Saturday, November 23, 2024

DOWN Below

In acknowledging the social circles. Around Love. For the security in the Narrative. It's an action or physical act; in Civilization. Over generations.

In finding love, sharing love. Are experiencing each other. Until we ourselves; figure it All out.

In respect of the Culture, it's not that we are All fully educated, experienced & aware. Often in the Culture; All races of people; exercise their human freedoms. In privacy & public affections.

And to this new generation of offspring. In this generation there is nothing new that has not already; been  done in Human's. But If we're not educated or educating one another. Not just limited to experimenting with these human bodies with each other. But speaking out loud. Lord help Us in All. 

About these; human emotions. That get highly involved. ~Rest beloved 1991-2020 🪽 . But I want you to have someone to love; as well, before I leave this world. My beloved never let any human minimize the love you possess. Are don't allow yourself to grow angered. By what appears of a human selfish act. In being taken for granted. God watches the pain we inflict on each other; from above. Keep talking to God. Because life teaches why, there are good people, and there are selfish; people. But for me I have you, a gift of life from GOD. Therefore every life experience. Count it as joy, son. Because of life; is something deeper down; of a feeling in our souls. And I have lived my life enough knowing how to process pain & still share genuine love. While there is time left of this world. Even if that same love is not alway's reciprocated. from another human being. Pain teaches US why. Time heals are breaks people down; inside. And it was over time; I learned to love every area of myself & that's enough. To live on. But if God has plans for us. I leave in you a love so deep, wisdom & strength in protection. And for me; I pray daily. GOD; records in the Book of Life. For whomever causes you tears. When you shared love. Knowing your own pain in life.

It's love they will wander around looking for. To remember the Why, in a cycle of Remembering;

We are judged as Females raising our baby's  into Grown Woman & Grown Men. Two individual humans apart of the same generation. Is baby's and boys raised to be Grown Men, that are judged for being the sole protectors & providers. For All the females & children. In a world children are the Narrative of raising; themselves. In reality it's happening in All families of the world. As it's debatable in a Society of All people. And no human roll is exempt. Of who is not to speak on it. But involved in it; as well. Of breeding the sexual permiscuity; mindset. But who has the knowledge & experience; to teach humans how to process & express human love.

Another Narrative. To resolve. In an environment in any state! People are free; to raise their own & other's kids. And to just feel free. But judged about better understanding each other. While living free first; is to better understand; ourselves.

Some people are green for a reason. Some people breed the Narrative into generations. some people watch in the world. To ❓ what needs to change. I heard a child say, she is beautiful. I heard a child say 'ugly'. I responded it's about what you see; but also what you feel. If you knew why, beautiful can be; ugly. And ugly, can be beautiful. They ask why?  It's in the human heart.

If we understood what we don't choose to; learn.. then what is the argument that woke up; the next of little & big people. For the next shift. In another generation.

Children will face challenges in this life. Why, love, what is it. How will I know it. And if it last; forever. But let's first identify with the difference


Sexual tension, where there is the  emotional energetic forces. In Humanity; of whomever is desiring; each other. To pair & rebirth of new offsprings in this life. Are just to experience..There will be the rebirth of another human generation; with lack of; conflict resolution. That's pending; in our human hearts. And where there is lack in knowledge & lack of experience. Chaos & Rebellious acts. Time will once again reveal; what will happen next.

Into the world, of what has to be born again. The Bible reads how can a man enter a mother's womb; twice. As we in humanity. Will hunt down justifying a Debate. In what is Written vs. What is reality in this life.

We can argue about; petty things. Are not settle our; Individual human quarrels; of what stirs up the internal battles in our own hearts. But it's Time that we no longer can barter with; to repeat. What has already been done. Under the Sun. As we search the mystery; to finding each other, for the love in each other.

                Down Below in Mankind!


Thursday, November 21, 2024


Since the beginning of time, stories have been written, human lives are still filling the history; according to Biblical Prophesy.

Therefore, there is nothing, absolutely nothing. That's new in humanism. Included in All of Humanity. That has not been seen, talked about, recorded, debated, harnessed, divided are reiterated & denied. In what is to go undocumented are; ransomed. Of the repeat; in all. 

Is every human act. Is the untreated, acknowledged, or left unattended. Of what is repeated from generations to generation Z; in civilization of human relationships. Circle back to; Under the Sun is humanity.

But still the question; for another question. For the sake of judging every human perspective. To validate our own; individual thinking. Over a cost in what, why & with who, and where. From the beginning was the Earth, flat. In the middle was Life in genetic foot prints, placed in it. And in the Ending is All a human; Dash. Indicator of Time. Of what in reality; is happening or occurred.

Life was never to complicated, of what humans managed to complicate; through overcompensating with; each other in sacrifices of ourselves.

Nothing, absolutely nothing new has been done. In humanity with a human title or a human roll. Of a genetic footprint. That has not already & is repeating; a cycle in life. In being done of an human act or actions; on earth. That emotionally affects another human being.

So, Let's talk, about what; SIN? To each other about each; other's SIN. To argue and debate SIN; over each other. The same SIN. And internally dealing with life. Through adversity in which we All; face. 

'Some people, included is not All of believers. Actually believe or think Karma is one sided. 

In Humanism; exist Love & Hate. Judgement over each others; Flesh & SIN in nature's. Payback another human. Envy & Jealousy of another human. Every human act is Biblical Prophesy demonstrated on Earth. In humanity it was just decided. In how we choose to live life; and who to talk about who did what in humanity. Knowing the truth is. We in humanity did the Sin All together. Under The Sun.

