Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11

As children who can remember. If not walk out on the land. Of our Grandparents history. Who left US in All over a legacy. Until the day The final Roll Call. Is called once again.

Let's All Do the basic math. What human has existed on the land. Before the existence of man was formed in a females womb; to be birth on earth. Then calculate from the time the earth was created. Of that same time land & soil, and minerals was added unto the roots that stem from the soil. Then summarize how its  metaphorically defined, analyzed and communicated any human  is capable to live in this skin is the heartbeat in the body. From 0-300 years old to even access Social Security. With a  mental & physical non interrupted; access to the brain & pumping is the flowing of human organs.  According to the laws of human existence; is the body & father time. Working against US. Verses the studies of science & algorithm. It's numbers & facts. But the answer will present itself. How so, of whom is left on earth. Of the land is the soil and beneath bedrock; is the Minerals.

Rip my child. This was always a new day. Of an old way in thinking. We studied war. But left untouched. Is the roots that defines; who we are, who we belong to. And also what we become. Of the next in. Is the of. What is being sought of. Get out of the average thinking mentality. From inside of a small or large Box. And figure out in these walls of human Skin the Why. The box is limited in size for; the driver is to forever control; is  the goal. To minimize. In one self. Is our individuality. And how humans conform. Are process; what is real. In movements.

Now sit back and do some research. On how far back in which land was a blank canvas. Until markes we're planted as stakes. To divide humans. According to their own soil. Is the minerals  in the earth. 

Now there will be gnashing of fragile teeth. Why, read and try to imagine from the beginning is Biblical Prophecy. Which is the reality and truth. Not told in depth unto Humanity.

As I children I grew up on the land of mineral rights. I grew up with some associates whose roots in blood. Still possess Mineral rights throughout this world. If you think inside of a box. Then you will argue & debate with faith. 

In this life knowledge is Possession. It's just not a bargaining chip. To purchase from one to another. Of our human history. Is the land deeds.

Why is land; the interest of who in order is the of blood in lines. If we we're to research ourselves. Then these battlefields would resolve; itself. To why, from birth. It's what we're attached to on Earth. In the physical One has to fight to sustain the mental of what & who is og those  ' mineral rights'. 

Land without it. Do the math. If we All possess what is Rightfully. Our inheritance. Then the next of war would be, who is next capable to follow in respect. Of whom has shown the strength to lead the next.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Words can be uplifting. Words can be degrading. Words can determine the outcome. Words can be used to pick our; human battle's wisely. And alleviate or elevate; real wars.

And if you were to read, hear & even speak of. how  words; are used. It would are not be a significance in relevance. 

Why, ever hear the word Coward used. And realized. It's addressed towards another human. Who is no longer on earth. Are identify with a behavior that  deflects of their own behavioral actions. What about One human to another is not present to defend themselves. Are a post online for any if not one commentator; to chime in of a response. 

Well, let's diagnose what is the action a Coward; represents. Is it limited to a race, gender are age. Is it a flash word used to ignite; confrontation. It is a type of word  verbalized to describe bullying; amongst another human. By intimidating Are demonstrating an action. To absorb control. To gain submissive attention.

The moral is this there is Power in The Tongue. Words carry weight from a distance. And crossing each other's paths on this journey of life. It's just inevitable. We just don't know who may be the Good of those in Samaritans. who was judged are awaiting judgement. For a Coward act. 

When using harsh words. To blemish the integrity of each other. Never disregard the personal intension. If the mission is to discredit; another human being. Of breathing; in a human worth. on earth.

Why, not. Pride comes before the Fall. On Earth No life will be overlooked. In the hour judgement will run it's full course.


Today a storm rock some areas throughout the Earth. Give appreciation by acknowledging Mother Nature; will run the natural course.

And although the damages were minimal if not great. We can restore. From a smaller than greater loss. How so, in the world. These material things are replaceable. And before the stealing and commingling continues in this morning of life. Let's recall what occured in the the darkness. In A Blink of the eye! In the Early am. As alarms went off. And as we slumber in sleep; many were not prepared to  even safeguard; themselves. As we woke up. In one more day. To one another. In this space call life.

