Sunday, August 20, 2023


The Prophecy will forfill the details of itself. And there will be these Prophets; talking, doing demonstrations and making broad moves around the world.

The good is past & present is going to occur. The bad news is to what extreme no on really knows. And the even deeper acceptance is no race, age or gender is exempt.

Wonder when we find our purpose if not religious beliefs. Its as if our eyes are wide open. But not limited in judging while watching each other.

American Skin covers a time line of past, previous & current history of mankind.

So, what matters to any of us. Not limited to all at the same time? Could be little, could be a non effected emotion. If nothing at all. Just keep  listening closely with keen ears, broader comprehension, and gravitate to platform were who is found, lost and balance is argumentive. Then watch US in ALL as Prophecy is filled.

Friday, August 18, 2023


The science is gathering facts; in the near future. To how & why the human population is destined to face an enormous influcuation.

So, what does this statement really mean. Well, look around the world. As the climate, politics & double minded thinkers. In All environments is aggressively changing. So, is the way humanity  sustains in it.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Big Picture

Allegedly it was based off love for one another. That began a domino course of emotions. 

So, to complete our story lines. We agreed the Children is the life in our forever; blood lines. 

Birth throughout generations. To pass on these genes & diversity over a history in our families. To lead on in legacies. 

Time is always this element. That will not be bartered with. Time is this movement of which we in humanity gather of in every race; internally is destined to change, our thinking, mature if not elevate.

The moral is who is the Protectors? And then in  what demographics, isolated mindsets & "Why" is The Oppression demantling generations in legacies, of innocence. Innocence A birth right to All races in mankind. Included is babies, youth & children in this life?

What is this statement. "Don't talk, about it", and who is making the threats? And what is Don't tell my business, if someone if not a few already is witnessing it. If not, don't speak on what's occuring in this or that household". Did we, us are them not realize; fear is our greatest nemesis in this real place call Life. As their is the innocence amongst Wolves. Knowing why security should be allegedly structured. But not always the Security is set then built on; solid foundations. Around this entire world.

I knew thee, before I formed thee, in the womb. As our human eyes awaited, our hearts anticipated. The arrivals inside & out of every delivery room; or space and a room.

One day, we all heard "a light spanking, followed by a loud or silent cry". Then immediately; tears rolled down, joy filled the silent rooms & laughter carried out. And our biggest fears; would one day be the lack of "Protectors & Security", in this world.

Good Morning, its time the sun has risen. From last night; as the moon hung high in the darkness; across the sky.

-Angel L.

Sunday, August 6, 2023


It All starts with an interest. Either it be an emotional desire are an  economic generational concern; in all races of mankind. Until those of US are them, turns a thought into a profit. Are just grind hard enough to make things happen.

Ever wonder what is the thought process "to only wanting to be a millionaire". As millions is exhausted everyday. And disease, mental illness, famine & education needs resources right now; all over the world. For this generation to consistently pass down. To the next of this generation we are continuing to give birth & educating. 

See, the difference between "greed & honesty". Is there has to exist empathy in a sale of reality. Or a motivated intent to profit on the dream; itself. Not excluding jealousy is always this domino affect. That crash & burn all involved in the entire mission. 

If only I had millions. With no anticipated move to earn l, grind or motivate just enough to invest in of trust; the process. Next, We are destined to figure out. Who is at the tables that has configured out the math. That manages a few if not more than less. Breaking down the created Algorithm.

A source shared be careful of sharing those gems. The bible reads "we are to bare one another's burdens. A child spoke on it "I plan to invest wisely. And in humanity it was Wall Street that said, this is what's being sold & traded. As humanity planned a long & short term in & out. Life exposes who are the players on the board of Checkers & Chess.

The moral is this; we All have a personal purpose, not so much the same Plans & in the same direction. Where lack of respect the communication to process better understanding. However, an investment of where you, us are them has invested of our individuality; in Ties & Boundaries, Patience & Time. Is destined to reveal A Powerful Revelation.

Ghost Writer 28. 

-Angel L., trademarked.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Power is it strengthened by Fear?

After all, any living being or creature possess sometype of an emotion. Including a defensive mechanism to form this shield of protection. So, what feeds the feeling of Fear.

Could it be innocence, vulnerability, rejection are some type of insecurity? That fuels  this superior need of control aka as Power. Once Kowing the fear that exist. By figuring out the  boundaries of each other's weakness. While fearing each other's knowledge & real internal strengths. 

Friday, July 21, 2023


One day is again. In all of humanity. That will and has made; of a type of appearance in court, work, family & social gathering. Is the appearance in the presence of type, sort if not class of people watching. 

In any environment consider who or why. Would anyone invest of time to observe; you, us are them. On appearances.

What humanity knows is this; what or who is credible in doing or saying certain things; based of the logic proven in human history. 

