Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Death of A Child

John 1:11

There is no time limit on grief. There is no pain worse than the loss of a human being. Included is a mother, father and child. Death leaves a hole in our hearts. The pain of a loss in life. Of a child. almost takes a lifetime to heal. But daily time is more respectful; to those in the living. Living while healing from A broken heart.

And just by chance you did not get the opportunity to cherish a little person that emulates you; from the crown of your head to the bottom of your feet. Try imagining someone else who has the heart to share themselves.

So many days I wonder if life never existed. How would we know agape love is so Powerful. Knowing Purposely disrespecting of love; brings us to a place of unsalvageable. 

There is not one moment I grasp my breathe. Just to hear my son's voice again. There is not 1 night I cease in prayer; that God watches over his precious children, cousins and entire families. In mending the hole in their human hearts. I pray if you have suffered any type of loss in death; whether by wars, spite, jealousy, hate are greed. Are maybe the gentle souls of mom & dad, grandparents & children, uncles & aunts, siblings and even a genuine friend or friends.

One day in humanity, it was not a surprise. But accepted where life grew to weary for some. And in others overtime their bodies desired; to rest. Is when God said "Enough" my child & children. Now I will end your shifts. And command that you rest; your weary heads upon my breast. 

Pain is part of the process. But struggling for the obvious of unnecessary. When you initiate yourself. For the sacrifice of someone else. To find relief; in your own created insanity. Or maybe just maybe; the pressure of life. Became to much to bare. Because 1 day and time we will all leave this place called; life. Hopefully you are them will not bury a child before the parent. Bury a mother without her children. Bury a father before he can say goodbye to his family. And race is not a factor.

If the love of money can destroy each other. And we can justify hell on earth; with a smirk, attitudes & smiles. Then why ask of who lives in a mindset with broken hearts. And never really understand why love hurts so much; once it's gone? Why, because reality is this. Some people are just not replaceable. In the type of Loved; they once shared.

Philippians 4:10

Monday, June 28, 2021


One thing we do know is this; life has taught us we need each other alive or dead. 

If we can recall there is no level of threat that is limited to not touch the innocent. Where

Buildings will collapse, financial funding will prolong assistance in every area of human help, wars will progress in silence over the power in many tongues. Money, money, money will keep them distracted to run over one another after it. Relationships must involve betrayal for the struggle to be real; in order to  maintain power & relevance. As we seek & pray for peace in a space with compromised  negotiations, debates & statistics. What time is it; and who is mentally prepared to protect our children? 

I write these blogs from human history. As I once was a child of my own people. And Although our time in ages range. One day it would be our deepest human struggles & fears. That will obscure the Knowledge but Expose of the Wisdom from birth. Wisdom the gift in bloodlines over generations. But only a few because many will rebel to follow the blind leading the blind. On this journey of wasted if not devalued time. Therefore the occurences that started yesterday in history will repeat in generations from start to end here on earth.

It will not be determined or neither the truth be shared of the time & date. For the the convenience of lies determined our wants & needs and liabilities. Regardless of our human views, status and debated disproportionate inequality to validate differences in equal equity. 

The reality is man did not create himself here on earth. There is no science that contradicts this statement. However, in science it seeks to duplicate mutation of God's orginal creations.

Any race of man has the human ability to obtain if not destroy his or her own knowledge. How, by the hands of iniquity. If not for seeking his or her own redemption. What time is it around the world; that in real time has halted movement? And who is going to educate our children. For tomorrow is here in today. Of what we are awaiting in; of self-challenging the needed change. No worries just leave them alone to wonder about on platform's that each seek diligently in demographics are internet connect; various outlets of uncensored content & mixed conversations.

A mightier power has to exist beyond man's indifferences; money can't buy life. To pay in for many to survive. In seeing the promised biblical truth of "3 score 10". 

Ghost Writer-#28 

Prison Talk

The term in definition is said to be a facility in proportioned sizes of structured orders and laws. Designed for the confinement of human beings who have committed heinous acts in society; against other people, are incriminating themselves in criminal activities. 

It's not rare in the structured forms of body if not bodies whom judge the crimes in foreign countries; made up of the elected politicians. And here in America we depend on our American Judicial system; a body of judges, magistrates and the 12 jurors. Who determine the civilians faith through our  moral, values and beliefs. We don't all share of the same.

The moral of is passage is our countries were structured by our for Father's broken into many divisions of government to serve it's people. And only two parties still hold accountability. One the people who hold an accountability to vote leadership in. And Leadership who vow in promises before they received winning votes to what they promise to work towards change collectively in these government divisions. So the people are treated with fair rights; to avoid inequality & red tape in obtaining equity.

Somehow for generations the justice continues to remain unequivocal in change; due to both parties. Why, our moral, values and beliefs never found that balance in justice for the people. As she stands of representation in Liberty & Justice for All. As we watch from every corner of the world.

Prisons are not limited to asphalt, bolts and bars. It is in our for father's structured division that has now confined it's generations in their our own mental Prisons.


Saturday, June 26, 2021


The stock market crashed 2008. In July 2021 the rent & light moratorium is ending. Why, the CDC has confirmed this is the last extension. 

What does this mean for inflation. Sell are buy, if not build up your credit. And raw money & land ownership will be the strategy in the algorithm for All people.

If you have an investment plan. With anytype equity in your ownership. It's time to dig deep and ask the questions. But don't expect real answers. Remember everything or being has to make a profit. 

If you feel you have not an plan investment plan. For example welfare, short term disability, or Paid leave of absence. Research Aflac, government assistance education programs, and as far as cash flow it's your responsibility to know what is a contributing factor into your own home. Of financial advantages & disadvantages your People and family contribute to, included.

