Monday, June 19, 2023


First, in acknowledgement of the historic marker Mrs. Opal faintlessy walked amongst US in unity with every racial decent. On this date  & time. In a new era of People history we recognize; Juneteenth as a federal holiday.

To commemerate the emancipation of enslaved slaves. That contributed to the make up in history of all 4 corners of the world. And in human history, there will be those of freewill who wish to disregard the puzzle of history over the ancestry in slavery. Although this same freewill was opression; its what made up the history in slavery. To exist in our future human history. One day the "respect for peace" in mankind will reign in humanity.

A cry for freedom, echoed over the history of mankind. And although we may or not thoroughly understand the entirety of the foot prints in our human history. It's history to remind us, how far have we progressed in the present; to further educate, honor & respect, eradicate & resolve the obstacles in history we've witnessed collectively. To  further build a bridge; we one day together can cross.  

-1863 Emancipation Proclamation👣

Saturday, June 10, 2023


Look around the world. Of every Vacant space. That once existed of flourishing Relationships in buildings, traffic flowing through parking lots, sold out arena's, occupied offices, and advertising signs promoting vacancy. To openings of availability for occupancy?

And if we were to examine the size of a big or small box. Used to hold the capacity of life memories. Such as loving moments, life adversity & life celebrations. It would appear to the naked eyes. In those boxes of compartmentalized things. Was a moment frozen in Time; of Big & small personal life experiences. 

It's life that births forth these personal emotions we package up. And although People appear to move on, take a step break, if not shut down emotionally in this life. Its life that impacts the way we live, see each other, touch of another, feel & listen if not move on. 

So, often we package up those memories of our life. Into containers, boxes or in seclusion of our hearts. To either disregard or stow away into a; physical & mental vacant space. Never to open up to each other; again. Until we communicate our individual understandings.  

On a different day, in a new space. It's a challenge to starting life over; and over, again. However, knowing the space of vacancy, was once a space filled with human occupancy.  

The moral is this; "People, Struggles & Stereotypes". Stem from "The Burdens of A Heavy Heart". And if  Breaking The Yolk, Turning You Around, could empty out some of those boxes filled with human emotions & moth. Then the vacancies in our human hearts; could feel again, occupied. 

Life has emptied out a few cups, time is testing our human patience, love has dampered a few in spirit. A break in Trust has burnt many bridges, never to be recrossed. And faith is being Tested. In a world of occupancy & distress. This Vacancy in a World waivering to be filled of capacity with Unity, Empathy,& Love. Because of "The Burdens of A Heavy Heart", copywrites written by Angel L. 

Tomorrow will eventually tell, the real story of life. And how we lived in it, of humanity.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


What do we learn from looking on the outside of a milk carton. Before opening this carton up. And sipping of the liquid; inside of it.

We live in a world of migration, digitization, patterns, micro chips designed of various types; of information. 

And this type of information. Is advertised in transparency. But only if the wandering eyes are keen; to see.

Reading is fundamental. Why, every letter in the alphabet never change in sequence, however every letter is used to be written in a form of context. And displayed to an audience. No matter the language; or barriers we manage to comprehend, learn r understand of what is a question, statement or answered. Language is being spoken. Just like the numeric system. The only thing that changes about numbers is the presentation & patterns. 

So, on the milk carton. Behind the glass door, including the open accessible areas. Is multiple printed & labeled messaging. Not excluding what is or not immediately observed; by the naked eye. Is 

The advertised signs.

The promotions of other necessities.

The missing.

The branded ingredients.

The product brand.

But most importantly, is the cost, the type of container, its dimension & shape. That hold the liquid or package or can in capacity.

The economy is changing in demands of size, price & portions. Then where is the availability being fully stocked in of demographics & locations? And why is this shift, causing the effect of what is balancing. If not of whom is waivering over in capacity.

The moral is this. Milk is a commodity, farmers is detrimental in a world; of survival. As cash is a strong necessity, food, medicine & shelter is Also to All basic needs.

