Monday, May 8, 2017


Since "Lost" was popular in the beginning. I decided this blog would compliment the ending.

I believe that “internal happiness” is how you feel about yourself. And “external happiness” is the extension of how being with another person makes you feel. 
When life happens big or small; it does not consider who we are. Female or males were all "wired" 2 different ways. So yes we’re bound to see things differently and make many mistakes, along the away.    

Before I begin this selection I want to compliment one man who inspired me this last year. In one valuable lesson of acceptance & respect; people to find  their own happiness in the sacrifices they're willing to make or acceptance of what they are willing take. It's not always about ones self in showing human compassion & understanding another person. Show me a male species who can live without female affection. We all desire one another even where there is no human connection. So we're all destined to learn what is it we really need in a world of men and woman. Now let's proceed so we can consume more human understanding.

A young man ask me in his later 30’s how do you know what you need to be happy? I sincerely used this scenario; have you ever been lonely, alone or in a relationship, or married with kids. The young man said yes” I have been divorced and married again, and sometimes I seek outside only to eventually appreciate "what I found of new happiness in my life". I ask the young man this next question: What is it you can live with or without. Or does this happiness make you feel you're never without. The young man said I see where you are going with this. I then replied "you knew the answer the entire time" and silent as we keep it “we’re all” searching in one another for some human direction. Now figure out for yourself  what is your happiness about.    

It may not always look familiar in change. Just consider for yourself these important warning signs;
·        People talk a good game; misery invites company.
·        Family has your best interest; but they also slickly implement their own great ideas; of who or what “is good or not” in your personal happiness.
·        A friend’s hurt is not always your destiny; just listen to hear if there were any valuable lessons learned & if they are willing to transform or continue to repeat in repetition.
·        Any type of time invested with a female or male creates a bond. And a separation does not grow together when you’re both stretching apart from each other.

In this cartoon Tweety always found a malicious way to keep Sylvester’s focus in place. Poor Sylvester did not stand a chance in keeping up with Tweety’s plot to arouse his focus. In life distractions will grasp our focus, maturity stretches in hardened places, and human beings rattle our emotions. But knowing the difference “empowers” us to find “internal peace of mind” sometimes females and males have to re-evaluate “who am I, today” from yesterday? To figure out what do I really need to be internally happy.

Some people will say I don't need nothing or nobody. But if we really had what we needed in the physical man then why are we still searching in places we're deeply lonely in the flesh.   

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

2nd Chances

Our previous generations may have suffered in oppression. But the mission was accomplished to show us in compressed times of how to manage what we have by not loosing our "strong will and minds" in days that will pass away. But our works will live on from yesterday.

In the event of what we accept in this life. Sometimes become the things and people we regret in this life. Until we grow up and accept there is a higher power in “wisdom”.
In every age group we are destined to change and deal with a number of things. And the reality in how people think “age is nothing but a number” but maturity will lean us towards the brinks of whom we are. Are become in the reality of life’s possibilities.    
One valuable lesson I’ve become accustom to throughout my years of maturity; is to not envy or enslave my vision in the ends of “Have or Have not’s”.  But to re- evaluate myself at every milestone of age in my life. And at the end of each day I can look into the mirror and see; who really counts in this space I breathe.
Maturity happens at different “stages” of our individual lives. And no matter how intensely we try to attach ourselves to the people we love or interact with. Life will reveal to us: each person is required to initiate their own steps. 

Maturity & growth, situations & problems often occur.  And time will not alarm us to get prepared. In what we should be or have not reached a level to have “LEARNED”. So why is it at this stage of our lives some of us are gravitated to assumption; some people have it all figured out in this life, or some people are perfected. While other people scramble with “WHY” not take an alternate way around. The paths in which our feet our inevitable to stumble on rocks and stones.

Our burdens over power us in thoughts, weight us down in our hearts, trouble our minds from rest, and wobble our fragile legs.  It's obvious in this present generation of all ages. Our actions being demonstrated. Because “we can’t have what we want right away” of what we have not matured in places to appreciate.
Our second chance is RIGHT NOW. The writing is on the WALLS. And if any of us refuses "WISDOM", be prepared to repeat life the same way, on a different day.      

Friday, April 28, 2017


In trials you find out who you are. In struggles you find out who really has your best interest. So if you’re a force of nature by yourself. Then why not “commit” with another beast of human nature while we have time?

It may not always be the person you expect; to grow with you in a movement. Just be prepared to deal with your and allow them to deal with their “emotions”. Because of one lesson we’ve figured out; is that true love never fades away it just grows in new places.

