Sunday, April 4, 2021

Psalm Sunday

We colored our Easter eggs for the children, we cooked family dinners with families, and worshipped with our sister's & brother's in christ. As we celebrate the death and rise of our savior Jesus Christ.

And in case you are not a believer, are given up hope. No worries the prayer warriors are praying for All nation's of mankind. 

For his death, was written in the history of All man. So we may have life, more abundantly.  Where death would remind us of Jesus Christ own suffering. 

"The Resurrection of Jesus"      The back bone of our Christian Faith.                                        JOHN 3-9

Friday, April 2, 2021


What is fighting all about. Its looks as if people can't keep their hands to themselves. And the sad part about it is this; these same type of people beat up on themselves.

I seen children play. Until it got out of hand. I said if you're going to mirror what you have seen. Make sure you got some extra hands for the real test will be the next person; who is not your family are friends.

Before we put our hands on another person, in a non productive  mannerism. Think twice about how we often shut down. Once the real fight brings a real fighter out; no guns are 30-50 extra pair of hands. We should be more equipped to fighting our own internal battles. Where we are quick to disrespect respect each other; with laying hands with no reservations..

When I was clubbing, there was a song played that brought belly ache"na na na I"m going to start a fight".  Lord help some people needed a push just to get motivated by the hook.

Ghost Writer-#28 

Thursday, April 1, 2021


One day everything was growing because of the rainfall. Until one day nothing new grew at all. 

Why, because of an unexpected drought; again no plans where put in place to continue growing what was dying right before our eyes.

Ever watch how the flowers bloom, and the trees are bare. Then one day the grass suddenly turns brown. During every season a transformation takes place. And either things are people grow, are either things are people wither away.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


You decide what to negotiate of yourselves. You determine how much time will be invested. You control the outcome of your decision making. And we All choose to; accept, analyze are settle in what we can live with.

In my blogs I talk on people. Including myself. Why, without People there is no platform to discuss our human behaviors. And reveal in our behaviors why it divides us. As a People in our own relationships, our identities and collaboration in communications. 

Life is a holding space All people share. So why & how is it we find ourselves apart in the same space of life we share in All races of mankind?

Hate is an emotion. So what types of actions are we demonstrating in behavioral acts of cruelty towards People against People that no one wants accountability of exposing the truth. And what state of mind do we as People feel entitled to control of another person to emotionally feel?

See if its easy to look into an empty room & fill this room with human ideas. Its easy to size up a box if not look around the dimensions of a circle. Its easy to conclude an idea; but why do challenges arise to get People onboard.

Once we apply our human behaviors to life. We All can see what we refuse are choose to accept in our circumstances, struggles and challenges.

If you a follower; you will be lead. And if you are leader sometimes you will follow other leaders. Somehow we repeat the generational cycle. So, how and why is life really this complicated that we as a People grow so angry if not happy then dysfunctional. Are did we including All as a People complicate life. This holding space?

Think about it; what would we talk about, without talking about ourselves? And who would listen if it were not of human interest.

Monday, March 29, 2021


This morning have you received if not placed a call; to an old friend if any at all. 

The first thing we say is "what's up, what you got going if not you ready to get this money". If there is a true friend on that other end in this life. A true friend is prepared no matter the journey that is going to be taken..

Every morning at 10am. I received or placed a call to my bestfriend. And we always began with I'm in position of God's plan, just say when to push the button. Then one day the calls went unanswered and for a seconds there appeared; old, new and familiar faces talking over fast and slow  paces. But not 1 had a plan like me and my bestfriend. But what he left behind will continue in a vision. 

See true friends are hard to find, temporary friends are easy to catch up with. And old friends are always on standby watching.

Plan thoroughly, Alleviate unnecessary weight. Move in silence before u call if not pick up anytpe of call. Other than the one you know who plans is to embrace the both of your  visions. And protect the loyalty & respect in that friendship.

Ghost Writer-#28

Sunday, March 28, 2021


Opinions belong to All. However these are real lives of children. And yes, even in this country alone; American children suffer as well. Circumstances don't discriminate. However, real life situations will draw mass attention..

If there were perfect people created in the world; there would be perfection all over the world. And maybe All children would know a better life of  conditions. But unfortunately not all are conditioned to know; what our future holds across the world. 

