Friday, December 19, 2014

Corporate Women

In the corporate world you will find there are different types of players that exist throughout the business of tablets, I-Pads, social status, Starbucks, long hair extensions, shimmering fingertips, platinum cards, 1st class flights where women of all races deal with real things “power, family and inner change”.
 The first lady is the CEO of the company so take mental notes and watch in silence how she manages her roll, but keep in mind “interest in a new girl friend is not on her mind” verses meeting the bottom lines, second there is the team leader who has multiple rolls that sporadically demonstrates overwhelming control, third there is the predecessor whose premonition has taken a toll on who is planning to steal her roll, and last there are the women who have established their recliner seats until they retire from the company. These particular women you should know, simply because they have invested time into the companies roll and understands how the real story goes. Prior to you accepting the invitation of the office mole who monitors from behind closed doors. And the reason why this type of women exist; is to insure her longevity of taking care of her own personal business”.

These stories do exist in the corporate world of women in business. Where some women will wear the appropriate headset to tune into how other people follow the company script. And you will maintain a pyramid life; which is on top, in between or at the bottom of that companies employment life line.  
People will sarcastically say “women that utilize their brains and speak freely are smart asses", but that's not necessarily the truth. It's because of women who are of a different caliber that figured out "how not to remain stuck out".

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Real Word

Once a baby bird flees from the nest, it becomes responsible for what happens next.

When two consenting people of the opposite in sex decide to engage in unprotected sex, grow up and expect the responsibility that happens next.

When you take on the responsibility of another persons debt, get a grip of what may happen next.

When you constantly approach different situations with the same frame of mind, watch what happens next.

When you associate yourself with the same class of people that continuously bring on catastrophes instead of positive change guess what happens next.

When you give more to people who act careless, face the facts of what is going to happen next.

When you choose to leave your parents home take in consideration you chose to be grown, so figure it out of how you plan to manage living on your our own.

When the holidays approach every year sacrifice or plan ahead, and consider income tax comes once a year.

When times are good don't assume things will never go bad, just in case save for a rainy day.

When a person seems to require continuous help in the same financial situations or personal obligations the best advice you can render to that person is; to release what is out of your control and prioritize your time to accommodate the smaller people who really need you in their life.

Have you ever wondered why people who have much are to concerned with a person who has less. It's because they have yet to find their own happiness.

Have ever wondered why every culture will cry as the caskets is carried bye. Then immediately people scream and fight over what they claim their entitle to that someone else has worked for their whole life.

Have you figured out why people who sacrifice less want more from people who sacrifice more, two words "PURE SELFISHNESS".

I spoke to a young father today and he is trying his best to do what the young mother insist to stress of maturing him into a man. But the truth is neither of them took the time to allow life too mature their body and minds.

I spoke to a woman who loves material things, but the man who loves her unconditionally is unable to pay the price for her wants in exchange for the things she does not see of her needs.

I watch as people drive out of control to catch the malls before they close. But on an average week they struggle to supply their basic needs.

Have you ever considered that the people  you think have it bad are the ones who actually have it good. Simply because they acknowledge this is the REAL WORLD.  

A Grandparents Love

The Grandparents execute a strategic role and it does not matter whether you are young or old. It’s because of their genuine love that families bond, and should seek to stay in love.   

The Grandparents pray for the opportunity to pick you up when you are down on life’s luck. They are quick to remind you no matter what curve balls life may throw your way; pray and change the way you approach new things in old ways. Because life will not allow the Grandparents or either parents to stick around once their work has been fulfilled here on earth.

The Grandparents are slow to judge but discrete about watching you interact with the people you meet and they are not afraid to get in your face, regardless of your age. Because they have experienced the ugly side of life and tough love is only to correct your attitude from what harm the world has in store for you.

The Grandparents love open house. Only to share with someone else who may have not experienced love and encouragement.  

The Grandparents are the best caregivers in life because of their willingness to sacrifice “TIME”, something people seek but have yet to find. The Grandparents don’t have money but always find a way to supply everyone else’s urgency of what the world spends frivolously before accounting for their own personal needs. But don’t take advantage of those Grandparents in your life, because one day you will seek their advice to help you maintain from the karma in this life.

The Grandparents often wear many stylish hats one being mom and dad. And the reason is so simple that a blind man can see; we either cherish or take advantage of the people we will one day need “desperately”.

