Friday, January 3, 2025

The Call

Finally the hour is near. But it will not be how Life's Story will End. Prophecy is in the process of being completed.

For every human existence on earth. How was the feeling in our hearts. To Walk away are Stay. For what the life experience taught. And how if the human experience humbled you, them are us.

Tell All races of children; young & old. Unfortunately humanity could not figure out. Love is still a human Freewill. But we also must accept. The evil in these human hearts. It's grim, calculating, cold hearted & silently deceitful.

Why, mom. Because of the SIN in the world. The journey has been long my child. If only the day did not turn into; darkness. If only we could of controlled our human urges & disorder of human emotions. If only Love could of been the faults; in All out choices.

Over judgment between the hatred - jealously and jilted emotions for each other. Some people All it took was a Vote. To turn the light switch on in the World. But if the light of the world never turned off. Then what was of darkness in these human hearts.

Mother's are you ok. Daddy's did you remember to say Good morning & hold onto one another tight in the unity; of family. Family did you not give up on each other; in the trenches of life when you disagreed, the feelings of being the black sheep. The curse on the family of choosing favoritism. Is when there began the waled spirits of silence in jealousy. If not support of each other in good or bad; personal life choices. That required fine tuning in our own human changes. And of those good ole friends; are there any still in the living that are not at eternal rest. For over generations the memorials are out of control in All ages. Including is RIP spray painted T-shirts. That hangs on every human wall of every age in race of generation. Just not on the backs of US all. To ask Is their any friends amongst US Who still stand on 💯. In standing Up as Kings & Queens. To protect the integrity of each others life & human character. In the living of who possess the breathe of life; from one to another. Knowing the Why, the storms of life; are necessary. To test our human faith. When dealing internally with our individual; weaknesses & strengths. The reality of life has always been real.

So many stories of life; buried & alive. We finally see because of the light. In who really genuinely endured the trials of life. Without reservations. As humans have mourned over generations. Because of who. In  those in us are them. came up with the bright idea; to dim the lights for Bucket's of Tears. In the world. That kept prayer an open option. And faith to write, The Burdens of a Heavy Heart, People Struggles &  Stereotypes, Breaking The Yolk, Turning You Around.                                ~Arthur Angel L, creator of

Alway's remember on your good are bad days. To encourage yourself; anyway.

Why, Over generations we have been aquatinted in All races of mankind. To wakeup in the day & night. As we have crossed paths; as strangers over the lifetime of humanity. Walking in this human flesh. Of the Skin that covers these bodies. Of us is we, US and them. In All walks of life. Of a pattern on Earth. In one rhythm of; Humans, Humanity is Mankind.

Thursday, January 2, 2025


Baby, Baby. One day humans were not for sure; what life had in-store. Why, the fairy tales sometimes did not fulfill the promises. Why? Baby life is this full mystery. And even in this day & time. Humans fulfill a cycle. In still trying to figure out the mindset of; each other. Instead of the plan; GOD created for us in All.

Now back to you, precious child. One day the news spread throughout the world. Is when Babies were being born because of both; was the Cohabitations of male & female. And their names given on earth; past & present tense is mother & father. And one day you will be aquatinted with your own set of; paternity in birthrights. of whom you will trust with your own life. Is Mom & Dad. These two humans will be the name you will call; in good times or bad. You will depend on these two humans. Your full personal life journey. But remember there will always be the why. Over the course of life. People change. And overtime the once heart filled emotions; and promises made. People either grew together or separated apart. Why, until you understand your own internal feelings. Even though you are tiny. Are young in age. You're not exempt of feeling emotions. It's Time needed to mature. Of your own mind & heart. That will struggle internally to align. Just Remember you will forever be the genetic pattern; traced back to your own identity. And a tree of your own paternal & maternal family history. 

One day life is inevitable. And change stretches All People. And People change the scheme of life. Why, People grow outside of that warm womb; of the mother. Of All  babies that once stretched in. From side to side; to find comfort. Where mom kept you from harm. At least if not prior to those 9 months. And yes, dad was always not far away. Running in circles preparing for your lifelong needs. As he was a emotional wreck. running around on adrenaline. In a state of Anxiety-Nervousness. Always remember this. Becoming a father; age is not exempt. We as humans beings only tell somethings. As others assume babies are procreated by adults. Therefore our human stories. Are All different. Where some dad's were still young in age. But what really occured over generations. Is the real human history. Of what that boy are man; sacrificed for you little one. To prepare for you. Of a better life to give you. Until you grew up & experienced life; for yourself.

Why, because age over generations was not limited to adults. Youth became fathers & mother's as well. And becoming a parent; did not come with parenting manuals in any race of People. Is why, we must All respect Time & where Life will stretch US All in places. 

We ourselves as Parents still need of more knowledge & maturity. To finding a life balance; in our selves. To better direct you of babies. To ensure  you are not deprived of any truth, growth & life opportunity. To one day; soar. In the same space of this life; we as parents were also babies as well. And if this was not the truth. In our own human history. Then why did we not forsee what life; has in-store. Of a multitude in circumstances. And when & what time people would change their minds over time. If not what changes in life. That Will test People; to make them identify the change needed within themselves.

In this world full of space. To stretch US All out; to grow into whomever we as Parents become. But also to teach our children; right from wrong.

Today while out at an corporate establishment; a worker blurted 'Medusa, there snakes it's so many of them in here'. the moral is. The establishment was filled of a diversity in humans. Until this persons physical appearance; was no longer within his or her own mental & physical control. In a world filled with different types of People.

So, Baby One day your tiny eyes will be opened to see; mom & dad. And one day your tiny feet will out grow. Where mom and dad. Just can't keep up. To protect you like before.

