Thursday, January 30, 2025


PEON defined as being unskilled. The lesser of not being of more. And what's discouraging is. Whether it's spoken to. Spoken on. Are Of what is spoken from the Power of one's own; Tongue.

One day life existed without a  human form. On earth. Then one day the stars were hung shimmering over the earth. The light in the sky shine so bright throughout the world. Until the sunset covered with darkness. For the night to cover at different times; throughout the universe. 

This word PEON has been exalted from the tongues of the past & presence history in mankind. Of One breath; in Civilization is life on earth.

On earth was created in the images of existence male & female. In All forms of animals & humans to exist. For the sole occupancy on earth. To remain in it's own tact. As special assignments were allocated to each and every breathing form of life. Is when every breathing creature. And humans on earth. Procreated together throughout generations. Was the experience in mating. That extended a world of; life. Filled with the First names of humans called babies; by humans. But before each human were identified by gender & race. Including every creature created for earth. Of a pair to exist in one breath of; life. As the both were assigned the names; we know of each other. Of human titles & roles is every mother & father. To identify with their own genetic traits, tribes, gender, race. Including is animals & human identities. 1 Samuel 16:7

So, the main point is this. Every living Human being possess some; knowledge. Implementing of Using Words; expressions. Humans usage that reflect Powerful impacts. Impacts that are even hurtful from one human to another. And it's been occurring over the lifetime of humanity. But not All humans are emotionally submissive; to each other's tyranny. Which circles back to this Trivia. Of Twisted; behaviors. Is acknowledging our human responses. And amongst US in All is dealing with how individually. Do we as human beings; emotionally feel. To figure out. Who we are;  in a sense of being rejected or accepted by each other. In being human. For over a lifeline what have we really teached each other about emotional interaction s, learned from one to another; identifying with each other's; physical appearances. And repeated to each other. About every human act; that mentally set us back. To accept & to acknowledge what is happening is these human bodies. During our own transformation. As humanity remains. Of every date of our human birth rights. Until the final dash is completed down here; on earth. It's figuring out how to manage of the accountability; not in each other. But in figuring out; the emotional ownership is to know what is it about finding our self 'Purpose'. In a state of being a part of the Human Affairs on earth. As time has to run it's natural course. For the Law's of Nature. Even for children require their entire lives; For personal growth. We're all just a breathe of life in this Skin. That is going to age in these bodies & minds. During time. Of one life. Is every long or short life span on earth.

Therefore, how can one another in being human; possess so much power over each other. To delegate another human being. Of a human purpose during life. In one's life span. If the same life span and growth is required of every human in this entire world. The earth needs our immediate; human attention.

If We All knew why humans are not the Creator of each other. Then there is no argument. As every human insist to contest each other's; 1st -27th Amendment Rights.

The Original Creator still reigns. Even in the Omnipresent of mankind on earth. The creator is of every Masterpiece positioned gently on earth; of humanity. Filled gently with one whisper to breathe of life. Throughout the history of mankind.

The Gatekeeper of Life is Time. How so, it's The element of Time that challenges change during The Breathe of Life in the world.  This Power humans desire to control. As in finding Wisdom is a human state transitioning of figuring out mentally; the Purpose of one's own life. And If anyone being human speaks from one's own human tongue to another human tongue. Of what is identifiable of; a double edged sword. Of what is spoken of who can attest. The Biblical Prophecy of why any human  created on earth. Is 'lessor', of being an entire person.

Knowledge is impactful. And Wisdom is Powerful. How so, for every attempt made to remove the state of existence. By exempting the human mechanicals here on earth. Reveals of what; Prophecy continues to Prevail. Regardless if the truth is denied. For the unbelievable to exist. The balance on earth; is shifted.

Monday, January 27, 2025


Unbelievable! If anything could ever occur. In this lifetime. That's in reality unbelievable on earth. Remain in tact. For what & Why? It never happens. Until in real life; it's really happening. Over here, down there, up there. If not across the world. Of what is never or ever happens. Is Unbelievable, of happening in this world.

It's always good to laugh. Why, have we as humans not made one another cry enough. Until the unbelievable happens; for those who have experienced. It never happens here. Are with us.

Life is a mystery filled with beautiful details. Where people are not as challenging. Once Knowing what to look for. Of the trends & patterns. In the human characteristics - and behavioral patterns.

