Wednesday, September 25, 2024


The clock on the walls; with out a replacement in battery. The click remains nonfunctional.

In Patience time is required to access what is occurring in real time. And let's be clear humans dealing with humans; require. A lifetime if not a millisecond to mentally determine or decline. What is; the real Narrative. And before responding in reasoning. Of and effective or non receptive interactions. Towards an approach; of civil communications. 

In business it's called Equity, Diversity & Inclusions.

People control the Culture in this entire World.

In civilization is debated amongst; over economic development. For every Community based is around Demographics of every space. Is the invested infrastructure in designs. According to the economic and education, public services. To align with taxation. On land; it's the usage; in diversified portfolios. Around the world.

In business; it's managing the Economic diversity for the product to be used for the services to meet the consumers. Of human demands. Again, in Civilization.

In these streets; of every type of human engagements. Is the branches of the Government. That governed amongst the cohabitations of humans in Civilization. On top of the developments. Is shelter, transportation, banking, hospital, public services. And the one's who service others; police & political bodies, EMS & Fire and Rescue. Educators & Grants. Is the Care givers of All who are internally sick. Around the Villages of these Guardians. Included is the appointed POA, Executive & Administrative rolls.  All human roles that distinguish amongst each other; is every one human with a title. Look deeper in the installation of What types of catering. Evolves in every Culture is humans. And the Norms, that exist is this diversity; morals, values & beliefs. In evey race, gender & age. For every human; is identified by the biological birth in individuality. 

Here on earth; we as humans live in a state of basic needs, touch, emotions & the assistance of each other.To rotate the access. Of meeting of the minds. In the real world All human needs still require the respect of Time.

We've learned we don't All respect each other's Time on earth. And what is the result. Patience dissolves. For reaching the simple goals







Oil & Gas

Brother & Sisterhood

Love that is not tainted in greed & motivated through jealousy. To table Set a Narrative up to debate; why so much human separation on earth. Driven of Hate.

Why, Religion is a mediator to assist the  figuring out on what is the solution; around the shift of the algorithm that breaks. And redundancy replaces it for finding Hope is forever in All to work. 

In All the checks & balances; still is the negative. Of Negotiations To recourse on track for; Positive results. Of Balance & Peace. The concern has to exist. Around All these human Affairs. Of what is complicated to change. But can never be an negotiated long-term plan to remain. 

The terms of life; Based on bonded contractual agreements. Are these human interactions; agreed upon. but it's life circumstances that will determine whose is temporarily.  Then in an exchange of time here is the reason to disagree long-term. Because of this ownership of human interactions. Created the master disaster over peace. Of what was completed or left uncompleted in work here on earth. 

To obligate oneself is no longer an option. To only repeat a cycle that remains; non-functional & broken.

The evidence is not locked in a box. For generations collecting more dust. The Graffiti  pops out. In every Narratives here on Earth. For One must find justice. In a mental space his or her own Peace. 

As Boundaries are set & dislocated. To establish stability to Reign on Earth. Is another entire lifetime of humans trying to have one settled; Ammicable positive conversation.

Why, in these human differences. The  Struggle is Relevant. When Accountability has to face head on. the conversations that accrue overdue for payments. That roll on to seek retribution for the continuous history; of billing back. In mankind of it's own Cohabitations.

If we learn anything from being human. Write a page, tear it out. And read it to  ourselves, about ourselves. Why are we so angry; once figuring each other out. It's a sign. Repetition is a setup; regarding progress. That is the struggle in self.

The other day. While life allowed Time. I noticed Time was running low. How so, I found myself on repeat with people. In Another generation of the last generation. Trying to help the new generation to adapt. In a strong mindset regarding real life. It took one face to face the reality. To process how do we even exist as humans beings. In functionality. Of every type of scenery. Traveling in these foot prints in every type of environment. towards accepting; or just respect the word separate; understandings. Is respecting our human differences. In Time for a real Purpose.  That Will not be bartered, neither negotiated are ever change. It's what we're willing to accept or decline; Of one another's repeated invitations of denial, or transformation. To learn more about Patience. To continue understanding mentally what is drowning one another in each other's Repetition. The same repetitive invitation. Just extended in a different generation.