The root of evil doings.

We judge the entire concept on the Narrative drugs throughout the entire world. And if history proves in humanity the entirety of facts. Who in humanity including the play in Politics, leader's & gang talks is not limited to acknowledging; look into the schools; the most vulnerable souls. As the assumptions has to exist. If only a dive deeper into the World. Is the real cohabitations & genetic footprints. throughout every infrastructure & landscapes that humans interact throughout this earth. In how humans viewed or eluded; the de escalation of crime. 

Remember an attempt to change, requires the committed in life. To continue knowing the challenge; will always exist internally in the breathe of Humanity. Even if there is no change seen; that sustains the human argument to be repeated. In the what has not been Done, under the Sun?

The Bridge; of life. Internally it wears & tears. Externally In All we eventually in the physical; Collectively or Individually. Cross that Bridge. Where our human feet will stumble.

In a World that Prides in advocating, 'Don't speak on it'.  Eventually Time will tell it All. Anyway 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Coffee No Cream

Humans have unfinished; business on earth. Of every Identification that; expires on the expiration date printed. However, the human identity is what lives in the physical; being.

We All want the Tea. On each other In humanity. If only in Humanity. We All would have a seat. And proactively listen. To the main Narrative;  repeated throughout History.

As parents what could possibly be missed. When a parent has expiration dates; in human patience.

As our children; are not clueless. To what they feel in their hearts. Of knowing we are the human extensions Of another human; that desired to procreate; a genetic pattern of ourselves. Over generations we are still asking each other; for more understanding. Of the physical features that is the makeup; in ourselves. And what I'm referencing is this; growth & time is part of our individual human development. And in these bodies. Real time is needed; for us to All mentally grasp. What is the physical part of these bodies. Processing as we in humanity are developing in; of our individual selves. To identify who we also are a part of; in humanity.

A parent yelled out. 'I'm tired of being a parent' the reality is Parenting does not expire or end. In your human genetics. A young mother isolates herself with a new baby into the family 'while a feet away behind another door & wall is also the remainder of her younger children in stair stepping ages',  the reality we in humanity have concluded it takes a village. Then there is no time limit to not get involved. 

In a marriage is the Symbolism of a pair in Unity. Of the additions included a child or children who has special needs. Still a child of their  own identity; amongst an entire family. In Grandparents & Extensions of family. The support in every scenario; is initiated from whom above. In Families get involved; whether right or wrong. Blended or not. The moral is this; in humanity. Titles & rolls are endless for us in All. And every not spoke on and addressed life situations. we All got; emotions. And an open shift. To support the human needs. Exist on every; foundation on top of the Earth.

Some of us as children were raised. Are even breeded in our environments; to feed, care or even protect; each other. Even before we we're even physically or mentally capable of protecting; ourselves. Some of us have grown or grew up; in homesteads & around blended families. Of different morals, values, beliefs. Religion or Non religious beliefs. Including the human addictions belief is functional in some villages. Other's include acclimated environments of sharing gentle hugs & kisses throughout; family history. And even hearing the word love was not enough. It was the idea of the expectations in hearing the verbal; and the expectations of a gentle human touch. From one to another. In saying a warm way 'I love you,'. In a world of types of Cohabitations.

My son shared, with me his human thoughts. at an early age. He was raised in an environment of its safe to  express how you feel. And a deeper threshold of protection. Even during his latter years. Then one day In his adult experiences with other human beings. Someone in his life made a comment. In saying; that's different; hearing; the way you alway's say to one another ''I love you'. My son replied. It's a natural reaction, you don't communicate it often with your parents? Because I also have a spiritual connection. In my parental relationship. I posses with my mother. Which the safe place that love. Is always expressed for deeper understanding. Not just; a human expression; spoken at human discretion. We have a respect & bond. We've worked on through my entire life. Our growth is what we both experience; individually. To share in our individual understanding. We're just individual human beings. Trying to figure out. Our own purpose. And what living life; is really about. 

Then one day as a mother. I witnessed what he experienced. Of a shift in his life. At age 22. I remember the call after the text.  It was a day that changed his life. It read 'mom I love her'. I knew then he finally figured; it out. What is God's Love & being a protector; about. Then again at age 24, he welcomed his first born son. And at 28 he left genetic footprints. From a birthright of life. To his final Dash- on Earth.

In life Follow the pattern. You'll physically feel the experience.

These feelings we express; as babies, children, youth, and then adults. The rebirth is cycles that continues through our children into adulthood. So we attempt to safeguard each other. In this human skin. Bombarded in these emotions. amongst ourselves in every age. of anytype of relationship; is the mental sense of connection. We continue to debate the state of being human. In every generation 

And if you watch humans in All ages of any race. They either identify with; human affection or something that is disconnected; in ourselves. How so, ever been asked where do I come from. Regarding; a parent or a connection to a biological family; pattern. Are because of the emotional experiences with each other. There is the attachment needed; to feel a sense of importance. Or the question asked; what's wrong with me; as a person. After a separation in any type of rejection. Are even separation from a human relationship; we will run the scenario to scenario. to compile human reasoning. In why it's the other human; to blame. If not identify with. What we could work on in our own; decision making. We as People process in a mindset of overwhelming; natures. Often eluding To being owed. From any human; of rhetorical answers. In why another human being; does not appease. Are respond to me. For the reality is; humans are not resolving. Their own Human conflict resolutions. For continuing in repeated mental patterns; that even the Family Courts are in revolving mediations. To set boundaries. For each other to reconcile in social relationships. Which in reality for this Generation X or any previous generation. Still has internal work; to manage in ourselves.

