Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Money, is it a curse that awaits us to posses it. Or is the curse a domino affect; in how some People obtain it and frivolously utilize it? 

Saying the word "money" generally speaking stimulates people's mind. They feel powerful, invisible, and entitled at times we speak the infamous words "money can't buy happiness or love". Try living making pennies to live.  

Rest assure 1% of all money is not corrupt in how it's obtained,  8.25% min ranges in taxes depending on your location. While the remainder 91%  ranges in other interest rates, inheritance, hard earnest work, and even a lost of loved one for it. Never the less the math may be inaccurate. Proving that old cliché holds some truth in "money may not buy everyone of us happiness or love" but for the sake of logic if not argument the access to having it; compliments our human development.

The word content, has a powerful meaning in it. If you do not possess something; you don't relate, but understand the possibility of living it. If you can relate then you understand; what sacrifices, loss, hard work and suffering comes with it.

Angel L.
Angela W.

Friday, June 1, 2018


A disturbing occurrence that could happen at any moment. No matter how u prepare for it. Life changes.

One day we entered through a door of life. All at different times; we titled it our birthdays with celebrations. One day we shared laugher and our plans. One day we all grew up and life had more in store for us. But if tomorrow is promised. We would soon be together again talking about our plans. Then one day came around and we both missed; 1 unaccounted ingredient on that list.

Always prepare you a life list of ingredients, next prepare to live by it with minimum reservations. Time will process the rest of what has or will be missed.
  • Then one day you or I will search for that list of special ingredients. That may or no longer exist. Why, because of time that will bring about a change of how we once prepped & processed that list we once planned to live.

In Memory of Z. Epps

90 Day Vision

I've adapted to communicate fluently, I'm keen in observing globally.

Mark Twain was determined to invest; in his sharp memory, and keen power of
observation. And for that his writings in “American Literature” converted into “wealth”, inspired by real people portrayed through characters.
Huckleberry Finn made a historical impact in our Visions. But not every vision is found on a shelf, not every vision is downloaded on a tablet are recorded, not every vision is executed. Or neither is every story told bound to gain an abundance in wealth. But for every vision something incredible will birth back into a New Generation!

Angel L found being enlightened was resourceful & encouraging to grasp in understanding the purpose for it.  And in return her motivation persevered through five senses of investments in writing with tenacity about real people life stories.
Who can say what is relevant or not, where it makes a VISION “fiction” or “non-fiction”?  

Clearly, if you have not made a choice of time to invest in your own vision, continue to be inspired by life eventually time will reflect to us why.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Today’s Motto

I can do well all by myself, just not bad with someone else.

This is a humble statement because life happens. You can be up one day and down the next with all that you are with ownership. You can be associated with the most intelligent people in your circle, and they will not have all your answers. You can be Boo’d Up in moment &  tomorrow test can alter it 

I was asked what’s up this Memorial Weekend. I said I got a few plans of my own in mind, as we all might be traveling somewhere in time. Be wise and safe, but continue to enjoy life. I said to my son I love you boy. I told my friends I’ll swing bye, and to my family they know I’m on speed dial. I ended this week focused & humble and later I’ll meet some acquaintances & close contacts for some libations. Oh yeah,  I'm not perfect just living. 

A Boss plans but is open to direction.  

So whatever God is up to next; peep the plan is to stay prepared. It's on you to live for what you believe in. 

Wicked Chicken

A side piece confidently swears I get what I want. And if you’re paying close attention a side piece does not discriminate in gender or race so whatever belongs to him or her, proceed to calculate in the sidepiece.

This is not an assumption, we all going to pay for one another through our choices. For some reason we all possess “addictions”.  Even to the extent we find it hard to break them. So if we’re going to point the finger think twice about how we’re all paying for a side piece in our lives.

Who wants to be a millionaire?

1.     The majority says “I want more than that”

2.     The minority says “that’s not enough”

3.     The sidepiece say’s “I got whoever covered”

4. The mistress say's "let's run away together"

5.     The Lottery Commission says “Play at your own risk”. A very bold statement, but who can resist in buying into it?

There are several ways we pay, either in what we value or justify in our point of views. But no one’s happiness can be bought in having a side piece moment. Of what taste good if you don’t already have what you need to stay full. In tomorrow life will add to our plates; that will make us rethink about a sidepiece. Or maybe not, some people just eat with their eyes.     

