Monday, February 15, 2021

Dark Spot

The good news is that; the black out will not last for very long. The bad news is we must have patience to better prepare for a backup plan. In the days ahead. And if we can find laughter in this; most of us would of never thought to invest in a generator. Are even place 1 call. Not because a few people won't answer your call. It's because All people including the ones in our space young & old. Are trying to come to grips; with being confined to temporarily living off the Grid.

If used responsibly a generator will be a good investment. If appreciated a good friend or family member will not hesitate to slide your way. And if the generator or call to another person is not an option. Take a breather as we All should push pause & then rewind. For the next season; is awaiting for us to take our next appointed journey. 

If money can do all things. And even with some people they will invest time in going the extra mile to invite themselves to your possessions; for a future of happiness if not much wealth, power and access. Then why did money not buy enough energy. So that we are not limited to use off this grid? 

This is not intended to be surreptitious. Many of us are in a cold place of a mini crisis. And If money is the real answer to all of our wants in material things & problems. Then how did so many basic needs go outstanding. And where is this money being invested. Of what we should be possessing in more of an established  prepared position?

Yes, while sitting in this cold moment of a dark space. No warm food, no coziness & fuzzy feelings. We can agree or not. To whether we have what is needed to survive. In our everday stuff of petty little wants. To say I don't need nothing are anybody today. However, today how prepared were we. To live temporarily off this Grid?

The priority is to always plan preventative measures ahead. In the event somethings go missing. Once we settle down to sum things up; those petty  wants cannot warm us up. To those needs that remain; outstanding.

If you got your family, life and health, are you good. If you still making questionable choices. It's ok most of us were not prepared for it either.  More than often we must check in with ourselves; before the next Blackout. Will occur short or long term. 


This term can be used in past or present tense. For example to exploit a skill or reference a gamble, wager or bet. And in slang terms it is defined; to party with someone and lay up afterwards. 

However, a term is selected. Its how we use it to define  ourselves in a human behavior projected.

While in a state of being Parlay today; we wait in patience as mother nature runs her course. As we allow ourselves to resignate over our spoken words & mental thoughts. If not physically move about in the space we find ourselves situated in. For seasons are going to change; with or without us. And the question is why does this matter. Well a lot of things should be considered. Therefore it matters when the problem returns in every season. Due to several elements. And one element is a failure to launch mentally & physically in our own personal concerns.

Once a problem exist; it can only progress and generate into a bigger situation with a timeline of no expiration. 

My family & friends often say "you think ahead", my son always listened in silence. My gc talk to their dad, and after his death they then talk to me in private. And when they finished the reply was "nana this is all the information I could hold in my head", I then replied its between us & God. Now continue enjoy being children in our house. Your moms are still alive but always remember even our separation your dad's love is in us. See we may Parlay in real time but our future is soaking up mentally what we are in denial of seeing in our own behaviors; of issues that turn into problems then bigger situations.

So today parlay in whatever setting you select; just be prepared for the next surge in any unannounced moment. If not tomorrow then still prepare for down the line. Time is closer than near in the seasons of Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. But if we manage ourselves where we are right now. There will be room for more harvest & growth later or down the line. For us to communicate and jump on a 1 page. 

For every season there is a Time. And we all can appreciate in this moment; how Time is of the essence. To compartmentalize what we have learned or parlayed on in the past and present. Of what has adjusted our mental for the next Season coming in challenges of unrecognizable changes. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021


We are facing a profound Global Climate weather crisis; and the economy is wedging on time against it. 

I will be short spoken on this entry; due to the knowledge in which I am researching thus far starting tonight with Anderson Cooper on this crises around the Globe. That is going to happen as our leaders are in position of a productive measure through science. And economics to boost the economy that will even affect; US as the consumers. It is the positions our farmers face in the successors of production, distribution & what measures in  transportations will continue to move to ensure we  ALL are supplied; around the world.  

To much information is not a fear factor to leave you hopeless are in a state of panic; but to possess lesser information of what is more conducive in the survival of life. Will be more of an impact than waiting around chattering in unclear directions.

