Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Entrapment. The state of being. No matter the state of mind are physical being. If we can remember freewill; is a choice. However feeling emotionally powerless; is another state of mental oppression. We can deny truth to each other but not the truth we struggle with inside of ourselves. 

If we were to talk freely about reality; the art of confusion would still be implemented to exist. If we point our fingers at each other for accountability; our human fears would still grow intensely. If we were to expose each other; in our human emotions the feelings of denial would still create division between us. Because we know the truth exist in ourself. However accepting this truth comes with; consequences & examination of ourselves. So instead we judge one another & debate our own freewill exist in humanity. But we struggle in ourself to take ownership in accountability. Of what we could of changed to save ourselves in a world Knowing perfection is seen through the human eye, feeled by the human hand, walked on with the human feet. If not heard with the human ears. We in humanity would still find justication to debate what one human being has the potential to see, hear, feel and taste, the other has not the capability. 

If mankind is capable of even thinking he r she creates perfection in it's own human form of  existance. Then why is their division amongst male and female. That cohabitate to create another human life called babies. In a space of matter, mass and air. We are humanity that seek to survive amongst each other but find ourselves divided, by our own human attachments through emotions.

A Mediator is often sought by the people where there is no amicable human reconciliation. However, the "process" continues to divide nations of people and families over generations. So what happens when division in humanity is unreconciable. The truth causes conflict and denial causes devastation. And human emotions grow beyond mankind's ability to implement another era that has exposed the "process" is no longer managing; control. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022


 Prayer, is a freewill choice. And if you find yourself with less enthusiasm, sit back and watch as the people in the world write out the last of it's chapters. How so, who promised anyone soul in humanity; that anyone would outlive life. 

So, today for those who are in need of some hope, listen if not choose your own freewill. To see yourself in a life and the beauty in it. 

Heavenly father, we thank you for watching over each and every physical body in the presence and absence of time. Thank you lord for meditating on our coming and going. We thank you Lord for human sacrifices, we are assembled in different parts of the world. Where many are in agreement and humbled as one body in Christ. Are whatever religion it is a freewill in mankind. We gather in another hour of your divine grace & mercy. Knowing you are a gatekeeper of time in all the universe. How is it a man loses hope, but seeks the human man for comfort to struggle in finding faith in God. Thank you Lord for a life that included infirmities, a little pain and endless joy. Lord it’s just not enough hrs./minutes left in a perilous time, to let you know no one in mankind is exempt that of needing a way maker right now. Lord as we are squandering if not iving in the desperate hours of 2 Timothy. We thank you Lord for our trials/errors for many if not few will or have matured in faith the serenity to accept what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the differences; to not justify hate in fears over religion. Thank you for leaving us your comforting love in Matthew 5: of the beatitudes. For one day we shall wear a crown because of your personal sacrifice in John 14:3. Thank you lord for being The Alpha creator of the beginning in the Book of Life, written before we were formed in a female’s womb. And the Omega of mankind’s final chapter in all the earth. One day we would finally find rest on our individual journey's in 1 Corinthians 15:26, 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.


Saturday, June 11, 2022

Sri Lanka

To the families of Sri Lanka. To my fellow associate in the USA. For those who are unaware and watching far and near; Sri Lanka is an island country in South Asia. we are watching in knowledge of the crisis. There is a oil, money and food crises. 

As we embark on a shift in the universe. Let's show one nation to another how "humanitarian", "philanthropist", and Samaritan's can bring together many instead of division in humanity.

If the world is this space.  And human needs require the basic in resources, on the same  lands accross the world. Where generations of fathers and mothers worked. To build future legacy's. To feed the families with a sense of pride. Then how did humanity end up for the world to see across the globe; a crises of needing food, energy, gas, education and money. But most of all human compassion.

Friday, June 10, 2022


One Human emotion; humans cannot deny is fear and pain. No matter what our titles, roles are financial status is. 

We fight wars, and more than often unsure what is it that angers us in our human emotions to take a life; over words and land, dominions, and product verses the  influctuation of demand. 

We cut-off our own bloodlines to end another's. We thirst for knowledge; by spiting each other to think to destroy the knowledge. By plotting against the preservation of another human body.

We gang stalk up in groups and pair up often using Blasphemy towards God while glorifying this Satan through religion,  one has its own freewill to practice, teach and live individually.

We say life is Changing, however life is the massive space. People change the way our behavior shows of who we become in of this life. 

The laws of Mankind; was created by man of checks and balances for the people. Then why is the children in one side, the judge a mediator in the middle of many titled entities of  1 governmentand. For the people of all races of cultures weighing in. Eventually the balance is no longer respected on printed paper. Why, life is just a massive space where  humanity is facing its own generations of choices and fears. 

Sunday, April 10, 2022


One day,  a plan went into affect; for power, control and organization of who will lead if not follow in mankind. But first a nation of mankind had to be born through females called mother's and with the consecration of men called fathers,  over every generation to fulfill life's story. Some how the dialect got twisted. The natural design of law has been tampered with.. where the natural child birth called a nation of baby Momma's and baby Daddy's. That lead us into a generation of atrocious expectations. In our mental thinking.

For generations material things, wealth & morals, values and beliefs is passed down; through ever race, sex and gender; of every race & culture. But why do we not pass down through generations the existing of our physical bodies? Could it be in the matters of physics and law not of man's mortal ability to create another human being. But who is this of a higher existence; for generations of child birth foreve birth in this space we call life. The next of a generation of mankind. That would live on of earth to exceed the numbers of years before?