Ever knew why the entire time. A story teller eventually is dramatically invested in convincing another human. To remove themselves out of their own internal feelings.

Ever watch the World News. And everything is occuring. Throughout the world. Until it really happens. On the foundations human beings; stand, sleep and walk on. But it never happens here.

Ever been robbed of someone or someone precious if not the vue of appreciating real time. To realize it only took recalibration. To figuring it out. What the fuzzy gestures, misled promises, gargle and gossip; was implemented about.

Ever invested a consumption time, money. Included is physical & mental energy; in a repetitive narrative. If not involuntary or voluntary objective. Including another human being. That reflects the reasoning in why, the struggle with internal change is another level of accepting insanity is repetition in another level of accepting it. However, it's always justified in a reasoning to deflect. To; nobody cares. Are you deserve what you get. How so, even empathy has an expiration date. Why, the Bible reads if we are 'the Salt the of The Earth. Then what happened of the Savor planted in it. 

One day Time did an amazing turnaround. As in society humans educated each other. Regarding what really occured, what really occured. And what remains just Unbelievable.  But it's now a real reality.

To reason with the Believable in This World. So many promises made, and expectations misled.

Smile, life allowed a new day of this date and time. To Cry, if it's Unbelievable; the breathe of life still breathes. To embrace laughter. For what finally; came to the light. The Past in another generation of Civilization. Here on earth.

Live through ever season. With a driven responsibility; to address embracing the edification in accountability.

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Pride, in All things remember this journey is for All in humanity. And whether it's believable are not; of the manifesto. It's written in Proverbs 16:18. Before the Fall. And before it's All over the world. Therapy will; follow. Of what was the idea of accepting Invisible. Was visible over a life Time of; knowing was to follow. Until unfollowed; was the light in the world.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. We are of many in racial pigmentations of; human skin. We are of many talented & gifted; human beings. We are the history of investors, inventions & discovery. We are the breathe of life; we are it. In All of  humanity. And overtime humans have come to realize; growing weary; in a state of physical. For knowing why the truth. Requires renewing of the Soul. Once the cycle of Power waters the seeds of Fear; Of what could or not decensicitive in of All. Is the way we as humans Love or Hate. The narrative created of each other; in humanity. 

Over the Generations of mankind's state of human existence. Much of life has occurred. Based on the human coexistence. Lived of it. Written of it. And doctrine & defined of our own human history. In this life that has not changed it's original design.

Throughout history it's been human experiences, religion human teachings taught & learned. Of what in reality occured in the entirety of history in mankind. It's also been rationalized, debated & denied. of who in being human over the course of time, life & the history on earth; is of value or not. Of what is the same makeup internally. In these humans that were not created by the same human hands is the world of mankind. For the earth it would be these same humans; to  rebirth a female & male. For the existence of life; on earth. It's the seeds that are sown. That will root up what is or not; grown 

We have made it to a point; of discovery in love & hate. In this  state of Life. The transformation of life has occured in it's own natures of law. From our birth canals. Before our own human eyes. We are the result of human Cohabitations of what is of existence. At a point where People will adjust to accept are deny; the natural challenges of life. Through it's own writing of Laws. The reality is; life is going to happen; throughout the development of Time. Where people being human exist. And whether we agree or disagree; with life are each other being human. The transformation brings forth the challenges that  are destined to change our human Cohabitations. For the future of Civilization is an extension of this entire world. And what happened in life is the fulfillment of humans past & present history; we're living. In the order for the world to remain, sustain are change. Will also determine the way; humans physically & emotionally transfer in human energy. Throughout this one space. We as humans walk, and breathe. In one air. Of one space on planet Earth.

If we All had one answer to solve each other's; human adversity & human affairs with each other. Of one human though regarding an emotion to cover every human being. At the end of the final conclusion & race. Would every human are even one human being be satisfied & prepared. Are just what if suddenly. In the event of 'The Blink of An Eye'. What or who being human could change; of All our blended human ways, natures & minds.

To reach a point on this journey. To say; of who chose to finish the race in; Love & Faith. And who chose to finish the race full of  Pride & Hate.

Over generations of humanism; love is the fuel. That brews hate; because with love it requires human self examination to follow with accountability of change. That comes with human hardships & challenges to accept. What is really deeper within; our own human flesh.