The reason why, there is suffering. Over the disconnect in family & social relationships; in civilization. Driven by human emotions. Young & Old.

Again, All People need to feel a sense of belonging to each other; in a world exist of the isolation, dysfunction are functional interactions. Especially the personal connection to a parent; absence are present. Why, our entire lives; emotionally from birth. We are the offsprings. Of children in every age. Who feed off the emotional state & catering. To please our parents; human expectations. If not another human to another.

So, often in our real life relationships. The mental Levees break. So years of relationships do not develope. And for some Families. The reconciliation stages; loses emotionally. In the young as babies & adolescent years. Due to the severance of the structure in ties. Any time gap. Where genetics of direct siblings; are apart. eventually the internal senses will by human nature; reconnect them. As where the blended families; are introduced are repair the relationships years later; as Adults. Why, Children do process psychologically; emotional intelligence. But they are to young to mend their own; human relationships with each either. So the time gap in separation trends the cycles of patterns; of what needs initiation. Of the paternal & maternal parents are family. Included is the state of matrimonials. Are the involvement of mediation is The Family Courts; of caseloads is generations. For either people to resolve independently the internal; disconnects. To refuge in sustaining healthier or identifying the dysfunction; in our human; relationships. Exist of a different; human mindsets. 

Why, again let's dig deeper into our family backgrounds. To cure the curiousity. To complete the why on our own. These human Identities, are relevant. From child birth. In this life is the genetic footprints. Is the internal conflict.

Children develope in the mental & state during years of human life. And if advised; beyond families. They are given the opportunity to embrace the human experience of who; we are as individual little people. The same as Parents are adults. Desire to procreate life; of a baby. In continuance of the pattern in their individual DNA. 

It's not an insult to know; who we in DNA; are latter to search independently. So many lives are affected & healed. Just in knowing their own identity. And a sense of human belongings.

We All seek love & protection in each other's human confidence. A sense of who are we Individually. But who; are we really; in the pattern of this world together?

Growing up is a; beautiful painful process. Growing old; is a process no human thinks; about doing. Because of our human challenges in this Skin. In a world many of us have or still seek the emotional; understanding is the experience of humanism. And in every age & race; not limited to racial barriers. With each is the experience we identify with; one of another. Without each other; we don't extend the; genetic footprints.

Then what rebirths the bloodlines in of our DNA. To circle back to family.  The Cohabitations. That circles back to the extension of; our internal self's. 

If we think about what is the argument. Over the disconnect in the  human birth rights. And how fast  in the mindset; process. In the Family Courts; Blended is the argument; of whether the roots are bound to one's traits in DNA. In society humans identify blended is only individual genetic footprint; collected of separation; that symbolizes the image of a family. The problem is children that become adults; seek out their of genetic identity footprint. And without the connection in All of the genetics; footprints. We as humans will forever; settle in our own human reasoning. If not Collectively to piecing together; an own identity.

Conversations are endless; not every scenario is without; a narrative. That the biological parents; are in logic appointed guardianships. Because what is taught to US in being human. We are accustomed by human nature; to conform. In these human bodies in what we become; in ourselves, being human. 

As we attempt to internally repair & reassemble; what is in the inside. Of each other. Remains of individual; genetic footprints. 

Regarding love, & human affection. If only we could control these human interactions. Why, it's enough to figure who we are; before. understanding the types of; in who we as humans. emotional become to one another. Exists during the procreate stage is human types  people; internally emotionally disconnected. Some people love whole heatedly. Some people struggle to communicate their own; feelings. Some people just don't know how to; express or reciprocate; feelings. Some people just desire the relationship; for the capability is needed to birthright the offspring; of life. It's sounds immortal. But a common human act. the reality is the anatomy & is in the human body; humans  create a genetic footprint together. Of what breathes life in Civilization.

Two heart filled holidays; Father's & Mother's Day. Why, humans are both emotionally; connected. To family. Of DNA genetics. That circle back to the individual; anatomy & appearance. So, it's a human reasoning to ask & search for; an identity. Including the physical absence of humans existence.  The ❓ stems from what does my footprint of DNA; resemble of them (my biological parents). a pattern in traits; over human generations. 

The reality is some form of human interactions; occur. In every generation of;  human life. Whether we foster; the truth. 

The same reality is; we will learn more about ourselves; of what we seek in each other. Of human  connections. Is family. Knowing who we are. The emotional experience continues through seeking Love, Attention, Compassion; of a development that naturally occurs in these Human Identities.

Regardless in what types of humans. We claim of each other. Are deny in of our own footprint s. Are not know of our own; human history. Does not mean we are blemished; a family. Where humans emotions get involved. Time is lost. It's Biblical to relationships; humans must restore the hurt; implemented into one another. That passes down the feelings of Loneliness & Fear. 

In All humanity we struggle with. 

Losing a child. Losing a Parent. Is a  Lost of human DNA. But the extension of a lost in life. Is the restoration of the DNA extension of genetics footprints in birth. Of the Roots in the same Bloodlined. In the real world is also blended; family. 

