Monday, July 8, 2024
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Impound; private, commercial or apartment complex. It would behoove you to know your city and county zones. Why, ordinance and fees. Will determine the cost. Divided of Private & Police towing reported by calls. In private properties such as apartments. Research the property management tenants visitor parking regulations. How ever, if this is an official warrant removal of a property. Obstruction, abandonment, theft or damaged recovery of property. On a public street or private property. Including one's Commercial property. Define what is a violation of entry. And access of the owners; posted signage in boundaries.
There is a penalty followed with fines. Marked territory written in small fine print. Unfortunately if mankind is not playing closer attention. Human errors or not exempt. Which causes in real time. A Life filled with inconveniences.
In every human oversight. Take it as a lesson learned; and a debt well paid in full. Why, remember today is a sign. There are no short cuts are breaks in this life. Where tendered cash is desired. Including debit cards; is at the highest of demands. Wherever an ATM is corned and stationed.
Life is just busy for everybody. And often we assume. Why does certain circumstances happen to certain people. Don't be fooled by shaded ' remarks'. I'm real time. Life happens for everybody in this world.
I remember those teaching moments, between me & my on only son. We shared why Time will run it's natural course. And a why a rested mind; will keep you focused. But unfortunately time slips up even on our human plans. Why, we're just human beings. Moving around in this the state of physical motion; in adrenaline.
The reality of being human is this. We're human beings; with internal personal issues to deal with in our individual selves. And If, fear sustains a race in humanity of people to address; there own. If the overall in All of violence. The reality is, no one wants to speak on the truth; especially involved is one's self. Why, is this violence occuring in every culture, race, age & gender. In every Society, is the violence. In every Community in this World. That's destined to be judged, debated, recorded by the scales of Laws. In every Judicial System and Written pages of past & current history. The Constitutional Rights & Case Law is human history. The violence in people; it's written & lived because of the Biblical Prophecy. Based on the act of Humanity. That keeps Living in Cohabitation of each other. And there's no where to hide in segregated minds. When Violence has existed. Now this vapor in life. Writing timelines of it's own human history. So, who has any right to judge of another life?
In every state of a human mind. It will be a controversial argument over Mental Illness, Religion & Economics and Leaderships in All types. Over the awareness & advocating.
We in humanity know why; Drug addicts existe. And where the connect is related. Knowing the truth awaits though the same Humans that will sit & watch to judge; what drug is sold to whom & where. For there is this state of abusers around the entire world. The drug sellers & The drug Distributors & Suppliers. In every community, system is a flaw. In every and many in society's. Included is the social connections of strangers or relatives, of the societies in relationships or conversations. For generations watched & monitored on platforms. Neighbors support it's connectivity. As sales in advertising; to the world keeps the billboards displayed, revolving and educating what's rising.
In every state of a human mind; domestic violence has occured. In every culture in age, gender & race. In every generation is the Cohabitations, of every type of Associations. In every Society of every Community. Is the Criminal Justice Systems, Torts, Immigration, Civil & Family courts. That dictates who the real abusers & victims. And eventually who in society of the victimized. Will be allocated, relocated if not denied; a human right. Of access, long to short term; for time is needed in healing and consistentcy in care.
In the real world gun laws are Constitutional Rights. So is the sales, the distribution, the supplier, the consumers of the consumption. To bare the Constitutional Right to own and carry. But the Why, does not address All. Who do or not support the Right. To bare a gun at All. Children are without the knowledge. So who will protect the innocent in this world.
Around the world is infrastructure, water lines, food, gas, education & people's freedom's; for the people was written by the people.
So, human trafficking is on the rise. Prostitution is law in some states that is legalized. Self expressions is two-way communications on social media platforms or in person. But what happens in life. When humans became the victim of another humans; emotional behaviors. And 911 has so many open lines; to respond to every human emergency call.
'In a life of violence; those 911 calls cluttered the lines. For a Response time in 15 to 20 minutes. That Resulted in a community of life changing events'.
Wars, in every race. A man or woman. Child or Young adult. Has been legally or illegally drafted into a War. However, War is this state where All people are voluntarily or involuntarily; temporary guest, long-term if not sacrifices for real lives to sustain a form of boundaries and respect of our own human; worldly affairs.