Read into Green House Energy & Irrigation; fertilizer-irrigation systems and farmers. building-material for these businesses and the owners who are affected. Because of the pricing that will affect the economies inflation. And then step into the demand for cement and steele that makeup 16% of carbon monoxide. And if the the climates continues to change it will set the economy back in rebuilding about 40 years. The Biden administration is working diligently on a plan. But it will take our initiation to be more educated if not allow our children the respect and chance. This pandemic is the opportunity to figure out; some of us are sleep walking because of what we have been halted in limitations to do. No disrespect It's time to think out the box.  By stepping up and looking around to see what is going in up prices; as things are going down. 

Check with your local energy providers depending on your state. During the blizzards and snow storms. As for Encore (888.313.4747) it is encouraging its customers to preserve more energy in these low temperature days. Due to  rollouts that could possibly occur on the Power Grid; the 1st occurred at 2:20am-2:32am & 3:02-3:14am, Ercot has advised lowering thermostats to 68degrees and unplug items to save energy. Again it only takes a split second for us all to do our small parts this cold weather will be around hopefully not longer. As our leaders figure out how to save mother earth.  

There is reasoning in why; I pray for all these children and even my own gc who are separated but note they are loved. As we all consider to humbling ourselves; during a time we continue to stress in questioning during a pandemic of several epidemics; when the next of more stimulus checks will be deposited. 



Youth Adult Life

One day change is going to knock; and it will not allow the time for any of US to prepare for it. 

"John: 3:4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?"

As a young girl in my twenties; I remember praying to God about my flesh burning. I had given birth to my son Dominique. But I wanted to be married without the understanding of what marriage required, although I was surrounded in a family of marriages. And living now in this generation of adultery & cohabitation; I look back on this time as a life filled with lessons. This person was not equally yoked to be my husband or neither was I to be his wife”. However, I refused to raise Dominique as the victim in my behavior to accept “dysfunction because of my rebellion”, so I returned to God asking for change in my heart. Eventually windows opened into broader Visions of Wisdom with a limited life of stressors.

All because of rebellion I realized a journey is only long; without God. Which lead me to a place of growth in confidence to identify with my own weakness & strenths and most importantly my own purpose. As the narrator of my own chapters. If not guided by life’s permissions of what we collectively have of experiences; by sharing our real life journey's regardless of race are sexuality. We are beyond this point in addressing the issues we face. Continue on young girl to do the right things in exploring your internal desire to upgrade in change. Don’t be afraid to let go in some areas; you are weak to not be strong. And remain open minded to learn from the space you were not taught, if not too late to return back to someone with knowledge and wisdom. And in the event that person has expired in your life. Share with your sisters or brother in the living how Momma and Daddy won't always be around. To protect and stretch out our arms and legs to remain little girls if not boys. More than often it’s the children we created in this world that suffer until their existence mature us into; stronger Mothers and Greater Dad’s. If not our wise in elders, uncles & aunts who step up and put in mental work.

If we remove the frowned face in our own disposition and accept perfection is non-existent we can begin removing the victim stigmatism out of the way of owning up to we made our own choices. And the color of our own skin barriers as young or grown woman, boys and men is not limited to accepting it was the lack of proper direction provided in our lives are simply human choices we can do better if not change.


Locating comfort may not fit us all. In fasting with God makes us spiritually weak, but emotionally strong. And if are not a believer in God; we are in the flesh but not here on this page to judge. Time is of the essence. However freewill is a preference in your own comfort.(

                            The Apostle said to Timothy; be calm, cool and steady. When

“Love without GOD in a world of HOPELESSNESS will attract evil that exist in different appearances. And Comfort with God is priceless, than seeking out in man “sinful pleasure” & double minded answers; to entertain a human feeling of harbored emotions.     

Intimacy and Comfort without God in it; is uncomfortable if not impossible; no matter what manipulative ideas or games we play with another person in this life.  

Time is Comforting; but when time is used by ourselves irresponsibly we tend to allow even interference of man. To creep in with temptations and detour our focus in Times plan”.

