Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day

To all the mother's around the world; Happy Mother's Day!

For all your sacrifices you made through those late nights. 

For all your lectures to stir me the correct way in life. 

For all your love, hugs and kisses. 

For your decision to say; I will welcome this child in my womb. Await their arrival. To protect them every step of the way; in love, from harm, heartache and pain..

I promise to always be the Mother they will Love, Cherish and Need. 

Friday, May 7, 2021



Prayer is relevant in the critical days we are living in.. Our children need our time to focus in; on what is transpiring in their minds. 

We don't know what life has instore. We hope for normalcy to be restored. The question is how much damage has been done. For every moment we assumed; our choices were  accurate. Until our children needed us the most. In a crucial moment no one could of expected.

2016 . Prayers for the single mother Gaylin seeking justice for; Keyana, Keyara, Kerriele and Kionnie. Lost to a house fire (arson) (800.382.4628).

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Coffee House

The Best Part of every morning; is to start with a sip; from his or her cup of Java.

You are the quench to any thirst for water; in the driest of a desert. You are the North Star; sought for release in this anguish. As our feet burn on this tireless journey. 

You are the sunrise; peeking through the cracks of weary eyes. As we wrestle from another restless night. Our bodies ache in every crack & crevice. 

You are the smooth taste of reasoning in every sip. As these nostrils open wide to embrace your aroma.

How your beauty flows. Where Millions have walked a mile. Traveled a distance over time for hours, if not struggled to stay awake; until the moment came. Of sipping from that cup of decadence..

You are the best part in every morning are late night story we've shared. As we sat patiently & watched how you  warmed up in every pot. An embodied mellow of brew. Waiting to be poured into our cups. To mentally stimulate every inch of US. 

Maybe today; we have something different to communicate. Over every sip of his or her; cup of Java...

Bon Appetit!



Speaking to the situation. It's not always going to affect all our human natures. 

The Blues. And no not every emotion is about sexism. It's about what we All are feeling; together if not apart. 

Once a Queen is off the board. Her King now stands alone without her. 

Ladies can we teach our young girls; a man surrenders. Into our thoughts, ideas, and often some moments of infatuation. If not teach our girls what is touch less passion. Is when this man will desire to figure out how to appreciate what she has been taught; in loving herself. 

Men can we educate our young men. To treasure his gold mind. Before diving for treasures he may struggle to appreciate. Until he identifies what he also; appreciates about his own male authenticity. And loving himself; first. 


It's an option that is not exclusive. Redemption is for All who seek it. In the manner of answering back 2 what in our human flesh; we have committed of an unthinkable act. That man's judgement is not equivocal to the Karma that awaits permission to be released..

There is a darkness in our hearts; and no man are woman can deny it's wrath. Where our souls are convicted in compromise. We wrestle with our own hidden Personal Convictions.

And if you assume that any man's heart is pure dark with no conscience. Also know Karma shows up. In good are bad. In untimely situations.

The soul will only find rest; where the mind finds peace..

Monday, May 3, 2021


In Galatians 6:9 it reads "Be not deceived, God is not mocked". And we All don't have to be believers in God. But we do have to recognize; how there is a higher power of wonders occurring in this world.

Omen; it is written as a being of human. It is written as a state of occurences. It is written as a relationship to something. But in reality this word Omen is used to describe a relationship of connections.

For every action there is a cause. And a reaction from the both of them. Good are bad. We live amongst the reality of life's unpredictability. 

No matter what we believe; of, in are around. Whatever is Reaped, is also Sown.

Saturday, May 1, 2021


In the real world God; delivers, observes then God provides our needs. As man; manages,  rations are blocks those same needs. Other human beings will do the unthinkable in showing up without any man given permission to demonstrate good works; in a Humanitarian, Philanthropist if not The Good Samaritans. 

Obedience is required. Discipline is a struggle. However, having the Faith of a mustard seed is Powerful.

But if you don't desire to posses Peace. Serve God instead of Man. For the struggle to exist in anxiety of overwhelming thinking; maybe because those Priorities were taken for granted for quick Access to have money, associations or material things. Don't count God out; he created the Universe all by himself. As humanity was yet in our mother's wombs. God pondered with making a space we could All cohabitate in; Together and not Apart.