Time has been invested of many sacrifices, blood & tears. To establish DEI over the history of human generations. For the World to comprehend. To find balance people must accept; each other's differences. In being human is being treated with respect; is a two way reciprocation. On this life journey that's been overdue & long. Even prior to this point on this day of Time. We are still in the physical divided; mentally. Throughout All these human relationships on earth. And if it was not for the temperment of mother natures law; and Life's favor that continues to shelter every living human being in mankind. Of humans that remain ontop of what is held in position. Of the Earth's infrastructure. Underneath our human feet. How so, think about what humans have managed to replenish & accomplish ontop of the earth. With each other; as willing participants. If not history of an oppressed people. And what was really not managed; without each other. To survive in this one life; where hate will destroy the integrity. Greed & Pride in Disobedience will curse generations. And why the Power of Love is even the Biblical fight. Of what existed of human life in the Biblical Prophecy; throughout All human history. Is generations. Of What still exist; of this one breathe is life. Throughout All life's adversity. Hate feeds Fear. And where the fear is faced with Resilience; Faith & Love is the real fight. Against the why the struggles are real. For the  battles created is amongst humans; on earth.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Square Up

Read the history, for yourself. I referenced this entry based on the History of The Chess & Checkers House in Central Park. Then one day my only son at a young age of 9. Was cordially introduced to the player's board. From the bosom of mentors. In the basement of Bronx NY. 

And eventually one day an opportunity presented; that led him to his assigned seat. To compete at UNT Chess Tournament. Where this son earned his position in top rank. With those of the same competitive chess players spirit; focused & discipline. Throughout the entirety of the chess tournament was an entire environment. Of many young wandering eyes. Focused on the boards. In a room filled with an abundance of tables in rotation. Of All players; in high spirited nature's.

In this Society is Civilization of one world. Where all people speak on who is playing the game of chess & checkers. Teeter Toting in each other's heads. Confusing it with the reality of Playing a game of Checkers & Chess. In We, US, Those if not Them. We're All the players. In the world debating on discipline, puns, are in this life of who is titled; The GOAT. Amongst the challenge. Is identifying the pretender's. 

Now the reality is; when squaring up in the real World. It could be respected of why every opponent are ops. Is a simple reminder of. Why, every player are recipient has an human intention are human motive. Amongst; a competitive or competing zestful spirit. And it's patience that is highly recommended to finding out the difference. In when people are challenging one another with a vague or mindset of extended invitations to play only in a competition. Of possessing a competitive spirit. Why, where there is compulsive behaviors or compulsion ratios. It's not always about the games on the tables of many boards. It's either who gets played. Are walks away with a clearer concept & educated. On how chess are checkers. If not any other board game; is are was being played. 

The moral is in the World of many human attitudes & affiliations, amongst associations. We would All like to believe. Everybody is a player or pun. The double side of the coin still exist; head or tail. Hit it, are miss it. The gamers & games Remains the reality of every conclusion.

But walk away with a mindset. The game remains the same. It's the next player to sat, watch are assume. Their best move was spoken on, if not played in that move. For the next player is already in rare form. To sit or be set up for another; game on the board. Defeat or Conquer it's just apart of the games. That require; the state of mind in discipline, focus & a competitive nature.

One day came in the rare form; of watching human beings figuring out. What the games being played; is or was really about. Of why every game is  played in another generation. We're just all playing against each other. How so, in being  human there is this urge in temptation. To always feel the need. To challenge another human on human levels. Until the chairs in life; shift. At the same boards. Of different faces that sat. Awaiting for the next set of players. To resume the competing; on every table. Is when we will all figure out. Whose intent was really about the conquer; are who competed well. In All the games being played in Life 'who takes a L knowing is accepting'. How we still mentally fight. Over figuring out; who is or not. A Player or Pun. If not just a competitive player of human nature.

At the End of Each day. Learn something new in This life. Why, It was just a game; that proved why. The player's continue to change. Not the Games being played. Over one generation to the next. It's just the history; being written.

Friday, January 17, 2025


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, staying prepared. If not distressed & overwhelmed speaking out on what in life. Is destined next to happen. Why, until it's concluded we of human existence don't control life itself. Life has to be secured around; our human existence to sustain in the world. Through our faith & hope. In figuring out. We're all human beings. With different morals values, faith & beliefs. And Life is the only determining factor. For the state of this entire world. Therefore let's just see what's really going to happen; next. Whether we're All in agreement. Are not as humans completely satisfied or prepared.

