Wednesday, March 17, 2021


One day man was created in formation by God to perform an act that would blossom into this world child birth. And once these tiny footprints arrived on different dates & times throughout the world. God commanded every man &  woman to be called the parents; father & mother.

So, this pair of parents held this tiny baby in their arms.  swaddled tight, and then gawked into each others nervous eyes wandering; how can we be the best of parents and create a wall of protection around this child are children?

So one day these small babies; grew out of those parents, nervous arms. And wandered into this big old world. Some parents were catastrophic, some shadowed their every footprints and some parents even packed up their entire houses & journey off to college w/them. For me I was a helicopter mom. Whenever & Wherever he landed, I flew over him. I even promised his children to never be too far of arms reach of them. Its amazing the love God showed us in those tiny tight swaddles, then feet. 

Fast forward, our children will always be the tiny feet; we once ran behind to keep up with them. In a world of darkness, we've  lost many hours of sleep. At night to monitor they were still breathing in their cribs. I clearly remember. until my child would cuddle his own children. And when they grew older. we could always put our arms around them. To Safely protect them. 

But as days got longer if not nights shorter. Our children then gave birth to their own children. And chose to grow their own families. With those same taught of morals, values and beliefs. The steps we guided them; in. Is when our own children  ventured into relationships! of all sorts in this world. It got overwhelming for those old parents to keep up. So some parents allowed them space, others parents partied with them, some parents struggled in building the relationships over-time, as some parents passed away, I was still sending out helicopters. Then God said I see the struggles life is transitioning humanity in. So I will make a call to alleviate some of much heartache & concern.

If we could check into those Campgrounds where these people remain of who is impacting if not changing our lives; through our children. Would we do better w time if not do better in ourselves to open our eye to see how the world is changing and people are stressful if not trying to keep the peace in their own lives. For me and a few other parents throughout the world, young are old. We continue to do our best through praying, fasting and investing more attention to keeping our helicopters in place of watching over our Beloved & tiny footprints..

If we look around our houses, in these streets are even in the company we keep. Around those Campfires are stories we once are still share. On the same camp grounds. We will either still be standing around. If not sitting & watching what is looking, around. 

Ghost Writer D. White, The Wall

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


In addition to my intro on last night. I wanted to provide more clarity on the topic itself. And by any means please add your synopsis on Texas Law vs. Human choices.

Domestic Partnership & Cohabitation. But before I begin. Did I mention that this professor was a state bar Family Law attorney. And the reasoning we follow our passions in life; is to either educate ourselves or possess the knowledge to assist in directing others when life just happens; at any given moment. 

I always said to my son & familia. I will work on myself to not live a life of negligent behaviors. To embarrass myself if not respect the earned reputation this bloodline in familia we are responsible to protect. Of one another no matter of our human conditions are circumstances. I bestowed the same values in my son, as we do in all our bloodlines. And no matter what u do on the outside in this life, stay accountable on the inside in truth of whom you really are. But don't expect change in what other people continue to choose.

In the state of Texas Domestic Partnership Agreements & Cohabitation. There is a joint agreement Premarital & Post-marital. And the community property presumption. All findings in the constitution; statues and case law. And even research contract law.

Its imperative no matter the age young are old, race or gender in the established are verbally agreed relationships. It's how we choose to cohabitate with one another; and where children & blended families are involved. It's get out of control when the material stuff is the main focus. Is how people expose themselves in a web of who gets what? And in the event of an unexpected are timed estimated death, including incapacitated mental or physical state in health. Where there is no legal documentation per stirpes of blood heirs, Last Will and Testimonies, Power of Attorney's and POD's of Insurance Policies. If not an appointed 2nd Co-signer on that bank account. Trust all hell is going to happen. 

However, the lesser hell to deal with in a Domestic Partnership Agreement where the foundation is laid on a legal page. Although, People will still continue in messy behaviors, material things will get scattered. Money is shifted from pocket to mischief. And children are ignored of their human feelings. All due to  human choices; and little knowledge in knowing there is a double edge sword in how we Cohabitate. If not take it a step further to make 1 vow in the eyes of Holy Matrimony before the Law.

