Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Disrespect In Generations

Yes, it's going to happen. Entitlement will devour this planet. At a rapid pace. And yes, there will be in every race, gender and age. The 'Gnashing of Teeth', and pivotal outburst of RAGE.

Why, it's been brewing over generations. And for every secret hidden in one generation. It births back a new generation of life; here on earth. 

Some will claim it's Gang related and age was not a factor. Moving forward was and is Gang Stalking, Gang Politics, Gang of Families breeding the behavioral patterns. Gangs of Social Status, Gangs of Economical Status, Gangs of Secret Societies. Gang up of Nations forming Together. Gang of Institutions, Gang of manmade Systems, Gang of Trained Assassins. Gang of Community Watchers, Gang of Banking Systems, Gang of  a variety in types of Corruption, And it will repeat it's own history in every generation. 

We can claim the streets, without proof of any type of land deeds of ownership Titled Planet Earth. We can claim each other, until our levees in humans emotions. Are bruised & broken. If not bent. We can claim & represent in a box of descencitize emotions. Which will one day be disrespected on every human level. As We can choose what we think is a. Move to ride or die. But we can almost not out think Life & Time.

My dearest son. If I leave nothing of material things. The thief  has stalked to  steal. I sew a seed of Wisdom in your  mind, and a Love so deep. Even Time will tell eventually tell. The real Story of what really; happened.

Monday, June 24, 2024


Some people in Society chant 'I get it from my momma'. But what about 'daddy'? No matter the odds, tricks, old, sold, new & folk tails; told. The truth is we're All traits. That track back to two sets of DNA.

Mother's & Father's have debated it, staged it, talked around and proudly shared. Watch the choices you make with whom. And of what you have grown to learn to repeat of behaviors. Passed down to do in another generation. Of Us in Those & Them.

Why, In this world of mysterious ways. The same Twitch exist. In every breath of existence.


No, judgement is greater, than the SIN committed. By any in the living on earth.

Thrust into the Light. No sin can no longer be denied. Why, The SIN will not cease in this life. Because of it's Darkness in Appetite. 

So, why do we judge of what SIN is greater or lesser in one of another. 

Attempt to cast judgement on earth. And watch what Sinner will say; I did not sin by myself. In fact I committed a SIN with someone else.

I read a coin left on a headstone that read of The 10 Commandments. If anyone has read. You then have acknowledged what is written. The Ten Commandments was for All of sin. Of Race, Creed, Religion, Sex are human status was not exempted.

Here on earth, of many feet will shake and stumble if not Rumble upon rocks & stones. But who, shall cast the first stone? And deny themselves of carrying; of one thrown?

Beloved, Time is an element no one controls.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Street Talk

The reality of life is this. Any type of people can connect; in pillow talking or fact gathering of non concluded if not eluded information. For the state of mind. Is what predators prey on. Is the state and will to survive. If not exist in a state of; whatever has to be done.

A statement was shared one day on this journey. 'if your intention is to ride on the back of another, be polite to not drag your feet'. What, stemm from this statement? Repetition of a type of behavior in humanity.

However, in street talking all over this world. The stereotypes in reality is anyone can be a representative; misleading. Starting in conversations. Or cohersion to fit in. And fill in a conversation. With the intention to gain by gaslighting for some type of information. And you would think. In these streets. There is nothing said that has not been recorded, replayed, re raised, repeated, re-represented, reused & abused. 

Why, Life continues to teach Us in All; be Cautious of whom is invited guest. In our own hearts, conversations, minds & houses.

So, what happens when it's destined to setup the stage of the final act. For an outcome of reality? And no human being is exempt; time is of the essence; where there is the consumption in lack of human patience. And not one human in titles, rolls are relationships is the exempt. Why, humanity knows the streets talk back. How so, jealousy, spite, envy who knows. As everybody's if not some watch, stand & hover; while judging & listening to each other. Even if the statement is 'nobody saw & seen nothing'. The Profiling & Hovering rolls on; from generation to generation. Reference the history of life, Case & Statutory Law. 

Over, and Over again. Time teaches 1 Lesson. There is nothing new done, that happens under the Sun of The Son. That defeats; the date of Karma & The Book of Life's Judgement for US in All.

Never argue with a state of mental confusion. Why, with it in the confusion. We in All stay in orchestrated chaos. Until the song ends. To figure each other; out. Eventually sooner than later. Truth will deal with the Plan, of failed attempts. To destroy Life's Purpose.

'stop talking to All of them'. Why, eventually it will surface; in Time. what & who. They we're taking to each other about.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Often in society; there is these types. In cases represented in the presence of Judgement is the Qualified  & Unqualified. In Racial Profiling, Hate Crimes of a Race. If not a society trending. In homesteads & communities  onlooking and emotionally acclimated to this internal Bullying. 

So, what is the cure. It's occuring All over the world. However, we in the world need one another to survive; through economics, education, law enforcement, Banking, Parenting, Daycares, Judicial Systems, infrastructure, hospital, Volunteering etc. The list continues. 