A male hunts his female prey, so females stay in your lanes; and allow that lion to chase. “You got to own it, if you want it” no matter what “treasures” you seek in this life. Remember everything tarnishes and changes overtime. Regardless of who is involved ‘US” is the key word that keeps our focus alive.  

So have you figured out which lane you’re rolling in. Where “US” is used in context.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


I truly believe if God continues to allow us the time. Some of us will eventually figure out; that true love does not end in disappointments or long term relationships that grow apart for different reasons. But the chemistry in that love allows "US" another chance to love all over again. 

So an old friend calls you from back in the day and would love to catch up on old times. Meet the family or that new person in your life.  And once that meeting has been established and takes place; be prepared to walk in with an open mind and confident SPACE. Because body language speaks louder than words "in any type of relationship" of what someone is feeling, but not said. And this may not have occurred to you in this life. But relationships do take work over time. To shut down any form of speculations we shadow in our minds. And these relations include marriage, shacking, dating or casual conversations.

Time is not objective, it does not argue or process how we relate. Although we play it as if we posses the power to replay it. Something any class of people will either accept or struggle to grasp in an old or new relationship. Where “chemistry” mix or not exist. But don’t get nervous, just be confident in what you bring and both genuinely establish. Even if it has been said “people are for a season” some will stay and some will walk away. Where emotions are broken and ties slowly unwind. So just in case one day an old friend or new one shows up in your life; get some grounding on who you are and be prepared for "expectations" to be met, but not yet established.  

The reality is whomever we fall in love with or for whatever idea we work through passion with; the first the time around will always be a part of your past. But not the end to finding a new future. Issues occur when we have not managed to move past  THE old baggage. So the power of that old chemistry remains buried DEEPLY.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


A Scientist predicted by 2050 human existence will be extinct. But according to my faith & labor here on earth "my years are 3 score years and ten"; and if "by reason of strength they be fourscore years" unless cut off because of my human arrogance or time no longer exist. So is Life that unpredictable, are is it that we’re unacceptable to change. In our own fleshly ways? 

Do we as a people clearly comprehend we can't fix one another with "tools, bolts, screws and underhanded plans", So our approach has opened doors of what we choose to deal with of heavy burdens to live with. In which all status & colors of  men or women will find themselves "processing".  

If we were to share some vital information through communication. Can we honestly say we would utilize it & process it in our own heads. How that information is accurate or contributes to how we function & adjust to live?

If you find true love in this life or online during "hard times". How hard are you both willing to fight without any "separation in no space over time?

If  you really knew the person you've invested and depended on would be there over TIME. Would you plan or change your mind about them financially, physically & mentally? While the time you have is still on your hands. Because we have been found guilty of watering GRASS on the other side. Opposite of what we already have in our own backyards.   

If you saw dangers ahead; would you break the cycle for the peace of your children of all ages? For me Yes.

If you always find yourself seeking newness in any type of  relationship including religion. Answers sought through mix company outside of our personal relationships; is their opinion and insight more digestive than dealing with what's going on in our own homes.

Today watch and see how we as people in own human natures make it about ourselves. To only find balance is required. If not "oppositions" will wear; for generations. And by know means is any human being on earth perfected. So why does the drama exist in manipulation in arguments.  

In this life EVERYBODY gets a turn to experience Life. And every word that proceed out of the mouth of  man will be spoken in "truth" and sometimes a "lie". Which reveals who we are behind the face we see; of hidden confessions proving who has a handle on our own personal baggage.

It's not life threatening being financially in despair; there will be hardships to bare. Until we educate one another on how we got there. There will be temporary respect in every deal we endorse. But not everyone is properly presented in the real. Prior to signing off to whatever or whomever it is we wish to have or what not.

In every person we entertain in our personal space; they are not always necessary to keep. But somehow our conversations attract "different creatures of nature" in humam beings.. 

It's not awkward to see so many people in confusion due to misunderstandings. It's not hard to recognize grown people looking for direction through one another's attention. It's not hard to assist a person in lack or understandings just identify when u r being used; by a person attempting to be mastermind. It's troubling to see there is nothing new that has not been done under the sun; but yet we as people demand respect in our own repetition.

Frank Lloyd Wright wrote. “ I know the price of success: dedication, hard work and unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen". Hell, we act as if LIFE spoke to us promises; where people often break them, and we are quicker to pick up where we left off. So what direction are we going in?

Who ever of people will lead or follow in. Life has a purpose; but it demands change where people choose to evolve, or remain the same. Life is filled with choices; people tend to limit theirs in it. Life allows all of us time; people either add or subtract from it down the line.

