Tuesday, November 7, 2017

United we Stand, Divided we Fail

 Change is what we make it. Not what we think in limitations of it to be; to medicate our own-self in reasoning.  


“I’ve heard bold men and woman, prove I’m a Monster, Beast, Hulk etc.

But only a Wise mind says what is heard in Silence.

Do we not understand how Violence destroys generations of all men, woman and children?
Once we have obtained & conquered what we want in this life; it is always easier than working for what we will need to survive. Enablement changes the logistic of every human movement.

What is human Confidence; where our souls break in Validation?  
What is the purpose of a second opinion or thorough research; if the answers we seek or not always the truth, but what we can settle with to not know?

What is the purpose of a direct approach; if misinterpretation is going too implemented, Whether or not it’s to prove or justify a point that could change our minds?
What is it about pride and arrogance; that destroys any woman or man’s soul confidence.

What has made you humble while living in this life; before you rest for eternal life?
What kind of money can purchase the RESEVERSAL in death, youth, love disappointments and unhappiness. That we hurt each other while we're living right now. To later stalk the caskets in death; as one finds a peaceful place to rest?

What is it about Perfection that does not exist; but yet we seek it in one another, through RELIGION and HUMAN science?

What if love did not exist; whom would we see of that human in the mirror besides
the judge in placing Judgment; where we as a people have yet, to accept and manage the damage and broken pieces within ourselves?   

Monday, October 30, 2017


Time will show the both of us up; when he or she is no longer a husband or wife, lover and BFF.

If a man has the time to waste on a woman he has no desire to future make plans with, and a woman allows her time to be gambled with by a man who says "you know what the deal is". We are not blind sided by our own temptations.  

If we continue making these beautiful babies out of lust without a damn plan; we just stump the growth of another generation.

There will be test where our egos will collide. Be sure to check who is on your side.  Because of who contributes the most or who contributes less. On that day we need to remember to pray, first. And stand as one to defeat whatever is about to come.

If we have not accomplished, prospered and grown closer together; time will show who will step in and change 1 or the other forever. Because we have been shown a change in mindset, a real plan and execution of actions. Be careful if you’re not prepared to LET GO to MOVE on and GROW. To the other person it does not mean I don’t LOVE YOU no more.

If  we can no longer greet one another with a level of attention and intimate affection; it’s time to figure out where we are going in our own directions.

If the attraction is slowly dissolving ; it’s time to communicate why and what needs to immediately happen. Before we seek in other directions, satisfaction.  

If she or he is no longer physically curvaceous and appealing to the naked eye; it’s time to have a meeting of the minds. To plan a workout regimen. Where the both of us can handle up in areas we are perfecting to bring back that old attraction.

If the love making and tricks are no longer desirable and anticipated; it's past the time to figure out  what is required of the both of us. To be worked out.  

If your home boy or home girl is the friend you run to communicate too; not your husband or wife, lover And BFF its time to accept the TRUTH someone has outgrown what the both of you once committed too.

There is no space for assumption if we learn communication. In areas that will get GREY over time. Where Gravity will drag us all down. Time will change who we start and finish with. Because Age and Experience is a factor; in who we choose to stay YOUNG or mature in growing OLD with.   

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


I was ask the question what is the meaning of love?  And I’ll say it again with confidence

Love is the seal; in places we hunger to be whole.  

Love is like starting a race; to keep up with the obstacles that block our pace.

Love is a call that’s been answered on the other end; without hesitation.
            Love is the oxygen; in a breathless moment.  

Love has no temper; it leaves no room for question marks.   

Love is the treasure; that was never hidden to deep. It only required patience and time to hold it once. it was finally found.  

Love is that assemble of everything we both contributed to one another; of our fears, dreams, families and children.

Love is the knock at the door; and once it is opened there is no limit to how far it can grow.

Love is an adventurous journey; that teaches there will be detours and turns. Before figuring out what we needed to both learn.

Love is not an hour glass; it does not wait for who say's it 1st; at the end of what was once the starting line of Who will surrender, and Who will submit. 

Not just to one another. But unto this Love that brought us both together.

Monday, October 23, 2017


A Peace of mind is priceless. From incapable people & places.