The World is destined to change. Look at how the earth was preserved. And how life changed In the Blink of An eye. For it was life that birth All existence of humanity in this entire world.

But being human is not limited to the emotional side of; Fear. It's Fear that will stir up; the  Resilience. In All human natures. That really ever knew; of resilience throughout generations. Of conquering the division; amongst the challenges in disparity & freedoms. Because of; this life adversity. How so. The state of fear in any environment creates the mental state of not knowing; what's going to occur next in life. Regardless of who makes are disowns; the promises of changing. What is or has of the past. If not forever will exist; in the world. From one to the next generation; of humanism. No matter the State of Worldly Affairs. Humans is the last existence in this world; and together or apart. We're Facing life challenges.

We have no choice in this hour of Time. Only Time to figure out. How to get it right; about our views & attitudes towards the existence of life. Are either chatter about the wrong; in life. Life that will continue to show the reasoning in why; the Good & Bad exist stems from decisions & choices. Reflecting what occurs over the details in human history. Throughout this entire experience. Is the human transformations; on Earth. In All relationships. Is of every human existence.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Aging Water

Aging Water, I will not dwell on breaking down the knowledge. Humans age. And so will Water.

We have so much to learn regarding mother natures real plan for the world. To belong is of; continuous growth in one's self is researching. Of what  seeds have been planted down in the soil of earth. Good or Bad.

There fore as we continue in a movement of stampede. Of the back & forth on top of earth. So, much research in knowledge invested is; crucial. About Civilization managing the earth; through preservation of the earth.

Why, with All the plans we debate for one to another. Have we not watched of how much of water is really of a resource needed. For the lifetime of humanity. On this infrastructure of Earth's foundation. Is the increasing of a Human population. 

There is water minerals. And water rights, there is wells. And lines in pipes. So, is Global Climate Control. All around the Globe. 

See, how life is this mystery. If we only look deeper beyond it's surface of layers in infrastructure. Is history.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Alarm Clock

This year marks the 5th Anniversary of my cherished beloved. And for the years that are engraved of our past; my son. And in the present of time still remain our memories. 

Good morning breathe of life. For your Grace & Mercy, through this life's journey; is still worth IT All.

The Alarm clock is a significant reminder In humanity.  How so? Time is a reminder of the changes. in every season. A transformation continues to  occur. Overtime here on Earth.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Sexual Deviant

The definition is describing as an behavioral nature. However what is descending in communication is the information regarding the emotional interactions throughout the mental & physical process. And if we we're to deeper dive into  research. Of what devices & the natures in life; are involved. The significance of just being educated in the entire process. Is knowing the why, to know the facts is relevance in the how, whom and why. Are in greater need for Advocacy & Awareness; both tools. Used in an respectful approach in advertising. For the opportunity to voice our individual human concerns. Where we are the human lives on earth; amongst All races, genders & ages in mankind. All life matters. In self examining who is affected or needs of a; consistent support system.

Because one day life will happen; again. In this World everyone needs someone to listen as they also are being; heard.

In respect of the lingering reasonings behind the why; in humanity. all morals, values & beliefs, included is Religion & Satanic Beliefs & human Practices. Including of what remains of not the spoken on. But seen. Of what has already; been done on earth under the SUN. Which remains to be advocated - observed.

The more we as humans beings learn about our internal; natures & behaviors. The more we learn & respect the WHY, life is beautiful. But also fueled with what is exposed to each other. Is also is the challenges we face in ourselves.

In one world. Is the real Statuses of US amongst All. Time only repeats the pattern in a different season of Life is nothing new; that has not been done. Under the Sun.

Thursday, January 9, 2025


Today, we understand why knowing the difference. Allows human bonds to begin. Why, so much has happened. After the creation of man. Followed the need for the Healing to begin. Over what was not provided of. In the authentic history of caseloads of separated Siblings & DNA, of family in information.

Because one day time will resurface; and what history overtime did not pause, push & delete. The presence of genders over generations; in the searching.

One day time was created. As a given to replenish the earth. Through the transition was the natures of life. And child birth. And it took time. Over generations in mankind to multiply. The fruit of every roots of life is the ties in birth that bonds.

