Wednesday, August 15, 2018


We can watch life pass bye, or we can choose to live in it; one day at a time.

Approaching the end of any story there will always be; resistance in letting go of memories that remind us of how life did pass bye, but has the weight been lifted from us to ask of ourselves “do we live enough” in this life to say tomorrow “I’ll give it another try”?  

Therefore it’s time to grow-up in our “MIND SET”, to read this post sent to me in the early hours of this morning. You can either relate too or understand how & why people are not designed to fit into the patterns of your life.

(" I'm ready to start living and stop trying to survive. How do we remove a curse that was placed upon us ages ago.. it all start in the mind body and soul but how do we get people to actually try to be the Light and elevating energy that wants a change")

The answers we seek to find are not hidden in our past or another person’s visions. The truth has been answered to all of our questions over-& over again, and doubt is the fear in our “mind set” that enables us to be free; from that struggling “old generational curse” someone keeps living.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A Woman's Tale

Becoming this woman many hats had to be worn; in confidence. Tears hidden in silence, scars covered up behind her internal beauty & wisdom in her enduring patience.

To a woman your life is what you plant of seeds in it. But don’t lose hope if some seeds struggle to grow.

To a man who is that woman's seed on this journey. Once you have established  a woman that will invest in your growth; learn how to treasure every moment with her. Because not every woman looks the same, therefore not every woman is intended to be what you want. This woman will share with you of her patience, plans, tough love and enduring understanding.
To a child or grown up adult who at times show disrespect to this woman; remember this if there was no woman created in this life, you would have not known how a nurtured woman could or have added value to your life.

To a woman; value who you are at all times, not what you can’t always be to other people in this life. Sometimes we get caught up dancing in the ant piles of life. Instead of knowing how much hurt is enough.  

I met men who did not have much money are ambition, he did not talk fluent about business, he had a curious tenacity of seeking his mother’s understanding in all of his talked about relationships. Until one day he met a woman that was not his mother. Not every man is meant to be in your life or a husband. And what this woman shared he could not appreciate of it "the time" he could of learned the difference of “purpose” not all intentions. The thing this man taught was a lesson about what we have heard of about “weak men & woman” is not a bad person. If this man or woman does not know in the choices being made will stunt “growth”. Therefore we again in our opportunities miss the value in one another; to give and receive the “guidance” we both men and woman need.

We may not walk the same paths, or speak the same idea choices. We may not administer our visions with diligence. And often we take for granted “wisdom” to live in settling for what was once our past disadvantage.

We can’t give up on one another if we work together in growing each other. And in every occasion other people are not always the recipe for our choices. Everyone does not desire to be in relationships "once they figure out the real options". 

Our men will struggle to lead that woman; who seeks of that man’s direction, patience and understanding. And that woman will struggle to follow that man; who has to accept his own sense of good and mismanaged direction, is when she will show him her soul of which direction will lead us all to the truth. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


If you are in a relationship or meet a man with sensitive emotions. Either be patient or be prepared to process his sensitive actions.

Woman are more of strength and character in today. Why, because of life we all change. And both men & woman have figured what we're capable of living with in our self's. Therefore a sensitive man or woman is not a real world issue. What is the primary focus is this; what we choose to settle in of ourselves with.

A father said his daughter had children by a man, invested in a common living space to build on their relationship. And what this daughter said to her father was consuming to process to hear his princess say "daddy my man said he has sensitive emotions for men", the father responded "I need a drink to understand where did I go wrong in teaching you how a man should treat his woman".

Unfortunately daddy was not prepared to accept the mind set of what his baby girl has chosen to live with.

A female made an adult decisions with a man who had multiple baby mothers and kids. It's not uncommon some of us live normal lives in the dysfunction we create. But then add to it a wife who accepts knowing her man; as long as he pays the bills.

Unfortunately dId I mention no one used protection. And the heads were scratching; thinking what is not growing in these relationships. And its not fair to say rich people do it because they have investments & kids. And poor people do it because they have investments and love their wife, but on any day everyone will pay a price. People get hurt "always" because of someone else's sensitive ways.

A young girl attended college and on the way she was excited about the attention she gained from a bad boy with bad intentions. His body was extravagant, his conversation was minimum, his side strokes were immaculant, his pockets were full one day, and empty the next day because his plans were not of investments.

Unfortunately, these men and woman hung around to see if the other would hang around. And we all know sometimes its hard for people to consider letting go; of what they have become immune too.

A man went to prison defending his love for this woman, this woman went to prison defending this man who stop visiting. These kids were born all over the place, and some kids received child support checks, some saw dad on the weekdays & weekends, some people stayed in confusion for the sake of the kids. While we play around with those sensitive emotions.