Sometimes you end up w people that do the right things on your behalf if not for these children who are caught UP in the drama of supported driven greed exposing their own Insanity; where sometimes people do just enough to see what the payoff is in of someone else's end. But be mindful in why you are not to be expected to know of who is waiting patiently; around for what was carefully invested in of your own valued time.

Today the sun came out. And the possibilities are endless. So why not take time to inventory the life we chose, keep choosing are of comfort we living in.


Luke 5:18
SON's one day as young men & young woman; you will breed a new generation of children. And before you begin to congregate. Research the type of person you will either choose to live in a state of domestication or Cohabitate; in a behavior of Surruptitious activities. 

I remember during my highschool & college days there were 2 professors that pronunciated familiar words with enthusiasm. First, word was 'Cohabitation', and the Second word was 'Surruptitious'. I remember these words because of the enthusiasm each professor demonstrated in speaking to their audiences. Which also attracted the entire audiences attention. Why, because no matter how they phrased a story, statement are remark. They utilized these words with sophistication..

My point is this. Words can be meaningful are damaging. Depending on the level of communication & person's  open mindedness in understanding. And if the intent is to motivate or to relate constructive criticism. We must be mindful of what we communicate in making our points. Which brings me to this story. 

Two weeks before my son deceased. We shared an opinionated conversation. He needed me to listen, and this was not unusual. We always touch basis about life and maturity. And I needed him to remain open minded. To be prepared for what we don't always have to agree on. But every relationship has to agree to  communicate with the respect of the other person's feelings. And I know you're thinking this is a new world we live in. And people don't always respect each other. Well, that is the truth and reasoning to why we stagnant in our own growth to get along. Where we could of together listened for better understandings. Even the smallest of children can hold a mature conversation. All we have to do is take some quality time to listen. And allow them to respond if not ask us the adults for some directions. If we don't learn from our own children; some respect and maturity in being the parents.

So sons what am I saying is this; no woman knows a man better than he knows himself. But no man really knows any woman better than she knows herself. And children can tell the difference. As they are watching & mentally recording the both of you; communicate if not demonstrating to them how there is a level in tone & carry. With a respect towards one another in understandings..

So before you cohabitate with any person. On the slope of feelings, underdeveloped maturity in certain areas where obligations have been appropriated to accept in making of a conscientious decision. Its easy to make a choice without consideration of knowing how much the other person is mentally invested. 

So trust yourself knowing what you want is not always what you get; out of this life. Are neither another person. Until we cohabitate & learn the value of respect. Were presently we so often devalue one another. If not communicate in immaturity. Now apply this thinking to the relationship you will develop with different classes of people through life.
To one day figure out how much room is needed for us All to grow more; in ourselves.

The last words I said to my gc was this "no matter what always be true to yourself. Speak with confidence and trust in your feelings, never stop taking to God". And to my son never let anyone rob you of your peace of mind & joy.

Sons the man you choose to be. Is the man you must be able to look in respect in the mirror. And lead of those boys & girls;  of your own seeds to grow & prosper in this new world. 

Monday, March 15, 2021


Whatever inspires you, always remember at your lowest point; to always encourage yourself. 

Whatever you are growing in; always remember not everyone one is growing w you to understand; your appointed journey is not their final destination. 

Whatever is your pain; stop seeking validation to hurt. Allow that pain to breakdown. So you are now capable to rebuild your own strength and identify your worth.

Whenever you make a choice that turns out a mistake; allow yourself a second chance to breathe & do it different. 

If you feel something is not right about your life; look in the mirror & be honest with yourself; first. Before looking for answers in someone are somethings that will either share the truth are misguide you..

One thing I learned about myself is that; I will never disappoint myself. I will always circle back to face myself.. I can share my thoughts w/o looking for company to sit in misery. And in my suffering is not anything I had to be doing of wrong; when I know I have sacrificed, been used and lied to when I showed more than compassion to people who were takers more than givers. But I always ask; lord at one point when I was in the world I left unfinished business. However, I returned respecting loyalty & accountablility starts in my own decision making..

So I can find rest on every page. In 2020 life tested my patience & faith. Trials knocked at my door to me for no reasoning. I looked over my life. I chose to change & grew. To know how to behave in the image of the virtuous woman. A grounded mother, a committed grandparent, and a loyal friend. But what we fail to accept is its not always about us. God has the real master plan, with US built in it.