One day, we realized why life is more relevant in living. Than what is available or not at our human finger tips. Why, because Life can tutor us All. Even children big & small. Of many valuable lessons; if we just manage to save & pay upfront; in closer attention.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Street Life

In every corner of space in time. It's the Street Life that lurks of a culture & frame of mind.
We, us are them is destined to figure a way "In or Out", of what a few deny to engage of the street life. As other's seek out of validation & curiosity, if not love to replace lonliness & one's own family. To travel down a path of stranger things. If not figuring out each other. Results into eventually, finding in one's self; of life preservation. Is surviving in places & of each other. Over a period of time. In this world of changing faces & spoken dialect. Of every dialogue, intention & narrative.

I wrote a blog on "Brawls". Then write a statement on another line that mentioned; where is the found, now. And where is the still missing? And how could it be, no one saw are is still not looking for
many. Amongst the talking, walking and living. 
Is those that educated, this style of communicating the dialect. Of a language we don't all have to speak on. However, communicate in the verbal & physical.  From one to another. About the state of minds. In the street life. And what really occurs. Of every act demonstrated in mankind.
Street life will lead every race in mankind down this narrow path. And there is no limit in the capacity of associations. Or environments. If we research the world  compass is of; four directions. 
Whether the direction leads to a life changing; physcological & physical experience. The reality is Time is inevitable of being; the element.

A voice of reason spoke in a calm breathe "Stop Talking, To All of Them". Then "Listen, & Watch". What's moving, if not Silent? 

Ghost Writer, 1991-2020.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Fair Housing

The ratio of Homeless vs. Shelter is a condition that is no longer fitting into a space large enough; for a  growing capacity in All.

During Covid-19. Also, a contributing factor to the present state All people manage to live amongst each other; in. Of our individual; mental & physical cohabitations.

We live in the days of Power decision making, Money & Space. All  determinations human based off Rentals, Mortgages, Taxation and housing inventory. That is out of even our own control. Because of the overwhelming basic need for shelter; is for the people. And The Fair Housing Act is written constitutional Laws created; for the real consumers.

Fun fact: redlining is a practice in segregating of; an economic race in demographics. Based soley on disportionate borrowers. Not excluding The Disabilities Act. And it may behoove many to  further be educated on Deceptive Trading Practices. A method are behavorial act in business. By a representative or acting agent. Using an unethical business tactic to discriminate or retaliate against a tenant or consumer. Showing bianess against a consumers rights.

And in admission to questioning an Agency in the Practicing of Business Ethics. Is not to intentionally Defame the pro quo; status. It's to shed light on the narrative. That continues to affect families; on down through generations.

So, what does the law say about Covid-19, late pays. Is the agency obligated by law to communicate a tenant be held of the responsibility to have paid doing the pandemic on time? When an acting agent or representative is asked "a tenants rental history"? And race or favortism should not be a factor. But you would be amazed of what information is being shared. Knowing Covid caused an economic catastrophe across the globe. So it's inevitable All renters could sustain; timely rental payments according to what is being; reported.

What is disputable? Are what is justifiable of reporting a renter has made late payments during Covid-19. When the reality is Rental assistance was governed by laws. As a resource to keep residences in their housing & rental homes. As the housing market plunged. We are still of those human beings that suffered over mass job losses. If not reduction in work hours. In my scenario it was the unexpected demise of a child. While attempting to meet the rental contractual obligation due date on-time. Just to maintain a human basic need; shelter. 

The law regulates every tenant has "Tenant's Rights", and a term lease is a negotiated contract. Created on the basis of business negotiations. 

During the history of mankind, including the Covid-19.  A catastrophic event that dominoe affected the entire Housing Market. And next, research taxation.  Is it factual of certain states to prospectively rise 10%. Every year of the current tax bill. And what is your current tax bracket. Which should be a brow raising concern. We are the consumers in a world of Licensed Realtors & Brokers with accredited knowledge. So, what is it about housing discrimination? Was the world not prepared to create alternative shelter for All in mankind. And if this vast space of land & hilltops is the land we of many generations labored; on. Then why, is the basic need for shelter. Still a conflict debated on many foundations.