Just remember to always feel confident of what's in your heart. And never be afraid. To live & express what's on your mind. Why, one day you will see some stranger things. One day you will hear people talking; about; each other & everything. One day you will entertain are ignore; types of Jokes. Are silly jokes that are hurtful. One day you will also face challenges at such a young age; in every race of people. One day you will search for the truth; in further understanding yourself. One day you will internally deal with yourself. In wondering why certain human expressions; hurt each other's human hearts. And one day you will mature, grow & wonder why, something in yourself. don't align with the scenery you have become accustomed in this world. Because one day you will Understand the WHY, every human being belongs to their own mother & father. And is different in this life. Even if life has it's own; plans. Remember  your own mom & dad. Because time changes our journey as we All cross paths. We may go together or separate apart. But we will always be the extension of a mother & father. And there is the family. And what belongs to you. Through your birthrights is the root of your DNA. Is where you can look into your own; human history. To figuring out your own identity. to learn the truth. To find peace in you. Is a Freewill to gather your own human understanding. And why were All different types of People in humanity.

One day, you will ask if mom & dad loved each other. Then you will wonder in the event of either parents  absence. Did  either paternal or maternal;  mom & dad, love me. Understand  people's definition of love is expressed differently. But in your heart. Real love will remind you. And the extension of that mother are father will continue to show love as an action. Regardless of the absence. Of a parent look further into your mom & dad's  family history. You may not always hear the truth. You may find out some hurtful things. Are good things. Just trust what you feel in your inner self. Why, because you deserve so much of this life. And Today I'll tell the real story; of how it began. Once GOD receives you my only child. In God's bosom. For the truth has to exist in our own life stories. To educate the living. So, You, US and them. Can finally decide what brings; to us in All. A peace of mind.

And if one day. Life fills it's own plans. Remember the truth is in  the living of human beings.

The conversation went like this. I am the remainder of siblings left alive. to a child who is around are in heaven. And I also missed out on an opportunity to know this sibling & their own bloodlines in family. Children throughout the world. Elders & youth ask the adults are anyone to tell their version or the real version of Why, life gets real for US in All. Because of the secrets hid, also the promises are just words. We're just humans trying to please each other, ourselves are do the right things of what we have been taught are learn. So, yes their will be the broken of hearts in All of human who were once children themselves. Unfortunately still time moves on. And so did mom & dad; with each other. And or With other people; and age was not factor. Time has to coexist with Humans is the maturity. That travels with us internally. Our entire lives; growing & understand our own differences. But what is left is family in both sides. See, the importance of knowing why mom & dad are wired; differently. Where time still exist; to heal these broken hearts in the living.

To the world of civilization. One day the babies of our Bloodlines in every race & gender. Will take a journey. In this place called  life. And on this journey. They will still be our children by birthrights including in death. 

All races of Humans will cross  paths. With each other in this skin; during the breath of life. On earth. And the same People in The Book of Life & The Book of Lambs will complete the Prophecy of Life. Is when life's stories will come full circle. To heal the broken hearted; of US. Is Humanity of Civilization on Earth.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024


The truth is not a lie. We live in a new era of Desensitized. And Where the Rules of Engagements are proven; every generation shifts. How, let's start at the beginning of the creation on Earth. And when the Cohabitations began between woman and man. Up to the birthrights & deaths in Mankind.

This is a strange time. Look at what over the generations has been inherited into the next. We are quick to address each other; of flaws & faults. That turns into the mental state of Anger, Anxiety-Fear. Which brings on the human confrontation. To addressing in these human hearts with each other. Regarding our own internal human dispositions. The issue is in the attempts. some issues are not getting; resolved. Between each other. And where there is a platform. Peoples Characters will be dehumanized through manipulation. Look on social media, just to reference every Genocide vs. Homicide. Violations of Civil rights & the new state of normalizing Criminal Behaviors because of justifying The struggles real, I want to live the good life in a world of Distress & Dysfunction. Under the state of what Democracy & Constitution of Laws. For humans did not create the beginning of existence in themselves. But quick to judge who is the exemption are non exemption in being denied of a human right and some material stuff. In every age, race & gender. And dynamic to justify human; bullying of one to another here in earth. We're all dealing emotionally at the brinks. Of attempting to normalize. If not creating further chaos; between each other. Being human. So, no we don't All agree. To just disagree on anything.

And think into how does it make since. For any human to settle in a mindset of putting in work. And having anything mentally, physically are materialistic things robbed; to accept ill settle to have nothing to have sacrificed somethings. And then there is the Biblical Prophecy. The poor in spirit shall always exist amongst us. If you're up to it. Invest a moment to further dissect the scripture. It reads a more deeper. 


Life is life, people are people. there is no additions or subtracting from it. However, Not one human is without SIN in this life. And Not one SIN is going to be minimized over the next SIN of another human being. For the humbling Judgment Day is not going to be a scheduling to Appear on  a lengthy World Court Docket. But keep living life. As in the time & days. of Sodom & Ghomarra. Do not fear what's going in this world. Why, fear is what gears up Anger & Hate. Towards being fearful of each other in Humanity. Why, look into the light. Everybody is streaming or people taking something from each other. To Eventually accept or deny. The state of our own mental & physical existence. Is the extension of humans who share this common space. Including is the types of engagements & relationships. And non disclosure to the legal system. We're by human design. Used is the same usage of legal representation in systems; for  Humanity uses or become of a codependent. Depending on an option & resource.  Humans need a balance beyond our own personal contact of involvements. To resolve the checks & balances. In finding conflict resolution. In this world that's spiriling out of human management; between human to human. Protocol to usage of Systems in Society of 1 Civilization.

'One rule to remember is this. There has to exist a state of human trust involved. Until the same trust is broken amongst each other in mankind'. 

No matter the Nations. No matter the human roles or titles. It's the affiliation to the affixation. That we as humans  entertain. Are await any opportunity To justify the pardons are reasoning, to create a purpose. To implement a Truth are Dare. Of where is or will the lines be drawn; between the Truth and a created Lie. In what has or will still occur. In this real world remains of human life.