Angry people accept finding comfort in processing; a good person is not here to fight every battle created, entertain every negative conversation motivated into an argument, figure out a solution to a similar repeated problem, and water down every fire that grew because of self-procrastination.   

                                                          To Kill Evil; do it in kindness

Nice people accept finding comfort in; selfish people are human beings, and the entitlement & manipulation is a patterned behavior, although all humanity is at fault for seeking shortcuts in life. Continue to not allow kindness to be taken as weakness.   

The truth is comfort does not always fit each person. Whether we have suffered great losses and face stronger expectations; of earthly giving gifts, financial, physical and mental support in any type of relationships. Respect & communication is required. Always be prepared to choose every Comfort Zone wisely.


Jeremiah: 7 8-11, Predicted the rebellion of Comfort in
this Generation. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021


 A muscular organ the size of a fist. In reality the heart is a working component that keeps us alive; and there are main functions this heart of ours is responsible for (1) receiving deoxygenated blood, (2) recycling it through the lungs, and (3) supplying oxygenated blood to the body. Of  (4) four inner chambers; two atria and two ventricles. 

As we approach Valentine's Day it is not required for us ALL to celebrate this day. Some are no longer in the present to celebrate the future. So we could or should encourage one another to celebrate this day; everyday with a gift, kind word are just show more appreciation for each other. The truth is many hearts are either; broken don't overlook in children, LONELY, abandoned, bitter if not betrayed. But some of us still possess a heart of Joy & Passion. So if we can allow our minds to view this day from a different perspective. We could start out with tiny baby steps;  

Going forward by taking a few steps back; to allow our hearts more room to heal with patience. To show our children and one another; what is it about this love we understand in ourselves. Before we drastically bombard another person with expecting this love back; ASAP. It’s amazing how a child loves without limitations. But still cares for the other person who hurts them. And yet we are mature enough to know the difference as adults. To not expect Love until we have learned in Love of who we are. Then some of us may figure out we really never knew or experienced real love at ALL. Are even  taught how to sincerely show love; at ALL.

So when people jump off the ledge in finding HOPE in Love; and open up the doors to their lives. We must be more cautious of what is it about this LOVE we have not figured out; of what we first love in our children if not ourselves. And once the word Love is said so freely; it will leave people bitter, cold and angry. When its Love that should leave US feeling; priceless. 

When Dominique deceased on Jan 15, 2020 (8:15am); it was weird people assumed LOVE was the word of the day. Everybody wanted to be loved on. And said it as if it meant more on this day, than the last 364 days in a year. No offense to any young man, adult  or woman who ask out of the BLUE “you don’t won’t nobody”? I said to both, it took for me to grow out of those Cinderella dreams and raised my only son. I watched him 28years accept the real value is being responsible & accountable. As a young man to transitioning into the man & stand in the life of your children. So the day when he says “love”, and once a woman thinks she understands the word and value of wanting to have this LOVE. Its going to happen for love is not successful around arguments & arrogance for anyone; So here is my answer at the same timeline "of all these configurations about love without the actual action". I will answer back with I had to work and sacrifice to grow into this body of a woman I became; from once being that young girl & mother. So no I don’t need any type of man especially a broken hearted person. And it takes time to identify with and respect people who have been tarnished if not broken. That need in SNAP CHAT moment or a circumstance of convenience of wanting something out of somebody. And real people who have accepted I need somebody, not just limited to a physical BODY to grow with and figure out how to establish communications and build on that; first. Now we are working towards a solid foundation.  Age is not a factor until you figure out at the early stages its not about one's self; creating obligations before committing to the journey will cause animosity and heartache. So every Valentine's Day is a special day. If we work through the prior 364 days out a year; on ourselves first. 


During this cold * flu season be sure to stack up on vitamin C & D. While being safe grab some for the kids. 

And just in case you are in a galiant mood sliding accross the icy roads or dashing through the winds of Jack Frost,  summer traffic or maybe snatching as many items as you can off the grocery shelf; consider for a second to check in on that neighbor. Or a single parent with small children going stir crazy. Are just maybe an elder; someone or your own. To ask or say I thought of you or your family while I was driving bye. Im sure this is something you may need. If not today maybe tomorrow. Now stay safe and keep warm in these unprecedented times we are destined to pass one another again; or on another journey that is meant for either me or you to sew a seed just because.