What humanity will attempt to do is this; test each other in how much each can get done, or how much is looked upon. Then overlooked; in good or bad habits. Patterned in our DNA of our individual human natures.

Strong fact as we grow up in around diversity. Of many cultures. It's just  inevitable that this life was created for 1 class, race, gender & age of people. So, it's inevitable We learn, how to adapt. If not struggle to co-exist in the mental & physical of 1 environment. Of this space called Life. Is where everything takes place. And the behavior is at times; victimized, discriminated against, compartmentalized in thinking by any race. Due to this human emotion; and action demonstrated by judgement of another.

Knowing. This is a world filled with diversified People.

Living in an apartment  are residential community. Are even doing business in a commercial environment

 All cultures of people interact. It does not prove are validate; we All like the same things, speak the same languages, live the same lifestyles. What is prevailing is this; we're just people moving abroad. In 1 space doing similiar things. On a daily basis. Diversified by cultures, separated by race, and judged according to our individual; Faiths in morals, values & spiritual are non relogious beliefs. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


If are when, it's your turn to deal with the Grief. Understand going through grief; is a process. With no time limit on it.

The relevant decision every human being will face, during the processing of grief. Is identifying with the time & space you deserve to pray as desired, love, pamper, protect &  care for yourself.

And, its ok to smile from within. How so, think about Grief as this house guest that visits without warning, departs at any given time. Then unannouced returns back again.

The secret to Grief is this; knowing you've done, did are accepted; whatever it was & is. For the living will eventually depart, as well. From this life. Its written in The Book Of Life. As time is still in charge, so will you, I, us and them; depart. But today, say to that grief. I will face grief on my  terms. Because in this Vapor of life. Time is All we have; left.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


The news reported there is an outbreak of Syphilis. In a state of existence and passages. This Syphilis is  A transmittable bacterial disease. And there has & is for decades education publicized to the All in the general public. On the process to identify with; of any transmission in any, a few if not all carriers of STD's. If we All Consider to be educated on why Syphillis is communicable for up to 2 years. When treatment is sought; asap. Once knowing the STD exposure has been transmitted; and activated if not dormant.

The good news is there is treatments & preventative measures available to All. The down side is that All seek to be educated & accountable; if not For safety of each other. For the sole interest of our families, children & ones life self preservation.

Although, we may learn or not. From our life choices & sometimes mistakes. It's accountability that will remind All in humanity;  to eduate our children  & self. While experimenting in this skin its the temptation that is battling to win, over discipline in  practicing preventive protection. For the Sole interest; of a healthy presevation of a lifestlye  based on life choices.

Monday, July 17, 2023


The inspiring side of it. Exist of; genuine love, hope & commitment. 

The reasoning to why is this. Life & Statistics reflect; that any race in People a single parent household; do exist. Of A mother or father, grandparent, uncle, aunt cousin or sibling.

So, we ask who is raising generations of children, youth and is directing/supporting young adults. If not assume there is no father in the household. Which is over generations of assumptions to force a belief; in reasoning of why failure is because of the single parent household. The sad news is for over generations; has anyone ever considered WHY. Of life that is inevitable in obstacles, challenges, divorces, death, disabilities, mental illness, drug addictions, incest, poverty, narcissitic oppression, old age. Algorithmed within the reported statistics, created for the algorithm to have ever existed. Of who has of, if not has less in economics & education. Regardless if it's a single parent household. There is real life success stories from an abundance of single parents, even I being the state of oneself has a life story. Advertised on these same platforms; we judge. Only if Wisely, we thought about the "WHY". It takes a villiage to raise even one or more children. My son stated this line "We don't all get it at the same time", and before his life ended he also, has a life story. We could assume the statement referenced a "physcological" maturity in a state of thinking likemindedly. However, we in humanity over generations have physically cohabitated in our human natures of many races.

Eventually babies are going to be born; regardless of the state of an environment are cohabitation. The physical developement is going to occur. Of these babies, children and youth. To full grown adults. They will seek to learn & grow. It's with the "influentual direction". From this title "parent", following development. It did not reference a type of who is the absence of the Parent. Which is ocurring during a transition in the passing down. Of what is being educated of anytype of human guidance. That will reflect in the development of our human characters. Therefore during the process of the development stage. Its imperative of this transformation. That occurs in the mental/physical state of maturing. And the reality is; age is a factor. Why, over a life span it has been proven. The choices made in life. Is not alway's demonstrated from a mindset of maturity. In all age & race categories. 

And if life is seen as this blessing & vessell for All humans to create the legacies. Then why is living appearing to be this puzzle, every human is struggling to piece together?  

The evidence in life has proven; statistics is based on what is of human hardships. However, what is not being educated is this; cohabitation. In every ethnic race of people & ages. In All economic classes. And guess what in this same cohabition of life. People have not ceased; in mentally & physically struggling in being human.

Life, does not happen without a purpose. Life happens for All races of People.

