Saturday, August 10, 2024

These 4 Walls

Behind, beyond or staring at 'These 4 Walls'. Then why not 2? Well, if a thought was to be expanded. Then what makes of the dimensions of a box. Surely not in Tha 4 Corners. In what another human; just used in one analogy. Of real time. To  Not be trapped inside of fostered thinking. Would be to think out of it. Those corners of The Box.

In humanity, we talk to each other; every human on every day. Implying slick remarks towards each other; is destiny to get any type of people together. To being caught up in a conversation. Why, caught up? Remember what we say in any form of communication to one another; sticks around in the human minds. of these  human data based; is our conscious.

So, we alway's as human beings reach out for forgiveness, accept our voluntary participation in vibing. Or accept WHY, some people just don't possess a clear conscious or threshold. By continuing to add to these slick remarks. We just can't deny ourselves the internal drama. If we only could of paused the recordings; in ourselves, re-read our own text messages before clicking send. Are maybe not have answered those exchanged social media post at that moment of timing. Is this  immediate switch of cell phone numbers remains the records of history. Are had we just kept our arrogance; inside our own human heads. We just can't manage the storage of how & when the Universe; works. Instead this act of being slick is advocating of being educated. Is the new level of Intelligence. But limited education; is missing the rationalization for knowing. What is the platform. To navigate involvement of any participation of parties. In this slick talk around these 4 corners of the entire world. Is also these walls have ears, over years. Amongst these streets. Is the infrastruture on top of cobble & concrete  pavements and barriers is the walls. That Exist rooms of artifacts & physical movements. We could deny. If respect was a given. In our time together. To handle each other. Is acknowledging the WHY, it continues of cycle in patterns. We're just locked into our history of human affiliations. And were All thinking the embarrassment, once the possibility of the collateral damages; demands real answers. It's in the nature of laws. That runs deep in the wiring of being human. Is accepting our own internal flaws, fault or default; when and why we do the pillow talking. It actually occurs in vertical & horizontal positions. In every move on earth; of the living.

The issue in when people figure out. Why, forgiveness. How, do we as humans  collect All this information about each other. Allocate it to be Stored as 'don't speak on IT', then ask one to another. To pull up to continue in people sharing the history with each other. Based on the insane data base of our own internal feelings. To later use our own conversations. To set up or play back; it's original content & messages. On a different day,  same or different audience; in life. How do we approach Ammicable Respect from yesterday? If today is  the same problem trouble of crossing broken bridges; with each other. Of another hour, again is every human decision being communicated, and what was initiated  at that Time. To cause an immediate human response. 

Who, wants to function in a mindset of fear of one another? The World is  beautiful. If the business on earth; is reconciled of these human differences. If not an attempt to salvage a solution. That works towards the change; for some stability. Regarding human differences. Once it's figured out why timing is Always on time. Even in the adversity of life. All these tedious human secrets; no longer exist. Why, the same secrets are the scars in the living left here on earth. Now what happens in the real World. If real time responses to every Statute of Limitations. awaits the Judges & Juries in being human. To process over, and over again, the human history. In what Created the Conflict here on Earth. Without the upkeep in intervention is mankind; ability in consistency of Resolutions. Of All People who could restore; the way we cohabitate. On Earth is of occupancy. Of All in the residency? We just don't mentally accept; no human owns another human being in this world.

Originally time tracts the World. Created of 4 corners; of Society in People. Watching the Cohabitations of All types in Associations. 'That never happens over here'. Of what for generations has been in Existence. Of every human in every Community is Civilization. Around an algorithm that influences; the formula. That eventually expands into universal conversations. 'Never let no know one, make a fool of you my only beloved SON'. Knowledge is A Freewill. And who, in US of All. Don't Fear on any day of what is Unknown. And who will RUN next. In this course. Run with that Paton; in any Box packaged exist. Then sold back to the world; of what may or not existed of its own existence.