Time continues to Prevail. And Only time will determine; what human beings; will adjust and accommodate of moderate, low and higher risk. Just to acknowledge; changes in this season.

Today if you were are not affected by lights outs, fallen trees, minor damages to the vehicles, are hail damages on any rooftop. Find being more grateful for the breathe of life. No man controls what Mother Nature did are will continue to do. But Time was not robbed in the transition. Because no human controls time are life's outcome.

Therefore as we continue our morning rush, get the kids prepared are not. Just in case of school closures due to no lights. Secure the homesteads the best you can. Be more patient on the freeways of life. We all got some where to be. We all got personal affairs & bills that cycle. Before the month ends. And at any moment our Attitudes determine how far we go. If not the next delay if life is inevitable. Because we don't control time. It's an element that will not be stolen of. In case life calls another name that did not reach; his or her final destiny. Today time gave permission to Breath & pay close attention.

There is a lot going on. In this world. And eventually Peace will shut US down. Again allow yourself time. To process it All.

Look around  appreciate the scenery,  in nature is real beauty. And the reason to how & why. Time was not robbed from yesterday. As we rose up, sat around are possess the physical capacity, to think & walk. In  moving about in this space of the World Remains of Life. Again, that was not; robbed. Are a bribery; of Time. 

Time is Priceless.

Monday, March 3, 2025


In every generation. Humans possess a competitive; mentality & spirit. But what happens when Siblings in DNA are to young to figure out. What time requires of what took course of mental development. In the mindset of Adults. 

And over time it's a good or bad; seed to see of what has been down. In each other of; good are bad karma. 

So, Let's chat. And unloosen our nostrils & mouths. To make room for. What is of the Salt sown of seed in The Earth.

Domestication & Cohabitations. And we're not to leave one table. Unraveled by. Who left food on it. Are crumbs & why. 

Idea the story family. Is the pillar of our own existence. But what happens when the bloodline is mixed. And the fantasy frame work. Is no longer the idea picture frames; sold a shelf  for purchase. 

See one thing is inevitable in this idea mindset. Is human expectations. And what really occured. Will reflect in of what has been; breeded in mankind.

And if not one human being; confesses. To black balling each other. Through anytype of energy or if a siblings if not relationships. Towards each other on Earth. Be prepared to swallow a pill. Before we enter into the Peanut Gallery & Land of the Lost. Of what really occured in the life & births. During these days of; humans, Domestications & Cohabitations. With each other.

Let's start from the soul. Of these seeds in a female's womb. And without a males DNA. There will not be any bloodlines. To attach through having; anytype of Children. It's about to get gut wrenching in knowing the Why, you will never underestimate; the motivation in vanity. Are the algorithm of Time.

We all going to learn today. About who did what. To whom. And why it's deeper; down from the womb.

So, deep our GOD has allowed just enough of common sense of our entire minds; to be utilized at one time. When a child says that all the information I can contain. When a grown up child repeats. That's all I can process of transmitting this information at one time. You should be curious; to why. 

Before we can wrap our entire minds. Around people, time and human behaviors. Keep an eye on the clock. And try not to be lured by pursuasive; human behaviors.  To think inside a Box. Fight harder mentally to thinking outside of the Box. 

If a clock is battery operated. And humans feed off; time to collaborate, affixiated and project in. Of each other's weakness & strength. Better recognize a sheep in wolves clothing. If not a den of snakes. And children are the breed of the many seeds. 

Age is just numbers. Life is the breathe of air. Of those same numbers. We are what is of the Light. of In this entire world.

Whose getting chills. Knowing it's gets deeper. Than even what we can admit to ourselves.

My child, keep the conversations short are none at All. Why, what time can any clock on the wall; reflect. If the clock is; battery operated are removed from the space it was last coordinated. And why do humans operate in different time zones. In one space is; Earth. Over a course is; Time & Movement. Of how & what they; are repeating in through out this entire world is; human natures & history.