Take a break, to invest Time in Taking care of your own Body, Soul & Mind.  'mom not everyone get's it at the same'. I know which is no longer an excuse or acceptable, everyone is still accountable. In dealing with his or her, of their own internal growth & issues. Because time has been a friend to All in humanity. In revealing how the work is alway's & will remain plenty. Again look around in these villages of life. Life happens for All in humanity. Where only a few could of, thought about what more sacrifices of themselves should of; occured. To cover for one another; who chose not to give up; another while trying to better themselves. As the work left in the world is progressed, we as humans in the living trying to maintain some normalcy; still endure.

Monday, September 23, 2024


What if, Just what If. One type of earthling existed on Earth.

What if the Power in jealously; is a pattern in human behavior; we are witnessing of Hate. Then what is hate; if any human swears they love themselves and their own flesh & blood. Then who can we Trust. In a world; we debate who is hardheaded & rebellious. Of what, who and how we hate each other. Of those same people in Civilization. Who swear they know real Love? 

What is GOLIATH going to do; without any David's to fight. Eventually All the GOLIATHS will be left without one choice. But to face each other; over the same battles.

What is SIN going to say on Judgement Day. In the presence of The Judge. In another generation of mothers Like Mary: weep. From the acts of Brothers Cain & Abel; where is Abel's bloodshed. Where many denied the unalive; Justice. On Earth. As Sampson's & Delilah's selfishly indulge. The Rebecca's smite another child of their own delegated inheritance. While Jezebel stands  in confidence on the roof tops; watching out. Down below dipping in & out of the real life stories; is Human Testimonies. Of who was involved in the shenanigans of Sodom & Gomorrah throughout every foundation & 4 corners. Including behind those Walls in this entire World.

What if the Poor & Wealthy in spirit both suffer the same Heartache in Grief, Loneliness,Joy Laughter & Pain.  Then what is the  Purpose; of Gas Lighting & Mind Games?

What is Bloodlines, if the argument is over knowing All Types are Blended in DNA'S?

What if the greedy has no need; to do or have access to anything. How so, because the greedy would only exist amongst itself.

What is the purpose of wishing bad things on other people. Not knowing who is in the background; wishing & planning the Downfall of you.

What if rebellion is what humans struggle with. Then who is the most; Perfect Person in this world..

What if SEX had not been that one temptation used in Good & Bad. In All of mankind. What SIN would be the next; in the Power of the Tongue. Of All SIN exposed in this World.


In society of every foundation on Earth. The Click is spoken on. In All languages & dialect. of what Click is being described as a Culture. In an entire organization or a small group of people. That will delegate of a Narrative; to be implemented. For the set up; is bait. If whomever is in alignment of its path.

And let's not be distasteful towards the human behaviors, are candied are not. But allow time to focus in on the Narrative. To remain on top of All human points. As time will remain in dealing with Denial are being Blindsided in this world.

In why, is this entry 'Click', Unique. Well, for decades there is this mental investment; with it without a return of accrual of growth or economic wealth. throughout generations. 

So, let's dance around the World on top of; Causes vs. Affects. In why Gaslighting is one Method specifically used to install the Battery Pack. In one's if not many; humans back or mental state. To groom generations in the Bullying cycles. That will continue in A Society & Communities. We're dissecting the projection around statistics. In Civilization controlling the Collateral Damages Vehicles. That Will continue in Pulling Up. To justify why accountability. Has proven in a legality. Is the Reasonable Doubt; in what's happening in Society. Is this world wide silent cry throughout for; Help.

In, knowledge is Behind the Resources to figuring out. What is in this Life worth Living for. Once bridges collapse. And  comfort zones are; violated. Of one's own term's; is this State of Affairs. Weighing the Balance in Mental & Physical Awareness.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Medical Emergency

As we approach the end of Mental Illness awareness month. Let's not forget. The condition still in Society exist. Throughout the history of Humanity.

In our school's are are babies, children and youth. Adults is parents and guardians, silence is Coping in Depression. Including Death & Grief. The reality is over generations; it's pamper on yourself. In coping & management. With no time restraints; for any Human to heal. Rushing back into these human relationships. Is it or not. A promise to healing; everyone at one time?

In our communities, is a Society of Human's. Living life, one day at a Time. Some day's in the Darkness. Some day's in the Light.

In our homes is the family, friends and Associations. Of those mental evolving; door's.

In our lives; is our individual Freewill in Freedoms to choose to live. In our own desired; individual decision making.

In Wars, the reality shock. Is at real time; in the mind. 