Think, as the search continues for Peace in All.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Dance With My Father

I chose this melody. Because it's special to know; this kind of love. An unselfish father. This human is capable of. Sharing of himself with another human in this world. And let's not be candied. Not to misinterpret it's All about 'US'. When it takes an unselfish human to release this type of inner emotion. And often in this life it's jilting to accept some Romance don't last. Even if it did not take US in life into forever. As People we must never take each other; for granted.  Remembering the Why, if I work on me, and you as a female continue to do a work in yourself. Finding each other is easy. It's holding on to each other; that's the human challenge. So we both need to continue in work. To respect each other; through life adversity & Test. Whether young or old. This respect for each other will either grow. Or either of Us will move on Broken in spirit. Is the why, confrontations & disappointments. Separate the US in our human expectations & aspirations. To staying together or depart forever.

A type of unselfish love so deep. But it does take time & patience to figuring out. What is the most important; priority to the both of US. When life is planned or life is going to happen. A dad or father is  eventually will resume  a roll to carry on his individual shoulders; family. But if in case a dad steps away. There is still to a child; this gentle giant in their life. Called a father. Not only financially provides. A father sacrifices & protects out of genuine love; for his children or the children. And humanity knows Why, some father's are underappreciated. But Not all; we just don't know each other's life story or dynamics that may have worked out. But sometimes their is these father's; who are more valued on earth. Why, because of a child's love for a father is something we just can't deny it interrupt. But can relate to understand why, some People do struggle with the absence of a father. It's being human.

As a mother I planted a seed. Into my son before he became a young father. First, understand what your feeling inside. Is what you will carry in your own heart. Then One day you will be an awesome father who will show this type of love. To your own child or children. 

From young men to an old Dad. No worries, it's life. One day we're all going to grow old. But understand why fatherhood comes with much responsibility. And life challenges. Just remember your commitment. Which means always work in your inner man. And everything will naturally occur in your personal relationship with your own children.

Father's Remember to hug your children tight; young are old. Just for no reason at All. Show them what shelter feels like; in your arms. Laugh and play even when your tired & worn from a long day or night. Pray over your children, and then watch how these children will pray over there Father's.

All around this world a father young or old. Even those father's who are in heaven now. In this world of People we all are; well aware of the Why. there is children in this life. And it's been established not All children know the presence of a father. If not the presence of a consistent father roll model. But think about what happens in a life; of a child. That did not get those encouraging moments, hugs and pep talks. As Father's in the living. Embrace every moment you can. Just to celebrate in this world; with the children. Enjoy their small or big accomplishments. And Father's it's ok to take a moment; for yourself. You're human, as well. I alway's told my only son. Lay those babies on your chest. He replied as a new father; why? So, your children will not forget your heartbeat. So, when one day will happen. They will also Understand that type of love & rest. No matter where this journey takes US. In life test. Are neither will it matter what People say or don't. Time is just unpredictable. And knowing love is a deep. Even if you don't believe in anyone or anything. One day everything is destined to change. And I know you're wondering the Who is left out on this Blog. But remember a female carries a child for 9 months. Until that shift is up. But For a father to a child; is in his or her or heart. Will alway's be this super hero dad. For a lifetime. Because of a Father's never ending love.


In humanity we speak in translations during various transactions. Of two actions is types; of verbal & physical. But are we aware in humanity; of really listening? Are do we in humanity by default & human flaws struggle to comprehend the dialect. To understand; how do we approach this dialogue. With each other. Is required of consistent work in ourselves. To pursue together a state of cohabitation in the living On earth. And when to speak. As we are talking amongst each other; in an effective or who is being affected. By what is it we're really demonstrating in self expressions. Or talking to each other; about?