We use the phrase; uncertainties throughtout our conversations. Whether we cross each other in passing or watch someone saying it on television. If not seeing the concern in people's eyes. This uncertainty is being broadcasted all around the world.

If you sacrifice for someone else during these uncomfortable cold or hot summer days; you might be surprised on another day. The seeds you sew will come back to you. 

If we work in fear we question our faith and God's almighty power. And if we deny faith and believe in man we live in fear of questioning the uncertainties in every minute on the hour. And if you have made a bad decision and found yourself disconnected from a giving source; forgive yourself and then make the right call. But if you are the initiator of a call in response to a desperate concern or behavior in reckless choices. Talk to God if not someone else who knows the real reasoning in the business in knowing why our eyes are blinded. Where the truth hurts regarding  the rebellious in heart. You will always find denial of whoever operates or encourages A state of blindness.

Psalm: 71


The sound is so encouraging; although it is very early this morning. I can hear small children laugh. A sign they are loved and happy.

My grandmother always told me, to continue smiling. And the world will smile back at you. I said that its possible. How does this make since?

My grandmother said happiness and peace comes from within. And try to not allow situations and people rob you of your joy. Because God can change anything or anyone. I said what if some people are non-believers, bitter & broken. She said thats not your issue. Pray for them and keep it moving. God did not intend for us to fix people. But if you continue to do the right things; continue to encourage a few by talking to a multitude.

My son always started a text or phone call with "mom", I knew something was up. I said son what is today. He said I want to get my Princess 1 last special item for Christmas. I said son its Xmas eve swing by Target; kids are most interested in your appearance not so much of Gifts. Its our parental teachings and expectations we place upon them. He proceeded to say what about everyone else. I said son focus on what you have. Christmas is only 1 day a year. You give in redundancy including your mental energy to all around you. And since we made this day about receiving; share with people of what they keep choosing of not to sacrific of 364 days a year. So when they have no money or anything tangible gift to give in this life. We can appreciate one another with love & respect then Laugh about it later. But for the children go all out with no regrets. I remember he laughed to the top of his lungs my son Dominique saying "mom" you crazy. I responded Lord did not allow me to bare bad fruit in crying & sacrificing in those required seasons of my entire life. That you also are the image of responsibilities and a father that is a loving man. So in the end there will not be one reason you are these children will have to beg for bread. For the same God will allow us to bare good fruit in this life; and much Laughter at the end of it. 

After my sons death. I immediately gathered his children, and cousins. It was 7 in all. I even invited the mothers to join in our family gatherings as well. And on Wednesday nights I started out with all children a welcome to do homework with pizza and laughter. So know one is my Arthur. For years this is how my family operates. As a mother with many hats our motto is no child in this family; gets left behind. Because in this life of every season it will involve; a personal change & many sacrifices. And no family is exempt from the shift.

One morning on our staycations. And for the record not all people who are willing to make a sacrifice. Will do it in the form of money. It seems we must be reminded of our previous situations before placing higher expectations on anyone else. Are else the blessing will be missed. Moving forward. I had the baby girls cooking breakfast. Of course I prepped so they don't burn up my kitchen. Baby boy likes to sweep with a broom taller than him. The other two kingsman love electronics so I hide them. The boy cousins I call them my minnie genius. They love the kids in a smaller package. As they watch over each other. While they gather their clothes and blankets to fold & brush their teeth, and grease their mugs. And all through the house are images on the walls. Of daddy holding all these angels. His belongings flow in every room. So these children never have to miss knowing their father was loved; and so are they. So one day the oldest was eye balling me run around playful with all the kids is when he said to me "nana you are my big toy". I said son where is my battery today "nana need a super charge today". He said as he watched a tear drop from my eye. You know your son belong to God, first. I say touche minnie Dominique. And one day you will again be separated from me. Of course for adult reasonings. But in this season remember how I said God will never leave us in a moment without Laughter. This is when we must possess faith in Trusting The process. For in every time there is a season & purpose under the sun. If it were not so then why are we still here.