We were told not to ask family tree questions. To raise one another in a❓. Only to circle back to figure out the truth. At latter ages in life. If not the burden as babes. In the truth; of who we are; individually. Is in humanity; of what is the footprint of our human; genetics.

Saturday, November 16, 2024


In the population of Society. For the sake of; judging human excuses. If only these court rooms chambers & homestead walls. Built on the infrastructure. Of the evidence in confidentiality, named streets & graffiti walls could physically talk. Would it be a surprise. Of what the truth is in mankind. As the dialogue gets brokendown; adequately. To cover ever inch of structure. Over the history. That started with the ancestry of humanity. To catch the world news up; in this generation. Of the Laws, Criminals, Society and  unresolved  case loads; in the history of Criminal activity, Criminology & what is it  pointing of the fingers; in Civilization.

So, that humans don't assume; we're under or over educated on the history & integrity of; human struggles. That lead to human crimes. Throughout the world.

SIN, keep the integrity of it in tact. For the Narrative. To be Judged about the same SIN; we judge doing it with each other. In the skin is human nature's. On Earth.

Question, has any one human on earth. Benefited from an immortal; act. Or has any human ever been actually caught in being an accessory to; criminal acts. Are has any human  told on another human; involved in an criminal activity. Are has any human watched another human; take a bribe, indulge in the bribery. Are engaged in an unethical act. If not an act of violence that caused another human; life. Are falsely imprisoned another human; for perks, promotions & kickbacks. And finally the most in humane human act; throughout mankind; human trafficking is the least. To catch up with getting caught in an indecent; act. with a life who is of; age in innocence.

We can Judge the drug dealers, the distributors, the legalizations, and the human addictions. And If poverty is to blame. Then where did the access; begin in the history of crime.

Throughout the universe; crime happens. But we also must question the environments, infrastructure, healthcare, rehabilitation & financial economics. And generations in education. The deeper we judge each other. The more accountability; is uncovered. Included is the structure in branches of services; for humans on earth. So, that All humans can contest. What opportunity, existed. Around; social injustices. 

To debate in this life; All the complacent answers continue to exist. For the judgement; to be justified for the judgement to be allocated. But in the history of humanity. no law has been judged; on it's foundations of deliberating. In why not All in humanity. Has answered to some type of found; indiscretions. in every human life. That carried the burden in truth. It was the root of some type of criminal deception in mankind. That Every human would find themselves. In of an Association. Attached to; their transition of personal Life adversity; 

There is Fatherless children in every race. And the Mental state. Of Humanity. But there is also the pages of real life lived throughout history. Of How Humanity. Repeated it's; own human history. So, we don't judge in depths; of the Narrative hate. But acknowledge the human facts. We are Blamed for hurting each other. We are judged for salvaging; each other. From the internal broken hearted. To debate the barriers that divide; us in humanity. Is All.

If mankind did not exist. What would be the; argument. To deny access to every human on Earth. And imply defiled things to cause them in any race of people; to express human emotions. One day we will figure out; what type of disproportion in humanity. Has ever resolved; anytype of Peace on Earth.

Remember it takes Villages to raise a child. Leadership to build Nations. Of many generations; is history of division in All of life's generations. To repeat & seek what is left; disproportion in Knowledge.

Life is a mentor. If life is more appreciated. On yesterday a Grand parent stated 'one day the old will no longer be around', I listened then replied. Then today in these trenches of life, there is necessary work. To get done'.

As we write off human history. In a rage of human emotions; it's the cost. No money or agenda in the world. In Reality; can resolve.

Holiday Cheer

All around the world; another opportunity has risen. To celebrate life and a gift; in a new season.

But before we Fall back; and forget to celebrate Thanksgiving. Remember those who are no longer with US. In celebration of what we can celebrate in the moments & time. The seasons are blooming before our human eyes.

As retailers are pushing Christmas on the shelves. Thanksgiving has just began; tapping at our doors. And who is embracing time. To set the tables for another; assemble of what we have on earth. Is Life of whom we celebrate; together with.

Eventually the shelves will be empty; again. And restocked in the Blink of An Eye. For the next holiday; approaching. Before the last has been celebrated..

Remember Time does not; repeat the last moments of Life. To be more Humble & Thankful in the presence of this Time; is a personal Freewill to mend what is broken in these Human State of Affairs. We All got affairs to deal with; on earth. But in it. Is also a Freewill to embrace; the gifts of the blessings. In this life. Not found on sale, or in a human expectation, expressions are promises. Are even in a retailers; store. Are credit lines or percentages off; merchandise.

Remember A New Year; 2025. Already has audited a new plan. Before 2024 has concluded it's; human history.

This Precious Gift of Time; will locate whose human hearts; are filled with Peace of Mind. Is of the Freewill to share in; what is priceless.

Celebrating Life. On Earth is Civilization.

Happy Heavenly Holidays my Beloved's ♥️ 

Friday, November 15, 2024


If People could be the creation; of Bob & Betty the Builders. Would people have the perfect relationship on earth. To not face what really happens in; human relationships. Once the foundation shifts;

Allow us in humanity to keep our heads; on a swivel. Why, it's get's real in the trenches of life. When control; of each other. Spirals out of control. Once humans decide it's time to re-evaluate or need space. In any types of these human relationships. We do reach; a breaking point. From person to person. Is well deserved Time alone. Are to relocate mentally. Why, the lack in understanding. Of why there is ground work to put in; before placing the expectations. On a foundation. To position another human to human, into submission.