Why, to address whether we're being intentional or non intentional in our human conversations. In what is or not being dismissed if not adjusted. In these streets, behind walls, face & face. And text messages. Exist the manipulate behaviors. Taken place in these human conversations. Or partial references & mild mannered statements. You're going to experience types & roles in People in this life; and some People are not ashamed or live through the denial. Of possessing no filter's. And for the respect of time on earth in these types of behaviors. If not for the respect of the Life experiences. Is the dialogue & platforms. All the children in every creed gender, age & race is watching. If not clicking together in this life. It's a pattern. That's inevitable; of the accountability of knowing what's wisdom is learned by the WHY. That a child can even compress then expresses through their individual independence. Is the validation of self expressions. Through human development in emotions. A child expressed; I want my own dad. Another child expressed I don't feel loved. As an entire society identifies the differences cultures. Is families & friends in associates. Is civilization of differences in human natures. All accross the world. In humanity identifying with; grief is a process that surfaces in All ages of People. Inwards or Outwards; humans do not posses the Power to control the life experience. What humans naturally attempt to do. Is re-channel the internal wiring. Of one to another human; in how they should project. Of a personal human expression. So we as humans harness our internal emotions.

In this world what is really going to happen. Knowing what is being advertised & packaged. For All; to process is this human brain. Why, not the heart. If we knew All about each other's human internal struggles. Figuring out the cure; is the WHY human heart's & minds will never align. 

This balance we in Humanity; search in each other for on earth. First, we feel the anticipated anxiety to be acknowledged; by each other. That is not the state being accepted by the acceptance. But figuring it out. About finding this balance in oneself. Is the same state of balance; of what another human being is feeling of a need in themselves. So we cope are dispute who is appointed the ownership of own individual personal struggles; between each other. Often in a feeling of entitled. Is the expectation from one human being to another. However, this is where hurt. Requires making the adjustment in ourselves. Children included. Is All types of the adversity. Which no human being is exempt. In what comes with life; is trials on earth. 

Why, We are born into life; individually. Even if birth in pairs of life. Each human will experience adjusting according to their internal understandings. By natural natures over a course of real required time; is this human transformation. That develops through growth & maturity. The downside is we're not All going to meet of 💯 %. Of each others; even of ourselves, without work is the exhaustion of meeting human expectations.

Why, there is a significant difference in the level of human behaviors.  entitlement, accountability, responsibility. But not before; we as human beings is taught; about. If not learn internally about ourself through experience. The Experience of adversity, trials &triumphs. Is a self pace learning of our individuality. In these human roles; as we adjust in the cohabitation together on earth. In life. It's inevitable in this Human race of People.

In society we are consumed by Anxiety of control over each other. Affected is the environment. Of which we are humans in the same cohabitation. Of our individuality and human transformation.

At early stages & ages of human life; a human being will experience internal emotions. Even a newborn baby inside of a females womb. Responds through instinct; of this connection of either parents Presence. Vice versa now this parent feels the same deeper human instinct. If The analogy were applied in life. Over generations of humanity. It's Our human instincts towards each other. Of human energy, between one another.

The moral is this what is the Password? to login; and unlock. Any human can make a move. Counseling is an optional session. Thinking is a Freewill. Overthinking is optional. To comfortably self share is another level. While individually being aware in a society called life. We in humanity continue to  'test' each other in All. Of the Why, We're not internally wired. In the state of survival or existence. We choose or accept to live in. Of not being 'built the same way'. However, we are born as Individual human beings in Civilization. On a personal journey. To figuring out; our own identity by the DNA identity of each other. Is the same state of being; Human of Emotional Intelligence.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


The addiction is embedded in generations of records of manmade history. How so, maybe we can figure out the WHY, we're in humanity. Addicted to each other. So, what's new of being advocated in this world to All. In the 4 corners is the real estate; located throughout this entire world? Of World News in humanity is people. That interact solely in communication.

Information is not hidden in the World. Maybe not often shared in the world with each other. Still exist; trademarks, copy writes of printed information. The same information sold to mankind. Of it's own human history. Not on Limited Editions of printed ink in Books. Information is universal & Located on a multitude of platforms. But it is a requirement of self initiative. To Research in finding what avenues. Is this personal & public information.

