Wednesday, July 12, 2023


When did it all start. This act of Evil vs. Good.

Some would say, its the Love Spell. And deeper down south its said of "old folks tale", the summon is for "This Strong Man", back to the darkest place where Evil is birth. 

Why, it could be or not. Over every life in this entire world. Why, has it been proven "Love" is the greatest gift of All. Which is good news for there is eternity in a higher place. As Faith & Hope is being tampered with on earth. To make belief that Heaven is not a real state of being. So WHY, is our surroundings appear of Hell; twisted acts of what is demonstrated of Evil vs. GOOD. In this holding space call life.

Denounce it, first. And, figure out HOW to  identify with who is wearing a diguise. To masquerade what is between their Good & Evil eyes. 

Sometimes, not everyone has a Good or Bad intention.

For example, we live the majority of our lives; trying figure out the lives of each other. 

Could it be the desire to control; each other. With all the chaos brewing around the world. It's in our human natures to prey on the vulnerability of each other. In a curious behavior. Of random test of one to another. Sometimes it's for human satisfaction. Sometimes its fear. Are In what we, us are them assume of what possibly can I, US are them get away with. Before anyone figures it out. It was a good or bad intention.


Our faiths will be tested  in the fire. Because of our overwhelming human emotions.

Our patience will be tried. Why,  for a few its entertainment purposes. To see how much pressure you're capable of going through.

Our loyalty will be overlooked as a weaknesses. 

Our sacrifices, will bend our human trust towards each other.

Our struggles, will challenge us All in waivering Faith & Hope.

The Jealousy & Envy, will destroy us All. Eventually because of the aggressive human emotions. That is going to exploit; every face in this world.

Because of this Good vs. Evil in US All. Of this beautiful world. And no one is exempt in demonstrating; a good or bad intention.

A short story, in growing up. We're told many stories about life. But in reality in our personal lives; we are bound to see, feel and adapt to the real activities & same people around us. That educate us, about the life stories. That no one really want's to take of; full accountability.

So, everyday we can choose to look at oneself. In this place of not just asking but feeling "Who Am I, to myself on any day". Then we possess A freewill. To speak of it into existence. That "No temptations in this life. Carries the weight of my Goliath. To force me out of a state of mental peace. To be under the possession of an evil authority over me.. 

Monday, July 10, 2023


Once a ship sails off into the ocean, there is options. For that Captain of the Ship to either turn around, move forward, or just stay still.

But somewhere on that ship is always, going to be a "hiccup", its inevitable. Why, what are the chances we could stay on top of every move life is going to make. Things happen, manmade inventions wear & tear. Look how our eyes still fill with fear & tears; as we know the "WHY", the Titanic disappeared. 

Everyone will live & perish one day in this life. And why, it was predestined, nothing or anyone was built or created with a Lifetime Warranty. In a life that needed more love, compassion, care and unity. Therefore, It appears the workers in this life, allowed the required maintenace to go undone. 

While we were busy, doing things in life. Life reminded us All. What we; forgot of the loyalty to life.

In All things get a clear understanding. As the ship sails so does Time. A scenario it does not matter our residence. Some like to think down the street, is another world. The reality is its just a division in  demographics, rents, taxes & infrastructure. Is communites based off cultured races. But on this ship is All people.

One day look around and take inventory of the ground, walls & space.  If it appears the same or everything is changing. Then believe what you see. But understand not everyone or thing; remains the same.

One day, I received a call to write American Skin. I heard a sound of peace & joy. The voice related "my little one, had a "hiccup" today. I replied its ok. Because either were going to fit & figure out. Who is the crew, captain or passengers. Then there was a sigh of relief. Then a reply "I get it". And the day we are no longer around on earth. Because no human in this life has it 100% figured out. How to be committed for life; in rendering aid or completing the required maintenance needed on earth. Just trust & believe for you, a work order has been initiated. And without reservation this order will be executed. No matter the workload on earth. That is left for completion.

If we only knew, life's real plans. Would we, us are them; knowing our real role & titles kept up the consistentcy in  the maintenance of our role & titles in this life. For one day what is left undone in the maintence; will prevail on this earth.

Every day, we should watch each other. To figure out who is amongst Us of the crew, the passengers and the Captains.

In the beginning the earth was formed without life. Then unto it, everything included was added.