Then one day, females & males mated. But also were separated. over a course of time. During and after births. Why, only we hold in the historical details. Regarding our personal journeys in life. Many were held bound of a Freewill of life, that separated during roots of human history. In the physical for life. Some will share; the human relationships did not last. Some will share death; continued to occur. Some will say; secrets managed the family's disconnect. Some will reflect we're still a family. Including is the blended family's. Are Time will reveal it All. Of who grew up with each other; are denied of the facts in these human hearts. Is when Time, again shifts on Earth. And anytype of life adversity. Will eventually test what exist in these human beliefs. In who lived a life knowing. Are not knowing; who is. Are not. The extension of my inner identity. Is when Time is again required. To discuss. All the human history of family secrets. Remains the truths to be spoken on. And talked about. Why, look at the world. And let's collectively together figure out what's; missing. In the extension of what occured over time. That divided some. If not many, amongst All. The gift of just needing to know. If there is more of me; through the family. Included is my extension of Siblings.

We're All humans created for life. And in life we are the same human beings giving birth to the next human life. Of who we emulate. And become to each other; is of gatekeepers, guardians in comforters, protectors & providers is still the title of Parents. And age is not an argument. In All of whom is the US. Experiencing not just; each other in the physical. The entire mental process is identifying how we project in our human relationships. Throughout the stages of our human Cohabitations. In which we as humans transition to the point of human conception. And what was once the ingredients that complete that led up to the life details. In what began during the Cohabitations of male & female in mankind. 

Once we as babies, then children are the adults. We will search in each other; of a place to feel needed & love. What is this  genetic makeup in our own skin. Of characteristics & features. From within the family history. Is the internal traits that circle  back to roots of family history of DNA. And it's no longer a joke. No one should feel embarrassed. Are denied feelings of abandoned. Why, we All belong to family. 

For the integrity of knowledge; is a tool to replace the fuse of associated anger. If only we All knew the details of the family history. To better help ourselves; is no mystery. Eventually without the truth, we will never find enough to move on. Completed in living; with each other. Until we understand what it is to love; in the depths of  ourselves. Young & old. It's a process that eventually takes an emotional toll.

The reality is we're all blended. In respect Of what is talked about regarding human history. And recovered in the DNA history. The moral is for generations we've wondered & pondered overtime. In the Why, we're not feeling complete; with each other. being human. The same pattern of the world in every generation. is not that any one is exempt. are the concern does not exist. It's we're not aware; of our human decisions & human differences. It's knowing we struggle with this inner self. Until we complete the process of working in knowing; how to find what's missing. Are not connecting outside ourselves; with each other. To finding out how to reach that internal balance.

We as humans for over generations; have disagreed to agree DNA. The moral is we're All going to find a way to belong; in a state of each other. It's acknowledging the Time taken; that kept us apart or reunited us in All. Back together. Where we are given that human right. To make a Freewill choice; to resignate & adjust. From the secrets is the truth. In whom we belong to.

Son, life has been good & bad. But in every human experience. We learn about why Love is this action word. In need of the human consistency of the human actions. Is where life is going to shed some real light. Therefore in All things search for understanding in yourself; first. And I can promise I will alway's be; honest as the human who sacrificed. And learned what & how to give you love. Because I had to figure out my self. In a life Time is so crucial for growth. And the beauty in growth; it never grows old.  Unless you are resisting personal growth. As we watch & teach each other. Our own human direction. From one to another. Until one day our feelings sway in emotions; towards each other. Regarding the extension of what is obvious are missing. Understand the process and  always Why, I will forever stand with you; through life adversity. As you mature & develope to know who you are.  the extension of your own family. To assist you in your own growth. During the life experience. Is a personal journey. And son we all as humans beings; will endure.

The relevance of whom we belong to as humans. has caught up with Life. Why, time. And seeking the why our differences determine who we become. Is being able to know who we belong to into this world. And whether are not. We are blended Through genetic patterns. It's something about knowing the the details of our personal lives. To Heal from what seeds were planted; in each other. For the same seeds we have searched in for each other. While wondering throughout life. Over generations.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


In Society of All this world. It's no denying we are amongst immortal attacks; on each other. Of different types is the trivial attitudes. Through every human  character of its own representatives. Is the soul of beings. Of human & animal natures. 

What about love. We're All loved. Are envied. Just remember the How & Why Love is Powerful. Even in death. But let's examine the definition of love; that exist & is expressed between human beings. throughout the world. Always  listen to your first mind. To connect with your own inner voice. To understand the difference when your being mislead. Are charismatically lectured. Of being lowered in a different state of mindset. To believe is one emotion. To feeling off guarded is a sign; of those red flags. More than often; are ignored. While our  Young & old, it's not a mystery we just don't always get it at the same time. Life. Just when in doubt. Are question our human relationships are thought Process. Don't fear; motivation.