So, what does not happen; here. Really happens every where. Who did not see anything; of a society that watches everything. Who did not vote. Is really All whose vote was not enough to justify the want. Many had time to get the right from wrong. To balance the favor; for a world of birth rights. Why, we in humanity made decisions, mistakes and choices. To learn there are many lessons. As progressing was to be learned. Before a movement never stopped. In the presence and part of our own human interactions, intelligence and studies in research. To do what we in All chose for one to another; in how we treat each other. As the gravesites are prospering. The story is; unfolding.
Let these children grow up in a better world of knowing knowledge will not be silenced. For it was for Power in the world. The violence has to now be silenced; with respect for the world.
Exodus 3:14. We in All humanity are not believers on 1 page in everything. However, based on Knowledge; many will follow to judge the Truth on 1 page.
Saturday, July 6, 2024
A disagreement is occuring all over the world. And no judge, jury, street talking are neighbors watching can cure. The disagreements tweeted, spoken, and fueled with fire; internally of one's chosen desire.
Why, we have marched many streets around this world. Leaders and group's of All races and faces are advocating; on platforms. The family history is the makeup of All history. The same history we're attempting to rewrite of every wrong committed of our own human lives. As there continues to be seated of tables in courthouses, in tiny and large court rooms, jails and judicial systems. For justice has yet to be judged.
Whose life matters; over another.
I read a post that says it's the same cultural acts. Which one this time in a world of Human Affairs.
If one questions the act of insanity if not the stem of human pain. Where all races of mankind exist in the state of Cohabitation. And the new living is now a state of survival; from the acts of immortality; amongst nations. Why, no one wants to speak on. What is the ACT in All humanity; repeated, repeated.
It's time to wake up; judgement is calling out. To the behavioral patterns in the entire world.
Friday, July 5, 2024
All I See Is Love
Let's be clear; where there is the attraction. In the eyes and mind of the beholder. Eventually sparks are bound to fly. Before diving in & out of places & spaces. That First require; patience, understanding, continuous work & quality time. Before we speak the words; I love you. From ones own mouth. Into the expectations of another's; fragile heart.
In real places. Of many faces around this world. Pleasure awaits; for a boy and girl. Woman & Men (repeat over again). And time will reveal in All. Of the participants that needed the maturity in the physical & mental. For once the feelings of guilt occurs. In these choices and decisions. That are not always a mistake. But in decision making follows. A sigh of relief if not emotional; heartache. Why, until boundaries are set in limitations is placed. Our understandings become more about; what's being given. or hoping to be received back; of an emotional feeling through an act.
In one moment that seems so real. How is it. One feels cheated if not both fulfilled. For the pleasure was an investment of; the physical and mental act. Based on our willingness and desires. In which we both engaged in knowing. or not if we were well prepared; to learn before releasing. Of what to keep sacred. Or release of these emotions; that run deep in our mature or mastering of love languages.
There are many types of love languages. Where in falling in love; there is the least of many. That may never experience the ultimate level of satisfaction. Of What a few have reached to fullest in of; self expressions, two-way communication. and the desire of respecting in each other's; passion.
Why, because of this word love. Requires many levels of unselfish emotional human acts. Of those emotions in this World. That range out and in control. In ways that is claimed of years in experience. And of understanding of ones anatomy. But what about understanding what is involved in surrendering? To avoid breaking down barriers. That exist of insecure or secured boundary's?
Some will fumble in words & actions to figure out; which of you is out or in control of yourself. As some will give up so much more. Some will drown due to anxiety in anticipating; an emotional response. As experience teaches to not overcompensate pleasurable acts. Without first establishing; how to sustain the Respect. In order to maintain a relationship with communication.
Some will say age and maturity is factored. Or maybe not. If the physical was the first; attraction. Then what is expected to occur; next? As some will display insecurity stemming from struggles to commit. Some have reasoned with; time outgrew what was once desired; of the attraction because of the lack in affection. Some will distinguish; when that fire dims. Let's replenish the passion that first started it in the both of US; to burn.
In the End. Man was not created for a life of lonliness. Categorized by design into groups and norms. Of titles labeled; Singles, Couple's, Mutual attractions are casual Hookups. Occuring all over the world. And The end result is this; it's in human nature. A type of attraction has or will continue to exist.
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Erratic Behavior
If we in humanity invested time. To thoroughly talk through our own; erratic behaviors. Some will deny what is seen before our human eyes. If not heard with our own pair of ears. Some will accuse the other for the state of their own mind. if not state of a condition they feel is normal. Some will communicate on purpose in a confused state. Some will justify by mirroring another. Some will distance themselves to avoid; interaction. Some will continue to further procreate; together. Some will turn their noises up to the sky. As the Erratic Behavior continues to breed in this life; overtime.
