Thursday, March 25, 2021


If we want to start a mature conversation about change; we All must first, be serious about the change we want are not to see.

If there is always a debated heated conversation about behaviors that cause ruckus and turmoil. If not drama and deceit. How is it really logical a people in All humanity; believe. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Dating Scene

Prov 19:21

Why is dating so complicated. When in dating people are single & looking to mingle. And for some people they seem to find a justifiable reasoning to say someone else is so demanding. 

Why is it some people wait around. For a phone call are text and always asking do you love me; just to be seen for a sec. To then resume looking for companionship. And I'm talking about in all races and age categories.

I admit as a young girl; I did foolish things, ask foolish questions, and acted out dealing with unnecessary people. Then one day the light bulb came on and I was over waiting and asking redundant rhetorical questions at the age of common sense. To figure out; what insanity is all about. 

If you are looking for love on the rebound; take more than a moment to breathe. Especially if you have children. I often advise young girls and young men; love is not guaranteed from between our legs are producing innocent kids. And married folks need time to figure who is who, where they are going, if not doing what? Especially if it's not together. I know, the truth is a harder pill to swallow. But some people even I struggle with processing; how the grass looks greener on the other side. And the side you already stand on; is slowing sinking in quick sand. Then a good man or woman will eventually come around if not stay on a solid foundation. But be patient in the meantime.. not all people desire to to work as hard; wasting time carrying another person's old baggage.

Dating is complicated. Only if the placement on expectations is on another person; without first working on the expectations some one may want out of you, as well.

Marriage is beautiful, if you're in the ring fighting together. Dating is fun if you both establish a mature understanding. And relationships is work; especially if you force the obligations without first establishing who is committed.

I s/w a male friend tonight. He ask how do you manage being single? I been to the magic show; and seen plenty of characters come & go. And if we listen for more understanding those love struggles would be limited. See we all have experienced some type of emotional chemistry. I heard a lot of things; and watched a multitude of men woman is desperate just to have companionship. I watched people promise one another "I got his are her back then snatch the children and be mistreated by another man or woman. So no I don't entertain what people want from you. And the moment you need; there is a debate over the conversations that created accountability. The truth is some people not all. No matter the status; work on themselve instead of finding somebody instantly to show them how to feel. if not love on themselves. 

I raised a man. He was not perfect, he was boy first. Before he stretched into working on himself and nothing less of a man. He knew was taught how to listen first then communicate, he knew mentally & physically how to fight. Dee knew love, compassion & how to humble himself to receive love; back. Unfortunately agape love is not equivocal to worldly love. If only more people experienced love in themselves; 1st. So many generations would deal in a broader mindset of not making each other feel emotionally obligated for their own choices; to exist in broken spirits. 

If anybody ask; who writes this. Well look around over generations. Who still asking "do you still want r need me, you don't want anytpe of relationship? Are when will u be planning on  leaving him are her with the kid's? Tell yourself; what I accept today. I may end up with nothing & and for what feels like a lifetime of searching.

I read a passage in Jeremiah 17: 9 KJV "the heart is deceitful, who can know it, it's wicked". And If we take more time to work on our hearts and ask God for wisdom in our minds.

In search of Love over generations. 


Today, another mass shooting occurred. Of the 7th mass shooting in another state of a New Year in 2021. We can scroll through the news, revisit the crime scenes; but the visibility in trust of safety is broken.

Before we began, according to the Law a mass shooting is where 3 are more victims are either murdered if not injured by gun violence.

We All suffer together as communities, schools, families, victims and survivors. And my story began On Jan 15, 2020, I visited the steps of my own child's shooting. And on that day it brought a broader perspective of what is this Gun Violence. Although our loss of love ones occurred on a different day, time and place. In a different race, color and creed. The Gun Violence continues to shatters ALL of our lives. 

No matter, the shooting. It is the intent with that gun that leaves ALL lives affected. Freedom questioned. And peace disoriented. 

In acknowledgment of and respect to all families; who grieve a tragic loss in gun violence. A time will come where every child, woman and man is protected &  respected to have a peace of mind on earth.


Monday, March 22, 2021


The words draws intense; attention to others and one's self. All over the world in the youngest if not oldest of ages in real people. So how does anyone begin to figuring out what is the hate about. And if we were to be honest with ourselves; who is accountable. And in figuring out what would it even take in rationalization of common sense to find human peace in racism? 