Renting or Rental are words used to describe  access of a building, land are area structured on a leveled if not unstable to stabilized foundation. For a long or short term. Based on a contractual or a verbal agreement. As we should keep in mind; the crime statistics, prime location, and exterior & interior rennovations. It may behoove us All. To gain the knowledge in why, price increase is at the leisure of the owners, developers, investors & rentors. As buildings do wear & tear, ground security is layer of protection. And where credit affects some, a few, but not all. The location is destined to reveal it all.

As we methodically think why, is it a necessity to seek shelter that holds a capacity. A capacity for singles, many, a few if not all.

One day all mankind needed shelter, to shield oneself from the state of exposure to the world. But not without; a clause that legally binds people to land, the house or building affixed to it, through ownership. Of what is of infrastructural developments. To lease back to All in agreements, of contractual negotioations.

During most not All of our youth & adults; were either acclimated in of an environment of education or not taught. The importance of  ownership & economics. So never underestimate the term behind a behavior of "entitlement". As we are the consumers of the credit lines, collections & chargoffs. That mirror the future and past; access or denial. Because one day life is going to happen for Us All. And empathy & compassion will almost never meet on a path of responsibility & accountabilty. To cover  our own financial choices. So, we ask why then extend credit to every generation? Well, remember the world of business revolves on lenders & consumers. The bank lenders who extend the applications for a prospective gain or anticipated loss. So, how did Covid later in years still be reported as a late or late payments. Based on the rental agreements.

Global relationships the supply & demand of the world. Of every culture in race. Based on the consumers spending habits. And if your personal finances is not very good, fair or poor in ratings. One day those negotiated terms or disputed charges. Eventually will return a fair or partiality in judgement.

Covid-19 occured in March of 2020. The economy was shaken. And still in 2023 People around the world are still catching up to a place of; financial normalcy. And reality is no one has the accurate numbers, time, patience & space to resolve; anything.

Moral is this; no matter how consistent we are in reorganizing. It's the state of being healthy. That's a tedious patient journey. During a life filled with; expected & unexpected occurences.

"Self reflection broadens the mind. To see the real world through; a new lense".

There is alway's going to be a debate over who has access or control of the money, walls & doors. As a select few or voted into power. To finalize major decisions; for All. That will initiate; future approvals or denials. Because, life did not change its course. The dynamics revealed how people; service & treat one another. 

The day's of life is filled with human vulnerabilty. Due to some life setbacks, setups and personal habits & basic needs. Amongst what is shared, imvested in or divided; then reallocated. Even in the inventory of the Available Housing Market.

Take a break, and walk around the perimeters of our own foundations. Not just the concrete driveways, parking lots & pavement. But the foundations of where we stand in mankind. Of our own personal belongings of inventory & ownerships. 

Then recalibrate; knowing this. For every algorithm module created. Is a structure built on land. And often we forget this; we're just people. Attempting to manage it All. If not of managing each other. 

So, take this stock & Invest it. One's Credibilty, Morality & Respect is not attached to a price tag. That should ever be bartered with no one.

Today's business experience was another short term set back. But a long term in knowledge investment. 

In this residence call life. We stand as many nations breathing through a vapor. Destined to be taught that value comes with a cost to bare. For its the scrolls of laws created during humanities residence on earth. That will bond us; in this space a long & short term journey. 

Morality is the weight of our survival. That exposes characters  dividing humanity. Based on; our ability to build up, or divide apart.

Saturday, May 27, 2023


What is the current worlds, numeric population? Including those of the missing.

Even in this moment. In the inner cities and across the globe. People of All ages & races; are going missing. But no one can truely say; where?

How is it there are those of innocence living in deplorable conditions, around each other. And no one has a clue?