But before we start ten toes in. To not stand over another; human ten toes up. It's not a joke. People in All races;  flip out of a box; over relationships & status pro quo. Before, thinking outside of a box. Of how they first found themselves; in or around it. To begin with.

In anytype of relationship; the experience in being established. Feels comfortable. However, the feelings of being released, rejection or alone. Reaches another level in; human anxiety. Regardless of age, race or gender.

In Society, it's real. In 

What is it about; the human titles - rolls. In any type of relationship; it's people that dictate & validate the status. And whose in a relationship, going back to a relationship, not looking for relationship. And falling in & out. With an old or new love?


What is involved to manage a relationship; status. Until we get to know enough about ourselves. It's change or sacrifice. If not human compromises we're judge destined to figure it All. Are something's out.


Who is equally yoked or qualified in these statuses; pro quo. We don't know. People figure out; what works are not. The key is not; to revisit repeat. With a new person of the same character.

What is cheating or who Determines who is the cheater in the relationship or Cohabitations. When or you both agree; on selected constituents & what is an agreement in set boundaries. Because lack of experience in relationships; causes problems. That could of taken the time; or seconds to just communicate.

Why is their a need to advertise;  airing the hardships in these relationships. Are life test in that relationship; in society. Are online to strangers? Who judge each other. Knowing there is possibility some relationships pause then unpause; old & new history.

Why do some relationships, last for a short period or a lifetime. Whether children or involved of the two. Or someone else's. Are not any children; at all.

Why in the relationship; is someone alway's asking or dealing with; one's if not both. Emotions, deception, disappointments, lack of attention, misunderstandings & forgiveness. If there is the history of repeatedness. Are togetherness in these human Cohabitations.

How many times has humans repeated the same; Narrative over time. Before we find human ourselves with or without; another human. to share with each other; mutual emotions.

When is violence or disrespect; accepted. Before we find ourselves; setting up. One another for payback; in our temporary human emotions. Someone alway's hurts. Including children. Over these light & heavy hearted; emotions.

Why in these human relationships; is the burden that carries pain, is inevitable?

Why do. But not All, these relationships in statuses; grow weary, bored & people feel unattractive. Because the status is; we belong together. Regardless if changing our; human minds. Is inevitable. We must GROW... And the reality is Time is mandatory in every age category.

So, we're incapable of saving each other. And no disrespect. We're just emotional; by human nature. Therefore it's going to be a challenge. To figuring out. What relationship is equally yoked. Because the work requires all humans; to work on themselves.

Why, do the children miss out; in experiencing healthy relationships. If we're to be honest. The children process the environment of our relationships. Whether the adult relationships works or not work; out?

Why, do People internally grow. And other's; don't? We either outstay our welcome. To continue in pardoned what has changed or not changed; in our Individuality.

How do we determine; who is human and enough; in meeting the expectations to one. Are the other human need in 'I want, I need, I thought, I should of not, but I did it', of what the mind and heart; struggles with from inside. 

If Bob & Betty the Builders were to build the perfect person; for all humans today. To fit each human diversity in personality. Then who would change one are the other. To feel deeper. Where there is now difference in the relationship. Are who grows in or out of the relationship. What would the children look like. Are Who will be attracted to; what was built according to his or her individual idea; of what we look for in each other. Is submission. If what I made whole in of another; human. To fit who I AM as a person. 

How do we really find each other; by looking at what I want. Not what you need. Of what I want in my mirror.


The word is educate. Unto the educated. Why, education is an extension of understanding; every logic & non logic. That exist in every aspect of life. 

Including the why, to remove fluoride. And what illnesses have a cure. To cure every illness humans inherit or obtain over; a life span. Because these bodies need proper maintenance and consistent in care. Why, father time, aches & pains. Does not play favoritism in humanity. Around the world.

So, what is next. In 2025. To remove are adjust. In what has been around for generations. That may are not affect; other's. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024


MUD is murky on the outside. Could only Imagine; what is lurking inside of it.

So many topics on Earth; to; address in discussions. And yet we in humanity; are still configuring out; how to build on top of landslides. The types that continue to occur throughout the world. In back fires.

So, why not Smile. Any occurrence, current event or life lesson. Will eventually spiral out of control. Of what we in this skin. Struggle to deal with in; being our human selves. And the overall sustainment of; who over who is; sustains, controlling the control. 

2025 what changed over the years of mankind. Beside the Emotions & Fear of what we birth; back into stumbling over each others feet in the world? To deal with human; Anger & Hate, to healing ourselves. Is finding in another human Empathy & Compassion.

The Slang talk is words; that surround. Types of how humans energy. That communicate with each other. through comments & statements; about each other. Are in addressing one human to another human. For the respect of Time. The draw back is We've heard it All. If not addressed each other; face to face. Because of what is a repeated pattern; human emotions. that demonstrates human actions. So yes, were bound to get Caught Up; with each other. Knowing what happens in Not having Conflict Resolution. To entertain themselves; for the attention. to exist in being a human being. Why, the anxiety for human attention. Then gravitates; a presence in audience, with human perceptions or a formed idea. On any platform or standing in any space of society. In civilization walking around to agree; or some disregard the Culture based on Human Affairs.

Key & Active listening; is understanding what is the message the messenger; needs are wants if not demands you to hear. And here we are again; circling back to our styles of active listening in the presence of one to another. Or Regardless of the listen styles. Remember humans form words. That's speak; volume in the World.