The idea to think one's being is superior of the supernatural to feel an intense desire of hate. In being liberated to justifiably place your hands on another human w/o respect & permission. With the human intent to cause bodily harm. If not inflict on another person emotional distress. And for what? Human edification. 

What do we teach our children; about racism. Who are u suppose to hate and at the same time; love about yourself? And what do we learn collectively as the same human beings that walk, eat & breathe about ourselves. Human beings that sit idly in consumption to destroy another human being; based on the color of their skin. Are the internal issues uncured in ourselves from generations. Yet we cohabitate and judge in the air & space we all breathe.

If there is any healing in the wounds of this word Racism. Who in humanity is going to Lead us unto managing towards ammicable listening if not communicating amongst ourselves a change? And how much more time do we think Time will allow any people; of all colors in races to pause dying. By the hands of another human being who is not choosing to live w/o an intense idea of racism.

Maybe this will disfuse the tireless frustrations of mankind. If there were no people of any race; left behind.

On an average day; families, people, relationships social economics are difficult enough to finding a balance in All races of people. If we are seeking in to prioritize of our own lives. So maybe those legacies we struggle to leave behind will bare better fruit. Than the bitter taste of fruit we continue in baring of our our own undefeated struggles; we denie to ourselves of taking for granted another day & chance. To not be buried in racism. As we rationalize with 1 another to why we can't breath in this new generation. 


Human Papilloma Virus; kids can even be tested as early in age categories of 10 or 11. Check with your medical doctors. 

The more we educate ourselves. The better we are prepared to educate our children.

Being parents we are not provided with a catalog for life. Are neither is some of us prepared to answer questions we don't know exist. But resources & support organizations do exist. In all cultures of social economics. 

We are not seeking validation as woman are mothers. We are educating ourselves as parents to better guide in caring for our children.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Child Abuse

In all races of man. It can occur physically; but why not is it detected on CPS visits as a state of abuse occuring mentally.

There is a reason the CPS system workers are overwhelmed. With children all around the world in crises. Not saying the parents don't love them. In logic there s/b a bonded parental connection.

What I'm clarifying is this; how are these kids coping in a dysfunctional environment that even families are aware of their own dysfunction;

1. When a parent calls a child a b!#tch are any style of vulgar verbal connotation that is a stem of lowering in this child are children's self-esteem. 

2. When a parent spanks a child naked out of anger. For sharing their emotions with other family members in how they feel hurt. When this child is denied schooling and repeats the sames grades in the same state. If not being moved around for economic strategies. This is a sign this child is lacking in a created condition. If in the event of domestic violence state the law sb involved. Too many children are dying based on parents decisions. Where families are impacted as in some situations its the upbringings in a family. Andin knowing the issue is heavily justified of the behaviors that is ongoing due to upbringings in their lives. 

3. When a parent deprives a child social engagement in their own age of category. While living sustained in the same house of smaller ages of children. In some cases living in a condition confined to one room of beds. While other rooms are empty for any age of children to resume. Allowing space to grow.

4. When a parent enslaves a child to domestic housework. As this parent watches. Are the other children are allowed to play.

5. When a parent leaves small children under the age of 10 with no adult guardianship with smaller children for an unreasonable amount of time. In known violent  demographics. 

6. Lastly, in blended families of children where father's are mother's are proactively involved. But not all of the blended children are granted to a lifestyle. That one parent of that child are children is willing to provide. And the other parent chooses not. Are show variable interest of who gets what. Either way children are suffering based on lack of healthier decisions for their own interest. 

When a parent is incoherent and operates in a functional condition of alcoholism are drug addictions. With any age of minors in children. Where some investigations by CPS in history. These children are child either remain. Are returned back into the same custody of this dysfunctional environment. And their are family's willing to help by a forced course of action that could of been resolved at CPS intake & follow-ups. The sadness is until a child if not children & adults are physically hurt if not mentally damaged, some families will deny the truth their own history of repeated child mental if not physical abuse.

Why is it not detected of mental abuse. And how do we deny our children as parents if not families are any person's of interest. Of our own behaviors in protecting the kids in this type of domestic abuse situations. Where we are the protectors amongst those betraying our own behaviors forced on these children. If this is not your problem then help those who are suffering.