A child ask, does everything come in pairs? I replied if everything mortal, mammal and invented came in singles would you even identify with the difference with 1 eye. The child replied this state of being is called a "disability". I would not be able; to walk straight, write accurate or either hear clearly. Because of the disability. I replied now you know, you will tested & charged.. But remember anything is possible. When u believe in yourself. And no one can stand on or at the crown of your head. To make you believe, what is not a possibility because of a disability. Including what or who is no longer here on earth. Always Remember the Time on the "ship in the ocean".


Saturday, July 8, 2023


Are we really suprised, of whom in the spirit jealousy lies? And It could be any of us. And no, human titles alleviate the behavioral acts in how we treat one another in this life.

So, we often feel this pain inside. To heal faster on the outside.

The sad news is this spirit is not often expressed in US All. The bad news is this jealousy is known to internally grow; from within. In all ages, gender & race.

It's sad a child would think; they did something wrong. An elder could feel; no one loves them any more. A neighbor snares & walks bye, without a sigh. Are when families defend each other in strong rolls to back door emotionally another to feel like the blacksheep. And often it's because of Jealousy. Not respect of accepting knowing why boundaries is required. To keep the PEACE. And lets not overlook once the death of any matriarch in that family. Often ties of family, are severenced. If not prayer keeps them together. And let's drive by The history regarding those Associations, that  will get exposed. And the reality is jealousy is always the hidden motive.

The reality is people come in & out of our lives; everday in this life. The good news is it's ok. Perfection in being human is this complex thing. So, we're allowed to question the "WHY". We all got some type of issues, but so does every human being in this entire world.

Before the passing of my son. Over life we had our disagreements. And we were ok. Because love was not the issue we debated. At the end of it All. We desired the need to communicate even more. And yes, I was the reference of a line written on the "Protector". Because we knew & still know what a room of "Oppressors", are predicted to eventually do. Jealousy & Envy has no patience. So, often its easier to walk away, with an immature attittude, inaccurate, underestimated understanding. To avoid focusing on the "WHY".  But see our relationship was bigger than people could deal with of the issues in their own life. Those same issues in humanity we decide of what to carry. On our personal backs & chest. During this tedious journey we either find internal peace or seek of human acceptance. 

Lastly, once we figure it out. The "WHY", dont be startled. We either then except or deny the facts tally up to this. We don't know what date that life impacts, dismantles any person that turns to jealousy, envy & rage. The good news is it will happen eventually on any given day. I saw things, and so did we, us and them; over history.

Take care of oneself; first. Why, people are destined to teach, mimic each other, if not be ok with how they choose to feel; towards themselves & about treating you. Even if causing pain is an option.

The day breaking the chains of generational cycles. Interrupts the comfort of dysfunction around codepedency. Sit back in silence to watch. What has been brewing, for some time.  

I love you, it sounds good. From even the mouths of anybody, when you are down in your spirit. But it feels even better. With an action behind it.

After my son passed, I saw who was in the rooms. And read the writing on the WALL "It's lonely at the  TOP". If only we saw "WHY", it started at Birth.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Light

There is this threat of "All types". However, it's in knowing "Why". It was always REAl in this life. Then one day, it came to pass. Of this same threat. That created the visibility of boundaries; between us, you and them. Because of that freewill of divided life views. Testing the boundaries of our mortal patience. Creator of the narrative on various platforms. And although perfection continues to just be the overrated human expectations. The balance is left unbalanced, to dissect US All. Over the debated emotional walls. Emotional Walls that divide All in differences of opinions, intensions & respect of boundaries. Finally woke US up; to recognize the "WHY", and whose judging who, amongst  each other. This re-occuring act taken place over All human history. So yes, its inevitable we All have a real life story. And beyond & in between of those, us & them. In All you will honestly hear one side or the other say now with remorse & concern "those type of things, just don't happen here". 

Why, people changed in the atmosphere of life. In a divided way we as humans beings express empathy, unity of how we live around, amongst and next to each other. Not figuring out the purpose. To finding closure or just to appreciate knowing love, freedom & respect. Is respecting peace in an open space. Where Global Climate Control is affecting the world. And this concern is a message on the WALL, for the entire World. Because we're not addressing the questionable human affairs. That's not & changing things.  Such as Race, Religious or non Religious beliefs throughout the history of humanity. Are either has any if not a few in All accepted "diversity is the makeup of every generation. Based on human life.

Even in economic diversified societies. Around infrastructure is a road, concrete location, corner & block of this 1 world called life. Amongst each other we All still breathe of 1 air & live of 1 space; amongst a human race.

Peace is always that Freewill; factor. Fear is internal oppressor. Of one's self preservation. But before we externally examine, the algorithym to build on each other. That internal relationship is required; first in the development of oneself. Before attempting to dismantle; love, faith, hope,  in humanity. 



Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Good Morning!

Rest, when there is no surrender of peace on earth. Where you lay your head. And plant your feet. On the ground of this beautiful creation call life. We're often  surrounded of sounds in; Joy & Grief. Silence if not unecessary Wars & Violence over Unity & Peace. Listen with a gentle ear to what our children are asking & saying of every age category. And for those few in the adults; be not tempted to respond. However, when necessary speak if needed with a slow tongue. Judge cautiously for knowing, we ourself await to be judged. And watch with keen eyes & raising brows with a swift in our finger tips to search for more understanding in

2 Timothy 4:7.

But just in case, remember the Freewill is for All in humanity. Therefore in All things, simply invest in the value of; seeking transparency & clarity for better understanding.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Domestic Violence

It could occur in any race, gender and age category. Not excluding an economic status, society and demographic.

Violence has occured over decades and generations of human history. And although the resources are unlimited in information. The real healing; begins. Once that leap of faith. From a fearful place; is taken control of residency in our minds. That heart is destined to follow in line. Because time is the only element that is patient enough; for those who are silently hurting inside. To heal those hollow wounds. And restore hope. To figure out. Those bruises may have been unwelcomed in this life. But internal peace; is the control we possess.

Remember, the children are depending are us. And families heal better; together. And no matter the circumstances in this life. Life is precious, and we all matter. Even on our individual journey's. It's what & how we figure out. The real value is; first loving ourselves.

Saturday, July 1, 2023


Statement: "They playing checkers. We playing chess".

Question: In what demographics?

Command: You are summoned to appear...

Exclamation: Life Matters!

And the World News is this: humanity has  proven to itself. What has been and will be. Is because of what we in humanity. As a people have proven: to each other, impacted of each other, sold of the Milk, of which we choose in consumption, and negotiated with of each other; as a portion believed they were in control of playing chess, with others that was projected to be playing checkers.

What is life, without placing human Value in a Peace of Mind? What is Chaos in a life of adversity where insanity is a justifiable plea? If Peace is the Play to plead a case for temporary release. And a short term state of relief.

Have we not figured out in humanity; what play has been made? 

The narrative never changed throughout human history. That one move made history. Over generations in transparency. As player's & opponents moved in algorithm. Watching was the "Audience" in silence. Educating don't speak on it; Affirmative Action needed our generation in educating the term "attention". To focus and Remember the lines "we need to stay alive, to tell how the real story occured". As others lead, labored & perished. But not before the last chess moves. In these footprints left on this Earth. For the entire world would eventually seek further to read & see; clearer for transparency. We live amongst a Beautiful World in fear. Because of the "protectors & oppressors". Where the Value; is still needed in this Life. To change the balance and the moves we will make in OUR Future.

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Naturalization; a legal process for a non-citizen to establish citizenship. Where citizenship is granted at birth. So, why is the labels of two types attached; to identify citizens are naturalization. As brown & black people.

For generations we have lived in civilization and answered to being called; human beings. Not minorities & majority. Born in birthrights from a Woman & Man. Innocence in every race awaiting our authentic names. The names that would identify our own identities. In this life. So, how is it for generations have we managed time to invest in of compartmentalized, thinking. Of we are not one humanity. And to respect time, has anyone accounted for the last 400+years. And how it was invested. That impacted the future of generations ahead. By what is being now forfeited in it?

If the intent was to regulate the growth in mankind. Through how much knowledge, is acknowledged. Then judged of each other; over the capacity of knowing. 

Then we should never, ask. What is the occurences in this world. That is transforming of fear in the emotions people; feel.

One day the world was formed without a form of life. Then one day this space call life shawdowed the night with darkness & days in light. Roots grew under the ground. Across the unzoned Land. of fields & lillies. Is standing Tall of peach & lemon, apple & orchard trees. Around flowing sounds of oceans, streaming rivers, and ponds. While free well water, was once free for All on the lands our ancestors labored & owned. And hidden in mines across third world countries is precious gold & silver. In spaces of places, of those museum is glassed artifacts, where diversity existed over history. Even in animals & mamals; now extinct. A history of rare forms of human life. Of what we are of the new generation called humanity. And the real reasoning to the why. FEAR runs deeps in our bloodlines. Of what we know, is a deeper story to be told. In this place called life.

How can destruction occur, if there is no wars? But peace, compassion & gratitude on earth. And how could we have known survival in civilization. Without depending on each other. If life is the production in what we have cohabitated in with each other.