However, the laws are being passed on for approval. Of what measure is to be taken. To ensure "Safety", reaches every human being in a Population.

The world is this holding space of divided places. Of wandering eyes & feet. But also is the windows of mankinds soul; closely watching every pair of feet. That moves.

Homefronts, is more than just secluding ourselves behind shelter. Made of bolts, chains, pavements, boards, flooring and doors. Amongst every   environment in a society. Across the world "Safety", should be a shelter, as well.

Thursday, May 25, 2023


The objection is whether are not; money is the element that sustains humanity. Are is it our natural moral compasses; that guide, protect and shelter us All.

What we know is poverty is a state of physical being & opportunities that will allow gain in access. 

What we know about wealth is this; a state of being and access.

What we debate is this; access & well being.

What we sue one another over is this; rights, faults, access vs. respirations & vindications that includes heirs & entitlement.

What every human is governed under; statutes & laws. 

What is proprietary; confidentiality information.

What is uncomfortable; is rendering equality on top of respect.

What is unsettling; who struggles with accountabilty for each other if not one self.

Who is family; the roots in our DNA.

Who possess of ownership; the obligated. Not always the negotiator. 

What is facts over evading what can be proven; humanity in all its rare form; of every culture in diversity, of humanity. Divided by borders, regions and maps of history made because of the genetics in footprints.

Real Estate

Mentally & Physically blown away; by the visual of doors, walls, artifacts, bells & whistles? 

Where is the Prime Real Estate across the world or in our own locations; affordable, advertised and most importantly available to those who prospectively; can or projected of those that will qualify. Well allow us to understand why it would "behoove, any prospective borrower, renter or purchaser to determine what is "in the best interest", of who & what? Yes, age is a factor also is taxation to better aquaint one self or each other about what is being based around a credit score of 650 or below, is also race, previous work, resident in history.  and sometimes criminal background checks. These are sticklers, and resilientcy is utilized in considerations of acceptance; submitted applications. Due to who are what is contributing; amongst factors. So,  before proceeding face to face. First, evaluate what.  is factorized & historically based on a history of; perception. But also consider, the government established moderate to low income housing. and those bells & whistles do appear. In revitalized  commercial & residential; demographics.

It's time & space that is negotiated. And in reality we are not limited to what is governed around ligitamate profiting or Deceptive Business Trading pratices. As we are the consumers searching to fufill a "basic & desired need & want", based on equality & capacity. Revolves around each other. On occasions not always a personal fault of our own, to judge, one another is another bridge needing overdue rennovations for generations.

And if knowledge is  this intimidating key; factor. What is the narrative determining the prospective outcome; of  continuing new developments, architecture, builders to stay in compliance with the; architectured Algorithim. 

Demographics is the foundation of where our building a future that is destined to surpass. Of What we have built & managed to pass on in generations. So, what is reseasonable & comfortable to the naked eye will be determined by legalities built into race & economics. Included of markets & products represented by the capitals of our entire economic world, Banking systems. Its the natural course of life experiences, regardless of cash is king. Discipline & Knowledge is wealth that eventually generationally; reigns. And for All collectively to fit the brackets of justifying; goverened taxation.  Approvals & Denials is based on reportings of both Fico & Credit scores. Also, included is other data recorded of; private & public information. That requires some if not all personal accountability; because life's experience is personal. And knowledge  is not deceptive or snitching. It's a key, that is known to open revolving doors. 

Next, research;  demographics around domestic, international or foreign countries. Then find an accredited Real Estate Agent Independant or representing an Agency, including your Counsler or legal or non legal Representative.  To put our minds at ease. In regards to a low & high capacity of Real Estate that maybe Prime Location that has met or set limitations; on our human expectations.

Demographics, is the Prime key. But knowledge is sacrifing the time, to figure out. In the what is not being shared of vital statistics & other information. For it is in our projected "morality", we are humbled by; each other. To protect in the "best interest", our own families & oneself.