It's the weird behaviors. That cause this immortal pain. It's the why the setup & mischevious attacks. Is becoming more common in everyday of any Society or Environment. In All  races of human emotions. The new culture is now another generation of another Narrative; cultural violence. Outside & Inside of life. Is the human culture. And there's no where to hide. From each other.

And we of existence coexist amongst each other; we survive off our human instincts. How so, ever been on a safari or every found yourself trapped in a setup. Where nobody never see's; anything. But the entire time; every move made. Involved the human involvement. As the word is we've heard it All. And why the narrative story keeps repeating everything that is, and was. That switches a tone. At a different  time. On another date. In the same pattern & trends, statistics & algorithms. If not the Past tense. Of  is now in the presence; of the same world. Is amongst a mindset of emotions. Is famine or feast. Victims & Predators. 

And it's no joke, where there is Human or Earth's history. The opportunity to explore it exist; in how life repeats the same pattern. Included is wherever there is; idol minded or double minded thinking. There is a network of another shift. In Another generation that switch; is awaiting it's next, affixiated human Fix & Twitch.

I'll swim near some deep waters. But I will never challenge the word of GOD; through vanity or  mockery. Why, to be deceived is  one life lesson; learned from experience. And in knowing why, there is the weight in wisdom. And the gravity of accepting the truth in why mother nature & processing above the average minded thinking. Is a gift from above. Again, if we All functioned in one state of mindset. How would we identify; even the difference in our selves . Therefore the design of life. Is something bigger that even humans have learned to adjust. In these bodies of figuring out; what is the wiring in each other. during the course of life. Never override the truth to dismiss The WHY & How, creatures of the sea; Live & Survive. As we as humans on the other hand grow emotionally invested. In the humans side of each other, stress & struggle. If not figure out; the entire piece of this Life's Puzzle.

One day a group trip was planned throughout the years of 2000. In & out of the country . Every one seem to vibe. Until the luggage was unpacked. The atmosphere appeared relaxed. And these human bodies settled; down. Then out of the blue a shift occured. Is when division; separated the balance. Fortunately in life; good seeds are sown in the earth. Is when those seeds will show up in Deeper; emotions.

One day the anticipated date; has finally arrived. To get our human groove back in order. And let's be tasteful. Regarding our own Interest of human choices. Until something shifted in the day or night. And the algorithm was immediately broken down. Is when survival mode shut it All done.

One day the relationships took. A Spiraling moment of opportunity to get out of context. Because of a human conversation; including is the amicable approach. To expose the the intense disconnect. Was  the premeditated intension to not be amicable; but force a state of mixed emotions. Why, you, me, we are them. Did not meet each other's humans expectations. However, over time we did not read through All the red signs. In being more human than the next human; would later return on a date. Is when the laughter & grins  turned into wrath & jealousy. In a millisecond. And still today exist the Tears on Earth. As the  story continue. In another generation. But GOD is still good. For the wisdom. In another generation that did not sleep; on the silent reaper.

Why, humans are still writing what really is happening. In the Days of our Human lives. Circling back to the State of our Human Generational Affairs.

Youth check in. Before you leave out. Are coming in of your locations; and old, new. Including is even family. Adults double check your mindset. No disrespect. There is a world of attendance in guest; followed by the rhetorical history. Family's have an immediate gathering of the minds, so we don't All assume. We entertain; anything mentally. Including revolving doors. Of anytype of guest. Why,  choices shift over generations on every foundation; why life happens. Allowing every predicted thought to assume whatever is predicted for the rotation. Will motivate what appears to fall in alignment. On these extended invitations through life. Of our real life is the Family Affairs.

And lastly, stop asking How angry is People. Are start asking why not be insulted about; human progression over the generations of life. That Still exist in this beautiful world of Society, is All of a community; broken down. When Everybody & Everything shifts on Earth. In every location. We're just the human mechanicals that move abroad in shifts. Managing the infrastructure & Tools that work together. To find a balance on Earth. So, we all can figure out how to Cohabitate, Survive if Not live about the Trivial mindsets & attitudes.