I'm not brilliant, I only took thorough notes from LiFE.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Don’t worry about the color of a man’s skin. Prep your mind to “see” with your own eyes. The characters in whom we demonstrate; everyday in this life.

In the eyes of man some people would say “Paul was deprived”, not that he said it in his own words. We don’t all have to VIBE. But was Paul sheltered from a life of freedom to write Gods word? In a world we as a human race feel of “destiny” to “adjust” with “change”.  In this life we must posses "STRENGTH” with our “fluctuating HULK or BEAST MINDSET” in order to accept what we were naturally born with. And who you become is an extension of what we were individually taught, as small children. To deal with our inner selves, one another and many obstacles “positive or negative” in any form of human communication and relationships. So therefore in our individual mindset not every obstacle or person is implemented to be a challenge. But in our challenges or persons there is a valuable lesson.

I’ve been told “to let go” or being to “positive is negative”  could it depend on how people would like to feel in their own emotional choices. And my lesson learned about myself and the VIBE with people is; we're not required or destined to take the same journey for me to respect your life dealings. But it's not rare we find ourselves “misunderstanding in communicating with one another” of what we don't VIBE with. So if by coincidence we did share the same struggles in this life we would find “that 50% of the time we choose in our actions towards what happens, and the other 50% of the time we try to change it or continue to discuss who needs to “let go”. While the other struggles to find sanity in “holding on”.  And yes, people do move on into “new relationships”. Where our “wrongs” continue to seek validation”. And our “change” microscope simply because we have yet to “see or do anything new” under the sun. That has not already been “judged” "accepted" and or “accounted” for.  

How do we manage in a void left unfilled; in a world of human emotions that we can never completely for-fill? It’s funny how we re-act when a person expresses human emotions.  Often we’re seen as being weak. But once that disappointment crosses your path  then how do you feel to not see it coming back. It’s not what we do, but how we interact knowing we were created with our differences to be judged in changes.  So is life really unfair or favorable. Or people the stem of the real problem.

My mother’s family instilled in my heart “prayer”. My absent daddy eventually appeared on time; to mold my mind for the struggles that will bend even the strongest leaders, men and woman over time

I’m speaking to some one today regardless of what you are or who you become in your; religion, sex, status and race.

Friday, March 24, 2017

LIFE Chances

If some element or emotion can be hidden in a place of our; trust, limitation in understandings & over confidence. Then there exist a tool with control in all human; self confidence by working through the "mindset". 

To be seen, you must get noticed. To have "knowledge" does not necessarily mean we connect to having  adequate "understanding or power".    

    Perception: in our thinking do we always receive and process a clearer understanding?    

    Influence: what alters our choices and do we always implement our own investigation to come out with a exact or indirect prognosis.

    Dynamics: what is it about “time” we accept or take for granted in our priorities, obligations & of what choose to live and deal with?

I don’t stand to always have it right. So therefore I'm mature enough to be corrected through constructive criticism. Just to see how it  applies in what we view or experience of differences in our lives. Where "one's truth" is hard to digest, but a life makes "denial" more convenient to live in.    

Life is not difficult to live once we figure out how we want to live. But remember this there have been tools set in place to utilize in every move we think to make. That uplift or destroy ourselves in life's second chances with every movement around the world we live in.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Set Her Free

There is nothing a woman will not do. If she puts her trust in you.
“This woman will marry you & carry you. But take her for granted & this woman will bury you in what you sew & reap" later on. A woman is not difficult to love she is often just taken for granted. But not by every mature man its the immature in question.

Love is age without an expiration date. Love is patient, kind & true. In every season we breathe of air through.

Ø  Love identifies maturity even in our human struggles to change.
Ø  Love teaches us lessons we mature & learn in every season.
Ø  Love respects our heartache in disappointments & selfishness that inflicts pain.  
Ø  Love surrenders itself. Sometimes in unknown hands of appreciation.
Ø  Love is stronger than the weakness and desires we reveal ourselves in.
Ø  Love is the narrator in every story and relationship we find ourselves in then discussing.
Ø  Love did not disappoint you and I. It continues to extend unto us options to not take “another day” in taking one another for granted.   

Watch for what you ask for or take upon your selves by not praying or until it feels equal in acknowledgement. For in due season time will allow us all to fall in love. But not every love aligns with the heart. Sometimes love is immature until it grows with time. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Do not always seek in people life directions. Gather good information. Then at a certain level it will require of you to demand some logical answers.
So it all began with a 5 to 10 year plan, working 8 hours a day. While others thought and pondered in sleep. So many promises to supply the demand of what real people & businesses both need. Then eventually the world exchanged “The American Dream” for greed. And trillions if not millions to excess; whatever could have been prophesized for the next of generations. Therefore if you’re going to dream do it big, beyond commodities and figures with legs.
I’ll take 30 to settle with 15 million off the scales of formulated leverage to average out in reality of what we are left with to survive in straight up GREED. So many made up figures and some of us will never see; how numbers are not real. But floating on blank papers & numeric bills.
Welcome to the good life boys and girls of every race. Just remember never to always “expect” who and what we want to always accommodate; what & who we will need to assist in our next level of access if not options.
Everything is for sale with the exception of real People. & LOVE that do guarantee a return. It simply depends on who your making a genuine investment in. 