Thursday, May 18, 2023


The temptation started in the flesh, a process endured over the history of mandkind, let's set the stage beginning with "Sampson & Delilah", and Although the Bible is debated in humanity. It's still based on the human history.

So, what does the Bible read, on "Submission". It is submission of the flesh. And what boundaries are increments. Are we to submit. Unto each other? Whether we feel completed are needing more time to further; our individual if not collective growth.   

Once a child is born. Their innocence form during the growth in the womb. And outside of this womb; has the conversation taken place between "male & female". To address have each others; needs, wants and expectations are being met? Until this child reaches not just in age. But mental maturity,  what occurs if; first. The development is physical. And who is the gate watchers protecting this child's innocence, during the process of their own individual human transformation. Knowing we ourselves is still transitioning towards; spiritual, mental & physical growth, manifesting within oneself.

Responsibilty, is a lifetime committment. No matter who is delegated or resumes a responsible roll. For we know because in our personal life experiences. There is the obligations or negotiated obligations between each other, and one self.

Reference my entry noted that reads "we are the; leaders & followers, protectors & oppressors", of each other. And in every decision made; it affects US all, including family. Not limited to being single, in a marriage, in a cohabitative state of environment are swinging; around in connections. The reality  accountibility is crucial. For it also has a role. That will run its natural course over US all. And during our time span of life; real change is a journey. Over a course; of education,  communication, growth & time.

Once marital vows are taken; a convenant is created by these two individuals who proclaim; love for each other. But what occurs once the sacredness is tested. See, where people hold each other accountable; in the committment. Under the statutory law of matrimony. Then plan to celebrate the prospective wedding date or elope. In the presence of a gathering. To validate their united, and together as one. However, during the course of life. The  commitment to obide to only each other, is those same prenumptials. That do not change in statutory literature. It's the vows during the life line of the commitment between each other that is tested. Why, people & life changes, us All. And it's the surrendering unto each other; where temptation is inevitable. The same temptation, in life. That is destined to test US All.

Living single is not cohabitation. Domestication is when two people agree to terms of our established living conditions with each other. Including or Excluded of children, blended families are included, as well. The expectations is now each other's obligation; we hold each other; accountable for. No matter of the continuos individual growth needed. So, often this emotion of lonliness in not securing. is a fear to face in our own flesh. Physcologically, what human being on earth can feel their own empty void; inside of themselves. So, yes in the flesh we desire; some form of human connection. However, we must also figure out; within ourselves. And overtime & space. To better understand what is it we emotionally need in ourselves to express the needs & wants; to each other. And work towards sustaining healthier relationships. And for generations; age is a factor. To acknowledge what we can truthfully & independently; both offer. And build on effective communication unto each other. 

Often, we overwhelm ourself's. And yes, the youth struggle, as well. To being with each other; in a state of dysfunction vs. healthy is the state of being. How so, we can only answer knowing our own truth's; about these human Wants vs. Needs. To later figure out, considering who & what. we often disregard "considering, over assuming", knowing we either do or not. Have each other all figured out. About each other's needs, before knowing oneself. So, how do we work on our inner self's. Before we attempt to dismantle, and rework internally on each other?

Ghost Writer 1991-2020

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


To idolize or adore. In the state of mental thinking. Of the physical being. Towards another being,  statute, action, or material things.

In today's society, worship & praise is a freewill in All mankind. Whether it be the freewill to choose & serve; Religion, Economics, Politics, or Street Credibility.

Again, my son was robbed of a freewill; his life. And over a course of Time All truth prevailed. By the responses of  activated response teams. Amongst Us all is a community divided by streets, pavements and walls. Associated to the demographics. Is a society of every environment. Architecturally built on infrastructure. We are the human race that cohabitate. The DNA's of  individual identities. And awareness is knowing who we are & belong to in our individuality. But also knowing who we are around OF each other; collectively. On earth, no one is exempt neither of male or female; justice, equality or inequality, or neither life & death. However, let's be clear on what has been educated throughout human history; about ourselves. From our child births. To knowing the value in knowing our own human worth. What is diligent? And demanding of our self capabilities, to act in accountabily. The reality is the Truth is a narrative; we're just not prepared to face n digest of it. In acceptance.