In the days ahead is Time. Of Feast & Famine. Now rewind the history of Time. And let's recalibrate on the state of our own Human Affairs, burglary is not by coincidence. Beyond the arrogance & above All this disrespect. The human Judgment is overrated. When there is the state of Civilization. Human Religion & Human Beliefs, is one's own individual knowledge. Regarding how life emulated what is not exempted in the Biblical Prophecy of Human Salvation & Human Faiths.

We may not get it together in Time. But Time will complete the gatherings According to Biblical Prophecy of This World.

Live a life, heal your broken heart; day by day. It's all a process of Life, cry if you feel like it; whenever you need to release a tear drop. Laugh internally; why make it a self priority. A peace of mind is priceless. Pray if not; ask why  the shift on Earth is going to continue through a process that's going to happen. Then  believe or not; change is inevitable. Then stand firm in your own skin of physical & mental confidence; where Time is not negotiable. For not one human being through. In life it's good or bad Times. And it's the time To not be bartered, begged are borrowed in. 

Today feel the breathe of life. Remove the stigma of hate. By not focusing on the negative. Breathe life into the positive. As we look into each other's eyes. The window to our souls; read even more.

Why, not Just Live; in every moment of Life. Because Love is this thirst sought of in ever human being. And it's the time that has granted; favor. For every human on earth. The space in ourselves; To mature & grow. The same Time that's moving in another shift. Of the daylight that rolls over into the night. Covering our beauty in this human skin. Is the makeup of who humanity is. But if we possess the intense need to hate on love. Then How did we come this far as human beings. In Cohabitations of offsprings. That continue to transform over the seasons of life. Of what we as humans produce of life. That coexist in one World. Is our own human presence. Walking in The Light of The World. We are the history of each other's human; natures.

Friday, January 3, 2025

The Call

Finally the hour is near. But it will not be how Life's Story will End. Prophecy is in the process of being completed.

For every human existence on earth. How was the feeling in our hearts. To Walk away are Stay. For what the life experience taught. And how if the human experience humbled you, them are us.

Tell All races of children; young & old. Unfortunately humanity could not figure out. Love is still a human Freewill. But we also must accept. The evil in these human hearts. It's grim, calculating, cold hearted & silently deceitful.

Why, mom. Because of the SIN in the world. The journey has been long my child. If only the day did not turn into; darkness. If only we could of controlled our human urges & disorder of human emotions. If only Love could of been the faults; in All out choices.

Over judgment between the hatred - jealously and jilted emotions for each other. Some people All it took was a Vote. To turn the light switch on in the World. But if the light of the world never turned off. Then what was of darkness in these human hearts.

Mother's are you ok. Daddy's did you remember to say Good morning & hold onto one another tight in the unity; of family. Family did you not give up on each other; in the trenches of life when you disagreed, the feelings of being the black sheep. The curse on the family of choosing favoritism. Is when there began the waled spirits of silence in jealousy. If not support of each other in good or bad; personal life choices. That required fine tuning in our own human changes. And of those good ole friends; are there any still in the living that are not at eternal rest. For over generations the memorials are out of control in All ages. Including is RIP spray painted T-shirts. That hangs on every human wall of every age in race of generation. Just not on the backs of US all. To ask Is their any friends amongst US Who still stand on 💯. In standing Up as Kings & Queens. To protect the integrity of each others life & human character. In the living of who possess the breathe of life; from one to another. Knowing the Why, the storms of life; are necessary. To test our human faith. When dealing internally with our individual; weaknesses & strengths. The reality of life has always been real.

So many stories of life; buried & alive. We finally see because of the light. In who really genuinely endured the trials of life. Without reservations. As humans have mourned over generations. Because of who. In  those in us are them. came up with the bright idea; to dim the lights for Bucket's of Tears. In the world. That kept prayer an open option. And faith to write, The Burdens of a Heavy Heart, People Struggles &  Stereotypes, Breaking The Yolk, Turning You Around.                                ~Arthur Angel L, creator of

Alway's remember on your good are bad days. To encourage yourself; anyway.

Why, Over generations we have been aquatinted in All races of mankind. To wakeup in the day & night. As we have crossed paths; as strangers over the lifetime of humanity. Walking in this human flesh. Of the Skin that covers these bodies. Of us is we, US and them. In All walks of life. Of a pattern on Earth. In one rhythm of; Humans, Humanity is Mankind.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...