Friday, April 9, 2021


One day I heard this voice. And immediately I made a move; to hear what the rhapsody was all about. And what I heard was a real rapper; talking.

"What they really, want from a %$/"? Well "D", no one still has a real answer. However your lyrics struck a cord through out the mainstream lines of music. And we all heard what they really want. And how a real $*! need to stand at attention; and move around with no reservations.  

Belly and the couch scenes; reinforced alway's stay on top. And not the bottom. And keep it moving.

In memory of DMX. A talent of ravishing lyrics. A movement voiced by a man who fearlessly spoke his truth. And what they really want, of others. But in reality expect 1 to do.

#28, 1.15.20

Thursday, April 8, 2021


A family child is intrigued with science. So I ask the question how is 71% of the earth  covered with water. And we still maintain life above its surface.

The young child replied its only a Matter of time. Before the earth shifts and tilts; around the world.

I recall visiting New Orleans for years I crossed a bridge of water covering trees, land consumed in this cup of water. Then 1 day those levees broke. But not all of the city's structure was damaged, more than other's in disparities of disportioned areas.

I remember the first sink hole in Florida. And then sink holes even appeared in Texas. But the insurance company's do not cover the damages that could cause a major catastrophe. Just surroundings areas of land of  the house foundation.

Water a human basic need, now whether the water supply is clean based on reported  findings of TCEQ. So much in humanity we one day learned Free & Freedom is a thin line. All races of men & woman  stand on of a non-proportioned shifting foundation.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Social Worker's

Isaiah 51:5 These people human beings; however the decisions these human beings are faced to make will determine; a child's, children, diasable person are elderly adults faith. 

So before The Call is made to any government agency to seek Aid. Re-evaluate what kind of help you can first resource from this are their family. And in these days of peril times it is confusion around the world. And no family is perfect. But hope that a few members not many will sacrifice a moment of their time. Even when families divide in their differences. Not All maybe a few but we hope not many Social Worker's that tap, scan, seal & protect. What do I mean re-evaluate what is educated to the adults in the best interest for the children's  faith. If not greed, spite & petty ways to justify nonnegotiable suffering. It's happens, but not before it's 2 late; for a few children cry's went unnoticed.

One day time switched the rolls, and it was the human beings that were too busy. If not available to see how they could of sacrificed for someone more vulnerable in their lives. 

Human beings make good & bad choices, if not quick decisions. That sometimes go observed, denied if not unaccounted for. 

Today, don't think twice. Check in on a single parent and children r child. If not those adult's dealing with coping in a challenging; life. Where The hearts & minds are in a state of crisis around the entire globe. Of All ethnic group's in families. who are in a state of desperate need.

Peace be in the minds. That are strong enough to heal but weak in heart to know the difference. 

Monday, April 5, 2021

CDC Eviction Moratorium

The CDC and Texas Supreme Court who did not extend the order. Leaving the process of rental evictions faith in the landlord's decision to evaluate breaches in contract, shelter and basic need. And the consumer's obligation to solidify a mutual agreement  over the stay of rented property. Although any consumer can still face; penalties after evictions in this era of Covid-19. 

First, seek the resources available for monies have been granted to the State rent release programs launched in February. Although, by State the evictions protection is being removed. Still be motivated in knowing the monies is slowly  transitioning..

Continue to work with your property management company. Leasing office. And most importantly rebuild if broken that relationship with people who care. If not families who just need to simplify wrap up the dysfunction to not communicate. 

The strugge is real. And before time allows us All to catchup; economically if not mentally; first. There maybe another life challenge aligned; in the world of a cycle call  life. 

Woman affected by Covid

The world is witnessing a challenge for change. In All woman once employed during this season of Covid-19. Woman in business if not in corporate were forced to make emotional & financial choices. Their freedoms & independence tested. As stated by the news presentation of statistics 5.7 percent of white woman earnings, Black & Latino woman made lesser. If changes are every going to transpire in this era of time where the blind eyes in equal equality in equity by-laws,  education and opportunities refuse to identity change is overdue. Even if Lifestyles could change for all woman who contribute to sacrifice for their families in business. 