Again, if you want the truth. Dare to ask each other in being human; what part did  another human being also contribute. To SIN in this world.

After my son's demise. I listened & read for knowledge & understanding. In the lost of scrambling of the statements of the world. But proactive in listening to beliefs & judgments. Over the why, 'I'll die for mine, ever think about. Who will remain in the living around you; still standing. That care about life. Especially the Life's you will; leave behind you. If we as humans only thought about what is birth from these human mouths. The Bible reads, of a double edged sword. An  impactful; entry. Over a world of human statements. Are made to create a dialogue. So now we are part of a Culture. In every day of this world. We either choose to listen in respect. or disregard in Disobedience.

I'll get it done. What would happen if you were the least of; many humans. Who would?.Regardless if you're still living. Are no longer with US? Ma I'll figure it son. We're accountable for ourselves.

I'll see what happens; what if tomorrow is not promised. Life is not making calls or texting any human being. To prepare US for what is; next. Even if the writing is drawn on every Wall on this Earth.

Pull Up; to who, where, and for what. 'Again the week of my sons departure from earth. If only we knew. What life has in-store. Are just be prepared. To address a World of Affairs. That arise in everything or anyone human; is change. That will shift the foundation of All relationships. Why, understandings is this jig saw puzzle. And where humans change the inner man. disagreements; are wavering the balance towards a mudslide. As we All take a noise dive; over the human reasoning in this life.

I need a superman. Where on earth is this superwoman. In the supernatural. The songstress 'sung, I'm not your super woman'. Decades later another song was written 'Superman'. In a world we struggle to find; identity. To find a match of our own. We also figure out our own; individual human struggles. To stretch out in our strengths & deal with our inner weaknesses.

I take care of mine. We'll we are the birthright from the sole; protectors in Parents. Of whom is accountable to ensure; our priorities are in alignment. Of our own personal decision making & choices. If not we feel as humans; feel emotionally entitled to each other. In holding the expectations on someone else; to be accountable for ourselves. With no disrespect this phrase is making a powerful.statement 'I don't need nothing from him or her'. In a world children need protection, support & love.

Just a few play on words. No pun intended. In order To unscramble. To subscribe to a Culture.  Breeding subliminal messages. The attempt. To control of what is clearly stated. Are creates more doubt. For the ❓. That may never receive a real answer. Around this Independent studying & figuring out; it's a tactic used throughout education. But not every human has created a study plan. Overtime it's life development. Where life coaches step in to assist with; human discipline. 

I found an interest in my latter years; for a personal reasoning. In  Sociology & Psychology. My mother studied one area. I chose a different route. But acknowledge if not respect. The message. There is many scholars in the world. Equivocal to non scholars in the world. Of Cohabitations throughout the world. Including is the Prison's and education; for the human side. Is titled inmate's. That gain perspective in their living conditions. To find an interest. Is also, their human resources, of information. To continue in development. Of their human relationships. The difference is confinement vs. Freedom. We refer of each other; of All in the difference in humanity. 

We have a freewill to earn a Degree of Life. Through every human nature is the experience. Of learning substantial information; in free to gain.. In The Blink of An Eye.

If the physical exist. And the mental processes; what is fed into a mental space of our own human; brains. As the children need time to process what we are implementing or implying; into them as humans.

Everyday we rise, every night we fall! Into a deep sleep. Humans.

Everyday the grounds shift. Everyday the flow of energy changes the environment. Society & Infrastructure.

So, keep in mind. The World was created. For every Color, is Contrast, and Context; of an Association & Identity.

Son, one question. How do you feel; internally. Everything is flowing naturally. And I feel. Is human energy. What i deal with, in being human. Is working deeper in myself. to find a common space. In order to live my time on earth. 

Purpose: we don't owe each other; nothing. For figuring out our own Purpose in this life.

Who again, has Tribal knowledge. To predict what course will affect Time. Without obstruction to the roots of humanity. As the world is changing in it's own mirror of Beauty. We are not without; human accountability. Are less in fault. Or default. In how we choose to live. In a state of; knowing or in cluelessness.

Mudslide; one day humans walked the Earth. One day humanity rested under it. Whatever works is not forever work.

Say it again, 'I don't have no problem with you'. However every situation. Stems in math. That raises the atmosphere of internal; FEAR.

He are She on Earth; who barters with Time. Creates the rift between knowledge & wisdom; between each other is Religion. How so, what do we as humans; manage of control. If not what is controlled in; ourselves.


Listen for the Stillness in the air. And focus on calmness from the sky. As the feet of humanity. Pace back & forth on the ground. In this space called life. Exist of Father Time & Mother Nature. Life - Death the gate keepers; Amongst the changes in every Season. Non controller of mankind is; human. It's by Nature of the Earth's law. Of what occurs; in the courses of the silent & raging; winds. The breathe of life; Humanity to lives. In civilization. throughout  every suburb, rural area of generations. Existence has been; tampered with. From one Human to another human; in agendas & prophecy. For every year is administered according to a calendar hung on walls. And if we were to remove the calendars off every wall. to tract time. Time would be tracked by humans; according to pocketed compasses. Leaning towards when the sun sets. And when the sun; rises again. 

On top of this foundation. That was formed; prior to the beginning of Mankind's own existence.