Let's identify what occurs on earth; resources, things & people associated to beliefs,  rituals, and what is idolized. But not every  practice in humanity is looked upon as a type of  sacrifice. Allow our brilliant minds to not dismiss; religion and  using the religious belief in demonic deceit. Although the outcome of the "beliefs" has proven in humane acts; do often occur on earth. And what is educated All over the world. We could even argue over; who & what Form of presentation is  delivering the "Narrative". 

Let's start with  discussing "Idol GODS". It's no secret. In humanity the temptation runs in our blood. So, we justify the controversial  reasoning to judge each other. Instead of understanding our human differences.

So, what is the disrespect to be educated about the "Streets, and it Rules, to control a street mindset mentality, of street behaviors". In what form of language is this dialect; are we All inevitable to surrendering in?

And on this entire earth; who gave who in the flesh; Dominion & Power over our community & families. Or who is the Author over the original dialogue? And how was this Street Code established for the poor & wealth of an environment. Of the appointed campaign organizers, promoters, to gain the attention of;  generations in readers & followers in society, and on social media. 

Diversified in multiple locations. Of local or worldwide disguised; brotherhoods, chapters, and mediators. In what  cover of a book is the copyrights we can locate of The Street Rules. These rules that segregates humanity. A Street summon to All nations of mankind. Of debated  dishonored human loyalty; over mankind a planned Takeover of our own generation.

In what accredited class can we enroll to understand more of the design of Street rules in humanity. Where is the evidence that street rules possess a manual not spiritual blapshemy. To educate what is the building steps to development in our personal religious & family relationships, educating the ability to build ammicable social relationships, even in our own communities; opportunity to possess land in ownership & infrastructure to build  housings. Why, is the prison & juvenile system a business based on the projection of behaviors to incarcerations. That allegedly is the stem of street code activities, and this street sense how can it be categorized. and  what approach do we educate each other; in of knowledge. Knowing  hypothetically street code is the affect of one human to human contact; of behaviors. followed by what continues to dismantles economics, unity in families & communities. So, who  and when do we explain how Street code educates real people to the elders & children; the most vulnerable. And those who are mentally trying to heal not decompose. Simply to follow each other; and where? Based on a set of Street rules & demands. Exempting out the approach to restore human hope. Are what type of Hope is street code; offering to the people. To establish growth in economics & infrastructure. And for the future of our own generations where is the established investments  for the crucial need in health care. This Street Code module when does the street credibility benefit towards contributions to the cost of genocides. preventative care, food resources, sponsorships & time to educate on platforms safety through sex education, rehabilitation from drug addictions, and coping by managing mental illness. 

What is educated about Redlining for access to gain from a Universal banking system. What about our own youth; to further support their education. And on the "why, how" gang awareness surrounds every environment. Of communities of homesteads, public & private; school. Are is it we're to be diverted in our emotions of denial. To not address the "WHY" is the Street mental movement mobilized. Through vehicles of enterprise. Driven by the  promotions of elected others. Overseen over ERAS. Not limited to the lyrics profited & sold through the RAP music. No, disrespect all types of music has been the pillow instrument throughout all human history.

Even in our own communities. The setup in the coordination to adapt on main stream of media to attract; a mindset. From the oldest & youngest of children, siblings mothers(our nurturers) & fathers (our protectors). Revealed on platforms referencing Street code worship. We witness in the physical. Our organizations stance in lines of framed pride; videos advertising our personal daily lives. It's the self advertisement & lyrics, that's not Defamatory. But we can reference the historical recordings of real artifacts. That support the suffering thats being sterotyped over existing human  accomplishments. Those  images & faces behind; Big Fish ideas. To elevate mobilizing Street Rules. To idolize a platform of street credibility. Around the world.