In this life; we often ask questions. And in our responses & feedbacks. There is times the packaging, answers and messages are vague. Why, sometimes the responses are not always comfortable & clear. However, we continue to seek a reaction. In the next subliminal or direct question or statement. Towards one another. For some if not all answers are demanded, coherse. Or reiterated back. Before expressions of Erratic or Calm behaviors are exposed. In our forms of communication between each other. In this entire world.
The Point is our physical transformation cannot be denied. For every state of disposition, disability, stability, alertness or mental illness. If not straight out rebellion. A human reaction will respond. Of one to another seeking human attention. For attention Exist; Even if the behavior is a trait 'Treated or not Treated. Normalcy is a state of mental & physical being.
The texter demonstrates an action by text messaging contact. 'I need your assistance, and by the way 'Thank you in advance'. The recipient responds in:return of completing a physical task. Next, the text messenger, replies. Thank you for all you do on the back end. In help.
Any business transaction requires trust. For a type in services; to be rendered. But what happens when the trust is broken down. And the experience causes the affect. Because of the behavioral act. That ignored one opportunity; to communicate; that never occurred.
The courts expectations is a prompt response, of 'yes or no form'. Until you are prompted & asked another question; to respond.
In society People interact on every platform & level of interactions. In a series of Eractic, Practical or Calmness in behavioral patterns. So, what or who is in control. While in the state of these environments & of any society? During the interactions between the two. In verbal & physical contact. If not a form of text or verbal communication?
Life, War, Relationships, Communication & Grief teaches. Life & Death is inevitable on earth. Confinement is not limited to isolation. In a world of transformations. Including attitudes, cultural state of being. It's the art of language & context. That routes to this '❓mark '. That Symbolizes a response is needed. But what happens in real life. When the response of people; reflects a another ❓. That we may never figure out. What is expected of a response. To the remark, request are statement. verbally or messaged. What was the intentional or non intentional interaction about?
Until in All gets figured out. What does exist is the patterns & behaviors in ourselves. In order To better understand. Why, respect; is Knowledge of knowing who are we in humanity. Of this Package, Presentation and finally Delivery. In who we are. In our own self Individuality & Identify.
Once the Why, is figured out. Regarding the pattern in life. And which parts defines each of our own personal journeys. Finding the Purpose; is for one self. To figure out.
If anyone questions another; about the insanity. Then one must question his or her ownership; in exposed or unexposed behavior. In a world no one is exempt; of behavioral management.
Family Reunions
Family, Big or Small. Of An only child. If not the oldest, middle to youngest of age. In them are All.
'But these my kids, Yeah. But there is a paternal Dad or Father. Who is the DNA of traits. Rooted in them' that's family. And over Generations families celebrate. Whether it be at those yearly family reunions, Visitations, Sunday dinner's. Are maybe just the Holidays. Family, and Sometimes friends are often invited; to celebrate. And overtime there has been this shift in life. What, How and Why? Many Families of All. Are not celebrating as often; as more did celebrate. In the past years. Why, again the years have changed; from the past. Affecting those regular & planned life celebrations.
Life is filled with various surprises. And no matter the family type. Blended are by bloodlines. Family Gathering's brought people together. To catch up if not get reacquainted with their own or family.
The moral is anytime a matriarch is no longer the head. Are seated with the family at tables. or standing in rooms. The seasons change and so does the attendance of people. Why, Because of life's plans. For the years ahead of US we did not see. To Remember Time is destined to change our plans & busy body schedules. How & Why? Whomever is the makeup in ourselves. Was once frozen in a frame overtime. If only those family portraits. We're now in real lifetime. Unfortunately life will change; and affect us in All. Especially in those once are remain if crowded rooms. That randomly are filled during time. To foster that family love. As the Children are destined to grow up. From sleepovers, birthday parties, playdates and one sides. If not both sides of visitation with family. As the elders are finding a peace of mind. Friends & Associations either stay or move on in life.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Studying Society
Most will earn College Degrees , Some will earn the knowledge based on personal Life experiences. Some will piece together the pieces; to the puzzle. Some will seek endless validation from others. Some will submerge or survive on internal instinct; to adapt around one to another. As we scramble to put together. The pieces of Life's puzzle.
Why, the world is under a microscope. When God is also; omnipresent. Including where the Planets we are taught about. Searching for life on. If not researched for ourselves. Knowledge over Power. I saw it for myself. As the message walked amongst the foundation of the earth.