The history of mankind is this prime head liner; advertised to the entire world. How so? In these addictions We evolve amongst each other in this world. And of communication is the invitations reiterated of 'Pull up', to each other, from one or through communication of another. Then in humanity reason with; the Why. It's never about the when it will occur. It's alway's about the who did. Will prompt to the Why, it continues to happen on earth. Of where the drugs at. As these addictions accelerate in life. In and every corner there is the sign's. Think outside of the human box. Watch the anxiety, in those of US. Shifting feet in All the scrambling of egg shells 

Eventually, once we've figured out each other's weaknesses & strengths. The Addiction is in the existence, between  US in All. Will deal with the Algorithm. In the check's will then balance. Based on; eventually what is broken. Are continues over generations. In a pattern of vicious cycles.

It's never about only the character's in this life we portray who we really become. Of what really exist in our growth. And motivated intentions. To either Live healthier lives is in one's freewill; of the well being. In any state exist of our human selves.


In the Holy Bible Romans 12:9 KJV. And in respect of Religion - Human lifestyle's not All people reference the same Bible. Are spiritual beliefs & life living practices. Why, Religion is a deeper walk and personal relationship. Of which we the people in humanity. Decide in how we live.

In civilization we of many cultures in society. Choose in how we are not will  practice some form or type in Religion(.) 

In a life of cohabitations. This 'Jezebel' is a human. Judged, of herself in character. In what is or has been a teaching, practice or understanding. In herself. Exist the history of the 'Jezebel'. A human nature. Living also in the history of humanity. Seen as a human state of being on earth. Referenced is the 'Jezebel'. Of herself.

The Bible Meets Life. In this life no human being escapes SIN or the information in judgement for any type of SIN in the living. Although it's circulated if a human SINS repeatedly. And returns repeatedly to ask for forgiveness. The access to SIN is reconciled for life. Because of the forgiveness. Based on the reality of life. The Religion; forgives a SINNER. But the judgement still remains in tact. For the SIN of relatedness - repeatedness circulates in All of human acts.

In All humanity we judge of this Female or Male on earth. Why, a male? In humanity we live out the actual act to through the human natures. Regarding the WHY, referencing back to the main topic above. If it's read in depth from a Biblical history. For the intention to feed our own spiritual needs. Of more spiritual understanding. The Bible reads; of this human being. Referenced to 'herself'. However, in life on earth. We are the same human beings that SIN & Judge; then repeat the cycle of SIN.  In which we FEAR of a spirit is the 'Jezebel',  referencing 'herself'.  

If any man or female in this life of SIN through human natures. Lives in the flesh without SIN. Then who has the right to Cast the first stone amongst any male or female in this world. Of SINNERS is the SIN. And If any female has not lured a male through SIN vice versa; cast the first stone of whomever lives amongst the same life of SIN. If any of US in All, possess the gift to one another; of Salvation. While living in a world of SIN amongst human SIN through natures. Who is prepared to cast the first stone for; any judgement towards each other? We are not conformed to the World. As this pattern of SIN is the cycle of a practice & struggles on earth; of who has the greatest or lesser of a SIN. Is included the 'Jezebel' and SIN. A human who is judged of Lifestyles are practices. There is the SIN. That is judged even from one to another of SIN. Even, including Until & after; death. Why, living is our lifestyles in humanity. Of this human flesh. Amongst the internal struggles that is real; in our human selfs. And of course we humans express harness emotions toward each other. Because of the living portion; in this flesh. Of humanity we have the freewill of compassion. Of to or  not to pray for internal change. As we will continue on earth walking in this flesh. Of asking daily; forgiveness. For the SIN in this life. Is what we as humans struggle with; in ourselves.

Listen to the original messages. Before asking the why, In being human, sit still to observe. The WHY, we will not all look the same, believe the same. Practice the same lifestyles. It's underneath this SKIN, of what is deeper. In our human souls. That reveal the human practices. In our personal walks in this world. Together are Apart. However we are the people of a pattern in civilization. Over generations living in & out. Of a state of identities. Is being human in All humanity.