Why, is money so necessary; it's printed ink with historical names and numbers. 

Why, is money apart of every decision made by man; but has not been figured out how to make use of the money to cease mankind of wars,  poverty, plagues, domestic violence, depression and destruction here on earth. 

Why, is it more common we are witnessing aggression in human deaths. In every race, age and color of mankind. Why, is there rage, anger and manipulation driven to justify human behaviors where it's the accountability we debate in mankind. If not life is inevitable to just happen. But as people we are necessary to live out the story of life. 

One day after death, a loved one complained about everything in their life. Walking around justifying why, everything is unfair. Never paying attention to be more greatful is the only reason why they are coherent is because they are still alive; to breathe, smell, listen and talk. 

One day, death called another roll; in different parts of the world; in another household even in my own. This time it was a child and it does not matter what race, age are what could of,  may of happened. Death divided if not united the other children and family. Is when people grew angry over feeling overagressive behaviors in entitlement.

Why, is the brain the main organ that allow every man in every race of culture around the world to think? and the heart the main organ that keeps the entire body; living?

If we knew all that is possible,  but to choose to debate whether our lies can be hidden from the history of our generations in real truth. Then how can we secure peace in unity. and still question what is grace & mercy through God that people can debate to not exist. Where demonic acts are witnessed everyday, around the world. And debated what are why what happened can't be real. Then why is the body in every face of mankind even the animals & mamals in the deepest of seas & oceans live in the physical presence on earth; of what we All collectively experience of joy, suffering, healing, walking if not crawling amongst the living. 

We can deny ourselves, debate each other for more generations. Are accept the truth always existed in humanity. However, peace in mankind is a mental struggle; to accept the fears of what we deny in ourselves. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


In any environment; it's the unknown element of suprise.

Think before you answer. Then what happens when you answer before you think?

Think about for every cause; exist the affect after an action. 

Think about why do people in mankind have eyes; to watch. Ears; to listen. Tongues; to taste. Mouths; to talk. Legs; to walk with. Hands to feel. Arms to stretch. And minds to think; individually. So know not all humans is the same. However; we are all human beings..

Think about anything could happen without a warning siren, sound are alert. And there is minimum time to seek protection, proof are coverage. 

Think about approaching the mail box; and suddenly the unexpected appears. Of an notification that requires your attention immediately. 

Think about a caller on the other end; with news that would change the entire state of mind you are in. 

Think about choices; that are made on behalf of the people. But not how all these choices work in favor of every human being; in humanity..

Saturday, March 12, 2022

3 Bears

Children are born into family's, parented by our own values, morals and beliefs. And then develope and search in a diverse society of people, life experiences and debated human differences. 

Transgender, Heterosexual, Bisexuality,  Straight and Manogomous transitioning. We can teach them about the world. However, ever human being will share a human experience through are with each other..

We look at the word Family. But what do we judge of each other's culture, if not our own cultures in private thoughts vs. society. Where family is the topic of how and where of what we judge and debate; starts. 

If we can accommodate each other's physical desires, control and emotions. Then we as the decisions makers, leaders in our private homes and paternal parents can also choose to answer to our own life decisions and inquisitive questions to why are how do we build, structure and identify with; what is a or this family in structure; about.

Why, does our private lives matter. Because we cohabitate in a real world of people. Of what we debate, fight are judge about the nature and choices made in ourselves..

It's a freewill to choose what island we cross over. We just often find ourselves isolated in our own emotions. If not distraught are lost on the same islands we choose are emotionally attached to. And it's a debate about one's self of self choosing to educate the transfer of more are less in depthness to educate, learn from are acclimate the experience in the lives of our own children. Whom also will experience in this life with a diverse class of people; on many islands of life experiences.

When we can justify our own desire to pleasure each other unequivocally before ourselves. Then who are when do we introduce and communicate to our children in fully educate these small children on physical attractions and adult emotions. Of what they are witnessing of sexuality in private then in the world.

Where there is a truthful explanation to why some fathers and mothers chose not to show up in their daily lives. In all fairness in some of our life scenarios these paternal parents are not all deceased, incarcerated, mentally incoherent. But alive and in good mental health, in new relationships, and financially in shape and standing and living here on earth. 

If we chose not to see; where our conversations stir the next generation. That may be in a direction our children will seek of more emotional answers and healing. In a world of people with emotions and physical attractions turned into confusion. Because at the end of the day. People and children desire to find an emotional connection to feel a sense being. of what and who do we belong too. Not just the attraction of human physical inhibitions.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


I shared this quote. Because it was inspiring. 
How so, often we find ourselves running through life. To get over here, if not over there; to somethings are maybe just someone.

There are moments we must reflect; if we're giving more are less. If just not care. Because at the end of everyday we must find our own peace of mind. If not deal with insanity..

Life is filled with ashes and beauty. But if we find the truth on our journey's. The journey is not just a destiny. We figure out; what our destiny was really about; in our individual selves..

"Standing Alone. Is Better Than STANDING with People who don't value you".

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Three-Fifth of A Man

Freewill, Freedom. Given to all humanity by birth rights. However, the opportunity of being born into  free world. We found ourselves limited to Freedom; of laws created by humanity. 

Humanity made in 1 image; of two forms of physical anatomy. One the male and the other of the female. But yet human Freedom is are not Free. So what is hidden of the knowledge of each other. That is advertised in plain sight for the world to feel and watch.

I watched The Wrath of Grapes; ownership, wealth & poverty. Around Freedom that is, was are not free. But acknowledged in humanity of what is available to access. That is in reality not accessible to all humanity.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...