One day our soul mates will transform from youth to old age.  Their footsteps will grow shorter as we manage to keep up pace in this race, their eyes will grow weak as we manage to see “life’s” purpose for you and me, and their bodies will look frail as we  seek to keep up our outer beauty through vanity. These are tiny reminders to prompt you to think “about a Grandparents love before they leave this earth” for eternity.

In Honor of Grandparents 



Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Government assistance was a system designed to monitor you and your family needs through temporary times but not for longevity. And yes the gloves must be removed because in this fight there are no rules and what you are about to see will bring you straight down to your knees. And for those of you who decided to give up all hope by disregarding your right to vote “say hello to the beginning of Americas past history” now that you don’t meet the qualifications to challenge your basic needs.
I will not take long because many people are arrogant to the truth. While other people despise who uncovers “LIES”.  But if you find the time to catch up on the news and I’m not referring to what you have become accustomed to do of “paying your bills and seeking whatever resources you can run through”. You will discover what is taking place of what was once the middle class turned into a drastic change of formation in the main frames of payroll deposits, leases, mortgages, debt, unemployment, the greedy rich, healthcare and welfare checks that will not only drive a nation of people to go insane. It will eventually cause the world to react because of situations man created to turn time ”BACK” .  


Monday, December 15, 2014

A Life without Prayer

A life without a spiritual connection can be a shallow place. And for some people that’s ok because they feel with or without religion their lives are destined to remain or change, before finding inner peace beyond a world of adversity.

I witnessed ministers and prophets shout out loud from the pulpit while many teach some preached about brokenness in people that exist all over the world today. But how is it that some churches profit while their followers shift; seeking to find the path of righteousness so they won’t die and miss entering into heaven by misguidance. While drowning in brokenness as the sinner watches he has no doubt that church worshipers are the worst hypocrites simply because they are trying to live a double life behind religion as if they have always been on the right side. And young girls and boys witness the turmoil of how we desperately seek to find the truth in religious beliefs that should bring us peace is why the nonbeliever believes only in what they can "see". Simply because every person does have a choice in this life, but sometimes we choose a different path to avoid the rules that require us to stretch.  

There is a passage I share even when I’m going through a world of people that seem to continue to do what they damn well want too “If you continue to give man a chance then why not give God your hand and where two or more are on one accord God will bring us out of our situations  where we doubt”, and many people have replied I’ve tried Matthew 18:19-20, but there was no.immediate reply. I candidly expressed; it could possibly be we either try to continue in living a double life to see what master will respond to our immediate cry. So we may avoid the faith we are predestined to utilize in our lives.  

Friday, December 12, 2014

Code Cracker

Experience will teach us there are two ways to skin a snake. No matter what kind of predestined situation comes our way. And on that day we will either be prepared to make a wise decision or a hasty mistake, simply because life was designed and we were wired a certain way. To respond logically or not; in all the situations that will test the choices we make in life.

There are two elements in life that move in motion “people and time”. Where either one of the two will allow you to recover from a grim reality or enlighten you on how to make it through this life “confidently”. So be aware of serpents that seek the “opportunity” to take a bite. Of your fruitful “reality”.  

Have you ever notice when or why people ask “is everything ok”, it’s either because they are really sincere or meditating on their next move to make. And it' been said to silence any snake; simply kill them with kindness. Or either decapitate it's head with "WISDOM" instead. 

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents, as innocent as doves".

Matthew 10:16

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Men Hunt & Women Pray/Prey

This passage is specifically meant for the grown and young men in today’s society. It seems someone has lost their sense of touch to temptation and I’m not referencing the selfish or pleasurable acts we demonstrate between the opposite or same in sex.  

One day you will seek a woman or girl to for-fill your needs in this life and trust me overtime they will multiply but in doing so never limit yourself to only satisfy the heat between your thighs. And I’ll share with you why; entering into any type of relationship requires you to weigh your heart and mind to clearly see how one person takes and how the other only receives.