If you have not connected with Laughter today. Talk to God if not someone who does not mind; sharing with you in this season of uncertain times. For a tree is known by the fruit it bares. While Man creates an atmosphere of animosity. But wisdom is spoken from the mouth of babes. I seek laughter even when there is silence. And this morning those children laughing was God alarming me to RISE; again. 


Friday, February 12, 2021




This evening watching this family show; the main focus was spoken on HOPE. In a world of discouraging behaviors, and challenging barriers. How do we shield or expose the truth to our children. 

In this episode of what I caught near the beginning; both of the parents shared a difference in opinion. But they respected one another in communications in life changing views of information to the children of what HOPE should look like & the reality of what FEAR is really about. In a society of the world we see of bleakness & uncertainties. But so do our children of all ages. So one of the parents took to a defense of what should be spoken to the children. Regarding the fear factors on the opposite side of the door of the safe space any mother with strong concerns would hide of the world; to secure her children. Because the reality is even though the truth is not spoken; it does not mean its non existent. Of  the disadvantages and prejudices that the dad exposed in concern to his children. Of real information in of the Powers that could be used against them. In a society of 1 determining factor; of whether they live or die. No matter what walls they live behind. Inequality is a dangerous factor for them, in comparison to any other race in this world of dangerous algorithms of inequal justice's.

I remember a conversation with my gc’s mothers this was after my sons death; it was as if they harbored a rebellious spirit. And that was not my real concern. I stand firm with my son. And acknowledge  our differences in wisdom & knowledge. And how the barriers crossed in disrespect can cause immature clapback. We could waste time blaming our differences beginning with parental directions in us All,  and life experiences we have or not. But the reality is time is getting late; and this will not be a competition no one will in. This is a time of real survival and strong focus is required. Now that any biological father or mother is no longer here. To share the reality of  life with his or her own small children.  Of who and why all children  will be exposed to life in a different world. And due to his or her absence its imperative every child should know all their families. To ensure they are mentally empowered and not harbored from wisdom and knowledge. Of how the logistics of Power in the real world  works against us in injustices and even in our own society; no matter if you survived a circumstance, are how loud we bark or manage to think we have out thought the process. No one can out run time. When it comes to our conduct, understanding and  resilience to change. We must be more mindful of what has not been exposed to All. To remain reserved in our mindsets. Not knowing we are at a disadvantage for what we have not learned or accepted until it happens tp us for no reasoning. So we lose a sense of hope instead of attempting to hide if not denie our children a real conversation.

If we choose to ignore another call or respond attentively to another who has proven to deny us in arrogance. Dont lose  HOPE because of your actions in decisions. Find a reason to adjust your focus.      

For every story there is an Arthur who writes mysteries, love stories if not his or her own novels. And in them.we  can’t shield them behind bolted doors and plastered walls, block calls and attitudes and minimum conversations. While depending on people who entertain us with lies; until we are faced with the truth. And if the COVID-19 has not revealed to us who we have become in our own strengths, and weaknesses, if not a united NATION; it’s time we re-evaluate what’s in this life worth fighting for. In case change is Totally Dependent on US.


The Author is a significant title; this person is a mediator, narrator, or main character who has a unique skill in bringing the writing in short stories alive, creator of blogs, real characters present their monologues, writers advertise editorials, while newspapers  sale off the news stands. And millions of Best Selling Novels are in movement around the world. 

Who is this Arthur of creativity in vision. Who uses his or her hands with the stroke of a keyboard, paper and pen?

Who are the characters in the stories an Arthur writes about. And who are the readers who either end up on a page. If not invited by a story that relates to their life's?

It is you, I, and them. We feed into one anothers story, idea or  sources of information. Then presented to the world of Fiction & Nonfiction  stories. 