One day we will wake up to the "Y's" in all of our 'I's" to communicate the little things before it's to late, to admit or not God forgives,  and how we could have done better in our stewardship.

See life is not perfect. And in each other we should halt in seeking any of it. To break the cycles we live in. 

Monday, August 6, 2018


Take your brothers or sisters hand; and walk with him or her off that old Plantation.

If we chose to remain on the Plantation of our denial, suppression, and payback; we've only extended our stay for free room & board, splintered, wood and marbled floors to walk around looking for that North star.

Once we're mentally free & of age to know better we can teach one another the importance of doing
better. But if we choose to live in excuses and settling in what we were once showed not too know or progress in; it's time to take some accountability to look into the mirror and see; who is now giving the beatings.

We can teach our people to think in a clearer head space, we can show our exhausted men and woman you no longer have to settle in making those same decisions; in this new day called confrontational ways. We then mislead our children with confined thinking. And men learn how to lead us your queens in directions  you won't grow weary in, and queens communicate more with your kings together the respect is then built on a solid foundation. Not the echos off that old plantation.

I'm not saying to much has changed over this coffee stained ways. But it takes the weak in fearful thinking to destroy the strength of a free mans thinking. So why is the path still so dark where we can now see our feet; with shoes on?

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Mama's Boy

When mother's don't allow their boys to grow-up & become men; life trials will eventually break them in.

To a woman; if you desire to become  a  mother or wife; work on yourself first. And be honest enough to know whether are not; you're willing to build a life with love on a solid foundation; once the lack of money and sickness shake up that relationship not always God in it; but of what man & woman lusted.

To a mama's boy; one day momma won't be around for you to run to her when u fall down. And the reason why she is still here to hold your hand is; to see before she leaves this life if the decisions you're making are mature enough to let you go; into being your own man without looking for her ✋ .

Marriage is a commitment for mature people who are prepared for the good & bad together; at some point we all are husbands & wives.  For me I've been a wife the majority of my life. I've cared & sacrificed to show up on time.  I've been there through sickness and death. I've been there through life trials of weakness and test. I'm not a chef but I will cook from morning to late night shifts. And some people will say how do you give so much. I say to them "when people are weak in areas they struggle to be strong" they tend to make you feel unappreciated while they feel entitled to what you are capable of giving. And in the end all those mama's Boys will search for her love; but they will struggle to find a woman who allowed her boy to grow-up into a man. Because these woman never stopped talking to God.

Life is not always filled; with Happy Day's. But not everyday has to be filled with entitlement, grievances  & depression. Growing up prepares us all to deal with those past struggles; we have no choice in facing of today. And in tomorrow that is not promised; to any of us. 

Friday, July 27, 2018


Giants they do Fall, no matter who or what they are.

Depression is all around the world, when enemies do create WARS. We are not always prepared to see coming. Unless we stay prepared to fight a good fight in the ones we create within ourselves.

Fear of not knowing, and working through the fears of what we struggle to live in. 

Family: morals values & beliefs
Religion: a freewill choice. 

Drug addictions-Sex addicts or Murderers: self-examination

Power/Leaders/Service: level of comfort

Rich/Poor: condition-state of mind

Beautiful: self- confidence

Married: choice of investment

Single: choice of preservation

Idealistic/Witty/Smart: personal choice of self- perspective 

Small/Tall: acceptance in who you are.

Followers/ Leaders: vision. 

Dark/Light-skinned/White or any race in ethnicity

Mentally/Physically Challenged: fighter

Maturity: self -examination

Fun: live your best life

 Mentally & Physically in all ages, we have the will to fight each one of our GIANTS in this life!


Dear Friend

We both knew that one day the trials of this world would weight our faith.
One we did not know how we would need one another; until that day mother and daddy would no longer be around, and the reality in that one call we knew to make would no longer be available to take. So we turned to one another in despair to find some clarity in the clouds over our lives.

We did not get to choose what date we needed to grow-up before mom and daddy went away. Sometimes the true friend you will need the most; will show up at any given moment.

We always assumed we had more than enough time to dance around the people who would truly care about us in this life. And don’t ever fool yourself into believing; the people we start out with will always be around to stay with us until the end.

One day we will say good morning or goodbye, we will leave unsettled disagreements non-dealt with; because of our immature ways. But mom and daddy may no longer be around to pick up the pieces we continue to toss around.

One day we will bury our children, even before our mothers and fathers, one day we will WEEP for true love in a world of WEARY people who have no more love to give.

One day we will search and study for answers in reasoning we can no longer comprehend, one day time will show us what we invested in of how to find some peace in our choices.

To a friend or love one who stuck with me or left my side on this journey of life; when u did not have the strength to believe in us “I knew in my whole heart and plans” to tell that storm we together WILL “conquer”.  

