Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Insurance Rates

The scores are being ran. But not before a check into the data base of every reported vandalism and break ins. In every complied demographics & zip coded areas. 

But who controls this allocation of data verse real time crime. Once reported of every time line of crime. To each official office around every demographics that's reported.

The moral is crime is part of the issue; around economics. The reality is inflation increases because of the crime. No matter the race, or infrastructure.  For every consumer that reports it to an  official agency. To be documented into a data base. And then be justified for what is to be quoted then collected for monthly, bi-weekly or weekly rendering of a product or service. 

For generations we must comprehend; the entire process of what is involved of those checks & balances.

Weird Behavior

In this lifetime you will take a moment to reflect on; where u were. And the place you're presently in. How so, It's near another holiday. And of course our emotions are running a marathon. Why, the holidays sends energy through our bodies into the brain. That stimulates; the thyroid hormones.

And in All fairness the weird behavior has occured in mankind over generations. And what type of behavior is this. I'm referencing the behavior of  everyone needs extra attention.

And I'm not insuiating we're All codependent on each other. Although more than often we do need one another. What I'm shining the light on is this; were all entitled to feel a certain kind of way in our human emotional ways. However, the emotions is like a surge in tidal waves. 

Just sat back and watch; how were so in love for moments in time. And the next day the body snatcher has resumed in his or her role. Especially if when things don't go our way. A perfect example is being who we are. The day before the holidays, and special occasions. 

The moral is this; we're not All wired the same; physcologically. We're accustomed to being disconnected. Even if we cohabitate amongst each other or with each other. Whether in the same bloodline. Or just cohabitating in this entire world. we're still trying to figure each other out. As we mentally adjust internally in finding ourselves.

Happy Mother's Day to All. For there is those who are no longer here of mother's as well as parents. Please Remember Father's day is near. And for those who are no longer here on earth in the physical. To those who remain in the flesh. Remember the reasons why life is like this vapor. To just Cherish the time we have. 🌹

Being responsible is knowing who & what is a priority in oneself; to then decide in choosing what & who is to be appreciated next. Regardless of the title or occasion..

Monday, April 29, 2024


🛑 and Listen. For what. Are when someone gives a next of command?  Because the delima is often overlooked. In how the message are messenger is promoting, disguises are speaking in delivery. Of Who & What is destined to really happen; next. Once it's All figured out; in details. Why, the progression was or is Stopped for a moment. However the  met up with Time; that kept its pace in moving forward.

The moral is this; being a follower will lead you into unchartered waters. And being the lead requires weight; to carry. Of  managing & knowing who & what will change in the blink of an eye. You did not but knew; eventually was coming for you.

And then there is this chill in the air of silence. And no one is limited to playing mind games. When survival is mandatory.

Saturday, April 27, 2024


The gravesite is a reminder. There was once a human living life on earth. But overtime the gravesite is being disrespected..

Again, who can stand to judge one of another. Knowing there is this history over mankind. We have and remain to live amongst one to another.

So, when grief or life takes it's toll. Games are being played. Remember the Bibles content is for each to learn  and apply to understandings. Therefore, our purpose and peace of mind will never align. Where evil works is seen as a reward, not limited to any human title or ill mannered practice using religion. To disrespect those who have lived this life, living this life or for those who have . moved on. 

There is Power in silence. How so, look around and figure out. Who is still making noise. As many have found peace of mind in a state of Vertical or Horizontal..

Monday, April 22, 2024


One day is destined to occur. When a small child will ask; what does it feel like to be a grown up? I one day had time to answer. As I kneeled down to look in this child's eyes. And responded; accountability & choices.  

Later on in life this child will ask; what is it like to be a grandparent. A question was answered; with a smile caressing on this childs curious demeanor. A savoring moment to grasp onto. In this vapor called life.

Wisdom, a protector through life that will never leave our; sides. No matter who are, who we become. Are just in case we forget the way back home. See growing up comes with packaged; growth & responsibilities. And one day we will All confront time. To face it, with or without Wisdom; head on.

Saturday, April 20, 2024


In reality TRUST that we are destined to change in this life. However, it's immortally impossible to change the internal DNA wiring in one person. Into another person based on internal desires. Why, at birth we are born with an identify. Not the Identify of in which someone else would idolize of; each other to be, in wiring internally.

See games are being mastered. And It's happening everyday. In all, any titles and arrangements of unestablished or establishment of relationships. When the mind says one thing. And the heart desires; what is or has yet been returned of those heart filled emotions are internal intentions.

We are only intelligent as; we idolized,  master in of our own are internal & acclimated thinking. And this transition it will occur in every Age over time. What types of  love & thoughts; we have proven to experience, talk about then share of ourselves. In this world filled with someone or something else.

The reality is Silence is a strategy. If only in all of cohabitation in this life; our emotions were always met; through each other. Based on what we learned about who was taught. And shown in each other of What from birth. Of these human emotions any type of human emotions. Expressed in of our feelings towards one to another. It only takes time to align with; what is in ourselves. Of that desire. Was or still is it of equal in feeling's. If not our obsessions in individual emotional feelings could arise; on any given day. In any human action at anytime.