Ever wonder why justice is so grey. In areas of justifying human reasoning; of the same laws are broken. By mankind.  But created by humans. Where the breath of life; is human existence. Until humans unalive each other; no human is exempt. Including being an accessory. Is this mind blowing human rationalization. And let's be clear about acquaintance.  Civilization is the make up of All nations. And the Freewill of each human being is a birthrights of life. 

Now switch the channel into Society. Then deescalate the Hate-Jealousy-Envy. And focus on how Cohabitations. In these human natures. Cycle back to if we were humans born with the same intelligence. Then who could differentiate. The wiring of each human beings. And why, would one human be capable of handling that much knowledge.

In life real situations occur. Between humans. And let's Pacify each other. There is no secrets. Knowing humans need each other. To facilitate & Cohabitate. In the state of mind. Society judges of human natures.

If the question has to exist. That would mean; a reasoning exist. If a lie can be told. That would mean the truth; must be acknowledged. 

The pettiness in this life. Has proven the Why, of genocides over many generations. In this life. 

Why, if we don't reproduce; offsprings. In between human to human being of the opposite in sex. Then time will continue. In a space of not one in the extension of human existence. So Society labels & isolates; the humans of an character. Of who is  a baby mama & baby daddy. Where there is a pattern of a blender in genetics traits in human being. Of this entire state of human affairs. But the issue over generations still remains. Is no longer secret. to figure out. The balance in. Finding ourselves; who do we All genetically belong to. Outside of the pattern and human strategies. Also is a history of dependents in a world of systems. To circle back in ourselves. Facing dealing with who we really are internally. Circles back to facilitating our  personal life experience. As in the mindset of civilization; we are the humans that attempt to minimize each other's human emotions. we feel entitled; to devour & conquer; each other. focusing & draining our minds on who gets control of the material things are be with another human in this world. As we are struggling to detach or attach; to each other as human beings. The real struggle day to day increases in ourselves; individually.

~But Mom, people got issues in themselves. We All just don't get it at the same time. My only Son, But yet we have SIN throughout generations together; knowing the secrets. Is why we will bare the carrying of; this weight of burdens in our hearts. But continue to talk to GOD. Because the betrayal is like a thief in the night. And no human titles is exempt. And it will be the burdens & what really happens between us humans on earth. That will expose every truth into the light of the world. I have always protected & loved you. I have not held my tongue on right or wrong. Even as a young girl. I to talk to God about myself. Before you were a seed in my womb. You will always be my beloved son~ Because I prayed over you to never stop talking to GOD. We're all a human work in progress. But not one human is exempt. In awaiting; GOD's final judgment.

The miscommunication between humans; idolized Dysfunction for Good.  There will be anger & jealously. Behind these human attempts to dismantle each other mentally. Until The END of The World is going to happen. Why, watch in the mist of what  will be human hardships; to endure. But focus on what is GOOD, Pure in Love. As the Mystery reads into life. Watch  human beings unfold. Why, the Prophecy of the World. 'In The Blink of An Eye'. There will be two.Until One will be standing in the field. One on the rooftop. The reality is those people who have perished; before the living. Rest in a state of Peace; awaiting. US left of People that walk in one pattern of foot prints. In the living.

Life has an expiration date; for humanity. Goods, Services rendered & Products expire. And the desire are need will always be over money, money, money. Justified in Systems that run on  outdated. Vehicle's break down. Parts are stolen and shipped. For money. And people do not outlive life. Money can't barter with time. So, yes people reproduce offsprings with each other. In Civilization is the statistics; projected by a ratio of All races; existence a baby mama & baby daddy. Circles back into a birth record found in a system.

So the argument is not limited about; clout chasing in who speaks or don't speak on. NEXT. Humans are in an entire mindset; of whom is playing checkers or chess. Who are real the faces in every Association & Cohabitations. And who thought they out smarted the Process of Life. During generations of Parenting & Paternity Test; we All know included is the family. history. Of what we've done; together as human beings on earth. Amongst Politics & Economics; created by the hands of mankind. Stressing the Hate & Racial indiscretions; until the distress poured out in All Humanity is the World. Of every vehicle driven throughout generations. How so, every Human with another Human has lived & perished. In doing it All. Now try to find that one human who outsmarted; GOD. For Satan's motive to manipulate generations of hits. To lie, kill & destroy. Throughout Life & Time. And if this one human can appear in it's own physical image. Sit, watch while listening. To how what is being Projected & Prophesized. Amongst Heaven & below on earth is the Hell; of what is not without Prophecy & Biblical Scripture. In what humans are entertaining of teachings & predicting. In spring forward. Fall back is the date & time. In whom of being human lives or dies. If not feast or famine.

The reality is The thief is a robber in this human flesh. And at anytime. This thief can exist and deny it's own existence. But whatever is happening in Spiritual realm of the darkness. Eventually PEOPLE will pop out; into the light of the world in the physical.

Again, famine, heartache and pain. Love & Peace of mind. There will be struggles. But we're not here just to carry one another's burdens in the Of Galatians is also Ephesians: 6. Until we change in these hearts. Why, Each human is still accountable for who we become in this world! Amongst Whomever in being humans is attempting to make a play. In  celebrating Satan to mock GOD.

Because of man-made laws. For civilians of All nations. Is every Community in Society. Exist a human population. Supplied is Social media, World Wide News, Resources & Tools. Accessible of an human freewill. To research & discovery. What is publicized & advertised of information. For the public.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Mind Game's

According to Webster's dictionary. A physiological tactic. Used to manipulate are intimidate. Now let's Apply this definition into a Society of Civilization. Where people created of human emotions. And of a Freewill & Freedoms in Human Cohabitations. Is also the offsprings of our own bloodlines in genetics. 

The reality in life. Is identifying in every Generation the weakest of game; is always an attempt to play on the strongest People. Why, there is nothing, absolutely nothing. New under the Sun that has not been done. Just the same cycle in a different generation. ~The Songs of King Solomon reads the same.