Ghost Writer #28

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


When did it all start. This act of Evil vs. Good.

Some would say, its the Love Spell. And deeper down south its said of "old folks tale", the summon is for "This Strong Man", back to the darkest place where Evil is birth. 

Why, it could be or not. Over every life in this entire world. Why, has it been proven "Love" is the greatest gift of All. Which is good news for there is eternity in a higher place. As Faith & Hope is being tampered with on earth. To make belief that Heaven is not a real state of being. So WHY, is our surroundings appear of Hell; twisted acts of what is demonstrated of Evil vs. GOOD. In this holding space call life.

Denounce it, first. And, figure out HOW to  identify with who is wearing a diguise. To masquerade what is between their Good & Evil eyes. 

Sometimes, not everyone has a Good or Bad intention.

For example, we live the majority of our lives; trying figure out the lives of each other. 

Could it be the desire to control; each other. With all the chaos brewing around the world. It's in our human natures to prey on the vulnerability of each other. In a curious behavior. Of random test of one to another. Sometimes it's for human satisfaction. Sometimes its fear. Are In what we, us are them assume of what possibly can I, US are them get away with. Before anyone figures it out. It was a good or bad intention.


Our faiths will be tested  in the fire. Because of our overwhelming human emotions.

Our patience will be tried. Why,  for a few its entertainment purposes. To see how much pressure you're capable of going through.

Our loyalty will be overlooked as a weaknesses. 

Our sacrifices, will bend our human trust towards each other.

Our struggles, will challenge us All in waivering Faith & Hope.

The Jealousy & Envy, will destroy us All. Eventually because of the aggressive human emotions. That is going to exploit; every face in this world.

Because of this Good vs. Evil in US All. Of this beautiful world. And no one is exempt in demonstrating; a good or bad intention.

A short story, in growing up. We're told many stories about life. But in reality in our personal lives; we are bound to see, feel and adapt to the real activities & same people around us. That educate us, about the life stories. That no one really want's to take of; full accountability.

So, everyday we can choose to look at oneself. In this place of not just asking but feeling "Who Am I, to myself on any day". Then we possess A freewill. To speak of it into existence. That "No temptations in this life. Carries the weight of my Goliath. To force me out of a state of mental peace. To be under the possession of an evil authority over me.. 

Monday, July 10, 2023


Once a ship sails off into the ocean, there is options. For that Captain of the Ship to either turn around, move forward, or just stay still.

But somewhere on that ship is always, going to be a "hiccup", its inevitable. Why, what are the chances we could stay on top of every move life is going to make. Things happen, manmade inventions wear & tear. Look how our eyes still fill with fear & tears; as we know the "WHY", the Titanic disappeared. 

Everyone will live & perish one day in this life. And why, it was predestined, nothing or anyone was built or created with a Lifetime Warranty. In a life that needed more love, compassion, care and unity. Therefore, It appears the workers in this life, allowed the required maintenace to go undone. 

While we were busy, doing things in life. Life reminded us All. What we; forgot of the loyalty to life.

In All things get a clear understanding. As the ship sails so does Time. A scenario it does not matter our residence. Some like to think down the street, is another world. The reality is its just a division in  demographics, rents, taxes & infrastructure. Is communites based off cultured races. But on this ship is All people.

One day look around and take inventory of the ground, walls & space.  If it appears the same or everything is changing. Then believe what you see. But understand not everyone or thing; remains the same.

One day, I received a call to write American Skin. I heard a sound of peace & joy. The voice related "my little one, had a "hiccup" today. I replied its ok. Because either were going to fit & figure out. Who is the crew, captain or passengers. Then there was a sigh of relief. Then a reply "I get it". And the day we are no longer around on earth. Because no human in this life has it 100% figured out. How to be committed for life; in rendering aid or completing the required maintenance needed on earth. Just trust & believe for you, a work order has been initiated. And without reservation this order will be executed. No matter the workload on earth. That is left for completion.

If we only knew, life's real plans. Would we, us are them; knowing our real role & titles kept up the consistentcy in  the maintenance of our role & titles in this life. For one day what is left undone in the maintence; will prevail on this earth.

Every day, we should watch each other. To figure out who is amongst Us of the crew, the passengers and the Captains.

In the beginning the earth was formed without life. Then unto it, everything included was added.

A child ask, does everything come in pairs? I replied if everything mortal, mammal and invented came in singles would you even identify with the difference with 1 eye. The child replied this state of being is called a "disability". I would not be able; to walk straight, write accurate or either hear clearly. Because of the disability. I replied now you know, you will tested & charged.. But remember anything is possible. When u believe in yourself. And no one can stand on or at the crown of your head. To make you believe, what is not a possibility because of a disability. Including what or who is no longer here on earth. Always Remember the Time on the "ship in the ocean".



In the population of Society. For the sake of; judging human excuses. If only these court rooms chambers & homestead walls. Built on the...