If the foundation is weak; the structure is destined to crumble.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Sink Hole

We can research the science & see how the ground is built on water. We can research the atmosphere and see with the naked eye; how the globe is the form of a circle.

And if we were to carefully research the ground we stand on by referencing the plat and the survey. We can compare the initial land then & now; to identify with the holes, dips and shifts in our foundations. So how could it be impossible for Global Climate Control to not appear overtime of the ground we stand on of; water.

Sinkholes did not just appear. Sink holes were always at the bottom of everything standing prone to daily wear & tear.

Today, take some time to research your house if not the history of the building maintenance & foundations. 
If we remember everything is  man made with no, limited if not lifetime warranties. We can grasp the real facts to why  Including roads & bridges. frames & buildings. And anything made with steel, metal, nuts and bolts require attentiveness in maintenance. Similar to the physical body & mind without proper care. Every functional part is destined to wear & tear.

Lifetime Warranty; keep up on the knowledge, dates accompanued by the recorded history..

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


There are many hills to climb in this life. But there are only so many people prepared to pack backpacks & proceed up TOP. 

There are many obstacles to face in this life. But only so much hope will carry of a few through. Because faith is required for the longest of this life's journey.

There is so much heartache & pain. Although we have one another; remind us how to hold onto & encourage each other.

And, at the end of every sunset & sunrise. If time allows of it in another day; may we oblige every opportunity in time with our laughter, compassion and in knowing of our own sense of purpose. To stand firm on top of who we are, not what we are expected to be too one another.

Hills, are meant for us to climb up Top & look across. But not forget how far the climb took us UP; from the bottom.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


There is several emotions we cannot deny each other of. Female or Male no matter what the status is. 

We cannot deny; the need of a human touch.

We cannot deny; a need to feel desired.

We cannot deny ourselves the intense need; of gratification in obtaining attention.

We can resist and hold back; from releasing our deepest breathe.

We cannot deny each other in a physical attraction. Or even having a simple conversation.

We can humor ourselves. In saying we don't need each other.

We can play mind games & take a chance in losing; the only chance we could of had with one another.


We could grow together by excepting our own truths. However, sometimes denial keeps our hearts & minds safeguarded. But at the end of every night and break of day. There is something inside of this man or woman, female or male; that yearns to be touched. If not woken WIDE up.

Sunday, June 20, 2021


Have you ever spoke with an old friend, and over the conversation he are she mentions " I often think about the times we shared, even if I'm now with someone else". 

In the event this has not happened for you in this life. There is a possibility it has happened for someone else.

Chemistry is something we just can't explain. Of how this attraction grows in us overtime. Even in the absence of the mental & physical connection. There is the driven passion..

I often say to young men. Love is an action word. I often say to young girls a woman's emotions is like a rollercoaster. Why, because we as women are men feel up if not down in our feelings. Just remember communication is the key. To finding a balance in; if we were really meant to be.

Oh yeah, there was a man who once said. I tried marriage twice. But I will never do it again. Until that old passion rises up in you without an appointment.

Oh yeah, there was a female that said. You don't need love to get what u need. However, you can settle down; for what you want. And still search for what is missing. 


Saturday, June 19, 2021


In discussions of banking and rates. There is a possibility of an approaching 2022. 

And it may not be of relevance to you. But somehow the cashflow of money; effects every nation of men. 

Of course the economy could grow. But there is a velocity & graphs that control the logic & knowledge of identifying with; the truths of the real cash flow of generations who will struggle. If there is no structure.

It's not how much in abundance we manage to stimulate in our robust taste. It's what we strategically move around for an underdetermined and underestimated amount of time. 

China is progressively planning infrastructure, Russia stacks pallets, America offers pre qualification for credit. And consumers demand more products & services. As raw cash is projected to translate the future of our economy & legacy we leave behind of a hoping in of; debt less generation. 

Money is the main Topic. No matter the business strategy, investor approach are law legalizing the reasoning in how it gains the attention of the masses. Which are the real People in world wide Attention. As we watch the adversity debate in this Pandemic. We raise our concerns of hope for the reality; is to gain an old normalcy beyond our reasoning in what has been progressing over generations of mankind problem  solving, plans & over taking if not under thinking. Of what? generations to come.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Strategic thinking countries;  formed in structured leadership's. Known for global financial prospects & success. And empowered by increased knowledge. Of managed divisions in division of visions. 

The US has been known to negotiate in consumer goods. Across the farest lines of products and close people demands.  Partnering with the US for ages. The French once warned the US about an energy concern at EDF division that operates the plant on June 8th. However, the leaders in the US advised it's not at the highest level of threat.

Isarel stands in unity. Russia is awaiting a conversation. Rumors, Truth and Peace talks to avoid Wars. Exist on a fine line; between people reality & real time. 

One day in history; mankind built on relationships. Divided by counties in citizenships. One day some relationships tarnished over vague intentions & most importantly the Integrity to not miss major conversations.. 

All around the world without respect there is no table to start a history of ammicable communication; for the people who wait for direction of leaderships.


Monday, June 14, 2021


The sun is out. And according to Ercot we are only in stage 2; conservation alert.

To conserve enegery set those thermostats at 76degrees. And if you can put aside the home domestics today. Then unplug any non usage appliances. 

The reality is months ago; we survived the blackout. And neighbors were lending a helping hand. But the summer is here. And patience is skyrocketing. Where paying closer attention is a priority. So that we can All quench our thirst if not chill in a cool place. During these steamy months ahead. Of aggressive changes around the entire world. As we, us and them sip from a Water supply. That is now in higher, demand.

Should Texas join the national power grid? Are keep it's Independent control over the Power Grid before our next blackout. But lets think about we are now; many nations of invited guest seeking comfort..


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...