Get Your Groove On

“We can all attest that dating is like a game of chest, also very demanding, even so in a marriage. Therefore I speak in general of how we seek a quick fix, to tune-up our own inquisitiveness in inhibitions. And accountability is always a requirement; in everyone’s choices.

How can it be humanly possible in a world of dynamics with woman and men, no one can find a mate, if not husband or wife?  And I’m not saying people are not together. I’m not saying people don’t hook-up. What I’m reflecting on is; what is it about lust that we hunt down to figure out “how” to fully please one another.  Oh yeah, and passion requires another level in attendance & understanding.  
Can we really make it work without any type of deception? Meaning what we say to one another is always “real and straight forward”, and if not then we’re always going to be playing mind games with one another, with no reasoning to be quick in accepting accountability.

The majority of the time people know what they want to do. The denial is harder to accept that want was not necessarily NEEDED.  Now we can deal with ourselves, for making it about someone else.
If it’s not humanly possible to fully make one another happy in this life, again we can vision perfection but what is the possibility of preserving it?  Eventually in a human sophisticated manner we can all slice up a good piece from having a conversation, simply to figure out what we really about.

Loneliness & Companionship wears well on the outside, only you know what it covers well on the inside”. And it's in Knowing the gift that’s not easily processed.

-Angel L


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Deep Breathe

The Gift of Knowing is  powerful. But not so enlightening in areas it causes stress from being dissected with correction. So more than often  FREEZE & BREATHE, then next proceed.

In life Patience manages our Control over the areas; we as human beings in moderation can't handle.

We never think to ask the right questions, so therefore we get round about answers. But once we figure out:

The title itself does not always connect; to the eyes of the observers.

The stories can be told, but there is never a one that a human being has not been heard & been through.

The marriage ceremony and relationships are different and complex. Depending on the viewers idea of possessing it. Or a combination including the level of commitments. But no one has figured out the right key turns with communication. No matter what the Laws of The Land made of a requirement.

There is no right or wrong Q&A; we as a people must learn how to relate. Whether it be through experience, which everyone thinks they have it but choices prove different.  Or sought of knowledge, but some people prey on the exemption of knowledge. In areas that mislead our understandings?

The reality is something NEW happens everyday in our lives, Reality shows are real people portraying their lines. Through viewers dissecting each line. Married people are seeking to build and understand one another, while working on each other. In a mystery of a moment seeking answers outside of one another. For what is dialogued as communication purposes. Really, can other people always have your answers in a made up mind of choices? To recognize if not fix; something time has expired in?

Our formal or informative way of relating to one another will create pressure, and it's not a requirement in every "human action" we need to have a "COME BACK" conversation. Maybe if we "respect the word work is a natural requirement, in dealing with human beings". Be wise where your feet are directed and your mind reaps a small volume to grasp more UNDERSTANDING.

After a long day at work, I decided to work on some advancement details in my life. Immediately I received a call that said "look outside your door". Of course I thought to myself I did not plan for any company. But our plans or not always in line with another persons plans of what they seek over-time.

The moral of this story is a Woman will teach you valuable lessons. And a Man is direct in simply showing you truth in what he is not always saying, but thinking through. Experiences will change you.We have to be honest within ourselves about what we choose to see and hear. Not limited to The Laws of The Land non revised version of their requirements.

So what if life had provided us warning that troubles will come. And people will grow weary with one another at any-time. Would it have made a difference, because life for us, them are other's; either did or didn't?

-Angel L

Thursday, May 17, 2018


We can create good & bad habits in our lives, and it's unfortunate they become hard to delete with time.

What if we would have known in our working careers, education or job overtime there was a slight possibility it would not make us riches in Wisdom. But the real purpose was to expand our vision, in taking care of our own personal business.