This Blog was created in 2013. I started from scratch w "The Burdens of A Heavy Heart" on Kindle by Angel L.

So as Paul wrote the book of Psalms while in prison. I write the joys & sorrows of every storyline including my own. Of journey's that is going to happen; on different dates and destined times for all of mankind. 

Again, I write who has not lived then demised w/o experience. In the Alpha" beginning" of this life; joy, famine heartache & pain. Before the Omega "ending", back into the only masters hands?

In Memory of my only son Dominique D. White. Until u have experienced agape love. You will struggle to appreciate love in this entire life. I was once young as well, then I matured from thinking like a child. 

Lucrative Steps

Imagine a few things are going to occur. Once moves are made; dead are alive those lucrative steps will tell every storyline.

No matter the weight you are pulling in of lucrative titles are in lucrative associations. Babysit every move of your plan. Why, try looking above, if not below what is nearbye then you can see in a broader vision. 

The truth is the living is moving in motion. And the deceased are comfortably resting. But only a closed box can maintain the information that has not been exposed of what we, them are us is thinking. Why,

Fear will keep you in a box minded way of living & thinking in progression. And knowledge exposes who you are if not the mission; that was paused, interrupted are blindsided due to untimely human discretions, situations & circumstances. Therefore time & life still looks out for All things considered. Such as the appropriate date, time and how people will suddenly change their minds, grievances, locations, and appearances. Not knowing whose plan; was not of an average minded thinker that anyone would of expected. And how often is the possibility of a lucrative mind lives without making lucrative steps. That remain; under the perception & assumptions to have been dismantled, dellusional are misguided of the moves that have been made over generations under the sun of work in mans hands. To have not be projected in new a date & time. By either an old player if not familiar to new faces.

We are All capable of making  moves; in the spirit are physical. It is in the possibilities of planning, of them, us if not others. The purpose was to watch from ahead, from behind. If not watch over the entire time; over the course of lifetime.

If you live your life knowing you have a purpose. You haved lived full  a life beyond others. Without knowing their own purpose. And for every intentions without reasoning of a purpose. It is a great loss not a lucrative move..

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Young Generation

Psalms 127:1

This younger generation is facing an opposition of major trials & struggles. And the problem is no one want's to listen. Because this generation think that they have figured out everything the older generations has tried to input in them of wisdom.

So when we pray. No matter the race. Our prayers is that all people find peace & unity. Families figure out there own indiscretions of private demons & issues. And people deal with their own personal struggles.

Today is another opportunity for us to write our wrongs. For tomorrow we may be out of time. Too many young are dying by the dozens. If not leaving these children with proper Influential parental guidance to help raise them.

If any decision is made it was for your protection in the choices you exposed of your adolescence behaviors. As so if any person that has your best interest in what is ahead; to stumble or end your final footsteps. Be prepared to listen & mature enough to know you might can do what you want. But you are accountable in the choices of which you are still in control of; and accountable of the consequences whether young are old; Female or Male.

My son are your sons if not daughters are not dying behind non amicable disagreements, drugs, and suicides. My son is at peace. Your children found rest. For the living cannot find an inch in a peace of mind for its their own creation of chaos & disobedience here on this earth. That the praying continue in prayer for all our youth and children left behind without a father or mother involved in their grief & growth. For they are suffering only because no one is willing to listen. Are to change in their own reckless behaviors. That either no mother are father if not family is already debating some accountability, fighting for that generational curse of change in their family to break, if not found peace of acceptance in knowing "we could of, should of, but chose not to bother with even changing in ourselves". 

If we together work on changing the dysfunction; our youth can not be misguided. Where there is a positive influence to lead them. 

American Greed

Matthew 25:21, Job 7:11

AG. No matter who wears the oufitted look. Its the Greed that is the threat that stalks every economic move that is planned of the prospective investor.

The stimulus packaged was signed, approved and arrived. And for many working class  American families revenuing under 85k, our elders, welfare recipients with child or children, and college students. They now have financial room to breathe. Thanks to the Biden administration for all their consistentcy..