Why, over generations people have needed each other's personal sacrifices to just survive. So, what changed in the structure of the mindset. Of the human feelings towards one another in Respect.

As we sat out to dine, serve in justice, economically recycle, build in infrastructure, care givers, lend, teach, serve & and protect. Then lead in leadership amongst races of followers in every human title. 

The feet in humanity has stumbled on Rocks & Stones. Morals, Values & Beliefs. Is the fear of instruction. To believe and move on this Systematic thinking. In such a way, we've managed to teach each other in following of each other. Through channelling emotional feelings & acting; beyond being human is the immortal thing. Why, Control has always, and will remain the common denominator to manage of in this world. Why, race was made to believe. In controlling the narrative. Of the Overall objective. Would last. A lifetime However, life and time is controlled by life here on earth; for All in everybody of this world.

History, rewrites the repetition of itself. Based on human interactions and the levels of behavioral patterns.

Why, only humanity knows. The truth about the conversations & secrets. Secrets controlled by Lies. Eventually exposed of what is & has been done. In every Race in this entire World.

Stereotypes, the human interactions action behind the word. Of who is in humanity; controlling the Emotional Intelligence. If not struggling in themselves.

Yesterday, while traveling. In a movement during time. An official agency car road through a community of people of All races. Some walking together, working together, driving apart, but together on roads, and of many types of vehicles parked in driveways. Etc..

The moral is this moving vehicles have if not are assigned to an intentional objective. As the flow of a multitude in a residential infrastructure was moving of All races of mankind. If the investigated or ran through the systems. Created for the movement in the world of humanity. It would reference. Of what is recorded or recording. Of Spent hours invested in of an abundance of time, watching each other. Of each other flowing in one motion; movement..So, what is the focus on one. If movement is All over in constant & consistent motion. We must be aware for accountability in our own human; intelligence. And each other's emotional intentions. And Race often plays a factor. If not curiosity to test the Assumption if not the Theory..

Again, this is a beautiful season of Life. As we systematicaly move in mental & physical motion. Why, it's life not People that allows Time. As the Profiling, and Hovering, if not Complimenting. Is the watching of Judgment that lurks near or far in distances; in every creves & corner. In this entire world.

In races of humans moving. On any path of our own life destinations. To simply arrive & get things in order. Today if not promised of tomorrow. The time is still monitoring. Of what is being done with. The personal Time In our own lives.

 'stop talking, to all of them'. Why, time is here'. And will tell the Secrets in & of The Entire World.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Judgement Day

 It's on a calendar. We in humanity just are not called or emailed. If not texted or posted to confirm on social media chats. And platforms..

Why, We in humanity must answer back; to our Good & Bad Deeds sown in Blood. In the earth. Remember it was in those moments, we did not warn each other. 

Why, if we have treated one another all over this earth; in harmful acts. Of human disrespect. However, there is the prayers of righteousness. For if today will be generous; of time. To allow us that favor to get our minds, emotions & behaviors in; tact while there is still the sun in the sky. Before darkness comes.

Why, tomorrow is just another day. We, US in Those around Them. Of  whomever; is not promised even the next of a moment. Why, favor ain't fair. People change in a light switch millisecond. Dementia cases is rising. Although But Life is good; because life is this hold space for every body on earth. Even where we of these bodies in skin. Contribute in it. Of joy, heartache and unnecessary headaches & pain.

I miss you mom, hey, I love you even more. Than I showered you of protected love over the years. We learned, even when we disagreed. Why, effective communication grew us back together. My beloved son. You are the forever love in my heart. Why, GOD provided us Both in the Sunshine during morning, the mystery in the noon times. And the peace of mind. In our restful nights. #28.

If you anyone in US of All initiate the time to slow down today. To make things right. Why, Appreciate knowing the Truth in WHY.  Our time on earth was not deserved. Why, time has shown; you, us and them. The FAVOR was watching. Over, who and how. Even when mankind took Time for granted. As Time went without acknowledgement, respect, and under appreciated. So, who deserved what? 

However, Time surrendered unto All in Humanity; favor. Why, Because of Forgiveness, Grace & Mercy. But the greatest of these in All; is LOVE.

When we hurt one another on this earth, will the love remain; unchanged between us?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


The frame work was always in place. Just remember who & what is being; tracked, and collected of every verbal & non-verbal communication. Before the final transmission. From the original distributor until it reaches the emailed or numeric recipient; on the other end.

One day, we're going to get the WHY. But not All the details will complete the final transmission. Why, research the history. To trail the details. Behind every mystery that contains; a full blown story.

The Good news about History. It repeats itself. On of tracking the history of human need, want, or entitled emotion. Of leverage in thoughts. For the sacrifices of those individual who give more & more of one self's. Of Who was. When & Why. Did for What, Who & Were. Then Noise dive down is those recorded receipts. Of the real life Recipients & Receivers. Behind the real life of Givers & Takers.

Blasphemy.. ever wonder Why, it's not overlooked. Just justified to leverage the history of what really was transferred of recorded information.


Another year, on another Holiday. Marked Freedom was finally announced to All without access to a calendar on their wall.