A check of anytype is awesome, we all need assistance and paychecks to live. But w/o children what is our struggle about? We all work together to do better for these children. If not for our own families. So we don't suffer behind our choices. CPS can often justify a casual check in but at the end of that turn of the knob and flick of a switch; children are living in; mental darkness.

We could keep our business  together with all families willing to be involved. We have a parental rights in discipline of All children in our life. But there is a fine line where physical and mental abuse is aggressively occuring. And these children are being harbored & blinded by both in the freedoms of communications and the dysfunction because they are too young and vulnerable; where adults are not involved and strongly listening.

Toes will be stepped on, people w/b addressed. To help save a few if not All these children being denied a healthy life vs. dying for the help that could of saved their precious lives..And in this Pandemic when was the last time you check in to see; if a child is naturally happy.

Love is taught, not what we gather together in relationships. Are at latter ages vs. maturity in our responsibilities to these children. While some  adult behaviors being demonstrated through a handful of servicing representatives if not by an aggression of those guardians in harmful behaviors. 

Lord, please hurry and deliver them; to those who are mature in patience. To sew seeds of growth in those children of weary minds & hearts. Prov 14:26

Lord to all as parents prayers is  that we have are in doing so in Prov 22:26.

Nervous Breakdown

Depression does not discriminate. And trials are inevitable. 

A crises could occur at any moment. So can a nervous break go undetected; until that one circumstance causes a human breakdown.

The reality is poverty is a state of condition; and the state of that human mind that decides how to manage if not seek help in this condition over a period; of long are short time.

The reality is wealth is a state of access. The only difference is in this state there is; access where in poverty is denial, and denial is the dysfunction to live. Are await a latter decision, according to one's circumstances.

Overtime the lower you allow yourself; to go into any mental spiral. The chances are the little things will lead anyone into a human nervous breakdown. And no one is strong enough to do it all alone. And all alone no one is inevitable. For the choices we make in ourselves will determine; not only our mental & physical health but where we end up in chasing  the overrated in having or managing wealth. In what we can accept of our own mental state in a healthy capacity.

Take care of yourselves first. In due seasons we will answer for what we wanted, needed and settled for. In chasing in the wind; of what will restart us back at the mental starting line. ALL over again. 

To those who are moving  ahead w/o taking a step back. To reflect on who will care for me in this state of mental setback; with emotional compassion. Than I could of chosen to care for my own mental state & wealth. Over time that was silently needed of an invested to love on oneself.  

Life is this beautiful holding space. However, these bodies will not endure forever in this life. Therefore remember to care ever more for yourself. In a place we could better respect; each other. We all in humanity often need to; refocus, recovery & relax. Just the necessary space & time to recalibrate; in these bodies.  



We can challenge one another all day. But until we have invested enough positive energy in figuring out the time we Value in ourselves vs. Time wasted over something or someone else; we hinder our own destiny. Because of procrastination there is no reservations when a decision is made based on a personal venture to value one's time; are waste it on someone are somethings. That just don't show up in a lucrative or conducive return.

That includes All, if not a Few vs. None. It's the reasoning to why we can Always justify are deny. The Unjustified behaviors that will always be exposed. In our Raw outcomes.

Ghost Writer-#28 


Isaiah 40:30

One of the most avoided conversations in the world; amongst homosexuality and murder..

The reality is all mankind have sinned come short of the glory of God. But remember why Jesus died on the Cross. Even if many of us are not believers in God. We do know in our hearts; it was not MAN created the world. Where Columbus discovered it. And who created God created in mankind was  called by his birth name; Christopher Columbus. 

The bible talks about murderers and homosexuality and All types of Sin. I read it has a small child. I myself knew what it was, to have lived it. To be humbled and ask God for forgiveness..It's not embarrassment. The Sin is written in The Holy Bible. Man exploits it in him or herself. And our human decision is to ask God for forgiveness, are not. It's a Freewill of ours. And God's requirement for All.

So I have a question and no, not about Abraham & Sarah. My question is who did Moses murder? And who attempted to murder moses as a baby?

If you ever wonder who is Sin.  We must tale on ourselves; first. By looking in the mirror. If what it is. In how we have are continuation of Sin ourselves.