The AG will surface in many forms; now that we are sole accountable in a Pandemic that shows calm. Of progreesive needs of Product and Demand. Showing we can resume short or longterm. Who really knows those real answers, left unanswered. And if we possed enough knowledge in respecting the science to understand it in taking care of ourselves. We may or not be making a spontaneous move to be seen where we were once a year ago; unheard.

Either way business is back to production and supply & demand for we All are consumers investing in a type of business. 

While spending abroad those stimulus, IRS & welfare checks. Remember the long or short term of time; that gave you, us are them. The knowledge needed to invest in ourselves of wealth & health more wisely. 

There is value in Wisdom..

Saturday, March 13, 2021


Prov 6:20

Today a child ask the question "what is love"..

I responded, momma has to be shown it to know it, to teach daddy how to appreciate it & understand it, so they both can shower you with it. So you all learn together in how to grow in it.

So many parent's birth children in the name of what they say love was about. But in reality every feeling we have is not always wrapped around love. 

I'm not saying we are, if not that any person does not feel something. But love does not make one hurt each other through plots and harsh words are cruel intentions to hurt each other. For no common sense in reasoning.

Love feels good, even when it's so wrong. And even in the hard time love is the power that brings us back in love; together.

In relationships where children are the gift of that consecrated moment or moments. No child ask to be here. A choice was made wrapped up in feelings.

And in the event; that marriage proposal did not happen,  that relationship never got mended or else that child is left with out that person who turned down the opportunity to be a part of their lives. Don't fault the other person's or person who cares enough to make it an easier journey. Why, because they are not obligated to your made up decisions. However, they possess enough love in them to surround you and your choices with love and compassion. If not look out for their own obligations..

Friday, March 12, 2021


John 3:30

As a Family we can; build, educate, create and in unity fight together. And if one of us hurts; we all hurt if not heal each other.

The Family assembly functions in different rolls & personalities. They all possess their own strengths and greatness in works. First the matriarchs Grandmother & Grandfather's listen to them they will guide us in wisdom. Second, they broke the mold by birth of Mom and Dad these two will always come running for their children; right or wrong. 

The disciplinaries of All ages in races of sons & daughter's. And finally, The Gate Keepers is the Uncles & Aunts whom blessed us with those rambunctious & influential cousins. And yes, grandchildren they are the recipe to our bloodlines.

We can admit it are not; God is a genuise. In planning for us not to live in this life alone. Without one another to propser on earth..

And one day when life does happen. And one of our heartbeats is no longer around. We have one another to celebrate, heal & love on each other.

I know some families are broken. Some families are glued together for life; no matter the curves balls they dodge, or serve up in a good fight in this life. Neither one in these familes is really ever prepared to say Goodbye.

I remember when my only child, my only son was born. I could not wait too see who he would grow-up to be. Strong, smart and handsome. And one day he had his own creations of him. Is when I fell in love with all of them. Then at the glorious age of 28 his life was stolen. 

One day a good friend loss a child, seventeen years of age out of the blue; she said I'm not feeling well, and 2 days later she was gone. One day in highschool an entire family in the neighborhood lost 7 children in a house fire. For years I could see their little faces in my dreams. I was just a child myself.

Today, an 11 year old smart young lady, was a child to the mother who cried out loud on television. She was our matriarch in the family. And I looked forward to celebrating her birthday. But today I was not prepared to accept why; my 11 year old daughter committed suicide.

We would like to be believe marriage means forever to each other; but no one is expected to understand why forever is not always the; reality of life's circumstance.

If you stuck on the color of skin or glass houses we live of judgment in. Believe it or not we're in worser shape. For not heeding to the lyrics, life & life's experiences. Humanity get it together.

Thank God our stories are not the end of God's plans. For one day our children grow & grew up. Then had their own children. And some of these children went to college, blessed in a God arranged marriage, if not  taken away out of immature selfish behaviors, by brokenhearted people, resentment in another human beings choices if not life called roll again; as families continue in celebrating welcome to this world if not another farewell of all kinds. It's the Letting go, that is not going to ever be easier; for none in humanity.