What more can we say; remember fellows 10 you’re in & and ambition will always obligate anyone of our faiths. And to the remainder of the world the reason there will never be enough money to run the world; is because people lack to communicate “what is being bartered, open to take and in the end who and what is a stake”.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Let’s get some understanding about LOVE because not every person is prepared to receive and give back in return, a life lesson learned.

When the pressures of life weigh you down and your selected people of choice can no longer contribute to what you’re mentally going through. If I stick around will you show me the same loyalty? Because life has taught us this “when it comes to people you show more love” they are quick to turn their back on you for no reason of what you did not "Contribute" to. 

When a male or female say's "certain conversations should not form into arguments" unless we  are in a relationship. The signs are all there. So what else needs to be said?

Because I choose to live a single life or alone it does not mean I’m in need of “projects” or neither do I possess the desire to assist you in building up your mansion without me to share it with.  

Because I pleasure you with words of encouragement, support your projects big or small, rub you down just because & yearn for deeper conversations. It does not mean that you’re entitled to this treatment. It just means we need to figure out “sooner” than “later” if you’re capable to reciprocate so no one is left with who did not give their best. Of what they really never had in them to give.

Because I choose quality & not quantity in the company I keep; it does not mean I’m above you, or you are beneath me. I simply prefer to live my life without the extra drama. And who dictates what is contributed if not taken away at any moment of my inner peace and tranquility.

Because I have managed to make effective choices in my life it does not mean every person gets it right, all the time. It just means I took a more in depth look into myself so therefore anybody does not possess the power to hold me down; to terms and obligations of their own plans.

Because I deliver in my presentation; confidence in my own skin, drive and persistence it does not mean for one moment I should be taken as weak because  I will not settle for what you think I need.  

If I show you a better way and if you show me you are mature enough to take the LEAD. Can we make it work together when life throws us that curve ball; or will you run and hide in HARD times?

Love is possible if people work through their “insecurities”. Because settling for someone to have something’s is not always rewarding, especially when Time finds a day to remind us of why; the people we select “contribute or affect” detailed areas in our lives.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Life & Death scenarios

It is unraveling to process the human attitudes of feeling "ENTITLEMENT" or "YOU OWE ME". Eventually the endurance of that over flowing CUP will leave many of us 

I heard a name for this younger generation of entitlement called "snowflakes" meaning that when life happens they immediately fall apart. And for the next generation 30 & up who have established "we got it all figured out" reflects in what is formed in our attitudes then reciprocated out of our mouths when we require 911 of HELP. 

In this moment I was said to be "Philosophical", but this mindset did not develop overnight. This process in mindset developed in courses and levels of my life.And death proved to me over and over again it has the untimely and timely upper hand. So therefore my conversations developed in"maturity" depending on what & how we relate or accommodate in our understandings in reasoning. When utilizing our BRAINS.

So today the stories we share are more in-depth if not sincere or heart felt. So much information for us to process. That is not always related in the form people would like to accept of it. That is destined to lead us into Life & Death situations.
When people ignore you it's not always to avoid you. Sometimes they need a moment to figure out how to respond to what is about to come out.

When people offer or extend to HELP YOU. But they have not figured out how to help themselves with they have of more or less in wealth. Then it's on you to decide what is in your STATE OF MIND.

When you plan in life it does not mean situations will fall short or less of complications. It does allow us the space to re-arrange things. And most of time people will wait until a situations back fires due to procrastination they live bye. And there is nothing wrong with it; if this is how you plan and live.

When a promise is made. It does mean it can never be broken. A date scheduled on the wall does not mean things can not change. But people do control what it is they can do or ignore of both. 

When you promise to repay a debt. Most of us are aware of what did not exist in the first place. So relationships get bitter from creditors, friends, family and lovers. And the reality is if we share for the "Right reasons" and "Understand a negotiated term" then we already knew who has the intention or credibility of proving their loyalty. So this season remember what you have or not to surrender. 
Life is not as hard as we say it is. People are predictable if not simply acceptable. We just have to decide what is it we choose to process in our Life & Death situations.  


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...