Stand on; digesting The obvious. But be wiser. In being; human but over confident.


We all laugh. Sometimes in silence or even out loud.

Why, ever notice children trying to be sneaky. And the reality is; it's all be done before. The funny thing is we're speaking on adults. Being sneaky in the real world.

The Bible reads. Once an adult, twice a child. How so, the Bible meets Life. It's on you to watch for the human side; demonstrating the signs.

I remember as a child. My uncle love to play with his favorite niece. The Pop OUT game. He would hide are was hidden behind objects. Are moving around was these objects. As the silence of something is about to occur. Became the element of surprise. Once I would enter the room. And we All know the circumference of a space. And silence and darkness. Verses silence in the light.

But Unless you're not aware of your environment. Are live in a mindset of comfort. You will miss the point in this message. Moving on. Then out of the blue a giant person appeared. If not some type of object flying are moving on the ground shadow. If not this type of artifact pop out. Immediately in the air, my intuition said run as far as you can. If not  remember the stance of a; chameleon. 

The element of surprise. Every day expect change. Most of time expect the change; presents itself in a different form. And this uncle was full of surprises. So, I learn to expect. The obviously. Something new this time. Which was a giant spider. So I would run as fast. As yell as loud as I could. And from that day. This uncle planted in my head a;seed. That grew for years ahead. 

Then there was every Wednesday night; mission.  Grandma was the matriarch. Of the twisted root that's run deep in our; family history tree. And she was without a doubt; committed to God. And once the door lock clicked. There were the other family members that clocked.  And at any given opportunity they went in high gear to taunt. That auntie & cousin with the green eyes. Would lock me in the dark room & whisper in creepy voices. The boogy man is coming. Well the boogy man haunted my thoughts; for decades. That's why pillow talk; is a mind game. And while those green eyes now are not the element of seduction are surprise. The statement exist for a reason. And why of those eyes; are the genetics throughout my blood line. Those peepers reminded me of time. Of what lurks beyond any door; of a window are peep hole. I was just an innocent child. Who like to play. Until the game was played on me. I would pray for my grandma to return quickly tap turn that key. But until then I had to survive; playtime. 

One day we had business to attend to. And playtime became this game adults enjoyed. In a world Time did not allow US in All to stay small as children.

The moral is this. In these moments; our protectors, guardians and family. Teach us different things. Fir me my lesson was seeds invested. How so, memories. The memories shared. I also shared with my son. That surpass his youth on earth, and because of the memories. His children have engraved in their hearts. Is a  family sith history. It's what family does.We all play a vital role.

It's what internally, if in the wiring. We're built in us to do! To bring out the Laughter, embrace the Pain, alway's remember how to Pray & eventually Joy resumes in it's sacred place. The heart. It's the mind that stores the information.

Together we created the memories that we either cherish, are blemish. During grief. Is of the missing. The moments shared or lost; Overtime with each other. It's the bruises that heal in the human hearts. Broken, healing are of those hearts. That sustain in; comfort, peace & Joy.

On yesterday remember the laughter, cherish the tears. To realize time. Recorded every intention. Waa not to intended are intended to hurt one another. We only in my story. were All being mischevious; in every age category. While joking around with each other.

Until time grew us in All-up. To piece our minds back together. And ensured the homesteads stayed; in love & of permanent order.

Life is going to happen; regardless of who we are. But never forget to live. And create  Memories. They are forever. No matter our age, gender, creed, race are religion. It's the human experiences. In how we treat or treating one another. That will determine if bridges are built up. If not the bridges; that are burning down

 always remember; the why we're watching out, over if not for the good or bad of each other.



Saturday, March 1, 2025

Beauty Of Life

In every season there is a Time. For every purpose to blossom. Under Heaven is down here on Earth. Is the sun rise, 4 seasons, and moonlight. Watching over; the gates of the breath of Life & Death.

Life has announced another roll call. Where the beauty in their music: will forever stream of the beats. In the rhythm. Of our; souls.