Backward Logic

 An example of it. You see an item on sale, purchase the 1 item then you also pick up a jacket & purse. The backward thinking in logic is you have made a smart financial decision. Because you saved a couple of dollars. But the reality is; you needed to save that couple of dollars you just spent to pay the past due on; property taxes, rent, carnote, insurance, food are maybe daycare. 

It does not matter what the scenario is; either we have an abundance in one moment; to justify a behavior in the next. And form the resolution that is somethings outstanding of an immediate need. We still lack of having. 

Ex. 2 stimulus checks. Who does not need a boost in money for the next 2 to 3 years? In the uncertainties of time a job loss are death. Even a snag in the economy could set any of us back. But yet in our backward logic; some if not a few will justify taking that overdue vacation or purchasing clothes to been seen in a Pandemic. Where no one is interested. Of another person's obligations to have taken an opportunity to change their own personal backward logic in personal choices.

Ex. 3. A person who is the breadwinner always giving more are lesser than they have to spare. But always have enough to let another borrower or just treat themselves. Well, somehow in this backward logic of thinking people who have decided how to  burn a bridge they can never cross again. Are maybe the lord intervened in the insanity ways of human selfish thinking to decide a subtraction of a person are access, from the backward thinking will open up their eyes. Of you, them or us due to the reasoning in how & who continues to work a master minded plan w/o God being head. 

Congratulations Dez Prescott; to who much is given, must is expected. But Dez has proven to God; I have been faithful over a little. Now you have blessed me with more.

Haggai; reads about a story of holes in the pockets. Some people will consume more w less. And the less will consume more or more. And those who will consume backward logic will justify why God is punishing me. Or the poverty is the problem if not the focus is on them for leaning on a systematic poverty driven module. To justify what it looks as if some people don't care to do better. But the reality is the limitations are set for the change to in reality not occur. Or it is a fact in all people do resist a real struggle to change in themselves. However, the attitude remains in "I can always justify, why I do what I want to do", in my own mindset of backward logic.

The results are in. Keep doing what you want your way, and eventually; somethings or nothing will change. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Mental Illness

For generations mental illness we know the truth in why it has nothing to do with race, gender are sex.

In today's society mental illness in Society it's Families and a Community issue. And the reason for that statement is this the mental health issues are going consistently or inconsistent in being managed, untreated, ignored or human Denial. 

The leadership attempts to try to gather the mentally ill off the streets is still not effectively working. 

The trained officers are not psychiatrist these officials are to  protect & serve, trained to shoot and apprehend criminal suspects. However, these people do have families. And the reason for this statement is; there are circumstances of the engagement in society we allow our mentally challenged family members to participate in violence, gang associations and improper supervision of finding appropriate housing, ensuring they continue to remain on their meds. And a responsible person if not people are coherent themselves to assist in the healthy progression of these family members, people are friends. If we are going to bridge this gap in mental illness its time we educate ourselves on the; medical history and even in the bloodlines of our own families.

My personal story in my family, I had this particular member who served time in prison.  While in prison mental illness was diagnosed. The problem is it was not the father's condition. However the diagnosis was schizophrenia. Once released from prison he had a trying time to adjusting back into society. And returning back to jail on multiple occasions to only be released from the CJS. Until his mother decided to find a shelter. Now even in housing he was granted to work previledges. However he was not always monitored by supervision of taking his meds. Eventually his mother took full custody of this adult with a mental  illness. Until the day she laid her child to rest.

My personal experience. I had a family member who went to prison for murder. Served his time. And shared his experience. If you are a follower in the world, you will serve the consequences of the sentence for your chosen decisions & behaviors. And even if your condition was a state of identitfied medical mental illness if not rebellious, are  psychopath behaviors in adolescents or adults take  accountability of yourself. Get you some professional help if not surround yourself; with positive thinking people & family that has your best interest. So you can address your own demons if not a proven psychiatric medical condition.

Its not embarrassing to admit; mental retardation, mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolarism, ADHD and post pardon depression can be a condition in ourselves or  family members; and even when we cohabitate in consecration of creating new born babies.

911 what's your emergency; lord we did not obey your commandments are grew weary in trusting in faith for grace and mercy, disobedience& in rebellions. So where do we go from here with shattered; human patience..

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...