In the Criminal Justice System & Juvenile; is the case loads over history of mental Illness. And Time in Isolation. Is the temporary medical treatment. For the release dates are recorded for another  Bail Bonds, as Time will conclude; sentences served. Short or Long term. Why, if any human can plead 'Insanity'. To negotiate freedom. Then who is really detecting to find support of long-term care for the hidden in mentally 'Insane', on Earth.

 As in the real world any type of Human Isolation. Is destined to expose what restraints no longer is hidden. Behind what was or is locked behind; in these human hearts. Is also the human minds.

In The World is the Communication, Education & the Breakdown & Denial. Between humans on Earth. Is the Science and Education is Acknowledging there has been a mental breakdown in Humanity. As there is a need for Urgent Care around the entire world.

Why, Humans are Breaking Down in the Physical Body. And a Breakthrough in All of Civilization is now a World Wide Medical Emergency.

Time is the Narrative..

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Salvation, the definition is not hidden in a Book. It's a Freewill in All of mankind; to search deeper in one self. As it is required of endurance, harvest and the committed in loyalty. To earn it. 

As young or old parents we must Also continue to take mental notes. Why, no one human is exempt. Where Time is All we must answer in. Of what course was completed; will show the growth in Humanity still needed.

Allow respect to Plant a seed in our human expressions; today's morning confessions. Did not All rise up, are Lay down at the same time. We just as humans will not see everything; eye to eye. From the surface in a mental state of human thinking. Also, exist Is the Denial,  Fantasies & Imaginary Ideas, Conspiracy Theories, Religious Cults, a reality of why SINFUL lifestyles. Including Gang affirmations. It's the Cohabitations in life; where did the history of validations occured in All. 

Why, every human grew weary; over a human Title. Is when One human educated to another; and drove this vehicle over generations. And not exempt in humanity. Is gangs has alway's been educated acknowledged in the World 'blood in, blood out'. But no one read the message in the Book of Life; OUT LOUD. Living did not mean Freewill is removed in The Book of Life. Eventually what got uncovered is the Presence in state is The Human Life Affairs. Started in the Beginning 'WHY', Life was solely created by design. As Time monitored 'Pulls UP' in Revelations. To will carry out the right & wrongs. While On earth it's Society that Governs in choosing; for one human. Has to be another saved if not sacrifices. According to his or her judgement, still remains The Book of Life.

Speak on it; this human reality. How we got here; no where to hide. Is the existence in a state of; confusion on Earth.

The truth is in mankind: chose & still choosing these final destinations. Someone with a conscious speak ON IT; Self Forgiveness vs. Self Righteous. In one self. To further eradicate the Narrative. In education of what will we Learn. By teaching from breathe to one another. Is a DEEP concern.  Without being educated about What Agape Love is really about. In the World divided. Seeking refuge to GET OUT!

It's a Freewill; to not believe in anything. It's a Freewill to educate yourself. We've All been warned on a Personal level; about each other's behaviors & messages in the World.

Salvation, was promised after Life - Death. By whom'I AM, WHO I AM'. If the creator In Heaven & on Earth. If what remains Written in The Book Of Life. But this Book is not for sale on a shelf. This Book created the events to occur from Heaven, is beneath what exist of on Earth & Underneath is to exist; Hell. 

In respect of Time. We use the word love in every human aspects; we feel in our human emotions. But tell the truth to expose the lies. Even to the children who feel in their minds & hearts. The strings jerking the anxiety in this life. Why, the struggle is REAL time. Because we of All human types; attempt on a daily basis. To live one way & hate the other way. In this life of dealing in our individual Flesh; with ourselves is one attempt to get it right. But to deal with each other; is the ultimate twist & sacrifices. 

No pun intended. In Civilization We've All said it 'Go To Hell'. If not 'RIP' with Angel Wings'. Don't be mislead. In the transition neither without Life-Sin-Death cannot exist. All 3; is Existence. Then where is this Salvation? Remember where is The 'Salt of The Earth' planted. Once humans has 'Lost It's Savour'. Of what we once had in selective; teaching of Agape love, Love for each other in Empathy, Compassion & Beliefs of Anything. It's SIN that can change if we  Pray in Faith & Practice in the Way we chose to Live. In humanity; of course.

'What is shifting in the Earth', well let's think about everything. Since the world was formed What & Who is walking amongst; each other to and fro. 