Roberta Flack; the word is 'Killing Me Softly', your presence will be truly missed. And the Love in your voice. Will remain the music in our  hearts.

Angie Stone; to the Family. Angie touched our hearts. With I got '2 Bad Habits, Brotha', and a volume of Music for the Soul. So that we will never forget  her Love in music. Said it All. 

One day we'll All fly away. But today we'll remember why,  your spirit in the love of the music. Will forever be with US in All.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Day's of Our Lives

Before reading this Blog entry. I have been asked. Why, give up for free this type of information.

The Book of Life & The Book of Knowledge as other Covenants. Existed before the creation of All in Mankind. And if money is not the root of Evil in Prophecy. Then what is of money; loved. And by who is that illustrates the action?

One thing in life we as humans can fully count on. Is there will come a time in life. A full circle. Of Regrets will be spoken on. By every human in this life. In All of around each other. Is humanity. In Civilization.

Why, do humans express aggression & anger towards each other? Then what is patience & love; for each other.

How is it we can procreate human life; with the DNA of each other. Then destroy it through behaviors of arrogance and no remorse. Then what is love & support. We hunger & thirst  to possess of it. In each other?

I regret not having All my children by one person. However, we are the product of  the judgement of our own human Cohabitations with each other. We're hearing each other.

We don't regret the  judgement. We are motivated in of human hate. Then go to being judged of the same. As we are guilty in judgement of each other's Faith.

I regret not being a better person. To myself. In order to demonstrate and action of being better to someone else.

I regret staying in an dysfunctional relationship. Are entertaining an extended conversation. But I'll intrude with another human being. With the same behaviors. Where an equal mindset; exist.

I regret. I did it on purpose; to creating chaos. In my own life. By trying to implement the same chaos. In another person; will attach myself to the dysfunction. I need of. To live through. We do it everyday. On repeat. It's in our human natures. To differentiate. 

I regret what should of, could of, but never thought through. While doing it. Because of the final outcome. But on any given day. If change is uncomfortable. I'll repeat living in the same cycle. The reality is misery thrives for company. 

I regret doing someone wrong. In hopes someone regrets. To not return to one's self doing. The same human action.

I regret not being better prepared. But I'll continue my same approach. As long as I can get the same rescue. and if we look into our personal lives. It's our own state of mind. That results back to the next generation. Of chain thinking. About Regrets. Train behaviors. Until the chain is broken.

I don't regret wishing one another; good will. Are I will sit in idle of my attitude. Over how to harm, hurt and fail; someone else. But GOD forgives. My selfish are unselfish mannerisms. The fault in that. You now know better in right & wrong. Of your own human actions. 

I regret knowing it was going on. But I'll let it continue happening. Watch in a mindset of slow motion. And say little to nothing. Until it effects me. Is when I, us are them. Will need anyone to feel human empathy for my situation. To not regret; helping. Check in on people that are; overly independent. Are just know why villages & secrets get exposed. Of due to the exhausting petty behaviors.

Just listen to what comes out of people's head..And in the power of their tongue. In what is said. Why, the Bible reads the Power of Life & Death. Now figure it out for yourself.

I regret not knowing. Well who is of those don't regret not; teaching, telling & showing. To save face not for you. But hardened hearted ways. In themselves. Luke 10:19.

I regret it's my turn; to answer back. for the wrongs I initiated in this life. So, now I'll remain on idle. For my own internal insanity. The reality is we can pray for each other. Prey on each other. But eventually. A choice has to be made. To stay longer. Are to walk away mentally.

When people show the same patterns of behaviors. That affect the environment of your inner Peace. It's time to leave it in God's bosom. And move on. Life is filled with mysteries.

We resent, what we demand of other's respect. From Someone else. Who got it right; in themselves. Of mental illness, conquering addictions, found themselves in a healthy relationship, moved on from the toxicity & drama. Are just maybe this human is making better decisions. For themselves to align with their own idea of inner Peace & Happiness. Are maybe it took one leap of faith. That determined the why & how. This human made it out of a gutter mindset. To appreciate more of breathing in this life. And saying one last time.'I want to do my own thing'. A strong statement.