It's always the one that got; away. But what could of went. Or is going wrong in humanity. Once it's figured out we are not in control; of the natural design in someone else. As we struggle to manage these emotions in ourselves. When who of them, or those of us. Does not connect with our mind & hearts. If growing or growing apart is inevitable; overtime. It's another part of growth. In  understanding; life & people do possess freewill to move on.

Therefore the world will figure out. There has to be a Temporary cease fire; around the world. Is when a break is taken. To refocus and think about; who is being affected, by the choices & decisions we're making. Where we in All become; accountable.

The Innocence of  emotions, is as natural as a child being born. Pure & untouched. Calm and waiting the anticipation of a gentle Touch. Until one day those tiny feelings bloom. Is when those same emotions; wander out of control. Into a world awaiting; to have a relationship with one or another.  

Eventually, one day it's going to get figured out. What is felt in our minds & hearts. Together or Apart. 

Monday, April 8, 2024


What is it about the darkness. That's preferred over seeing what's really in the light? Once knowing anxiety feels like gravity; rumbling inside. 

Could it be in the comfort of expressions in those silent obsessions. For each other is a fire internally fueling inside. This strong desire to possess; full access of places denied. As the reality is eventually the moon will set in companionship with complete darkness. Awaiting the sun to gently; rise. Over what has occurred in those dark nights. Down on earth is a Light; watching from the Wide Sky.

So again, what is it about; the darkness. That controls this passion that motivates; an action. Of ravishing thoughts. Thoughts that eventually expose of what's been Done in the dark. Comes into the light. Because of that darkness harnessed internally from inside. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024


In these pictures is places, celebrations, births, poises & faces; frozen over generations. And behind every generation is the history; of a detailed story awaiting. As preparations are discussed amongst families. For the date and time; of the family reunion to be organized. But who will initiate the details in organization; this time? For the next date; to reunite these roots that bind the family in bloodlines?

For the years are rolling bye; in time. As many are no longer here; for the celebration on earth. As this New Wave in another generation is being born. Born into a history without the history of the generation before them.

As we're searching for these ancestry trees; The trees that possibly could; connect us in the makeup of extended identifies. If we only knew the entire truth. About our individual family history. Including the history of blended family. Our searching would lead us unto each other's path. If not the truth in finding out; what part's of our family history. That has or has not been revealed.

The Power of Family. Without the connections we will always exist in a mindset of; searching for ourselves. The Reality is in knowing Family is the makeup of who we are in blood together. Is this Reality that shadows of who do we become; in our own individuality. After knowing the family we are apart of.

We're all on a path to find; purpose in life through ourselves. As We're all a part of a family by blood in associations. We are the makeup of; many generations.

Tell them, why & how the heirs were birth through to one another. Why, because there is the truth in the family history. Of those old and new roots. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024


If life teaches US in All. About anything; embrace it as; lessons learned.

One day we had plan. Is when the unexpected happened. And at any given moment in time. Life teaches to be better prepared.

I always thought if you attempted to do the right things. With a good intention. The right opportunity will present itself. Until we All figured the Why out.

A thief is not announced. A thief works morning, noon at night.

A liar has control. Of what is sold; around the world.

A communicator will share; knowledge in details..

An opportunitist; is always watching & listening.

A theorist is bound to create compilations; and so will interest hoard public attention..

Only if we could figure out; what We're just trying to figure out.

One day material things, money and flesh. communicated. On the next opportunity. Is when boundaries were set. Because of bridges; burnt. And  it's ok We All make, good or bad decisions. And random choices. 

Then one day we in humanity sought HELP. Is the day it was figured All OUT. Of what holds of Value in this World.

And that Thief  of Thieves who stole from the Good Intention. Will never figure out; 

There is many lessons to be learned in life. The Reality is we're all destined to cross a Bridge; of many paths. That's either Restored or Broken permanently.

Be Wise, Be mindful & Stay Ready & Focused.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Reality of Being Human

We may never see each other. In the light of our own internal beings. Of the mix in human natures..

This human nature and being. Of us, them are those in acts, data and unbias judgment. If not bias acknowledgement of one to another.

The Reality is the one essence we are destined to live & die amongst. If not walk away with more understanding in this life. Is our memories created with one to another. And often it's this obsession. In us, of All. We in humanity of humans created a life time line; over life's history. That continues in being created,together in mankind.

In memory of the lives of my dearest; beloved's..

-Angela L. Coffee No Cream.                                     2013..

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Paper Route

 First, respect & prayers for the survivors and 7 victims & their families. That await a response after the collapse of the Baltimore Bridge.

As we await those shipping containers to fill the store shelves. Let's consider the routes; one day we shall All take.

The cliche is "Time is money". However,  Life continues to prove Time is precious.

Everyday plan accordingly on the route you would, could are choose of another; to take. Just in case; ahead of us is the detours of life. The detours we just can't predict. That are unlimited to take; during the clearest days or darkest of nights.

In an unpredictable life, we're predicted to think through the possibility of a life filled with life changing circumstances. To reach the Why, it's in humanity we're all destined to take a Route. Just not all on the same day, are at the same hour.


Unbelievable! If anything could ever occur. In this lifetime. That's in reality unbelievable on earth. Remain in tact. For what & Wh...