Where the job markets have said to be improving. The hope is; there is equal equity in business for woman of colors across the board after Covid-19. If this is the end of what was never cleary presented in scientific knowledge.

Access, is the equal opportunity for all women to grow in  business. And provide an essential lifestyle for the families we all sacrifice to grow in this world of diversity, education & cultural differences in woman.

Wild Card Covid

Another wave of covid cases. Ignored mandates by the CDC. And the wild is whether the new variances; will create if not avoid another outbreak..

Air travels are rising, and so are  covid cases due to non essential travels in certains states. The issue is people cohabitate all over the world. As they seek to find freedom and relation of what was not to long ago of 550,000 lives were lost. 

All, is not normal as long as we deny why & how can it be another Variance is spreading and a new W is coming of  clusters in outbteaks. Where children were always vulnerable in the midst of adults being vaccinated if not. And resume their pose in life.

Nations are executing around 3million vaccines a day. As of this moment 40,000 sports attendees are gathering with smiles; while gathering in openings. 

Time was always valuable. We either accepted or denied how much value we invested in time. To simply invest of relaxation and breathing of life; it All in.

6 Pack

Mental health is a serious situation. And Today pur prayers goes out to the family in Allen, Texas. An entire family of 6 is at rest.

The 22 year old was approved to purchase a gun. If only mental illness as advertised in every established by law. Maybe the circumstances could of changed. If diagnosis exist in All data bases. In every artillery purchase  that matches up to the photo identity provided. 

Families, friends, neighbors if not associates. If you know are identify there is a human cry for Help. See how u can render aid..Today it was this family. Tomorrow it could happen at any time at any place..

Power vs. Money

What is the difference, are is there any significance; logistically not. 

When you have Money; you posess a power to get things done. By the usage of moving other people around.

When you have Power; you possess doors of accessibility to endless opportunities of obtaining who controls the money.  

Fame vs. Crime pays; Logistically it depends on who is the recipient of either in benefits if not consequences. 

The Process vs. Knowledge; titles are race in demographics don't eliminate any of us from the Process. And in Truth of Possessing Raw Knowledge. 

Ghost Writer-#28. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Psalm Sunday

We colored our Easter eggs for the children, we cooked family dinners with families, and worshipped with our sister's & brother's in christ. As we celebrate the death and rise of our savior Jesus Christ.

And in case you are not a believer, are given up hope. No worries the prayer warriors are praying for All nation's of mankind. 

For his death, was written in the history of All man. So we may have life, more abundantly.  Where death would remind us of Jesus Christ own suffering. 

"The Resurrection of Jesus"      The back bone of our Christian Faith.                                        JOHN 3-9

Friday, April 2, 2021


What is fighting all about. Its looks as if people can't keep their hands to themselves. And the sad part about it is this; these same type of people beat up on themselves.

I seen children play. Until it got out of hand. I said if you're going to mirror what you have seen. Make sure you got some extra hands for the real test will be the next person; who is not your family are friends.

Before we put our hands on another person, in a non productive  mannerism. Think twice about how we often shut down. Once the real fight brings a real fighter out; no guns are 30-50 extra pair of hands. We should be more equipped to fighting our own internal battles. Where we are quick to disrespect respect each other; with laying hands with no reservations..

When I was clubbing, there was a song played that brought belly ache"na na na I"m going to start a fight".  Lord help some people needed a push just to get motivated by the hook.

Ghost Writer-#28 

Thursday, April 1, 2021


One day everything was growing because of the rainfall. Until one day nothing new grew at all. 

Why, because of an unexpected drought; again no plans where put in place to continue growing what was dying right before our eyes.

Ever watch how the flowers bloom, and the trees are bare. Then one day the grass suddenly turns brown. During every season a transformation takes place. And either things are people grow, are either things are people wither away.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...