But once the cycle is addressed. If not broken down. People either change their human behaviors. Walk away from each other forever. Are normalize in the cycle. Over a cycle of Time.

The moral is we're living together figuring out. How do we feel in ourselves. While trying to minimize are balance out the feelings we process; to express to each other. On earth.

Where no title of a person. Is exempt. Joy & Pain. Stems from a cycle of Human Relationships & Life Affairs. Is Also life adversity. And how it's handled individually. Is accepting the truth; where it exist. in our inner self. To take time to recognize the differences amongst each other. And realize why the struggles is real; within ourselves.

Again, if we All possess the same thought. The same concept of life, love and knowledge. Who would educate each other. In how do you feel; about your inner self.


A Peace of Mind; is optional. Because, also is the given  Freewill. To think, touch and feel. No matter where life; leads any of US. In anytype of space. We as humans of nature's; breathe life.

Friday, December 27, 2024


In Civilization Trash & Recycle Bins. Is for usage. And it's not a delusional thought. To being aware and more mindful of what is disregarded. 

Today's Society is stranger. Found stranger things. And any opportunity will be taken for granted. How so, stay in denial. 

Theft is not just statistics of increasing Violence by Robbery & Botched Robbery. Assaults & And this over confidence of brazing attitudes. To trespassing is of one's personal space. On private. If not community properties. To succeed Vehicle Theft. Are anytype of opportunity to complete a theft. The dominoe affect is in Civilization. Safety is overwhelmed. Why, People population and the immediate needs. We're all facing the pressure; to purchase, rent, negotiate, buy & sale. On top of seeking justice to offset. A history of caseloads is Criminal Activity. Of Criminology & Statistics in every Society is Community. Included is also the Economy of Increasing rates, rates increased for more programs; constitution & statutory law. For infrastructure & operations; is the systems & data is technology. We're all under pressure; through services as consumers. to conserve or maintain. Our personal affects & private information. Not protected of privacy rights. In this world. But it's occurred for over generations. The misappropriation of what is disclosured. Who control the access. And the theft of anything.

But as the mindset increases; mind over matter. To keep up with the next scam, rate increase, systems failure are human beings watching each other. It's only time to take a step back. And just take mental inventory. Of the way; we just see the change in our lives. To deal with the change of the real World we live. Why, everyone human gets a turn. Based off the behaviors of human behaviors, entitlement through a world filled with emotions choices, State & Federal laws, are sought of compled justices, sometimes prolonged investigations. To curing by what is granted of equality. For repirations. If not Disregarded through red tape;  for the communicating confrontation. It's the damages; argued and reported about each other. Is the extension of the state of ourselves. A cycle of life. The State of  Human Affairs. Throughout the Entire world.

Stranger Day's; are ahead. Break the cycles of patterns & norms. Celebrate breaking down the trash. Breathe then set out the same recycle bins. And just watch People evolving around change in the world. Of skilled and the non labored. As we're All in one world. Recalculating, recalibrating. On what is rational in being human; rationalized by each other. Why change, choices & emotions. Is feelings of entitlement. Are just why not; the Freewill in All. To peacefully decide to  differentiate. Our own personal real life priority's. 


Tables & Plates. Exist amongst us in All. But the mystery is who is sitting at the table.  Awaiting to eat off, add to the table. Are sharing an entire dish. To add on the plate; with us, are them.

In life it's no doubt People change in a  rotation; of shifts. No longer a mystery. There is nothing amazing are new. To think into about a pattern or trend. Of repetition.

The conversation went like this; the Bible says we are to help each other. But what happens when; the Bible reads there is the hardened in hearts who prey to take more. Than those who pray for more to give.

Back to the Plates and on every plate is a Community amongst Society; complimenting of a cultural dish. The moral is Public Safety is a critical concern. And any acts of Cordialness & Non extended invitations. One must acknowledge what guest for years are suddenly were invited that join to eat. Are just sat to watch what is on the Plates, brought to tables. That changed or remained; the environment. from having no plates, of added on a plate. Placed on tables, of half full. Are Initiated to being filled. Of plate running over.

On today Remember what Time. And dates invitations were cordially or not communicated to All. Why, to recap & moving forward. Of a mental note to; ourselves. Why? Why not. We're not exempt from any life experience. Of any type of social gatherings are arrangements. By a formal are informal invitation. And audience. Why, human s indulge in involvement & entertainment. By watching the room.

Every Day life is celebrated. Everyday Death is celebrated as well. I remember at my son's home going. Tables were filled. Plates were being served & filled with nourishment; and the extension of love. People were talking, walking & watching. As some in familiarity were absent from decades. The moral is; Life's Memory's do not delete itself. It's the same history. Based on human experiences. That leaves; a type of taste bud left on our pallets. That is the extent of our human feelings. Is an air of over confidence; under uncertainty. are knowing the why is now a full circle of Relevancy. To move on in comfort with silence. How so, life tells it's own story. How so, The tables was that one opportunity to share. Off every plate. Is the reality of whom had exceeded a lifetime of invitations or just watching. Of whom, new & old. Of All these plates; was real people who showed up. Are walked out of our lives. 

Over these Holiday's are any day. recap over life's journey. Why, People are a journey you will experience in this entire Lifetime. And what was or is being; brought to each other's tables. 

~Proverbs 31:30~.                'Charm is deceitful & Beauty, is Vanity'. Just be mindful. GOD has conquered the World. '16:33'.

Enjoy a Life Time & any opportunity to service; each other. And definitely do to oneself. But most importantly be mindful of what is brought; by whom or what to these tables on plates. Throughout every space of Civilization is Society of Cohabitations based on history & every Community. In one world. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Vehicle Registration

If you ever driven a moving or non moving vehicle. Including trailers & commercial vehicles for business. Then you have visited a state or world wide. Tax Assessors office.