Life is short, get pass it. Accept it. Release thd ego. And ask God to heal the Heart. 

[#28, 1.15.20].  Enjoy this Memorial Weekend 2021.

Saturday, March 20, 2021


If you won a windfall of money, how much would you need to live a life filled w happiness; and how well prepared are any of us to deal with the windfalls of overwhelming expectations.

If you received a stimulus check "hoorah, hoorah". But if you know someone who did not. Are you willing to share? Whether you have are have not.

The reasoning in why the word  Lottery is so revelant; is for the love of money there is no peace on earth. And to who much is given, much will always be expected. Therefore we all will reap what is sown in a time and for every season. In those seasons where some will prosper, a season where a few will lack. And a season in which others will get by with what they have. And even though its said winning the lottery is 1 in a million, and becoming rich is not so much as what; we manage to obtain of in material things and in abundance in our associations. Being rich is how we see ourselves beyond our struggles, trials and sacrifices. And, in Gods favor one must be tested in the fire, tried in ones faith, stretched in the endurance of many trials,  suffering through much pain and still maintain; the Faith of a mustard seed through it All. Just to see the blessings that only a God can not fail. But bring to pass what Job suffered in of great losses, some of us have endured as well. Including myself. But all things are working for the good. Remember whomever you choose to serve on yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

One day that Lottery windfall is coming unexpectedly. Because of the faith; there will be many seasons of Harvest because of those prayers kept w/o reservations.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Sex Pedophilia

How will pandora's box be approached in what has been opened since the beginning of the history  for our wide eyes to see and blush in the flesh; as mirroring the days of Sodom & Gomorrah parade around in the flesh of ambitious behaviors. To only debate if not address a conversation regarding the Pedophilia behaviors if not the human nature we surrender to one another; in.

In another generation of advertising throughout the world of Sex &  Sexuality. And no race is pardoned from the progressing  behaviors in humanity where the intensity of Sex is causing  fatality & brutality in insanity. To ourselves if not towards another human being. Behind the intention of wants, greed or fantasies. There is a human delay in one's perception vs. behavior in sexual appetites. Driving this vehicle amongst human immortality.

Sex education is & has been presented in class,  rooms, homes and on social connections. Of talks & demonstrations on. how to perform a behavior in sexual acts; watching and listening is All of audiences. With voluntarily anticipation of what is sold in the packaging of human flesh. Including is advertisment on broadcasted television including cartoons. While around the world sex products is sold on shelves. If not packaged on billboards for  All the world, to see. 

The aggressiveness of sexual freedoms you can find on on snapchat, twitter, Facebook are any social media outlet. And if not in full naked flesh, even a dental floss of covering the area's of the human anatomy; promotes the images of a freedom. The freedoms to choose.

So, how do we approach the conversation with our small children to quench their curiosity. Where in a large number of situations. It's the acting out the behaviors in every environment. Of aggressive sexual addictions. In what is occurring in humanity of sexual exploitation of All human beings; around the world. Not limited to the sales for money. While advertisement is paid publishing. As it is a freewill in Many to choose of themselves. Around knowing what exists in any state of is Illegal harboring of another human by another human being around the world.

For every cause there is an affect in situations. Under the Laws, Disease and Famine in the days under The Sun of Man. That no money can cure. Even in attempts is proper education in information. To warn society of the possibilities. There remains the freedoms. Over where there is no freedoms to restrain; the mass waves of attention. Of how powerful in promoting sex, really matters in who serves; in humanity.

And we question if not curse God; why so much suffering. As we serve man with the switch of our vision's & assets.

My experience in a professional business atmosphere; this person ask me in a distressed state "why did I not think of them being attractive, my response 'do not be dismantled'. You are a beautiful human being. However, your physical appearance is not in my human desire to dive in'. At an institution a man of the cloth ask if I would step to the curve of the Church grounds he then said "you are a voluptuous woman, my response I will not be answering to God on top of what I've already ask of forgiveness", years later this person descended up, to the masters  arms. When my son demised the perception still remains drugs, money & sex. Surely if enticed cures ALL that grief that surfaces; pain in. My belief still remains; its a personal choice to pray. And if for any human being's desire is to choose their own own battles in this life. It's imperative to stay focused & prepared. For the state of spiritual warfare.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...