My grandmother wrote letters until the age of 88. I spent the summers learning chores off the land. But I also watched her with every stroke of her pen. And listened with anticipation of learning more to how a story line begins to every end. And what I noticed was with each letter she wrote it was different in style. Because every line did not repeat in wording. It was a rhythm that flowed on every line to the recipents of a response. And once I had my own son. I talked with him in such a tone. Of whatever he initiated of a conversation. He would listen for at least 1hr if not 20min in silence. He also did this form of communication to bond with his own children. For 28 years we both took away from every phone call if not a text "God bless soul". A style of communicating from one Arthur to the next.

My point is this not every statement will be acknowledged with an answer or another question. However if direction is sought stick with the recipients dialogue. For not every letter or book will be written by one Arthur in this life. Why, because not all stories are written based on facts. Or real stories may never be heard. However the story should present some answers. But not without an established relationship of informative  conversation. Because not every letter written by the Author will address a multitude if not a few in the audience in the same or different directions.

In this life we all have our stories to tell. Either you will be The Arthur of your own  Chapter if  not Novels, are maybe a reader of many books that either relates to a relationship of sourced information. Or the Arthur's  writing has attracted you to a story hook. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Black Labor White Power

How can we disregard the history; and grow angered & spiteful towards one another for fufiling the legacy of the pages in this Book by Claude Anderson Published in 1941; Black Labor and White Power. Slavery & Jim Crow public policies that utilized black labor to industrialize a nation. It focuses on how black people were engineered mentally and physically into disparities & named by false  identifies & led by tailored beliefs. To act out in  competitive behaviors of being the players and winners in our own race of people. But in reality we are playing one another. But not in a game of monopoly to win. Are to gain  knowledge for advancement to help one another; but a game we remain being played in against our own people .

The question is who told us we were were free; and who allowed our ancestors to be free. Where in history have there them, those,  and us in our Kings & Queens of African decent do not exist? 

Then over generations somehow we returned back to these pages of untitled names of slavery in history. Even though some of our people; prospered in education * Black Wealth. To be deceived and sold back of themselves to the White Powers that labeled identities in Black Labor in history.

We play rivalry againsty one another in this White Power of a game in strategy; of Black Labor vs. Black advantaged where neither of us are destined to never win. If we hate each other with such an intense behavior to prove something. Then what is it we struggle to love about ourselves. And remain vulnerable to this White Power in who will deny us but continue to show us our own Black worth. 

If my mother taught me to be free in my mind and I desired a strong will to live and pass down this wisdom to my own son, daughters and my African American grandchildren because they are small and vulnerable; then why am I being the one cursed and they being denied in knowing their own people, worth and freedoms. By their own people who control them through  manipulation. In their own behviors of aggression in his or herself; but not expressed towards the oppressors of White Power to answer back. To why in reasoning of our sold out history,  denied equality and harbored in seclusion to speak out loud and manipulated to not think for ouselves. While being cheated and lied to; about who is really of Black laborers in Power & Wealth.

The information provided to a black people has been objective for generations. And yet we still argue with each other over our own issues, accomplishments, capabilities and self identifications. 

When my black child was robbed of his life. I remember him saying why can't I be free to choose. I said son you and your children don't owe another person anything to live & think freely. However the day you are not present in this life. I will have a burden to bare. For knowing you were not going to be held captive to other people whose intent is to control you & answer back to someone else. Because you will not deny yourself or your seeds a right to their own state of minds. And the day you express in knowing your own identify as a black man to his own of Black Labor amongst White Power. There will be situations to acknowledge. Because of the stained history of our black people over generations. Where some continue to live in denial of themselves. To facing up to &  finding the healing from being oppressed by the instruments of White Power.

If White Powers controls our freedom. And lost identities denies our unity. When are we and our children really free. When we work against one another for Knowing that we are Powerless due to the works of our generation of Black Labor. And refusal to address the state of our mental condition in staying vulnerable to; White Powers not approached.

Don't deny yourself a future for being controlled by these things;
THE PAST of what or who has not shown accountability in being addressed. For one day we shall all share Peace on Earth. 



If you don't respect what is of the World acknowledge in the World. Of who hired who. Not limited to an unknown status. To Lead the peop...