We will tell our own Truth eventually. Alive or Demised, is at rest temporarily. Underneath or On top is how we live or lived our lives; together on earth. If only time will allow more change; to occur. Is  the transformation of needed work. In our individual; self's.

Ghost writer

-D. White                                                      1991-2020

Monday, August 5, 2024


The reality is becoming an orphan; does not discriminate on the circumstances in life. People deal with each other, People find balance in adversity & human crises, some people can't beat the Vices, and some families sometimes don't bounce back from bridges broken. And life has revealed the Why, race, gender or age of any child or children is not exempt. Are either who will resume the protectors role. Once real life happens. 

According to the states requirement. Are either People refuge each other. In a fostered environment, of a long term & short term shelter. Exist of monitored or unmonitored conditions. Why, in this world people in life; get busy. So circumstances occur that are not alway's monitored; when we're vulnerable and left alone in this world. However, the plans we disregard to think through today. Will be the burden or reality of every one that is affected or expected. When these children are either dislocated. If not comfortably sheltered in love.

There is still hope in this beautiful world. How so, any human can become a widow, any child could become an orphan or victimize, any human could break in the mind. While the children or children will forever need love. Where there is this untimely absence of a human protector, gentle guardian or stable & loving parent or parents. Once we in humanity Think about the loss of life taken place in mankind. And how People of these villages are either prepared. Are non verbal, if not no longer here on earth. In this life of unexpected change. Of whom is willing to make human sacrifices; in patience to comfort each other. In humanity is adversity & struggles?

If we in humanity can honor; the Peace of protection & security of these children's interest. Without heinous human acts towards one to another. knowing why it takes a unified structured Village to raise a child. As we in the world of People. Look around  standing in villages. Is a world that exist these hearts of a lonely child.

It's the heart in mankind, that remains broken. Throughout time. So, we live vicariously through each other. Until figuring out. Happiness starts from within. Of what within we're willing to sacrifice of ourselves. To share the love with someone who is needing to feel back up. With a love; in themselves.

As in the world. Patience is Love in this eternal battle exist the worst to fight; is often the struggles from within ourselves. Turned outward into these Genocides, Wars & Homicides of each other. We continue to argue & debate; it's deeper. Until Illnesses, Vices, Addictions are Old age is called by Father Time. Throughout humanity. So, the stories of life is being written; of Human triumphs, human adversity, human pain, human loss & accomplishments. Why, the human suffering will reveal our human strengths. if not human weakness. In this human spirit, wr are tested in life. Even children carry the weight of life's hardships. How so, let's together diagnose the human interactions actions between each other. Because the truth of every life matter is; there exist the history of life. And what test the levees of our human differences. And the will; to live or the acceptance to no longer fight. We are still Humanity. Amongst those who are filled with compassion - sincere love. Of whom is not in All attached to the chaos in this world. Where there is still those that refuse to keep internal peace vs. compromising the value of any human life.

If any man on earth. Possess The original blue print plan created for human life. To settle our human differences on earth. Of what was taken from each other. Including life of another. Would peace finally heal in this land. To restore the hurt from the losses. Over the history; of All in mankind.


The confusion begins in not knowing; who is the paternal or maternal siblings..

See why, DNA is affiliated to the WHO..but often in this life; eventually it will resurface of the WHY, we were either not told. Are what we knew in All generations but did not properly and genuinely communicate the reasoning to each other.  On these Platforms eventually it Will make complicated or reasonable sense. Of what cohabitation in humanity; revealed in why these  hearts need time to properly heal. And those secrets that seem buried. Still exist awaiting to be communicated on earth. All it takes is one human disagreement. As we are the humans walking around. Tip toeing among. In the Living of human's on earth. 

Why, we are the births of life in these bloodlines of every ancestry. Rooted of a human being on earth, throughout humanity.

What happened in the world? Once the DNA genetics is requested & tested. In every creed of an age, race & gender.

If we avoid the Truth. Eventually whatever is done is the Dark will prevail into The Light. We all deserve the right of knowing who the Family is; that lives is the history in mankind. That will never be deleted. Of the blood lines that make up human history.