What is Peace. When Human's have raised the issues of Hell on Earth. To barter with an untouched element; in separation of ourselves to exist. Is time that continues to shift. The winds. As the adversity; of our human struggles. Become the force of infliction. Between One to Another. Over what resolutions to barter with; for control. Of the human shift. To retain retention & division. Amongst ourselves.

Life has a pattern. How so, human's exist in a pattern. From the Beginning to every Ending; of it's own details. In around the Projects & Projections implemented. Then motivated around the world. But Time will surrender; how much is effectively completed. How so, humans will never complete; a work in each other. To play closer attention; to a Date & Time. Of what work is left behind. Will be the same case loads of work; left to be done. For the next prepared or non prepared; generation. 

If life is repeating; human history. On Earth. Then remember why, cases pile up. For what the past generations birth. From their previous generations birth throughout years; on earth. The Time in which Earth has allowed of human residences, to demonstrate right & wrong. What's unsettling is; who knows what's in the mindset of our human intelligence. Or what or who will complete; the work needed. For the world. As this work in 2024 carries over to 2025. Of the case loads from; previous generations. In the same state of 'civilization'. 

The attention is stirred up. In whether the weather will shift. And in what direction of; what seasons will we see; it's movement. As these mechanical s; are moving parts. In the physical form. Of Whose on the surface of Earth. Even if the attitude towards change is repeateted. Humans also continue to repeat replenishing the Earth; is Life. 

But only time possess All Power. To dictate how much; time is left. Before every human is summoned; to the next shift. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


The conversations started in the beginning of Time; man the first physical human creation; for earth. Then added unto man. Was created of a companion; called woman. Why, pairing the opposites. To Sew seeds back into the Earth.

Feminism, Masculinity.

Then both these human beings created together; another human life. That extended to the both of them; a bloodline through birthrights. But let's not disregard the Creator of Heaven & Earth. The omnipresent spirit. Sustains what was created. On earth in the form of; humans. 

The humans together; Cohabitated. In the birth of new life; to another human. Called; son or daughter. baby or child. 

Human rights, Human Resources, Human Independence & Freedoms. Without the security & reproduction with each other; the male & children. without the DNA that merges.  What is the nature of; civilization. For the  reality is; who will Secure, life. If humans believe without man. Or even woman without child. Either without the other;to prosper. In the existence. What will survive over a life in time. Is also, keeping watch is 'Father Time'

In this New world, The Bible scriptures meets  Real life. In a new day, of a new generation still in 1 Civilization. A formal introduction; acquainted in the life of humans. Through individual; birthrights. Born in one world. Marked Civilization. And in it is the Breathe of; Life. That All Began at the beginning of this element called Time. To replenish life. On one earth, for the entirety is a universe. with the birth of humanity. And each animal & creature; a mate. Silly US. For the Reproduction of life; to sustain earth.

Throughout every race is a gender. In generations of men & woman, babies to children. Then Repeat the human process, throughout the history of life from Cohabitations on Earth. 

So, silly of who to ask; in All of human knowledge on earth. So, what happened. When humans come together. And demonstrate human emotions throughout the world?  space, is occupied with time. For any opportunity. To establish relationships or Ammicable interest through; one breath is life. And the material things including money, and the Worldly gifts. Humans struggle to manage between each other; in Civilization.

Life, is filled with laughter. Just look at how much; life teaches US. As we stretch & search for the answers; sought of in each other. The identities of being human.

If not we as humans will assume; some have All the knowledge from the Beginning of Time. But mortality would reveal the immortal. In this world. This level of  knowledge; is out of reach; Unattainable. Why, visit outer space. The reality is the Spiritual knowledge surpasses our individual; worldly human quest.  interactions & understandings. Between each other. So there will be; human struggles.

We as humans beings; breathe one  breath; in one life. Of a new day. Because of Time, that is physical reset by manually moving forward. It's human energy. From yesterday. To make this a different day; of life's rotation. In what Humanity consolidates in what is a daily need; to sustain; it's life preservation. And function in of the human emotions. Is happiness, joy and dealing with on earth; internal pain. Of masculinity man & feminine is woman. 

Eventually the days are numbered in numeric weeks, days & months. Why, not in any order. 12 months. orders the Symbolism; in seasons.

We're just humans attempting to gain full knowledge. Of life to sustain each other; on earth. We don't control death. We don't control our human senses. We're debating on what or who to sustain; in management of our own human existence. 

However, were Accustomed to operate; our daily lives accordingly. under direct, human teachings & influences. Again, What another human; decides of what knowledge is. Will reveal the firm reality; where knowledge is deeper. And broader than our human minds. can contain of it. Of what we can only see though the human naked eye lense. Not All in Faith; of what is not present. 

I heard a voice say; this human can't be handled. I myself heard 'I claim this title'. Silly me, you are them. If only we had enough Book sense of the entry in The Bible verse of Haggai. that referenced the key for 'knowledge'. because tomorrow is not promised. For the seeds we leave for another human; to be delegated. In another human role; on earth. The gift of Wisdom. In All things; sit in silence. Why, the power of life & death; is in the human tongue. Therefore our human anticipations. May not result in how another human being; Responds.

The pressure in wearing; so many human titles & rolls; we even hold of each other; the burden of unreachable expectations. Just to deal with the Pain & Peace to find out. Our own accountability in being human; it's a Journey. not a competition or race. To thirst for more in 'Men surrender', Woman commit'. But if we're human. Where does it All began. If the world was created; before mankind existed?