Where services are offered, included is dealer permits, paper plates; until eventually the smear & ink fades away. Are the paper dissolves & legally or illegally is replaced with a new shade of ink, are tape; it's all about what is knowledge known in places & locations to get it done. How so, facilitate money, and justifying the logic. On Earth in the dark, to get a result in the light. Air tag it to track back to Life. For the humbling experience. In addition to the salvage titles, property tax payments. Including type of services rendered to All. Is the general public. Regarding questions & concerns; exist Deceptive Trading Practices; and Civil Courts to recover the inventory of stolen; if voluntary will a car is awaiting shop repairs. But stolen or stripped of parts at shop. According to the law this section is under Civil Law. And continues to Criminal acts. As the entire process just to report; a theft in transition. would amaze you; as time is rapidly lost. For Consumers there is so much red tape. But for the exchange of a small fee; consumers can legally obtain the vehicles history. From the database is vehicle reports of owners - Kelly Blue Book/Private sale value. To continue the process of Title transfers, motor vehicle Registration-taxes- tags & plates, farm trailers, are open bed determined by carrying weight requirements. Included was or remains the; emissions test. According Per the state; requirements.

In 2025 Some laws regarding vehicle registration. To take effect. To occur in 2026. Of procedures to being enforcement in policy & protocol. Throughout each state. It would behoove Consumers; to research their laws makers decisions on what is going into affect. Also, if your a small business owner; research the Fifth Circuit ruling on Small Business filing of BOI reports.

Lastly, we in humanity have different types of human concerns. Regarding ones personal affects in property-ownership. Under the State & Federal jurisdictions.

So, when vehicles are vandalized, vehicle of any type in nature.  Of what occurs of the collisions, high cases of thefts that get resolved, striped of parts. If not unresolved. Of what was formally reported to the Officials in charge. Of All the levels of Agencies; accountable to investigate the consumer loss in claims. The question & remarks. Should by Ethics & Law. Follow statutory legal procedures & protocols. 

Remember, when dealing with a Society of Entities; social security & VIN numbers scratched or manipulated, transfer of ownerships, licensing, vehicle inquiry reports. There is still a data base of human behaviors based on the information on systems. Where so many hands & eye balls are involved. It would behoove you to not be; uneducated  in being enlightened between each other's human experiences.  But experience is ones own  personal life experience. To not entertain guessing about why is the struggle real. If it does work. or not happen to work out. In every  Community or Society is business ethics. around our judiciary structure; that educates All classes of Civilians. 

If the plates are produced. Just by coincidence under monitored supervision in a variety of statewide locations. And society has more than normal knowledge to the access of manufacturing. Of the privileges are Business establishments of the knowledge. To bypass the protocol, prototypes & systems; if necessary at All. We live in Civilization. Life should happen without exemptions. Then what will eventually take affect in Civilization; if certain circumstances repeat the same patterns. In a consumption of  time. It takes brain matter To catch up with every generated process. That the consumers trust to facilitate all the legalities, in mutual or non mutual agreements. Including the buyers tags, dealers, dealerships. And ownerships is also the heirships; in a world of Humans transitioning. From one state to another. Also is the state of  People IN existence. OF moves being made through gravity & motion. So now let's discuss legacy & what is going to make it. Of worldly material things.

Ummm! Life just happened again, and what made it hard. To figure out why

Life is not this complicated. Once you have been through enough of circumstances. Through the experience is living in it.

Why, movement revolves in Time. And these material things come with a long or short term warranty, and tracked memory. If not facilitated of stolen or non stolen shipped vehicles and parts of inventory. It's happening in a pattern. At an atrocious theft volume.

The legal system is bound to the history of humans privacy & public rights. Amongst Blanket/Umbrella are any other types in coverages. Including insurance & banning covered transactions. Is also the covered by human emotions; that are physically & monetarily  invested. To what really in real Life; of the reported details. That did or not happen.

Nothing needs to make sense. Not today, not from yesterday. Are even on tomorrow; if GOD allows Time to resume in this World. Why, there is nothing new that has not been done in humanity under the Sun. But eventually once life keeps turning a new page; of life. over, and over again. It will All make logic or denied sense.

Acknowledge what's Really happening in life. Of a repeat of the cycle, trend & pattern. It's moving at an increased pace. On The World's largest Ferris Wheel. The 'Hamster Wheel'.

Now, let's All be amazed. On replay. While taking another Breathe, to Sit down, closely watch & open-mindedly Listen. For the Peace vs. the real vehicles moving the Confrontation.

Once life keeps happening; the same ole way. You just can't Truthfully deny the world. Of What's really going on. In the World of yesterday, in the blink of an eye. It's another day. Of the same thing.


Revelation 22:18-19

~In the Bible warns against Tampering with the Book of Revelations'~

The main focus key words 'Commentator', and Teachings by Teacher's. And before we ask human beings to cast personal emotions through judgment. By twisting the wording to pacify the world of People. Be mindful their are the fearless that  justify every human Freewill & freedoms behind the 1st Amendments rights. Is ALL  Civilization. The people are allowed to speak up, speak against. Are use the  Power in the tongue of Blasphemy' against the Word of God. Are against who is God in this spirit. By human expressions & words. Therefore; acknowledge any  human of any individuality. With expressions & walk away mentally. With one's own human understanding. And how the Bible meets real Life. And the SIN that exists in All Humanity; is SINNERS; arguing. Over judgment between each other's SIN.