What is obvious is that when times are hard people seek compassion. What is affective is how fast you move on the burdens they struggle to get past. What is interesting is how they are creative with BS. What is insane is how they continue to make choices that bring no value into their lives just more pain. And the reality of what matters is how we face “no matter” how much you show people encouragement and monetary gifts. For some reason they can’t seem to manage any ounce of it. And before you jump into massive conclusions summarize this  

Unfortunately sometimes we set our self’s up for failure in this life. And if no one ever speaks the truth that we’re willing to listen too. Of how effective life lessons will direct us to “how we remain a child twice”. Because some of us refuse to accept growing up in this life.

So what is the problem we’re still in, as long as we find people who will support us to remain children through our adolescence in decisions? Is why we can always call without shame on mommy and daddy who will pick up the phone line, and listen to blame. While they still have time to save “grown” men and women who continue to think & out like small children?

Again, it does not have to apply to you. But always check-in on what you entertain and lower your standards to do. You would be surprised about how some people think & what they will do to manipulate the people they claim to be loyal too. Experience teaches a ton of lessons. If you grow-up, pay attention and listen.  


Thursday, October 5, 2017


I heard. I read.  But have u seen something different in a place & time. Where there are bones that work with little rest. That end up in living; true freedom?

We've witnessed giants do fall. In the presence of men only yeah feet tall.

We know of men who create wars. Then swallowed up by divided waters.

I heard a penny story. One was about a small baby who walked through the dark night to purchase a small treat. And the second story was in the 📖 of Haggai. The people with holes in their pockets no matter what they attempted in harvest.

We watch in amazement the pleasures of sex. That emulate the days of Sodom & Gomorrah ways.

I heard about a man who cried for his people in devastation. Then shortly favored for his braveness. To travel amongst enemies to save them.

I heard a story about the tax man who came to collect on a single mothers debt; unfortunately this woman did not have enough. So the tax man threatened her to surrender the children.

I heard a story about a woman called Jezzabelle who was judged by people in the world; but what they did not say was how she hid to men from the deaths of another mans hand.

I head a story about a widowed woman by the name of Ruth; who did not know who would be looking for her treasures. To cherish.

I heard about a woman name Naomi who proved her loyalty. During a time of tragedy.

I heard about this man who slept with his own daughters.

I heard about two brothers. And had why one grew angered in jealousy towards the other.

I heard about two thieves that hung in front of many.

I heard about a court filled with gossipers and followers. Quick to throw rocks and stones. Before asking who is right before judging wrong.

I heard about these men who disregarded the brides who wanted to be wives. For the men who were incarcerated for their own intentions.

I heard about a man who observed two woman decide. How the other was to bare a child. But his woman was not his wife.

I heard about Rebecca who dishonored her husband and her cursed one of the children, because of favoritism.

I heard about two woman and one child. And a mother who made the sacrifice to avoid the selfish act this other woman of intentions had.

I heard a man watched in lust. Through the window as this woman showered, naked.

Someone said I can see clearly now. As a this strong man fell into a deep sleep.  How his deepest temptations would destroy one strength. To a multitude of weakness.

We heard, read and saw.  But what is of the present we see now?

Friday, September 29, 2017


I was asked to solve a riddle today;

What do poor people have. That rich people need? And if you were  to eat it, you would die because of it?

In the beginning of this statement I did not clearly understand the question. Before delivering a ignorant statement to be accepted as a honest opinion. So instead I immediately subdued my own way of personal thinking. To focus more on the contributing factors that draws out our cultural tensions.

I remember while in college I would volunteer in doing Pro BONO work. And volunteering in communities that were in desperate need for economic development. To sharpen my people skills and knowledge. Is when I discovered how we as one people are “structured based on "value and worth” in areas that reflect a fine line between poverty and wealth. But not every voice  is broadcasted to the masses.  Of the real recipients conditioned in our own societies of thinking.

Today in I continue to see the same faces from those past stories. And what we should not be in confusion about is the reasoning to why we can still hear;

“I don’t have nothing”. Or I need more of everything.

Can we relate to the teachings of “value & worth”, and do we get how we were divided because of “generational knowledge”.  It was in a sociology class  I watched a film that revealed no matter how far we think we have come in our cultural individuality. A Country built on inequality & equality, freedom & favoritism creates a bridge built on the lack of Generational Education. A tool created, to be used for ages.

