Friday, May 11, 2018


How is it right when people want one thing from you and wrong when you need something in return?  We all need a chance to prove to ourselves, knowing we are not perfected. We’re only worthy of having something or someone else.

Trying to find love in a world so insecure and cold, no one is perfect but growing alone in any season eventually gets old. So instead we treat one another like everybody else, instead of somebody to care about. Is it too much for a fragile heart to search for an understanding in our thoughts?  
Who is that person who will not deceive or hurt us?  Who can recall feeling up; in their emotions?
Who has not experienced a stage of acting young in our thinking and conversation? Then figure out growing older did not mean growing up; get's easy?
Who has not did the picking of wrong people in the wrong seasons?
The point is we don’t all have to be perfect. We just need to make one another feel like we both serve a real purpose, instead of giving up; on one another.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018


In a world of Freedom of Speech we don’t always agree collectively; about racial topics that silence voices.  

African American people are gracious to watch and bold to touch. And we all know how this race did not spare in their contributions to making us a great nation.

In the beginning the faith of this race was smudged in the long lines of boundaries, worn hardships, grooved chains and bolted down confinement. That remains unrested on crinkle paper in distress. And yes the stain from that coffee still remains fresh as well as the aroma over brewed up conversations. And with all due respect this may be my own opinion. But let’s stir up this old Coffee pot to loosen those grains up, that remain lodged inside of us.

“A mother of all colors once said “twice a child, once an adult", and if you  keep on living you will see what has been planted of generational seeds in their children to strive for “perfection”  “nothing gained, nothing earned” if not “aim for progression” in the REAL WORLD you will experience cultural differences. And where there is no love and respect, people lose compassion and confidence.

This pot is almost half way done. Whether you enjoyed your warm sip or allowed it to get cold. The next time you select a topic while enjoying your coffee conversation; consider change can happen in a split second; over a cup of coffee.

The Element of Time

Neither one us was born rich. And neither one of us will die poor. No human being will remain young until they ACCEPT growing old. And understanding in the process that a full life is filled with wise decisions & selective choices.

You can improve yourself daily in this life. You can continue to deal with people that cause you darkness if not the demons we all fight. Or we can stumble our fragile feet on rocks and stones. Until we figure out; what our living and purpose is about.

I ask myself what is important about validation in this life.  Well, it's a form of security we all seek from one another overtime.
I walked in my own shoes my whole life. Some people need re-examination of who they are to accept who they are afraid of. While other people have figured it out; that life is going to work itself out.   

But let’s not leave on this note, since we no longer respect the POWER of LOVE in HOPE. Let’s talk about MONEY something we all can debate or communicate, from the beginning of this page.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


A title connected to; two bad habits that will hook you into mastering a performance in a knowledgeable way. While discovering what you’re capable of doing, in a World Wide quest to project how people re-act “through mass production, inventions, products and services”.

And once you figure out how to approach your next quest, in an effort to being the next Entrepreneur stirring your own ship. Investigate the multitude of information you will receive. Based on the only questions you seek. Until growth & experience takes place in the way you learn to communicate. With diverse people who have done their thorough homework or minimum research.
·        Habits are easy to obtain. The one cure is to stay committed & focused in your own destiny.
·        Instant gratification is not always a reality. Don’t sale yourself short to float in a false reality of hope.

In anything work is a required regime. And not everything or person is meant to grow with you, listen closely to why " to your next LEVEL in this life". 

·        Where your feet will move with consistency. You’ve got to identify with; endurance, extra passengers, and possess patience to gain an abundance.
·       And for every abundance don’t always expect it to fit into your hands. One can easily lose a focus to seeing a broader vision?

Remember not every human being will run at the same speed. Not every handshake is sincere, not every note taker is writing on your page. Not everybody understands your sacrifice and pain.

As a child my grandmother wrote letters every day, was born in the 1920’s. Her daddy was a farmer of his own land. Her mother passed at an early age. She taught her siblings how to read and write. My grandmother was a valedictorian in her life. She served as a humanitarian in every cultural community. She fed the poor & assisted in locating shelter for the dislocated. She encouraged her children and others in continuing education, and career development, and worked humbly for the masses with no complaints. I was blessed to hold her in my life. Most importantly I paid closer attention to TIME.   

Author of Angel L. LIFE pages,
The Burdens of a Heavy Heart, Breaking the Yolk, People Struggles & Stereotypes, and the Writer "author, owner to the words" on this Blog of  "".

Thursday, April 12, 2018


What amount of time is enough, to accept lesser of what u give of more, to someone else who is INCAPABLE.

Although in the end of this Incapable emotion. Have no regrets that u were capable to cross over an ocean, only to be refused of someone else to cross  over a puddle.

Next time one door closes for you in this life. Peep to see who is behind the other before opening up to; what u r capable of. In exchange for what they refuse. 

Friday, March 23, 2018


Ladies a man will ask “what do you want in a man” A boy will prove to you “I know you wanted it, too”.   

In either of your preferences Reply with one response: a girl’s way, if not a woman.

I need a man with a pallet of different taste. He will say “what do you mean”.  I need a man who is adventurous but also knows his strengths, vision & weakness.

Ladies some men will not respect, your comfort zone. Unless you show up for either of them in what you will or will not do. And in return is how a man or boy will respect you.

Ladies men are observant, but not always verbal. Watch out of what we over compensate in our woman strength. For either it could be; their ultimate mission. 

Ladies a man want’s to be shown “appreciation”, “submission” & “respect”. Remember in either of them, they also have to know if not grow to learn; it needs to be reciprocated back.   