If any human ask; questions. Then respect the why should anyone respond. To what we keep repeating & taught. To not speak on.
See, in every community. In every brand of leadership. In every voice of Advocating. One day Change will tell it All. And if the world's pockets is falling out of the bottom. Then what over generations; has been invested in the earths infrastructure. To speak to each other; about. Again, including what is invested by who or for themselves.
Well, why does anyone knows those types of people. Just let the world know Cohabitation & Association over generations. Wrote the entire story; for the World.
Who is The GOAT. Let's not be candied. About What we Know.
It's the behavior; to whom owns of it. Through an human act; that is activated.
Be aware in society. Why, every one is watching. Be aware of of these homesteads. Why, company presents itself in individuals & pairs. Be aware of relationships; the misconception is. We've figured it All out. What each other is All about.
Spite the Emotional reaction. Changes the dynamics in human attractions. Why, and How so? What changed in the way we interact with each other. Where I see you. And You see me. And now how we approach in seeing; each other.
Time is All we need for US; to figure out what is changed & challenging; in ourselves. Now apply this analogy poured into the Entire World.
If knowing seasons are scheduled to change. Then why not Human Beings?
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Whether it's a long-term stay, short visit or open return date. Consider the world will continue to evolve in change. Once we've figured out Prison is not limited to sentencing in time. To a number, cell, cot, and walls.
If we in All claim to know. What is figured out. About how the system works. Then why is the system to blame, for the choices that we make. Then judge in making towards one to another. Life is important. Why, no one throughout this entire earth. Contains the knowledge of revolution in the original doctrine; written. To decide who resides; where on earth. Knowing We are quik to remind one of another. What to eliminate. and who is accountable for the choices throughout life that is or have been made.
There are instances human choices are not a fault. And what I'm saying is this; society, environments, challenges and by design. The sophisticated approach to speak on. Is we don't in humanity alway's get it right. And neither does our systems catch up in real time.
One day a mistake or choice and decision will decide our faiths. God on that date and time have mercy. Where man cast his or her judgement. For its these fragile minds & trouble hearts. That you see more of in love. And on that questioning hour of time. On the day, of a morning, evening and night. Let there be the Light that shines bright.
Even where and why we prefer to argue & debate. The judgment that awaits on earth. The truth is Time has been so patient & generous to All in this world.
How so, when there is so much suffering. And religion is still favored. Then tell the truth about who was here in the beginning of the world. When the world was silent & perfectly created. So the question still awaits; for an answer we in humanity cannot debate, judge are hide in our tongues of secrets told on and from; one to another. The question is in the beginning of Time. What is to be spoken on. That happened once life allowed; of the first breath on earth.
The First heartbeat In mankind. That walked & still lives. On this beautiful foundation. Created of nature for mankind. To prosper & manage the earth. For the duration of life. Until Time decides. Not mankind.
This morning another life & lives were & will continue to be shattered. Why, someone is still dealing with; finding their self identity, through the internal hurt, deceit & abandonment.
The reality is hurt is hurt. And no human in this earth is exempt. And neither will live an attire life. Are leave this life without experiencing or exposure to; who, what, when, where in why. The hurt is a breakdown in Generations of Roots & Bloodlines.
Why, we as humans need to process. Without Rage flowing deep down is the Emotional Intelligence. Help in the Emotional support, Emotional breakdown. Emotional Healthcare Management. Advocating self care to each other. Through resources of Mental Awareness. As it's on the rise in every race of humanity. As these life occurrences continue to affect everything or person in humanity. With breath of life here on earth.
The Struggles are Real in this life. Why, no one wants to be left alone & abandonment. In an extension of being and feeling a state of denied. Even by a Parent or Through Parenting types in this life. Why, eventually genetically Children will grow up into Adults. And Adults one day do become Children in their minds, is fragility. That changes also in the physical body. Why, Because of Time. If we knew the secrets to sustain life more abundantly. The attempts to silence life. Did not bury the hurt. People carry in these fragile mind & hearts.
Time is of the Essence. When relationships of any type in this life are no longer successful; and the bridges are fragile. It's time to be honest & genuine in Our life conversations. Why, one real conversation can heal the broken in spirit and disconnected in the minds & hearts. Time is desperately needed to mend the broken in spirit. Of generations.
Rest, because the work is plenty. Why, because the work has yet to be completed; in ourselves.
1991-2020. LIFE
Cunning: skill, cleverness are expertise. Also implied as deceit are craftiness. Depending on the; behavioral content. Believe in anything. ...