Remember one day every boy will turn into a man. And sometimes these men will choose to stay little boys that will hunt for a praying woman in this life to be his wife, raise his children and build a life.  And vice versa there will be times women will also stay little girls that exist in a fairy tale and material world that will hunt intentionally for prey because of the good or bad choices you will make, regardless if it will only be a huge or small MISTAKE.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Monopolizing Balance

What I am determined to share is a heavenly gift titled “Wisdom”, and there is no fee to register your minds with a hook that’s included which requires  a small portion of your “Time”, because the information provided today has a lifetime guarantee  that is really “Free, Gratis”.  
Man was predestined to need the reciprocation of encouragement in this life and what we share with one another will either provide proper insight or things that will destroy our vision, over time.

There are three things that can destroy any human being in this life. And we will only focus on three because there is not much time to waste when people don’t accept the truth of what they allow themselves, to age through.  
Love: everyone needs it, but time will not allow us to keep disrespecting it.

Material Things: everyone wants to manage their wants but refuse to settle for their needs. So whatever you financially invest in, remember there is an attachment of taxes tied into it.  

Religion: people either believe or not, people either chose right or wrong, people either share lies or share the truth, people either remain the same or change. And that is a sign of why people either decide to live life or die “INSIDE”.

The gift of finding balance is free if you would take a moment out of your busy life to first love yourselves, second make an investment into what brings you peace not material things and third working on yourself is the real beginning of finding the religion you seek in everyone else.


Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Other Woman

Have you ever laid awake at night wondering if the man you crave is alright. Because the last words he expressed was he would call you back after the business has been dealt with. While you long for intimacy he lacks to express but promises to make up for all the things you desperately, missed.
Finally the cell phone rings pass midnight, you answer and he recognizes the anticipation in your voice as he calmly says "I know it's late, but or you ok". Immediately a soft voice says whose on the line is when your heart begins to beat a million times. Your concerns demand an immediate response to why is their another woman by your side. Keep in mind you allowed him massive space to justify not spending time with you to complete what he has yet to prove. And now your your conscious speaks loudly 'The signs were clear, but you my dear refuse to believe, your own reality'.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Growing Pains

On this tedious journey the heart and mind don’t always align, the decisions you make at times will cause you heartache, promises are meant to be broken so don't get bent out of shape. Once family and friends walk away. People will sometimes stir you the wrong way. Partners in relationships will test your patience and commitment. But if you will continue or start to focus and pray it will bring you out of places you fall into doubt. Where no man is capable of bringing you out.  And although growing up can be a pain if you are able to mentally grasp the fact of reaching the age over 21; you will find yourselves making more questionable mistakes than your teenage years of age. Before learning that real responsibilities don’t end, but begin with taking care of our ourselves. Before extending the responsibility of care for someone else. So when your dreams exceed reality of the life you breathe please remember to stay consistent of the plan because real disappointment will seem like it’s the beginning of the end.
The real purpose of wisdom is to help us understand how to transition through life circumstances dealt into our hands with one intention to process us from boys to men and girls to women as we seek resolutions in our questionable space it is in the lessons we must learn to be our best and allow the reminder of nonsense to be dismissed.  


Monday, November 3, 2014

Democrats & Republicans

The voter's have made their final choice of who will determine their faith. Congratulations on a race won but now it's time to reveal too the world who each and everyone of you really are. The morals and values 's you  posses of vanity has set the stage for PROPHECY to perform it's RAGE and for this particular SPIRITUAL WARFARE you chose to fight it WILL KEEP THE ENTIRE WORLD up at NIGHT.

I know many of you are mourning the evil deeds that continue to take place rather it's our own rebellion to be obedient of things we refuse to change; prophecy warned us for centuries of these false prophets without names but a face. So take cover in homes where there is produce on the land, be ready to leave your material things behind but not to follow Jim Jones this time, pray over your children and family regardless of their spiritual beliefs because time will not allow foolishness it has to immediately cease, live off the grid to avoid the calamity of self destruction and greed with the intentions to genocide human life but not by water only fire this time that burns the flesh from deep inside and the reason why; because of men's wicked minds in trouble times, fertile mothers plan for your pregnancy and read what  SEASON  reveals tribulations according to PROPHECY in Matthew:23:15-28, it may save you some pain and heartache.

Remember there are only two real titles that currently mean anything; Followers are Leaders and its time to board that train because our ENTIRE LIVES WERE DESTINED TO CHANGE.

This has been a Public Servant Announcement PAID IN FULL ON CALVARY MOUNTAIN!


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...