Wall Street

The streets amongst many streets across the World; indexes and algorithms. And every human is the consumer of an interest rate, alive or demised. The interest is inherited from one generation taxed unto the next  generation; in,😇 margins and fees. Fixed to credit, products and the demands. Of and in the Politics. Is the navigation that controls this entire world.

Fighting over money, eventually it revealed; every territory of division. In this world of opportunity; labouring  navigates every tool &  driver. Enforced through Policies & Protocols. But in these streets is real People & Familiarity. Of Walls covering System for the Peace of  Civilization knowing the WHY.  

'I figured it OUT'. Speak up without FEAR in your heart. Knowing what the life of bondage from one to another; has taught.

There is the emotions; of doubtors that move in FEAR. As the  driver in humanity of US All. Until the advisors communicate what is in humanity; debated that wins if not will RISE or FALL. Think in a mindset of living is not just limited to day to day survival. If Anything could possibly happen in this life. When did the reality of anything not happening; dawn in Civilization?

Today, is here from the economy of our past generations. And today in this generation. Whe in All are destined to; Cash or Crash. In a Stock Market that holds the wealth & poverty of the World's highest or lowest involvement in interest. 

Teach them the WHY. What does it not endorsed. Will occur in the World's economy; that eventually affects this entire World of humanity..

Online Platforms

 Online dating; just keep in mind. Of the pros & cons. Why, every age of gender and race is online. For their intentions is individually based on; a profile created in and on; a type of human interest. Included is Online gaming; it can be a past time. Are  it can be a lifestyle. Online communities can promote information to the entire world. And in today's time of social media vs. society. We are a human race. Still learning about one another, In evey second of a different day. 

I notice children are highly intelligent about the navigation in technology. I notice adults are excited about social media sharing information on platforms. I watch how the inventors have earned; streams of lucrative income. I see how society interacts on different levels of behavioral in communications. 

And what we also, as humans collectively see together is this; We're all interacting while searching and wandering around online. As we we also walk around each other on earth. Is the same place eventually we of humanity; scroll online to establish or re-establish a  type of relationship or communicate. With each other.

The Pros vs. Cons. Only in humanity have we figured out the entire difference.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Family Law

One of the biggest challenges in this entire world. Is case by case; of who in DNA; is accountable to respond. In reaching a long or short-term amicable agreement. Even if the biological parent is in incarceration. Are death is the absence of parents DNA. And it would behoove humanity. To figure out whose DNA has not been established. It's when the truth is hidden. And families get involved. Of what should be acknowledgement of facts in the cohabitation of People in this world. Not defamation of people's characters to establish agreed negotiations in conversations. Why, in life People agree according to their individual feelings in actions. However time will access. Of what was once an agreement. That will Reveal in this SKIN. Our characteristics & Behaviors of both  parties is made of DNA'S. So, often in the Family & Family Courts the natures of  mature is enough of a sincere concern. For who is the  paternal fathers. Why, not the mother's? The carrier is the mother's who gives birth through the canal of  a child or children. The world argument still stands on which carriers is the makeup in this entire Person. A small baby born of his or her in gende; of emotions & physics. Because the facts are not being DNA addressed. Once the cohabitation is evolving in this earth. 

In the delivery room, we're outside of invited guest in family & friends. Hospital staff and Doctors. Awaiting is still the DNA'S to be addressed. And whether the children were born on the history of an establishment of relationships & marriages. Are born during the cohabitations in life. Out of wedlock. Which is inevitable in All of human cohabitation, around the world. People interact with each other on earth.

The reality of human life; is People & children will suffer. According to the DNA testing. We're not in humanity All knowing; the DNA results. Verses children born into a state of being. Is the acknowledged of knowing & their own birthrights in DNA. This History repeats itself. In testing of the science. Will prove Not one act of cohabitation was one human involvement. Two humans demonstrated interactions. And Not one child born is without DNA. These  children are in our human choices. However, there is the one; accountability often overlooked in these Family or Family Courts; people change over a course of time. If not undermine each other. In their own human choices. Is one DNA test at deliverance. The paternal & maternal DNA can be sealed for history. And future generations..Could avoid the cost of suffering in mankind. To pay over the DNA cost over generations.