The Constitution Law states every Human has a right to the '1st Amendment'. But we also have other rights. To those Governed Amendments written by Mankind. To align on the Pages of Every Law created. Then Why, not The Book Of Life?

The moral is one can't exist without the other. Including Life Adversity & Human Judgement Day on Earth. What is not a possibility. What has not been Done are seen and heard of in Civilization.

Time Promised Beauty for these human Ashe's on Earth. 

Employment guarantees; Labor for Wages in Physical & Mental work.

SIN snuck in & Parlay in those subliminal Promises in mind set; negotiating the Flesh. For granted desires approval in the entire lifetime on Earth. So, then we ask again What Happened. And with respect no Human was mentioned to be the 'exemption', in the world of the Living or Life After.

The Law of The Lands; promise All People of Citizenship & Nationalization; the Opportunity, and To Serve & Protect them. 

But what is a state of Life. In what is to occur in The Book of Life & Salvation. Will cover  All Humans; walking or rested on Earth?

~The work is Plenty, wonder why the Laborers is Few~.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


The quest is to birth, protect and raise them from birth. To continue in educating. Is our own desired contributions as the guardians. In a variety of roles in human titles 

So, that misguidance & including misconduct in our human behaviors. Does not interfere with; any argument, debate are accountability. Over who should of, could of. In All these Villages we are; the creation of. What has been planted of many seeds; to harvest in the development. Of our individual independent growth. For earth amongst is each other; in humanism. 

Humans responsible for the roles of other humans in the entire world. We depend on the education; passed on throughout generations to generation. 

Strongly invested is the roles of; feminine & masculine skin. We as humans wear. But where is the presence in All of our human lives. As we as the same humans; need each other on Earth; to survive. 

Let's be sophisticated & classy in what we insinuate, imitate. And then judge. In being human; it's a struggle, for All humans in the world.

To one day figure out in this entire world. Who are we in our own; individuality. Of who we are in Our own; human identity. Is also these innocent children. In a world of Society. 

That advertise the vehicle of  'stigmatism'. Regarding who can raise a child. In a World; we've managed to raise each other.

So, who is right or wrong? If a female raises children; together with a male or Alone. If a young boy or man; chooses to care for his kid or kids. And not be obligated to every relationship or involvement. Where in Civilization is this male or female, girl or boy; is presence or absence. According to what Time & Life; will do. Not what human expectations will create if missed or misused. These perceptions & cluttered information will keep division; evolving on earth.

We could raise A world in human concerns. About his or her. Female or Male, boys & girls. Of who is raising up; who in what Cohabitations. We all were birth; with a name as baby. Attached to biological children. In this entire world. 

Are if any other human concerns arise; regarding any female or male; in a human form of life. Again, what has been missed or still a comment or context. To circle back to another❓ 

It's the Human Villages we call on; in the World; we All as Humans. Depends on each other to live. Including for  survival.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Once it's accepted life will occur. Progression in this life will settle in our spiritual relationships. To manage dealing with these Human relationships on earth. 

The yes or no. Will not make a difference in this life. Of our debated emotions. Why, humans have spent generations of hours in days and nights. Trying to figure out; the creation of mankind.

This is it; Life is the controller to Time. As Humans we have entered & exited on earth; in Civilization. Of the birth in generations of bloodlines. And we can debate what could of, should of but regardless of; humans Right or Wrong. The earth is still being; replenished with human Life. And every human being will; coordinate accordingly to the rotation in the alignment of Life.

Humans Beings. We are the preservation in the Harmony of Breath in Life. That breathe in Civilization. This has alway's been; real. Over the lifespan of our human existence. And in this Lifetime; individually humans feel emotionally. When life shifts; patterns happens. That's the reality for humans Beings. 

There has been this revolution throughout ages of human life; to settle the account of Accountability; between each other. The weight mankind has carried from shoulder to shoulder. Breast to Breast. Passed down onto All generations. Of knowing why the Rift in the foundation on Earth; has to exist. And the reality is No human has the Power. To restore the RIFT back together; on Earth.

There is no place to run, or hide. On Earth. Not from one another. Why, earth  was created for US in humanity to replenish the World we live in..

By Instructions man was given; permission to build the luxuries of infrastructure on Earth. So that All of Humanity could sew back seeds into the Earth. That was destined to grow.