So, one day. During life's journey. On Earth. In a state of freewill to tend to life affairs; life is going to happen for everyone. So, this day I looked down the rows of once was breathe of life on Earth. To find 1 coin; after years of silence. On the headstone of another human body at rest. The coin read the 10 commandments. Which is not the issue. It was  acknowledging. The WHY  whomever thought out in their own spirit. Of the physical man or woman. Female or Male; age or title is not a negotiation. Of the breathing nature. That took time to disturb; the state of Peace. A peace another human found. From Civilization. So, we process why, we just don't All get it at the same time. And if this human acted out of humbling or ill natured intentions. Is to also know life & death is for All in a state of the living & rest. On top of this earth. So, what is having faith. It's one's personal belief of choice. How so, We are humanity that remains in a world of Sin. So, often guilty associations is the cycle of SIN with each other; past & present. And what really is learned from every life lesson; dealing with self & other human beings. There is always the human flesh. And On that day. Prior to other interactions with; previous humans. You Learn To listen, watch & walk away in a mindset of complete shutdown. In silence for knowing Why. Again we fight against flesh & principalities of All darkness; throughout the world is each other. knowing why we're All Sinners. And whose Sin of the same 10 commandments; is not lesser or greater. And day to day; we either choose to live our best lives. In peace is the state of mind. If not confusion is a state of mind. Are daily prayer with God. For it's only the Grace & Mercy. To finding why Salvation is a gift only GOD can give. Who said so. Well, let's recap the history of humans; validating their own judgements. In life & death sentences in earth. In the living. Until judgement day; is going to come. With another roll call. And the names included according to The Book of Life; prewritten for life. Of whom humans walk the world. In Life is a master of many Teachings. If only we as humans took the space & time. To gather our own  personal affects & affairs. Of keeping our own houses & mindsets in order. For another judgment day date; is approaching. Without a call or text. To speak on human options.

In this life we are watching a new generation of Youth. An entire generation of; the latter. Some are celebrating achievements, some are celebrating life & death, some are robbing & dying; in the human flesh. Some are birthing new offsprings of life. And The truth still is we're All Sinners in this Space call life.

Whether you curse or not; each other. Create all types of chaos, idolatry, lust in the spirit, checks & balances weighted in systems and laws. But implement is the the Bible & In GOD we trust. Is when People started talking; throughout Time.

See Talking & Cohabitations in The world. Eventually revealed of the SIN. For Religion was a verse away; to assist humans in restoring human Hope & Faith. In mankind filled with mixed emotion; is also Hate. Where Power reign & destroyed relationships of All types through doctrine & false Teachings, that Created Chaos on Earth. As Power is whatever; act any human of any title will use. Toward another human. To destroy if not hurt each other. in any age of another human. Children are inclusive. How so, Humans have proven to do anything; in these human emotions & feelings. So, were not All gaslit, confused or confrontational over a state of being in human denial. Just to know their is a difference between Higher Power, and Powerless. According to the usage. For spiritual & worldly intentions. By man or woman; female or male. There is not one human without the associations of another human; referencing the 10 commandments.

We're not created to save each other's; soul for salvation. We are the gift of life through A Savior that created All Humanity; in mind with love. It was the pain from a savoirs betrayal. In this life is also the children of Judah is where the Bible meets Life. The coming for  the blood shed. The same blood We as humans stand or Fall on keeping 💯. Of our own bloodlines & other's. Humanity in All; let's together look over the 10 commandments. Including The Biblical Prophecy. Is also of the world. Of whom mirrors idolatry & false teachings. Is why we argue over Religion & our own Human Relationships.

So, is the World still Beautiful; according to our human relationships. Is the human flaws, and ashes. Because if we're going to be charismatic in judgment. Tell the truth in the living. Regarding the process in death. Touch not my Anointed And Do my Prophets no Harm. Why, the word is don't speak on the SINNERS of the world. Speak about the SIN. And snitch in judgment towards GOD.

One day, another chess or checker moves had to be a final  play. Is when every pocker face revealed themselves on Earth. In the repeated; pattern of human behaviors. Is every generation of teachings. Until Grace & Mercy steps in. And LIT up the World. In Darkness.

'Mama, you taught me about GOD. I then matured in my own human ways. As even they watched. I was praying over myself. I watched you deal in your own walk; of faith & pain. During the struggles of life. And how you continued in prayer; at the same time. You still showed me this type of love. Over my entire lifetime. Now I will answer to GOD; for me. And 'I'll figure it out, mom. With a changed heart. But on this night. Will be the new day. I chose to face my darkness in mankind. As is the state of the world, to let it be known why 'I am not living in the state of fear to another human affairs'. I don't have no problem with you, or you'. I don't owe anyone anything of my own soul. And on that morning at 8:15 am. I decided to still choose GOD'.

Repeat & run around the Narrative; Confrontational behaviors. It's a quick time reference of a word that's obsessed over throughout mankind. And If you have lived enough of life. While People watching each other; react to the same trials & adversity of life. There will Pain & Sorrow. To Finding Comfort & internal Joy. Why, 'The world didn't give the Joy, and World can't take it away' Joy deep down in the Soul.  Is Acknowledging the many justifying whose dealing in a state of feeling human; if not confused. Deep down in this human skin. Is the chambers of our own human hearts. Be more mindful if not respectful. To not always be petty. By challenging what is built up in some people. To deal with their own human adversity of the struggle. For who has not lived in a world of struggles. Let him or her cast; the first stone. Or choose to live in a state of mental & physical bondage; to justify why it's always a quick reference for speaking in one's tongues; of who is. But you're not creating confrontation. Is knowing what you're dealing with. While dealing or not with each other. At the end of this life; still exist the SIN in the world. And what & who did with from one to another. If not with each other.

Why, internal Joy comes in the morning'. Ask our elders the real reason WHY. For All the generational secrets on earth never die. And they will say in sync, Keep on living. You will see 'Bye & Bye'.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Over decades, the elders have reminded All children. In All during the physical & mental transition into adults. Keep on living. Eventually times is going to change. In the state. And of every condition. In the world.

The truth has always been; every human being. Has experienced. In this life being dependent, or depending. If not leaning on another human being to come through. If not told about a system; for access. But what was confusing over generations. Is what was & is taught & demonstrated of understanding; the terms of  short & long term. Even in a world everything is destined to change over a course is Time.