The reality is if we are more educated in the Why, these Street Rules are anytype of rules. Enrich r subtract from our daily human lives. Not overlooking alleviating a people genociding each other over worldy indiscretions. As a people regarding this Street Rule, code and behaviors. It's what is lacking in the education we overlook to focus on the narrative. Could it enlighten our mental compass? For we are segregated amongst our own over the Street code that eventually reunites; us in humanity together of pain. 

To sharing the fact gathering from our personal experiences.   All over the world it's a dominoe affect. Why, because of the human suffering and the "narrative idolized".  Argumentive but mentally passed on from generation to generation. 

Again, we live in a world OF MOVEMENT. Of sinful human natures. around every corner of this world we witness, what we show of no empathy. We judge of what is shown of compassion. Then as human beings we reproduce children. Within our same mindsets of; morals, values & beliefs. This human nature. And know we're not All believer's of change, in God, of each other, of a Religion, Non religion are spiritual practices. It does not discriminiate on the Good & Bad in Us. However, a choice is a Freewill in mankind. Knowing We cohabitate in this SKIN; of all races. 

We choose to read for our own understandings, we worhip each other in the physical, we worship idol images, we wear our clothe beliefs for the world to watch sometimes mock. We speak different dialect, to crack the codes. And either we question how is it our lives are devalued. More than often by the hands of each other. So, we could agree to disagree for the rest of this life. Until eternity. It's hard knowing the truth really hurts. Eventually the truth is exposed because of our own; human acts. But to know is being aware. Of when we attempt to justify the behaviors; in the wicked & good things in humanity. That's soil back into the ground.

Why, Because there is nothing mankind has demonstrated. That has not been done of an action, under the sun. 

We have lived, and perished in this life in all ages, races, genders & cultures. We continue to attempt to silence our own history. Through the Power of tongues. As our eyes continue to witness; each other, is knowing it All. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Humanity is nations of All mankind in every kindred of bloodlines. Of this  decadent contrast in every; race, gender  & age.
Angel L was inspired by the history of life experiences. And again, suffering is the makeup in our legacies. And for every cause of social injustices is the action of a reaction. Written & spoken testimonials based through vast vessels of voices. Due to current of continuing past events. We as the People live in. Because we are the People writing the continuance of our own human history. Of Life experiences in every world event. Included is  my own color of people, your color of people, their color of people; because we live. In a world of People we are the make up in DNA; of many but a physical body. Searching as a movement of 1 set; foot prints, rewalking the paths of our ancestors. On this earth. We long for protection & direction from each other. To figure out either compassion if not fear, is this emotion that has been bottled up. Inside of our own skin tone of every color we struggle into grow & mature. 

This sacred place, of society, prayer & worship. Many seek, some find it internally, as others rant in blasphemy. Of its literature & others beliefs.

The human call for help over the history of mankind. A call often made through All in of our Religions, Hope & Faith or existence. Imbedded in our  individuality, is a society of diversity in the People; freewills. The sadness is how come the news only advertises to the world; the mental bondage. Sign of the times knowing People will not allow; the mental bondage to be turned around.  

This 1 key in mankind for All to possess of their self value in human Morals, Values & Beliefs. As it is this element of Time searched for through  human history. To forfill the expectations; each other has searched in each other; over generations


And if we continue to fiercely debate the internal of the external faces. While transitioning in a life of uncontrollable diversity. Without one of these 3 elements, we will have All surely discarded the real course. To live in harmony. As we physically wander back & forth. To mentally  wonder; why our structure is segregated by the scope of racial tensions "hatred, lies". Causing our understandings to be for generations segregated apart. Based off the education systems spilled over into our foundations. The roots in our own history. Used of that vehichle driven by  decision making; towards one another. Leaving our fragile Hearts & Souls unsavored for each other.

Rest my son. 1991-2020

-If we in humanity be the Salt of the earth. Then what happen to it's Savor; from knowing the past. To educating truth moving forward. From our last generation; to see our only chance of reshaping the future.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...