.

                                                                   Covid-19, paused us. Not ended us. Until we shut one another down.

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Happy Holiday's. And although I am in heaven today, or just waiting for confirmation on the sizing of my wings.

I wanted you all to know while in those trenches are for those people who are the givers and those people waiting to take.

This is a season to celebrate & share the give of life; for a birth that was called by permission. That we may have life, and after his death we may have a second chance. And no one is asking you to believe or follow anyone. Freewill is a choice to finding peace on earth.

So, every week over the years my family and I chose to clean out our closets. Because this family knew the benefits behind the gift of giving. And by looking for a reason to give. And sometimes you will hear the sighs I really don't have too much to share this week. But the reality is on that day we did not know what would be supplied in our situation or hardship of a need. But due to the investment of giving we had already sown the seed; so there would be the blessing in what we did not have left in our closets that week. Now apply this login to your situations.

If you know a giver and you are always the receiver of any kind of gifting including. A gift of continuous
encouragement. In words; you can recognize the blessings in these type of people who work with the intention to give. Even if you don't care for them. In sickness. They are not in need. Are intentionally working to obtain any human validation. Because God knew in his master plan. Who on earth would be the givers and takers. And for the record a giver does not alway's say "yes", remember they had to work. But this person can alway's find something at God's timing to share or give.

If you are a scrooge, a person of entitlement. We're use to the pattern. Then you should understand the struggles you circle; back in. And money is not always the stem of your problems.

If we check out in attitudes and feelings of entitlement. We can discover we are only allowed to give & receive according to God's timing. No matter how much we think we have accomplished. With or without God on our own. Souls are being sold.

Covid-19, proved it can be shut down. For every season there is a purpose under heaven. And we ask if this vaccination is granted permission; to give back. Of what we had not ruin. Of our second chances. Also, you don't have to be a believer of God. To experience as humans a life. Of challenges. We collectively face of life adversity.
Eccl. 3:1-8

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Child Poverty

Child Poverty

 Look around the world, we see it every day; children and poverty.

Status is what we check; it’s in adult attitudes that set our children back. Rich or poor we have some growing up to do. Because there are good mothers and fathers around the world. Blended families continue to keep those children in sync. So at the end of the day? they won't grow up knowing what they could of been taught in better understanding.

Where there is poverty there is systemic mind set. But listen, if you see a brother or sister on the street. It does not mean that they are the stem of it.

Where there is a blend in families. And often there is a single parent household where poverty is stricken the extent of low income and under developed housing. It does not always mean the family is not supportive of that mother and father who chose to try harder in bettering their situation. If not harbor those children. Children need stability.

When a child is separated from their family, are a parent it affects the children more than the adults mentally. Now think about that matriarch of a parent whose life is gone.Why, because the child is the one depending on family to teach them values, morals and beliefs. And often we see in this situation of poverty; drugs, alcoholism, prostitution, divorce, and domestic violence in any class of families. It does not mean this child has to be a statistic of the drama. This child’s life depends on breaking the generational cycles.

Children are vulnerable when they cannot protect themselves. And we all love the children. But there is a bridge where some adults are creating the poverty mentality. Based upon their feelings of angered aggression, spite, abandonment and cheated out of a life they may have hindered of having, themselves. And when the extended family gets involved, it creates animosity because of the adults who make the personal issues of what they have not yet to deal with in themselves.  

The records show, a mother will curse and beat her child. And love a man who beats on her, or abandons the family and returns with her open hands. The records show a female will take from a man to feed another man while he is incarcerated. The records show any status of woman is not exempt from leveraging her children to feed them all no matter who it comes from. But it does not have to be the biological father or his family who has been rejected. For this was an opportunity to break the generational cycle.

The records show, a man not being the child's  are children"s father will commit and raise the child or children with no reservations. And the woman will allow this another man to interrupt as he pleases. Without boudaries we create circumstances. And some biological fathers are ok; with another man raising his babies.

The records show a man will sign his own name on the birth certificate; because this child does not need to deal with the choices some woman make. Consider the sacrifices a man will make. And who will allow that child to believe this is your paternal daddy. Until one day this child needs to find his bloodline. Is when the truth will break her or his heart and he r she will resent this mother if she lied.

The records show the man is doing his part; as the biological father should. But problem is this man has moved on in his life, and both parents had more kids. But this father was committed to his. He volunteered his name to ensure his children would be fed. And in the event a parent dies it’s on that surviving parent to have put together a plan. This is where families grow up and do it for the kids involved where its takes a village to raise 1 child, what happens when you factor in more children with the same mindset of adults.

The moral of this passage is; age is not a factor. When you are grown enough to say these are my children, female or man. You hold full accountability to all involved. If not do it for those children who will grow up in a world that could have been better conditions. Rich or poor. Sometimes our feelings are irrelevant when these children show suffering behind it. In an every changing world.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Play A Roll

What does it mean to be told " I need you to play  your roll"?

Is this a statement asked for a roll in a movie scene?

Is this statement asked for a significant roll to play as the recipient of something that will be life changing?

Is this statement asked on behalf of a collective involvement of a movement toward something life conducive?


Is this statement a human request to ask of another person to lower their standards?

Its obvious opportunity awaits; where there are windows to probe on human vulnerability. But the reality not all people are suffering the same. Some people are even more focused on why things are making sense, and how in reasoning some people struggle to adjust with change in Covid-19.

Monday, December 14, 2020

A Skeptical Society

One upon a time; we viewed one another from near or far away. Now today we live amongst one another in a skeptical society of the unknowing. 

If we could change one element in this moment; could we change our minds that maybe we contributed to the skepticism we created in the air. With the covid-19, no one has a reasoning into why. So many people had to leave this life. However, what we can control right now; is how we treat or devalue one another in this time of what we don't know of how much is left. 

We all understand there are non believers amongst us; along with the broken, abandoned, mistreated and less fortunate. And the truth is non one owes any human being; anything. Regardless of your relationship or title on this earth.

When you can find a reasoning in a fight; that holds more value to you than anything else on this earth. Will be the moment in which you consider; all people get a turn to suffer. it does not matter how momma and daddy raised you. Who you don't want to listen too; that read you the truth. Life has its own agenda and no man with no wand in hand can change its plan.

If someone is affected by another person; maybe its time you account for your behavior. Where that person has either took in consideration time is no longer on our side. A choice is mandatory right now. 

Be safe, and for the small children who may be sustained in adults choices, hold on change is going to force a hand of us all. 

In Memory of Dee Dee White. And all those we were summoned by TIME; to release back from this life.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...