Why, do we choose who has or not . Even of Human Life. Before mankind existed. The Earth was prepared for his & her, female & male. In All ages, race and gender. By design for they would need on Earth; Basic Needs. 

What is happening in mankind, as the Sunrise & Nighttime sets, evolving is this Beauty Breathing of Life.  As Ashes is being sown into the Soil of the Earth.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Allow All humans to hold a shovel. Why, to dig through All the rubble. If not dig up. In what has been created in this World. Of an Economical HOT MESS. And before the Unicorn pops out. Allow every human to grip those; Loaded Attitudes. 

From Generation to Generation. We are humans walking land mines. Walking on earth, of  egg shells is this Money, Money, Money. Whether it's lucrative in amounts. Are an idolized mindset of what is continuously calculated talk around; in every corner of a room, bed, broken blinds, splintered & hardwood doors,  walls and world. The communications humans created in our heads. It's for the love of money. That destroys any type of Peace amongst each other on Earth.

We loose our entire; human heads. Over speculated data. Of who has the ability to create or possess; streams of illegal or legal tender (aka cash). And if every human was to be judged. The world would explode for what we; in depth know.

Why, and Who says so? Even the smallest  children reiterate this word 'duh', without being educated on the extent of it's definition. it's this human expression of anxiety. To  possess any type of; validation attached to Status Pro Quo. 

Exercise your; human freedoms.

Why, My only seed requested we understand the definition in respect; stands For All.

Why, respect set boundaries; is when emotions escalate. And One day my only son called. And with compassion expressed the importance of communication. He continued to stand on his communication as a Father figure in Parenting. We must be diligent in advocating 'watching the words spoken   In the Presence of All children'. I agreed to move forward. And respect utilizing this as another level of a learning moment. In maturity throughout the entire world. Because time will send  road blocks. To Test who you have worked on in yourself. But whom has been trained as a child. Will one day; be also tested in life. Without the physical someone who set the boundaries.

We spend a Lifetime working together. Attempting to keep the families of trees; rooted. In what has. Are has not. Been planted of seeds in the mental state of our human minds.

We seek out a mate; for the sole intention; of our own personal bloodlines, affiliations, affirmations & heart filled; desired intentions.

We initiate intensive time; on whom will be accountable. To leave of those last Will and Testamentary. In the Presence of Judgement in the Courts.

We are consumed with control of each other. If not intoxicated in Love. Until Life repeats; again focus on Time. The one element no human controls.

I'll leave the Graffiti in Information Abroard with space for any writer; to add. On what actually looks like a Red Flag. On every Narrative is that same Wall in Civilization! 

The entire time humans was so overwhelmed being busy; bodies. With each other's plans. Time invested Power to control in LIFE; of what information is free to the entire world.

By Pass

In By Passing the communication. To swim over in the Personal Affairs; information is lost. And so is this human connection between US. In All.

Well let's start with what has to exist for the Platform; to begin with what was negotiated. 

Brain Matter

This Heart

Weakness - Strengths 






The Sheets Tapped

The Text Message & Phone Records 

And the pressure to add to the bloodlines.

Just to start the list. So, one day we don't All answer at the same time. What Happened.

There is a story in The Bible King Solomon! Also reveal his own human history. And Yessss, if we can have All types of man lived reality lifestyles in the world. And justify our own human behaviors to save face of ourselves. God still is the Creator of Heaven & Earth. Including everything & human created for a Purpose. God knows we did not create civilization for the world. From the world of our own human hands.

To the story there is two woman with a child. Arguing about who will sacrifice themselves for the child to live. As this male figure intervenes for Conflict Resolution. The final outcome is the child; must be destroyed. Why, human altercations amongst each other. And you will either discuss, rationalize or justify the human behavior.

Why, because the story is not real. Until it's someone else's story to tell.

Stop asking why, so much suffering on earth..If it's been in the World since the beginning of Human Civilization.

Sons &/Daughters, do not be deceived. We live out lives how we choose. We change our human ways how we choose. Let not one human defame your character in the living or demise. To justify their own face value, to live out in who they also are.

Time will tell the Truth.. About the Issues in this life. No human will hide.

Monday, September 16, 2024


Relationships are created in various ways. And who as a human does not desire to be in a; relationship status. So, I'll paint this picture in an artistic way. That even a child's emotions lay to rest on; this canvas. 