What if we would had held onto those people who were spontaneous & fun for a moment in our life. Could we of promised one another " personal change" would of not "affected us". Or that our "trials" together we could of handled?

What if we never get our finances sewed up this life is not promised forever, neither is the unexpected coming later. And some of us or selfish to assume; that someone else has time for forever, without sacrificing from their own dreams and goals.     

What happens when our children continue to watch and emulate  everything we demonstrate in front of them? And it's ok everybody was not raised the same in mannerism and respect. Just remember a leader dictates, a follower who is seeking. 

I listen to men say "I'm trying hard to be a good man", without reservations. I said to a man "life has it's own plan, stay true to yourself & pray, then don't over think it for everyone else".

I listen to  woman say I just want to be the best I can be, and find someone to share it with. I said "girl friend look in the mirror everyday, and speak to yourself I am growing everyday" and pray.

See not 1 HUMAN being is perfect in any race, we only seek in one another  uninterrupted "EXPECTATIONS".  And before we understand our own purpose, why not stop allowing other distractions to PLAY in our DELETED section. 

On behalf of this BLOG, I give honor to my mom for teaching me how to push the DELETE button.

Body Topics

The power is in the tongue; so will we ever learn in using it, does not always require us to say anything with it.

The Body spoke using the tongue and said to the mind, heart and soul “allow me some time to rest”, from feeling unappreciated. Eventually the eyes observed the conversation which tickled the ears to make a connection. Stimulating the nerves is when the hands appeared out of nowhere, for the feet to move around unsure of what is going down.

We may not have all the same attributes, but we do learn to manage our bodies and adjust to what comes natural in us.  

We may not move or think alike; but we do respond with an individual mind.

We may or not all have a good intention in our heart; but we can feel what is missing in another.

We may not all see with the eyes one vision; but we do choose in how we utilize our eyes to see how our feet move in different directions.

We are not made up of one soul; that bounds us to be together for eternity. The soul allows us to connect, while TIME allows us permission.

We may not all value one another or what we have; but we do hear with our own ears who is making their own choices.                     

The hands touch in making physical connections. But if they did not exist; use the body parts that make up for it. To keep it moving. 

Friday, May 11, 2018


How is it right when people want one thing from you and wrong when you need something in return?  We all need a chance to prove to ourselves, knowing we are not perfected. We’re only worthy of having something or someone else.

Trying to find love in a world so insecure and cold, no one is perfect but growing alone in any season eventually gets old. So instead we treat one another like everybody else, instead of somebody to care about. Is it too much for a fragile heart to search for an understanding in our thoughts?  
Who is that person who will not deceive or hurt us?  Who can recall feeling up; in their emotions?
Who has not experienced a stage of acting young in our thinking and conversation? Then figure out growing older did not mean growing up; get's easy?
Who has not did the picking of wrong people in the wrong seasons?
The point is we don’t all have to be perfect. We just need to make one another feel like we both serve a real purpose, instead of giving up; on one another.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018


In a world of Freedom of Speech we don’t always agree collectively; about racial topics that silence voices.  

African American people are gracious to watch and bold to touch. And we all know how this race did not spare in their contributions to making us a great nation.

In the beginning the faith of this race was smudged in the long lines of boundaries, worn hardships, grooved chains and bolted down confinement. That remains unrested on crinkle paper in distress. And yes the stain from that coffee still remains fresh as well as the aroma over brewed up conversations. And with all due respect this may be my own opinion. But let’s stir up this old Coffee pot to loosen those grains up, that remain lodged inside of us.

“A mother of all colors once said “twice a child, once an adult", and if you  keep on living you will see what has been planted of generational seeds in their children to strive for “perfection”  “nothing gained, nothing earned” if not “aim for progression” in the REAL WORLD you will experience cultural differences. And where there is no love and respect, people lose compassion and confidence.

This pot is almost half way done. Whether you enjoyed your warm sip or allowed it to get cold. The next time you select a topic while enjoying your coffee conversation; consider change can happen in a split second; over a cup of coffee.


Unbelievable! If anything could ever occur. In this lifetime. That's in reality unbelievable on earth. Remain in tact. For what & Wh...