So when I observe or I am a part of conversations where people relax their jaws and pride themselves on their fine possessions, I remember the information  implemented in the registers of our thinking. Regarding values and worth, and until we can encourage ourselves and lift up a people without derogatory intensions. The cycle remains for generations, broken.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


The song writer sung B-HUMBLE. And before I judged the lyrics. I had to B-HUMBLE in my own spirit, in order to listen to this ARTHURS message.   

The time is now we will learn; a full lesson in APPRECIATION. And it may not be obvious today. But time accounts for all our human ways.

If you have ever done something for someone in this life; because you could afford to share a small portion of time. That for generations lacked the observation in compensation. To do a compassionate act without the intentions of expecting anything back. Just a confirmation of improvement in our attitude of mad dash choices. Then would we still be so HUMBLE to offer time to check in. And see if we could lift a person up in their feelings? Now let’s be clear no HUMAN is perfect. Including myself. But we are not clueless to what we will take advantage of; in our own desperate situations. 

So in this life when that next door jams to not open. And its sworn people are for a season. Because you feel that you no longer need them? Be cautious of whom you cross over to rise up on your feet. Where the ground is still stable and our human feet grow week.
Everyone is not meant to excel in areas u sacrifice in, but if you find your brother or sister in need. Check in and see what we struggle to defeat. And if they have no plans still assist in areas they hold a limited amount of vision in. Why, because someone is going to seek the MEEK. To be the escape goat for the choices they make. While some of us are on a MISSION to building structured foundations.       
In my monologues I write real stories by real people. Who are maturing in life lessons. I communicate globally so I’m not in my feelings of what I don't understand of differences. Or either will I outcast myself in communicating with the world. I refuse to accept a broken mind in return to stay ignorant for someone else in any RACE. To comfortably feel sanity. Is redundant thinking. I intentionally encourage "positive" because time will show-up all the negative. I expect all things to happen in balance, right or wrong there will be storms. I will never be broke another day in this life. Or neither will my family struggle with small things that are destined to rise. Because I have learned real riches don't exist in man's promises & loyalty. Riches exist in WISDOM. Where we don't share the same PATIENCE, LOYALTY & VISION.

B-HUMBLE and mindful in what you assume to hold a LARGE deposit of. Because tomorrow will spot light the LESS of what we require of more KNOWLEDGE

Friday, September 22, 2017


The rule of thumb is "when" one door closes, stay "prepared" for the next too open.

Throughout my dialogues you will find "filtered" and "non filtered" reasoning into our HUMAN state of minds. And their maybe viewers who will continue in reasoning to judge and seek to suppress our "HUMAN NATURES' that wonder in distress. But know one can specially say what people will turn into "with or without change". And speculate who "TAUGHT" who in doing "right from wrong" without JUDGING themselves, first.    

If you accept limitations in "what if, I can't, or maybe it will never work" the doors that remain open will appear to be shut. If your peripheral vision is blinded by "US" because of who we are in real action. We will never see how time is running low. In places we have settled down and there is least room to GROW.

We are not equipped to translate to one another in enough time, what tomorrow will bring forth. We are the Arthurs to the ending of our own Life Chapters. And when you know you're pissing in the wind of what returns to you all over again in redundancy. Allow time to complete the rest of teaching us that we all have a JOB to do. And sometimes there will be no rest in a LIFE filled with LESSONS and TEST. To master who we become in a JOB we have performed our best.

Wherever your story ENDS, stay PREPARED  for a new beginning.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


We might feel at times that we’re the magnets; to the opposites in attractions it does not mean we’re not meant to be. Time and growth if not absence requires the both of us to figure out; what we appreciate in one another. Not what we want from each other to compliment the value we possess in ourselves.    

I pray through the remaining days of this life that we both allow ourselves sole permission to appreciate more in this life. And never forget why it had to happen of who showed up to stand by our side.

I desire to enlighten you with encouragement; so that you may not find 1 excuse to not focus on your pinnacles towards achievements.

I unselfishly gravitate to what is in your eyes and unraveling on your mind; so that you will never forget why I pushed so hard, when you pushed me so far. Because of my only intention was to contribute & appreciate you forever in this life. So 1 day our mothers could find rest in their weary HEARTS & MINDS.

If we both could accept time is all we have to discover in one another “perfection” does not exist. Would you put more effort in to stay, where you made up your mind to walk away. To only find there is more oppositions on the outside. Of our situation for lack of effort in  understanding?