Assassination; it's the heart beat & silencing. Of the graffiti written throughout time. Over the human history. If what's is debated. In Slander & Liability; of the case & statutory law. Created by mankind. To later judge of the cause & effect. It had in a world of humanity. Dwells amongst Civilization. So, Let's teach one another the WHY, according to it's the human reality. Because of the Days of Our Lives.

Then we can question; what is sown into; the soil of the Earth. If we are the Salt, then what is the Savor; of Knowledge. Buried is the bloodlines that still weep. Unto the winds is the breathe of the living; walking around. Above the souls temporararily; awaiting a 'command'. To rise once Again.


Pain is accurate. And in every age; it will hurt. 

At the gravesite; a child sat; slightly bent over. On a bench near to a love. That left this life; before they both finish the work; between each other, together. Because of the disruption in separation. Pain left this child heartbroken for; life. And although we as humans. Would like to think; we can control; the energy between each other. In this human state of Existence. Generations concluded it has not worked. By implementing some human types of place holders. In each other's life's. Verses dealing with the reality; pain affects every human breathing in life. However, consider respect; is a placemat. To welcome a human. In All humans of the emotions. Is the feelings that aligns back. To what is; pain. The Pain In these human hearts. In mankind.

Often we bring up the past; as a reminder to each other. You hurt me. Knowing the truth is We hurt each other. Now every human attached to this cycle. Has to hurt because of how another; human feels more of a priority. Of who'Hurt me'. Well ever think about; how we as humans; mysteriously hurt each other? And what date & time. Should it affect; each other. Consider children hurt  the most; as well. We live amongst children raising; each other. While struggling to learn more emotionally about; self love. But if it's an antidote to cure; pain in these human hearts. Throughout the entire world. Contact the FDA. As the race is on. To save the remainder in the living; of Humanity. How so, to hurt each other. Cycles back to hurting internally.

In our human consciousness it occurs. through these human communications on earth; we learn more about each other characters. Including family. We're almost at a subconscious state of distrubance. To thinking we're not included; of what exist of mental distress or disorders. As we can no longer bury what's deeper inside these; human minds. To struggle with Pain. Bring inflicted. And even influenced; upon each other. 

In a world continuing to procreate birthrights. To debate what is not to be revealed in a desperately needed conversations; to figure out. What conduct is happen of; Guile. The deceit between each other. That was created of man's own justification. Is the morals, values and beliefs. That self destruct in freedoms & justice. Over what is in the decision making. Including what is affecting the body of Family. One word that describes many races. Is One body of many in mankind; family.

It get's easier understanding the Why. Once the dive goes more in depth of figuring out what are we dealing with; of the human side. It's PAINFUL; to repeat the human process. Over what continues to occur in every human Cohabitations. In Civilization is in these Relationships; of secrets. That Expose why so much generations of pain.

Money; the lack of respect. You can't have. If I don't have. And if I do have. I don't want you to have. The silliness that causes human; Pain

Politics: no honor. Orchestrated Pain.

Parenting: Favoritism, Generations of cycles, mental illness, blended bloodlines. Questions & more questions ❓who do I belong to. Beyond just you. Stirred up generations of Pain.

Family: favoritism. death, birth, death, birth. Wills, Trust, material stuff. Delayed Restoration in Relationships. Cycling off Pain.

Religion: Blasphemy & Sin. Repentance. Forgiveness. Internal work in ourselves. It's a daily journey. Not one person is exempt from choosing prayer. While Enduring Pain on earth.

Forgiveness: decision making. Are the instigator to stay on repeat. When the mind is in repeat. The Pain; repeats. 

Jealousy: Lack of knowledge. Lack of loyalty. Co dependency. Denial. Under Medicated Mental; Insecurity. Lack Accountability. Now everyone is affected are not concerned. Of what is now at stake. Over some other human's Pain. Due to a human Loss are repeated choices.

Fornication: SIN. Can't dodge it. Seek for your own knowledge.

Poverty: State of Existence. Pain if you don't get it. Live enough of life. and eventually it will work on the mental. Of any economic class. How so, it's more deeper in knowing the Why the state of it; exist.

Wealth: State of Existence. Pain if you do. Sorrow if you don't 

Weakness: Physical State of Being. Growth is Painful for All human beings.

Strength: Physical State of Being. Is knowing Pain is part of the process.

Accomplishments: Physical & Mental state of one's own; inner or other's who encourage & implement a mental state of motivation. From one to another. In any environment.

Marriages: discipline, obedience, constant communication, love.  Idol mind is a devil's worship. Pain  stretches into growth in areas. If more; internal struggling.

Singles: same Pain. But not a marriage. But a Freewill to experience the human relationships or relations. Pain occurs from the expectations on another human. To figuring out. What or did not work; included work in the inner self.

SIN, it's a part of the process. To work daily in one self. The reflection is what is being watched of the audience. Including family. 

Pain will test All in humanity.

Why, humanity has yet to proven; who has not committed SIN. Are who has accepted; a human pardon. To demonstrate for life; continuous work towards Forgiveness & Genuine Love. 

In humanity there is People who don't need human permission. To have learned to live in a state of Peace of Mind. In this inner human self. Knowing Pain is a part of Life's; process. 


Unbelievable! If anything could ever occur. In this lifetime. That's in reality unbelievable on earth. Remain in tact. For what & Wh...