One day our sons & daughters of all races. Will understand the history in figuring out the Why, in Diversity. And how wealth, needs poverty. And poverty needs wealth to exist. Because knowledge is  needed in life. Civilization needs people, to figure it out; of Diversity & Inclusion. Or just Respect Diversity is what is the makeup of our cultural differences.

Affirmative Action

The ruling is in. But debated. On the narrative. And in reality if we tell the truth about lack, abundance & access to prestigious schools offering one narrative around this entire world "education". Then we must also reach back & reeducate the truth about the human ancestry & the wall divided by education. This is four decades of law written  decisions; that continue to impact past & a future of generations through access of education. This same education sought of in every ethnicity of all families & children. Children of race that sculptured in skills & test scores advanced them in higher levels of education. To seek further opportunities in prestigious colleges.  Why, not be motivated. To be discouraged by racial admissions. As other accredited colleges & universities. With grace Accept all races &  transcripts, as well in support of the students goals. 

To be declined access based on racial admission and impartiality. Knowing those who are qualified. Pursue to be the discouraged?

Knowing Life, is this space for all in humanity to progress. If not this inequality based on laws. Laws written on  algorithms. Judged on manmade decisions. If the respect finds a platform to address the freewill. And in every decision is all racial stories of human adversity & human accomplishments. These stories born from the birthrights in every bloodline. Of every race in human DNA's.

Is Education the key or threat. That is one of the many determining factors in how far we are granted or feel limited to personally pursue our own independence in success. And who outside of ourselfs that determines human progression. Where our own personal goals is that narrative to be the first, second or third in our generation to complete college education. 

Why, is this word prestigious, the platformed narrative? Causing Education to be based on racial admission acceptances. Then maybe we could better calibrate over a bridge in human history; to address the why knowledge is still race based. And economics is the history of the economic lack & sufficientcy in human history. Because of the history of our dependency on the ancesters history. We as a human race have ridden on the backs of every race of people in our own bloodlines successes & accomplishments. the same bloodlines, and of others bloodlines. To progress and create the legacies passed down to our generations.

-Affirmative Action, so what happens moving forward, for this generations education. A generation of races in All our  races and genders of gc, youth children, adults & scholars. Who live the life of their own human stories. To face unequivocal access & impartial admissions. When Human history is still the argument of "Diversity, identity of racial inequality. Is written based on our human actions; over 4 decades of laws to justify the judgement on each other.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


No, matter the describing a place called 'heaven'. Are either the act demonstrated in  Mankind to exhault of its own beliefs, perceptions & ideas. Towards the assigned laws & what practices will be done on earth. Of the living or departed spirits. We know in our own truths if not faiths. The Book of Life was written before the birth in mankind. Although, many books have been written throughout the history of humanity.

So, is getting lost in the sauce is easy. And losing hope is like a magnet to gravity. And being tested is not knowing how deep the quicksand; is underneath our human feet.

So, when people are summoned from this life in a Purificaton; stage of... It's hard to not feel pain & sustain in focus. Even I endure the same emotions of love, and a state of lack & abundance, and the setback in grief to feel hope, again. But never giveup or in. "Why", take a moment to re-focus, breathe & meditate in a silent place. To find comfort under the "convenant", where the "Promise", is commisioned. For there will be those in the physical of this world who will manipulate one another with the "test", to challenge where the faith stands. Remember peace runs deep. Just be cautious of whom & how we question the why, then respond back when life occurs. If not just keep watching far above in the sky. Why, even mankind knew the signs existed the entire time. As we have yet ourself's to meet on a date of final judgements. 

Over generations we are protected with this blanket of "grace & mercy", no matter what is witnessed in life's adversity. Through it All mankind has walked around life in 1 breathe. Which is Ontop of the dirt, not knowing what is deeper beneath the earth. 


This human being, known are described as a Hustler. Appears in this human skin. On the outside wearing a variety in attire. 

And where the name Hustler originated? Could of started in the word cohabitation, that created this DNA trait, in any of bloodlines. Of living human beings; on earth.

So, we ask. Who is the exception based on the hustle? The real truth is no one. However, as human beings. We shall always figure out. What law, or narrative  will stand as the  "justification, judgment and perception", even about our own human self's. 

Coming UP next.. The next hustle in mankind. But who will be shaken, bent if not broken down, about the next cause & affect. To create the next narrative of a; situation groomed to eleviate the paton unto another hustle; passed on to another generation.

No, disrespect can be miscommunicated. if non is never anticipated.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...