We celebrate the accomplishment; for All mankind to hear. Emancipation Proclamation. Freed the footprints and heard The tears; Cry out Loud 'Freedom, let Freedom Ring, around the World'.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Jealousy, it's not a prejudice in the mindset & mannerisms. It's darker and indepth. In what we in All of humanity predict of it as Hate.

So, if whomever, do whatever you ask if not tell of them, us are me. How long will respect remain in tact. ma stop talking to All of them. Why, people got issues in themselves. As I have learned the WHY in life. I need to daily work on myself'. Before an emotional quick reflex, responds again to 'I don't have no problem with you. I simply disagree with your plot, plans and directions for me'? As were All of many by design in this human race. Some aware, or not of  our own emotion intelligence. And control of  human reactions. So, what is this emotion of Jealousy. An emotion taught, learned are groomed. If not deeply rooted & obsessed with no apology or interpretation of what is to be expected. While, the brain unravels. And the eyes remain Wide Shut. How & Why, once this jealousy rages in the human emotion. All chaos and hell will break lose. Of many faces in places. Not hidden. But was always in open view. 

Why, speak on it now.  Jealousy, it's calculated algorithm. Jealousy it's A domino affect. Stemming from lack of; knowledge to understand each other. Lack of empathy for each other, with desire to orchestrate confusion. To later spectate, judge and watch the aftermath of the affect. That is destined to react. To the lack of human compassion. That affects one to another human being. If not All of Humanity.

And carefully note. There will be anger and lashing Out. Why, knowing the difference needs to be kept in silence. Why, no state of human title, no environments of political supporters are candidates, no culture, no age, no race,  no gender is; factored but non factored.  Where Jealousy needs priority to exist. In the heart & bosom. And in the mindsets on this entire earth. 

But, how do we know & when to identify the Rage that's brewing in Jealousy so deep? Before it catches up to me, you are them. In those of Us All in humanity.

Who, is attempting to control mankind. With just a narrative to sustain a Power. In knowledge is gift from above. For  All mankind; looking for it. As Time is destined to Stay, vigilant on life's own  truths, morals, values & beliefs. Why, we are it. The movement. And More than often an avenue is sought of. To find an unequivocal justified reasoning for what; whom to place the escape goat. 

To not except but place blame in of; accountability on something or someone else. Therefore, time teaches its patience; as well. Mom some will never figure out how to listen. And if it's appreciated.  Remain in a space of control; in one self, not under the cohersion of anyone else. Why, no one is meant to be handled' without first being communicated with on the WHY. And who is handling the handler trying to handle someone else.

The same Why, not live out loud in mental silence? 

Why, we are the Gatekeepers by design. Given One key to control; what belongs through Birthrights. And it's individual owners. Who decides what to; unlock, invite or clean up a cluttered mind.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day

First, Thank you my Heavenly Father. God In you, of you and through you God. I acknowledge my only dearest son. And it's ok to not believe. It's our Birthrights & Freewill as humans beings. 

However, my real life story remains the same; as most people of real life experience Uncharted & Unchanged. This is my history of my son. Who now resides in Heaven. In the Father's Arm, is where he is protected and free to breathe for a love over eternity. And to the men over my life span. who serviced this country of my own father, cousins, uncle's, great uncles and grandfather; who stepped up and raised my grandmother his daughter. Your love runs deep in my blood on so many levels. And everyday your sacrifices for love, loyalty & commitments are missed. And every Fathers Day ❤️💐. You continue to be the men remembered.

To every father, who is still here on earth in the physical. Are for every child who is still hurting, behind a legacy of Father. Through their love you carry on that Father's history of men and baby boys including baby girls. Because of a Dad who not fear a forever friendship, protector, provider; that carries you. And carried you on his chest. At one time in the history on this Earth. So, that one day you would birth & become of his greatest in SON's & Daughters. Prince & Princesses.

Happy Father's Day! to the Dad whose plan was for to be with you forever. And for you to know; without reservations. No matter what Life has in-store of Burdens, pain and if Joy. This Love I created in you & for you. A gift you to will carry on. And one day tell the real story. WHY, our Love 💖 story. Breathes life through you; throughout and until the End of Time.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pride Month

On every calendar celebrations are acknowledged for the world to prepare. In every culture, gender and race. Of every religious belief, self expression in freedoms, are freedoms of social racial injustices. 

Why, because of in humanities is the generations of Morals, Values & Beliefs in every race of people.

The reality is we're All of one Human Race. And in our Emotional Intelligence, Physical Appearances and Personal Beliefs. Life reflects our differences. Even if we celebrate the acknowledgements in the streets of parades, on platforms, and holidays and acknowledgements printed on calendars; once in every year.

And for every year, humanity is represented by a symbolic calendar.  used for the occurrences in dates and time for All Mankind. 

To All acknowledge it's own history occured overtime. And a reminder of who & what is a acknowledgement. once a month per year calendar year, of human history.

But if we we're to research Pride; over generations births occured from one generation to the next. Is where we as a human race exist.

Because of Life is an everyday celebration, death is reminder; we're still here of the human history made over generations.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...