One day we discovered ourselves. Free to move around this big world. As we thought God was not watching. We in humanity proceeded in making our own choices. We attempted to correct one another. By; lynchings, chastening, and correction in communications. Somehow it went South, and we departed our families & cultures like the Red Sea. And as in the day's of Pharoah humanity did not All die at one time. We just took time to figure out how. Then we ask if not curse God why are we were stuck in this position. No matter who we Are in this disposition.

Psalms: 92:4

Friday, April 30, 2021

Ghetto Minds

The Ghetto is projected of people of color; by low income, lack of healthcare, education and community equity. 

But how is it. Welfare is a system used by All cultures in an impoverished condition. And lack of educational funding is over debated in oppositions of those overwhelming needs for programs in those districts. And healthcare is unjustified for who gets the highest level of medical treatment in services. Compared to unaffordable healthcare with the same opportunity to access that highest level of services. 

The moral of this is; ghetto is a state of conditioned mind. That is progressing throughtout every Title, Attire and Appearances. And it does exempt the ghetto mindset from any zipcode, economic status, associations, demographics are race. We as a people have created a Planet that no one has separated themselves from one another. In reality we have separated our own understandings about ourselves. 

So if change is still going to significantly occur out of the horizons; because of who we feel in self validation to place judgment on other people in a condition. Before the same judgment of condition is placed on ourselves. In this generation redemption was a choice. But in so many of our awkward behaviors; we could deny ourselves. If not say it was denied of our freedom. We chose of  struggles to acclimate in, just to say we are living.


Another hot summer is approaching; after that meltdown this winter. And we can't assume to snap back with a poke & stick. While behind us was placed; a bandaid. 

The importance in this short message is; did we initiate enough time to communicate effectively. Of all this language and shortcuts in speaking dialect. If not cure what is "4sho", going to reappear on another day, different time of the unexpected. For not respecting 4 every season change is desparately needed. For that old bandaid is now; rapidly lifting.

Thursday, April 29, 2021


There were nights; we woke up in a state of panic. To rush to their bedroom doorways; just to watch & listen in silence as tears fell from our eyes. We prayed over our black children.

There were times we just wanted to share our forbidden love with; any race of color. And still today we struggle with making you understand how we can love; without this judgment you earned; by continuing to remind of us our black skin. Even in our biracial relationships. 

There were moments we critically examined our own positions. To be more mindful of how we needed to empower our own black children from systematic structures meant to fail us. So our children identify with better and not struggle for no real reasoning but the color of their skin. On these concrete roads of racial adversity. One day they would travel mentally; alone without their black mother & father. To protect them from harm. Of themselves if not for those waiting to hear the echoes of time; crying out loud "I Can't Breathe". 

We all have witnessed the unjustified favoritism & validation in permission to our black people; of inequality & inequity in information. As our black children were held in bondage we worked harder to be acknowledged. As our tears are being watched flowing down our weary faces; with minimum compassion & moral intentions. As that fate in arrogance was in denial of; a  new day and time. In the same moment their white children were also be targeted. By the same peril times of drug addictions, hate crimes, suicide and depression. 

One Day an Uncomfortable Conversation is going to happen. Where Time is growing All nations of man; Weary, worn and relentless. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Gummy Bear

Rmember when we were younger kids; and mom packed our favorite snacks in our lunch bags. 

I remember my favorites were; Paydays & Peanut Patties. Peanut Butter logs and the fat Pink Circus Peanuts.  

Even now, every blue moon. I stop by a corner store to grab 1 of my favorites.

Today I notice even the adults is eating everything that is flaming hot & spicy. If not coated with sugar are a sour coating.

One day I was at a small gathering. And from behind I heard a voice ask "would you like a gummy bear". I thought about the commercial and those Elite grownups at the table say 'I like this 1 better', what is this we hear adult's sounding of small children. 

Then one day I watched on social media * nation wide television. Of how drugs are now an epidemic. In all races of children around every corner of the world. And no one knows exactly HOW this epidemic could of entered in our homes. When this could of never happen. While we were paying closer to monitoring in on. Our children. 

Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube and Text.. I know after a certain age; there is no argument. And when they are young we assume our actions are not being watched..But not for every parent who is not sleep on these children..

The World is a big place. And not All people are pleasant, prayerful and watching out for your, theirs and our kids..

STOP..start to operate parental patrol..Why, because the future for the youth is depending on what we implement; of helicopter parenting.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...