However, this world is the makeup of DNA's that continue to be born. And continues to be the cause of whether the breakdown is in courts for not establishing; the DNA & welfare of in All the children in this world. If we ourselves struggle with each other in being human. In internalizing life is filled with adversity. But at the same time being human beings in a crisis; to find out. The why, we as humans still lack of knowing. The DNA that paired in the procreated act of; our own identities.

In society it's inevitable to reason in what humans refuse or reconcile to do. Of negotiating; which bridges remain unsalvageable. How so, the world consist of People diversity & Traits & Characteristics. That is the internal Patterns of what types in Blood lines in between these 2 families. Each individual human belongs to. And the truth will be questions in generations to Why; my daddy don't love me. Or mommy abandoned me in this life. If this statement is false. Then why are the family courts really involved.

Uncertainty of human Belonging affects us in All; emotionally. Which could last emotionally in years of our individual lives to heal. 

It's this world of civilization we as humans are being tested in; to finally settle the entire missed, avoided, evaded, negotiated are established communication in. Even as adults we are still the birthrights to our own maternal mother's, and paternal fathers in DNA. Regardless of what occurs in this life. Are what we as humans decide.

Saturday, August 3, 2024


We are the blood in the history of life. Why, if you listen to People we all got an age and date. And a roll of names. 

If anyone judges each other, based on characters in this life. Pull in Slow to anger. Accelerate in Prayer. if you are not there in the spiritual world. Talking to man will clutter your mind. Why, we All really know what time/date it is. 

But If it's believable that Home is Where the human heart is. Live in this life of with a personal stronger purpose. Why, tomorrow is just unpredictable. Friends are far & near; of an enemy that idolize any type of attack.  Stay tune and in touch and knowing the ingredients to consistency. Is a loyal and royal move; in oneself. Why, Selfishness is meditated over time. As we as humans possess of many emotions & spirits that breathe life on this earth. Is why, Family fights &  struggle exist. However pure Love and unity; is the most Powerful gift. That surpass All life's adversity. In any types of Relationships. People feel emotionally entitled through an ownership. That is destined to either will fade away. On paper or even parenting relationships. Psalms are singled out. Why, we as humans either forget trying to understand; forgiveness starts in  ourselves. In order to grow up & mature; to understand,  in staying balanced. To  continue to find love for each other. Is simply a work in learning to respect each other; is Golden.

It's not just  the life circumstances, were All dealing with. While  finding a common space with each other in it. It's what some People don't want to change; about themselves. But attempt to expire or exchange; in someone else's. Regarding  themselves.

Therefore, just be mindful of being the best version of yourself. So, that even these children feel secure. In realizing their 'Old Souls'. Why, We all got to &  eventually grow up. in this life. Or be in a state of left mentally; behind.

We will continue to find Distress or Peace through context of contentment in our own individuality and identity. Why, because no one is not the weakest or the strongest; in of resilience or being broken. In this life. Freewill is human history. Flaw's will expose every human act in this world; of who will or has of SIN. Why, Religion is a choice in a civilization world of People. Where People will cohabitate all across the world. Over & over, again & again. Some will  Teach false doctrine, some will practice false doctrine, some are enablers; to the youth, babies are elders. In using false doctrine to live out their own lives. And to judge; and justify why their assumptions of God is not a Man. But how is it, man lives a life of SIN.

Grace & Mercy is bigger than Mankind. So, what stems from Hurt & Pain and lies. That's universal in mankind. In this world of wealth, joys, famine, headaches & pain? To All figure out Once the Inventory of life is present, packaged and sold to each other. Think hard about What & Who will stand then qualified to Judge on a Solid foundation on earth?

Race in generations. And still standing in the presence of Judgement of All my beloved's.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...