If there were no ethic arguments; would there remain a justifiable reasoning to why is it always children that are exposed in suffering. If not established in a normal  condition of life

If countries of leaders. Were selected on the equality for all people of race, gender and creed; could we finally find peace, end the hate & poverty.  Then all manmade wars would finally cease?

These children called immigrants; divided by border lines of fence & unaddressed humanitarian needs. Human beings in the youngest of children. They walk miles parentless along stretches of danger to seek asylums to cross a line to Freedom. Where America grants immigration based on laws for entrance into this great American Country. But who can attest if roles are reversed and our great country is faced with a situation to save our own children. In a Free land where freedom is also being; challenged, debated and favorably questioned. On who if not what will be the exception in mankind.

In a world of isolated  compassion & a platform of bios & nonbios planning. It's to point fingers. If not care where u are not affected by legitimate if not opinionated reasonings for change. Therefore it's going to happen in a world we struggle to find of normalcy, peace of minds and logic. Where a massive division of debates is the reality of loss in hope if not finding; faith. 

Our visions weigh in on our leaders that will not be able to rewrite those once negotiated agreements. To begin salvaging All freedoms; and save many nation's.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


To Americans; China's product is the biggest of worldwide consumer demands; but what happens when the respect is disrespected. And the made in China is scarce of what Americans is familiar with in continuance of bargaining, trades and consumer needs in business.

Please explain why is China feeling a certain way? 

Please explain why our business is highly dependable economically on business with China, so enormously. 

Look around the world the writing's are on every Wall; of why Communication & Respect is  on Tak-Time of higher demands.


Priorities; no matter who you are. There should be priorities set aside if not the plans in place for our lives.

If we can work jobs; monday through sunday. How is it we fall behind in our own personal priorities?

If we can demand it out of another person; How can we justify what is not being reached in of our own prioritized expectations. According to time invested of what is taken upon ourselves..

I teach my gc & only son. Whatever you do in life put your own priorities, first.

 We are human, and its inevitable to not get off track. No matter your title are race if not associations. The reasoning to why priorities are crucial if not denied. Where our outcome will be determined in this life.

Time to wake up around the world. If the priorities are not set & in place. The goals are not going to be accomplished. So don't grow flustered if not angered aggression towards the reality; someone is prepared where you chose proscratination "in doing your own prioritizing".

In memory of my only son 2020 Dominique, #28", the choices belong to us in what we  disclipline of ourselves to Prioritize..

A Black Mother's Prayer

I pray safety over all my children tonight. Even for the mother of a child who is walking, laughing are enjoying their own families; in the eyes of wrath, hate & danger.

I pray we find peace & solid solidarity in All of mankind. But by know means; am I begging any man in race, color are creed. To change if it is not the desire to change in themselves.

I pray in a free country in 2021, we will not repeat the history of our  lenching to guns, choke holds & greed over black people from way back in 1812. There is land with crosses & unmarked graves. 

I pray greed, hate & jealously does not take out the breath of Humanity. I pray one day our own black children if not theirs my Lord; are free. From the choices that were made & taught throughout America and all Countries about this History.

One day as colored men & woman across this Globe; adults in all ages of race will change if not adjust; to a course of reconciliation if not a change to save this world.

In memory of The Days of Our lives; whom shall surrender. Where here we see minimum days of Victory; for debating the survival & life of each other.

Friday, March 26, 2021


The word comes with a heavy load. And if so who can carry the weight; alone?

In the streets; weight is used as a slang term. And who is moving it at a turnaround time.

In business; weight varies in product and demand. Of what is being carried and transported.

In peoples personal lives; weight is acknowledged as the amount of pressure 1 person or many persons take if not carry in weight. 

No matter what the scenario is; weight is an amount of pressure of aggression in mass movement if not gravity. The weight of anything will force a choice to be made. To alleviate the weight, manage the weight are move the weight to a different space. 

Whatever choices or moves needed to be made, ensure u r mentally built to carry; lesser are greater Weight.

Why, do people say the most disturbing statements when knowing the shallow moves they make. Then justify themselves in saying "you rot in hell", knowing that they are not built mentally to carry real weight?

In memory of D. White, 1991-2020. "God allowed the Weight u carried then managed in life, so one day u earned those Wings". Loved4life '#28'.

Thursday, March 25, 2021


If we want to start a mature conversation about change; we All must first, be serious about the change we want are not to see.

If there is always a debated heated conversation about behaviors that cause ruckus and turmoil. If not drama and deceit. How is it really logical a people in All humanity; believe. 


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...