Ladies we are not always 100% accurate, neither is a man or boy always 50% percent correct. So seeking 50/50 will possibly set us both back, in either of our selections. So allow a hunter to master what he was permissioned to do. And continue in being the prey. Eventually a man or boy will surrender. In what we both will figure out, if not learn together in what our choices and growth is really about. Out of the LOVE we've managed to create; in a WAR we lose both our ways.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


I gotta come down from this natural high. Cause it got me thrusting to grasp  more of it’s gravitating drive. I’m starting to see how to hold onto; what is in everyday being taken advantage of. In human arrogance.

I’m over trying to get pass; all the hard times. I ain’t stressed about; unecessariness. I’m not trying to multiply then divide; who is going to subtract or add to me in this life. Cause I’m so focused now; from the places we all fall. And stumble to stand UP TALL. My heart has also been broken like anybody else. But I refuse to accept “telling pity stories of being down is always changing circustances around”.  
I’m reaping harvest in every season that won’t die; because of  my vision I took some time to groom & nurture my attitude.  

Hardtimes taught me to fight without always utilizing my tongue & hands, heartache stregnthened me in places that weakness is broken. Love & Laughter taught me the struggles is real; but not always necessary to say it is. Tears are always necessary in a state of fearful confusion, love making is a treasure hidden with communication. And beauty is in the eyes of who stands in front of  the mirror.

The entire time on this journey SOMETIMES wandering, weary and worn; this HIGH I have was given by permissions. In areas LIFE's storms were destined to happen. Of every Arthur’s ending of fruits bared and labored rendered.

-Angela L

Saturday, March 17, 2018


I won't complain; about nothing.

For people will grow weary; overtime.  Forgetting the good shown when they needed it the most. Be confident in knowing; who u can depend on.

Have you ever sought in yourself.  The things that I complain about. Could possibly be that thing that I may consider of a  requirement to change in myself? Why, because we live in an unpredictable place where our choices will evaluate every human move me initiate; to make.

Then once you've evaluated yourself the things you once complained about.  Will seem real small in a large unpredictable World.

Therefore someone else is not always to blame. You are not always a victim of someone else's reasoning.  In areas of ourselves that we refuse to change.

Angel L
I took account of my life today. And I am so grateful to see the U-turn directed in seasons for me.

Friday, March 9, 2018


The vow is really one spoken mission; to compliment one another in a world. Where there will be a multitude of confusions.

Gentlemen let’s not forget beside a good man with all his flaws, but not lacking in a real plan. Also stands a good woman; who has also been hurt. But we’re not to the point of bitterly broken.

So that “situation” we both reference is this; at what point in this life do we both crease out our wrinkles in time. To sit down and find some understanding in what is missed of our fears; to communicate without reservations?

Time proves it takes a boy time to groom into a grown man. In exchange for that grown ass man to understand & appreciate; that girl with her old heartaches that will eventually grow into the woman.  She strives to figure out about herself.
So tomorrow we don’t forget to make one another smile, whether we’re on TOP of the world or facing the bottom of what is growth in life's challenge.   


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Uncommon Life

Psalm 16:5-11

It is not uncommon of what we expose in the world today. It has become common we expect uncommon things.

So what am I saying that you have not heard? Or repeated in expression of; ourselves.

I sat by my elder today. The gentleman was 70 years in age. He said to me my wife deceased 17 years ago. And the Lady I finally married is nothing like her; and I'm lonely spending time on my own. I softly said if you give her your 2nd chance then maybe you can enjoy a future with her. And not the wife of your past.

I later today was approached by a man inquiring direction.  I did not look up but I answered his question; with no hesitation. The man proceeded to say "woman are wandering why men are not marrying them for LOVE" today. He also said woman have change the game. I looked in his eyes and said "it takes two" one to teach & the other to learn.

I was asked after all these years by an old friend who said I'm still having fun; dating woman.  And then he asked "why are you not married? I said I knew a long time ago people would change, their minds. So I took my years to grow. Instead of entertaining open & closed doors. He said so give me your number and we can talk. I said you're still not listening. Because of what u said; I also heard of what I've outgrown.

In the past years and a half of a dysfunctional relationship; I've learned people can really be lonely even in a marriage. We can be LOST & FOUND; in denial that keeps us comfortable. We can entertain OPEN & CLOSED doors.

But the person who can except their own truth, deal with their own denial. Is the person who will never be alone. Because this person has figured out what their peace & contentment is about.

Happiness is a choice; and acceptance of anything is common. In a uncommon life.

Arthur: AW

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


You can seek for an explanation; in every human action. You can be driven; by life disappointments. Are you can be inspired by short experiences. In a life that will eventually close chapters to create new beginnings.

In every life experience we individually take it personal. We validate why our hurt is a priority. Simply because of 'WHY ME'. Even in spaces we out grow of what needs to be 'LET GO'. In situations we grow bitter & cold for being comfortable.

Black Girl you are bad to the bone. And sweet as a honey comb. Black man you are built to last with your strong determination to not give in; to every set back. Sometimes neither of our choices are destined to fall in line. For life has its own set of  footprints that will reveal our choices in our own  generations.

Therefore embrace who you are. Without validating what you choose to prove; of your footprints in reasoning. To blame one another for our undetached struggle of inner aggressions. We dismantle of  our mixed emotions. To disregard truth in any type of relationship we are all still human.

Time did not promise happiness. Time allowed us to produce a fluorescence in life choices.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...