We are not all that we expect one another to be. So replacement does not make up for what you no longer see in me. Or we can no longer see in us, but don’t GIVEUP. Time allows us the permission to grow even it's time to release, let go and move forward.

Therefore, if a Queen  forgets to SHOW you a more in-depth learning experience in this life; and you this KING forget to remind the both of you WHY:

A QUEEN is what you show & value her to be, and a KING is what a woman encourages & shows appreciation of him in all things”.  Now allow us to LOL collectively Because neither one of us knew we are DESTINED to cross one path. To figure out what & who we will need to "last & work out" in any plan.

-Angel L

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


It took a moment to prepare this proper dialogue. So that we can both see clarity in what a Woman needs a Man to understand of her Loyalty. And a Man needs a woman to acknowledge when he; surrenders. 

I need you to be strong in your faminine thinking to understand why you were not created to change a; man. I need you both to understand not every woman is mentally prepared to stand by your side. Or neither every man has been taught to lead, a woman. Therefore if we both should stay humble and prepared for which "one" of us if not "both" of us. Are mature in our own attitudes to endure a series of “LIFE’S” test. That will challenge the both us in the flesh.
I need the both of us to settle down in a quaint place so that neither one of us walks’ away so easily in our mental thinking space. Because being a woman does not mean we're all put together. Are willing to nurture & understand your concerns as a boy transitioning to this man.  So when you shut down in a space we swear as woman to understand. The line of communication remains open; on both ends.
Time brings “forever” or "temporarily" of situations together. And just because we cross paths on one journey in this life. It does not mean it's the end are beginning to our final destiny. Therefore allow our understandings to grow in "for every woman who is not always aware of “what it takes and how to give of not just herself ”.  And not every man is prepared to accept maturity takes time and patience in every single everybody. 
 “LIFE” is filled with test. And the bloodlines of our children either will keep us together. if mature us to reevaluate our own behaviors. The lesson to learn is from one another. What sacrifices have to be made. But with logic and  reasoning we both can build respect. To accept whethet we choose to stay, are walk away. 

A woman’s loyalty is tested when her man finds himself on that mental island alone. and if this woman does not communicate effectively & recognize what is missing in the relationship r even in herself. The effort and attention will diminish without a complete understanding.        

A man’s loyalty is tried when he has managed to rise up beyond his concerns. Or takes from another resource to fix what remains unappreciated and broken. It goes both ways "men & woman". And the reason for this statement is how we use the expression of love and action in  loyalty. Without accounting for who holds their own ownersip in accountability. Therefore women & men remember the “TEST”. In order to forgive each other. we must learn to first; forgive ourselves.  Not every man or woman is the same. Are is every relationship, perfect.

A changed man or woman is driven by their own internal vision of a new purpose..so we both either learn; how to live together. If not live a life apart searching.

Monday, September 18, 2017


Hope for the Best, but Prepare for the Worst, then why not Hope for the Best, Prepare and Build on the Rest? The possibilities are endless for our men and women to synchronize all of our unanswered questions. Structure our children and downsize on our higher expectations.  

If we were limited to one title, would we still execute that 1 roll. In a room to grow? 

I’m not writing to a make point of either side.  Of what has shown up in men and woman over ages of time. I’ll leave that to our leaders, activist and panelist to discuss of how men and woman both place Judgement, make several choices if not repeated repetition to continue in another generation of staggering across that bridge of our FEMINIST & MALE CHAUVINIST oppositions.

Most of HUMANITY has a general idea of what we have contributed or not been taught over generations, and how some men and woman have been misguided in our vision because of lack in understandings.

If we could remove those egos & boundaries that separate us in ROLL, STATUS and CLASSIFICATIONS could we move forward in clarity with a new pair of eyes and a renewed state of mind?

If our people could break free and build Outside of walls that separate us in FIGURES AND ROLLS. Could we maximize what we still know of what has been re-routed to us in our real world? And once we accept in knowing TRUTH what will our men and woman once again choose to do?

Once we can’t continue to ignore that we are both EQUAL to endure A “CLOSE OF ONE TO OPEN ANOTHER DOOR” how do we approach another discussion of our men and woman in POSITION of who has or who seeks of what we need in one another for “strength AND UNITY”?

At the End of The Day we must think deeper into the rolls we claim; or how else can we expect to survive without the proper guidance, unselfish protection and broader knowledge of one another in this life?


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...