So, the outcome will reveal. In how our attitudes; adjust. To life. And with it comes Joy & Pain tied into human adversity. We will all bare witness. No matter the human titles. Are street associations. Of The idea mindsets; are age is not discriminated. Just Keep on living. And we will. If not already found out. What you figure out; is your own choices. And what other's made up to tell the truth or hide behind a lie;  in life. If only being humbled at the top or the bottom. Was enough to change; our human minds.

So, why once an adult and twice a child". As were still trying for generations to figure it All out; about each other. Is one obstacle. But accepting Why, We don't remain in age as of child. We are once of age; transitioning into growth & maturity stages. Of what human beings remain mentally in a child's mindset. If not maturity by aging. Time did not offer are settle on; human bartering & a variety of options.

In every season of life; change has adjusted in the scenery of Civilians & Civilization. If only we had in depth human intuition. To could of predicted in every season. of every month within the year. Why, Time is the element that controls it All. That's evolving; throughout the world. Even if the calendar falls on a different date; accordingly to man kinds advisory of; the seasons of time change in spring forward & fall backup. Time still remains on rotation 365 days in every year. For every human being on earth.

On yesterday, decisions we're made. On tomorrow decisions will made; again. And we don't All have to agree. To disagree; on any state or conditions. Over the conduct & behaviors demonstrated between each other on earth. Why, All our human ideas on the economical economy will shift. Our human professions & education. Our Cohabitations & relationships; will shift on every foundation. Our Law's & Magistrates will age out. Even prior to the outdated Laws - systems. Why, life & time & People continue to evolve. Even when humans continue to Cohabitate & Procreate new offsprings. It's the pattern in behaviors in the world. For the earth is in need of replenishing of All humans & natural resources; to cover a variety in things. So, we All consume something to survive.

While, every human will exist or coexist if not at a state of transition to death. Why, Time never stops. It's the physical movement that continues to move in motions above the earth. While time is still of; both day & night. Is one breath; of life. Mankind.

What can happen. Right now is what can be written off. To make room for what's coming up.  Good or Bad. The material things just are not by warranty. Are in human. To each other is destined to forever last. 

Why, disobedience & entitlement.

If life has not taught humanity enough. Amongst it's own circumstances. The way humans exist in the 'state', of physical & mental mindset. We're built differently in our wiring. So, no or maybe. We will better prepare. To teach & learn how to always be mentally if not; show accountability for each other. Is starting with ourselves; first.

How in doing so? So we don't assume. Humans are smarter than each other. Regarding Life's Process. For US All.

We are of this anatomy covered in pigmented skin. Breathing is a state of human existence.  Mindset & decision making is a self responsibility. No matter our conditions are what our views are. About each other. We are the owners of these bodies. In one life. Reflecting maturity are not within ourselves. While Moving as human vehicles; in motion. Transitioning in a  Transformation. Throughout this world, amongst each other. In simple words;  of being ourselves.

Time is getting real; for All living & breathing on Earth. 

If we're, going to keep it going or say we're keeping it 💯 is real. For we All can identify with the WHY. And whatever is going to be revealed. Unto each other; is One World of All.

Sunday, December 22, 2024


It's discouraging; in knowing somewhere, People are knowing if not watching. To all who feel overwhelmed; Listen to your inner voice.

In a world of strangers and familiarity. If you're nearer or far away. Understand all humans; child, youth and adults deal with themselves & real life. And it's not always good or bad. We're All still growing up in these four walls; is human skin. From the youngest to the oldest in age. We're trying to find a way to express whatever we're, you're and their feeling. Before walking away. To find one's self come across strangers in the day or night, familiar faces; we hope to figure out more understanding about; each other and about ourselves. Before we're lost or found; in a strange place of this world.

Family, friends and associates. We're All human beings. In a world; of strangers dealing with life. And the kindness is  gestures. But there is also, another type of human beings; awaiting for any opportunity to play on your vulnerability. 

The moral is this. 

'Good morning, good afternoon, good night. My beloved son. No matter your age, no matter your trials. Listen to your inner voice. Be confident. In knowing I will always look for pray with you, to lift you up. Just to hear your voice. And to tell you over, and over again for no reason. Why, I have loved you, before I knew you were my world in my womb'. I love you to mama.' This was a part of my personal journey in this life. For a time was given of life of 28 years..and one day. This baby grew out of my view. But never my heart. Is when GOD told Time it was Time to return.

So, Often more of our planning of Time is needed to get in a routine. That looks at the hour & times we in humanity are living in. Why, people including children of all ages. Are not exempt to finding themselves feeling; lost, hurt abandoned, overwhelmed, not understood are heard. hurt are just weary going through life. In trying to understand their own selves. In every environment are relationships. Is understanding why time is precious. And required to mature & grow. In our own human minds. To access the change in people. Is just acknowledging. Life changing events. That also affects-effect in our own personal life journey's.

To our children who are in this world. we understand you also possess; mature responsibilities. For example; carrying the weight of another human feelings. And we adults are not perfect. And Some of us are present or not mentally. Some adults are just going through the changes of life. Due to the cycle we must transform in during  life.

To the adults in the world. it's not a coincidence children & youth connect. Are act out in mischevious behaviors. Remember; rebellion is a behavior in every generation and age. Of a different emotional level. And children & youth are more comfortable to trust each other. Even if it means; running away. to figure out. What their feeling in themselves.

A difficult moment for a parent. Is realizing; when their child appears to be disconnected. To not confide. Are confide and need space to mature without them. But in reality the children & youth are stretching themselves in trying to connect the dots. Of living in a state of, their own body in this life. And there is nothing adults can change; without support, supervision, and understandings.

In Society we're aware. Of the behaviors in young & old People. We're all aware of the good & bad circumstances. It's a possibility were going to come cross each other; on different paths. In life social media, texting and environments..And from every human experience. In every age of a human being. Is a point of psychological effect are the extend of more stress. And no Generations of People are race in age of a culture is exempt. So, being in a world of not knowing; how to deal emotionally in one self. It's a fearful space. That internally carries over. Into a world awaiting us the good & evil in the world.