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


There was a man of color with one dime, who envied another man of color with two nickles?

There was a family who knew struggles, but not everyone in this family made different life choices.

There was a generation of have and have not, and both shared one common interest in what one had or had not; 

There were people who chose marriage, while other people chose a different direction in experiencing relationships. And the end both groups figured out; how important their values & morals eventually complimented if not affected; one another.  

The Information Sharing is not a mission of impossible, so why is communication kept, in confidentiality of who gets what?

REGULAR people wear scars whether their hidden on the inside or out. 


TALENT is what makes us rich rich, and the mindset we use is what manages what we end up with. 


OFF or ON-LINE in our infinite hours of the day watching and buzzing about who doing what in this life; draws the BEE back into the HONEY HIVE a good life of what we say it is.

until we see the plan ahead of ; 

CARRYING extra Weight, is just not always conducive in real life.

      Recognize the real, Tell the truth, Off-set the ignorance, and Carry on as less weight as possible. 

Wish Good or BAD on whoever in this life. GOD wrote a even A BIGGER PLAN in the Book Of Life. Than man's for each other.
Angela L. 

Neighbor "Foreign & Domestic"

Foreign and Domestic we tried it for ages in attacks rewarded under a curse; for obedient acts. Biblically we remain in our own conclusions. 

Once we put prayer second, after first working through our own actions. The accountability came with being reprimanded for changes; we implemented.

I rose up this morning and spoke to God with a purpose, asking for a moment of silence to process how the words conformed turn into "conflict instead of channels of communication". And we all know that not all of our "faiths & human ways" stagger to align on one page. Regardless of how we engage or live of cohabitation across the page.

God knows we have not been honest to one another in this life, and using the name of God brews up spite. How uncomfortable in knowing our own reasoning of what we have created of more confusion throughout generations, that manages our focus to progress. Believe it or not even the strong at heart grow weary & weak "over-time". And not for one moment in all of my penmanship or acquaintances will I ever discredit "purpose" or direct people in areas that we all struggle in our own transgressions.

We still have moments left on that grandfather clock to digest how we search in one another “Y” the hurt still stems from "words & choices" we attempt to fix in the same places we remain to co-exist among “Foreign & Domestic” confusion.

Some day's we are filled with compassion & sunshine. And in 1 second we're filled with pure hell. So what happened in the (blemishes of our human ways)? Once we make the attempt for progression. Once we feel listening is no longer a requirement & to treat people clueless. And seek the trust of our tireless families and friends to fix in us what remains  of “Y” the struggle is sooo real today; of what it was on yesterday.

Monday, July 23, 2018


Dedicated to our sons; define who you are in the man you work to become.

I told  my son as a child respect yourself in the world. Of course his tiny eyes glared at me with curiosity. But as time progressed I watched over what my child mentally processed. Of how his mother lived; in his presence.

I knew one day those tiny feet would grow out of my control. I knew one day the baby talk would turn into real words. I knew one day he would seek out his own destiny; is when real life would be waiting.

Sons you will seek a companion in this life to call your own; you will search in one another for guidance and growth. You will make decisions based on your feelings. You will learn in life that the things you trust in to believe are attached to people; that will leave you questioning  "Y". You will learn every gift is not sent from heaven.  Sometimes the best gifts come through WISDOM. But not everyone you meet will hand you a key. To open up the doors of the places you seek of; growth.

Sons one day your life will change in a miraculous way; stay prepared and focus for the night will eventually turn  into good days. Seek your own truth in the paths some people may  mis-guide  you. Find peace in your choices not all mistakes are made. Be strong in knowing how to walk away. Seek for your own understanding; in places you struggle to  prosper and grow. Your destination is not based on other people's approval!

What is meant to be will happen at the right time. Once you work on yourself things & the right people will fall in line, every time.

Self Service

Working on being a better person, is even more rewarding than being a better friend & or associate.

I care about people who enter my life. But sometimes we have to allow  people  to walk away. This is my story.

I allowed this person into my space who needed somebody in his life this time. In order for him to say to me "you never really needed me, but sometimes people do need help" , I would always reply to him " you have got to recognize when you need more help for yourself, before giving it back to those same people who always need an easy way out". This person would regress with an attitude of resentment.

Confrontation is a word that is used to identify a human attitude projected in a negative way. I hear it often utilized in the work place. In situations that are often created by people with the intention of hiding behind their manipulative; mindset. And if you do not respond to their authority in a manner beneath their level of communication, then you are associated with responding back; in a confrontational way of what was not expected to be voiced of your logic & personal opinion.

A Relationship is no different. Either we respect one another or create a confrontation to exist; in validating what we struggle with of one another's area of growth in communication. So do yourself a Self service by continuing to teach one another the difference.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...