From a distance there is this small figure crouched down with a strong glare. As this body sits in a; curved position. A soft voice ask 'what's in your thoughts? The response was 'I'm thinking about someone', I lost. But he's in heaven right now with GOD.

Relationships whether good or bad. It's this feeling in our hearts. We cannot deny; ourselves. Of feeling happiness. If not. This heart also experiences; human  disappointment. As some will say, there is this strange rumbling in my stomach. And this pain in my head. This heart feels like a hole; drowning in quick sand. And although some will deny it. But the mind is filled with; scattered thoughts. Trying to figure out. What's missing in this lonely heart.

In the beginning love is exciting. Often times love is work. As we as the People surge for a connection in energy. We also anxiously await. Of who is going to love; us in this life. Until time tells. And love hurts; is so many way's. That leaves a feeling of completeness or emptinesss. That sits in these human emotions. And sex is not love. Negotiations; is not an inherented lifetime commitment. Or neither is paying another's financial debt; establish longevity in human relationships. Because time is not forever. Although it seems we as humans move on. But repeat; ourselves in new relationships. No human is capable of curing this internal pain; that needs healing in our human hearts; over a lifetime.

And there may be many of People in this life. Who say, what's love got to do with anything. Well after a Divorce. People emotionally require time to heal. After a death. People need time to process & heal. After a castasrophic experience. People need time to; recalibrate. After an illness; People need time to rest. After life disappointments. People require; personal space. After a breakup in long or short term relationships; People deny help. But may need counseling to cope. Why, some People harness their  emotions. Of Jilted lovers, rejection & abandonedment. If not desperately afraid of Loneliness.

The truth is love is the reason humanity is still here on earth. And whether are not no one teaches are disregards who shows; authentic or passified love. The matter of these human hearts; will expose People in All.

Identity when selfish behaviors demand; that love has a one sided conscious. Where unselfish love desires; time, forgiveness, touch, communication & patience. Even the smallest of children are yearning for love. 

A mother & father; both contribute to this seed of life. That grows inside. Until times pushes forth the birth dates. For a child will soon breathe life. But once real  life happens between the lovers involved. This emotion of love. If not any type of love existed at All. Is when People figure out; those feelings are no longer. The same feelings. We both once were excited about. Or vice versa the pleasure did not establish. The respect to move forward; in a human relationship.

Eventually People will pop out. And respect the Power of Love. So, whose heart is weak or strong. Where there took two to initiate in Cohabitation. Of the experience during life's course. Now there is many People whose hearts; is now filled with love. Are broken because Love was just not enough.

We as People must be prepared; to cope & accept human expectations. Are not alway's met at 100%. Why, brokenness. For the word love does not mean we're obligated to each other for a lifetime. When individual work is day to day over a life span. However, the final product from our human interactions. Will reveal through Test. Any human behaviors. Because of what comes out of; these Heart filled Emotions.

Rest Beloved's, you will never be forgotten. But loved 🌹 

Witness Stand

Allow every witness is this entire world; to stand. Eventually there is the outstanding date. In time that Will reign forth; judgement on Earth.

The issue with absentee in the classroom. Is estimated the student will eventually resume. However, in life. For every instructor. Class is now in sessions.

The expectation of the Court Summon is; fear will expedite an responsive action. The reality is in this life; accountability is the real struggle.

The element of surprise is to catch; off guard. The reality is People depend on this 'loyalty', in the World.

The race is to run, until endurance is reached.  The reality is what is it about, People in this overrated persistence. To initiate those that demonstrate no interest. To be in a ghost state of another human beings competition?

We can disburse All types of information. But the Message has Declared & Decree a Proclamation unto every; fault & flawed in this entirety of a world.

If the expressions in the presence; is solem. And the history flows deep. Then who has the audacity to think; for anyone else. In this place of Life, is Love and Adversity attached to it. For every individual body.

On this day and time, a departure is scheduled to occur. The messenger delivered the message! Loud & Clear. And time is the only element that will test during this separation. Between the date of a destined, Return. 

Even if the eyes or blinded in the Light. The Darkness will settle every mission completed; on earth. 

"My message & preaching we're not with wise, and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of The Spirits and Power.

Love is deep. How so, without it. What are the chances of  Prosperity without Growth.


The Unalive stage off life. So, often humans are curious to what really happened to another human. Of course the investigation has to occur....