One thing to never take for granted. Is time to just listen and address our human differences. Especially with the children from babes to adolescents, and 12-17. Including is the young adults 18 up. They posses stresses even more intense. Than adult stressors are obvious. Why, maturity & growth. What one generation has lived in. And taught are emotionally expressed of emotions. May or not connect emotionally in dealing with challenges in a new generation. The is reality. The mental struggle is real.

How so, often people subconsciously are inadvertantly make every situation; about themselves. And in the blink of an eye. Time has removed the opportunity. To address what's on your mind. Until we find the opportunity. Not to just assume. We're All going to figure each other out;  are they will get over it. If not we will work on it together. With our children. Why not adults. No disrespect Adults tend to repeat cycles. Thinking it will work itself out by repetition. While the youth are watching but internally processing all these human emotions. Then talking to each other; in confidence.

As a parent or grandparent. Are any adult, child & youth. It's a real situation; we're all learning or stunted in growth. In communicating with each other. It's a real struggle; for humans. A struggle that has been prolonging to acknowledge; how to find that safe space to openly talk. And we know children wonder off; from our arms; curious or internally something is missing. As Adults just disappear, return are to never return again. But our young youth are needing this space to figure out; themselves. In a world so divided. Between love & hate.

Running away. Is not mending the heart & mind. In each other. Our emotions are in a different development level. And not in alignment; of how we assume each other should feel. Without sitting down. And together figuring out. 

The message to world is; when we're weary & worn in ourselves. That feeling pours into our family's, society, community back into a world of strangers. Then where do we go; feeling alone. In a crowded world. Are All these villages. But knowing even family's often over diagnose. The important relevance in why continuous work in ourselves; is a daily process. As we need each other. To even understanding ourselves.

Prayer is still an option..but time is also needed; to acknowledge. We're just humans hurting together. As were running away; from each other. To figure out in another space. Of a new or old familiar set of people. To what is missing in these; human hearts. And minds; were constantly searching in the world if not each other to figuring out.

What time is it? In the World. Why, because mentally we're not keeping pace. And physically; humans are growing worn out. With & around each other. Because of a shift in the world. Affects the shifts of every foundation; is human Cohabitations. So we think deeper in our human thoughts. And question more about how do we or need to feel; in ourselves.

It's impossible from human to human to continue in readjusting our own emotions;. Is a cycle of minimizing how we individually; feel emotionally. Now think how children feel. As Adults we're individual humans. But internally; the wiring is built to deal with so much or less; of these human emotions.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Ghost Rider

In Society let's keep the Narrative short, botched robbery. And distress calls is one main point. In Society is the statistics & defined demographics where Crime & Violence is not defined limited in race. Life is destined to occur. Where there is an entire mindset; on crash test, to start, set & begin.


We're all exposed; to being watched; on idol. And cameras do possess backup storage. While taking quick pic shots; of the next crash site to occur. But let's be mindful. Society is this one space. All movements are moving; at at rapid, slow thought out process. Are repeated sleep mode; mindset. While other's move in a creepy pace. Humans get it. There is nothing new of a setup or scam. Being done; under the Sun is Human beings.

Keep your entire head on swivel. Around every door frame, parking spot are comfortable mindset. Why, whenever a Botch robbery occurs. It often leaves a  catastrophic environment. And not every human being is naive. Of whose on a swivel of wants vs. what each other has obtained; putting in their own work on earth. Of what another human being; is capable of doing to grasp hold of the wind. In between their tight hands. How so, configure the math. where human feelings is involved. And exasperation of each other's; peace of mind is disturbing. Due to straight out insanity. Increasing the tension. To expect the next wave of; human violations. But not everyone is walking away. Are neither paid. Where time is lost. Over exhausted energy trying to locate; a fairy tale story. Where the leprechauns gold is stored.

And as these Holiday's are not the entire exception. Where in Life  people are watching. Around an entire frame in time. In a world evolving in time. It's everyday world wide. Why, motivation, Desperation & Adrenaline affects another human being. Turning one into another; the same or next serviving being the next. Of  statistics in victimization.

What Civilization has  determined it's normal to tail gate, taking pictures. If not trolling around to override manufactured alarm systems. Not Fascinating to all who suffer from loss. Just the state of what we struggle with; to later process. And dance around; of our own human environment. And investments. 

And where there is chaos, rebellion, and entitlement. Entertainment of Opportunity; it's just discouraging. To know how high or low of who is are not involved. To justify why the justice system is behind; on civil rights to control justice. Is a human race; concern. Where there is the pleading unto GOD. Please send help on Earth; to intervene. 

Why, we're at the edge of living in the new mindset of normalcy.  To just exist in survival mode; is living. And we're all trying to judge the narrative. To just restore trust. Are figure out what's a real option. To safely salvage; the state of this world. 

And if gangs are the idolized associations in every corner of the world. To credit their own community initiatives & codes in people. Then Why is crime a cycle in our own communities; further damaging lives. As we protest 'All Lives Matter'.

Then we ask; what's going on in the world. Is humans in Society- Associates amongst question marks. Of All the swivels is the human faces; in Cohabitations. Walk the earth.

Beloveds life ain't the same. All the soldiers who fought in the streets. Are the Advocacy for Human Rights. From the hoods of everyone in the battlefields. We ourselves managed; to stand over grave markers. Why, no one wants the truth to be told. Thinking waiting on someone else will fix it. By sounding one Alarm.

The real trenches is how the division is in a world of wars. Where hands behind wisdom - knowledge on Earth. Has to finally step up & in. To summon; the final inventory of Salvation. And the final inventory of Walking-in darkness.

Be safe, but always live life with love in your heart. As Comfort is needed. Trust; is a mind over matter. Stay aware knowing the WHY. Peace is A Freewill in this 1 chance to breathe. In the life of Humanity.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...