Ever read on social media rebuttals, statements & debates. How are why, is people overwhelmed, respected are disgruntle over each other's freedom of speech is their own comments. It's a social media post. How does a persons comment affect your personal life. Regarding the State of Affairs of this World. Every human being is bothered if not annoyed. And the billions are millions of monetary money made today. In reality the company profited off our; being the consumers & contributed work ethics. The moral is  during this lifetime of orchestrated chaos. We are the real people debating each other. Not investing one plan to fix it with what money. Our ideas benefit our personal lives. We are debating other humans. In which humans. Of All the People is being affected are not. Are not people who even show no interest. Now look at how we're acting out. And even more embarrassing what countries are watching. Of each other. All over tweets and comments. In these streets causing distractions. Is the Patent Trademark platforms. Just to express an opinion. Again, organized chaos. To create arguments with each other. In the wind. On a Different day, same status in human history.

The eye opening news is; we're all consumers. Are either of the employed. If not the disable, retired. Are the idle minded onlookers. In a world of corporations, systems, ran by elected officials & unofficial consultants, investors & sponsors, guidance counselors & life coaches. Then pops out the Narrative of the Baby sitter's, baby Mother's & baby Daddy's. Just All humans with an attachment to birthrights. Then layered down to assigned titles & delegated rolls unto each other. We just loosing our entire minds. Over each other. Wanting human control. of another human being. As we're all looking out of control.

In the ears. Whatever is caught from the mouths of humans. How can any human own another human. With the weight of printed paper of money. Are the bartering of children. To control another human; into submissive behaviors. Knowing there is not one secret on Earth. That did not take less more than 2 human beings to create. Because of every other human involvement existed. Then humans decide what to sale of the secrets back to each other. Of the same secret. To another human in what the next human did. That is are was; associated in on it.

So, what is meant. To buy a human Soul. What you  purchasing; submissive behaviors? And for how long? We're all going to live & demise in this life. And we All can deny it. If not acknowledge GOD is Omnipresent. But not of likeliness in the physical man. Then who of male are female barters with child, Land are money. To barter with his or her soul. To be sold.

If suffering is still apart of hate & love. In this life. Figure it out. Why, SIN is a daily struggle. People get overwhelmed with themselves. How not each other. Then question each other. In judgement of what is the real: spiritual warfare we argue in.

And what does any human being profit of the world. To sale out; of his or her own soul. Some more suffering. And if that is not enough of suffering. To just suffer. And expect to accept in being  mistreated by each other. Under this new World of existence. We then can entertain the issue in our selves. Without the companionship of another human being.

It's the idea there is no human regrets; in knowing our weakness & strengths. And no human title is exempt. If we could get past the acceptance. We're just not all interested. In waiting and sitting. While whispering & pointing fingers in the wind.

The shift under our human feet. And the Ripple in the souls in the hearts of humanity. Will continue to heal. Because of the light in the world. Is the; prays of the righteous, those who prey on the lives, of all ages in demise. In of whom internally struggles to eat are will struggle to survive. 

If any human interactions is of GOD. Then tell  humanity why. There is a desire for the human Soul; to be sold. This is not a Soap Opera. This is  real life.

'The Days of Our Lives' in this World 

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Life is still good. Even if throughout the history of our human adversity. In love vs. hate. And why everytime we struggle; to hold onto each other. We fault each other. To excuse addressing the accountability in ourselves. To debate the who found the way to stay. Are who knew the reality of needing to leave.

It's our human patterns to lead US; back. Into emotionally with each initiate attempts without spite. To starting all over. With each other. As we birth  another generation. of which we were destined to depart from. Without genuine love & communication who can survive. On waiting. Of what common sense, faith & hope. Leads us back to empathy and compassion. To fill us up. When our cups are emotionally; emptied.

In our selfish minds. We played a dangerous game. Depending on. We needed each other to be submissive. More than we needed of God's Faith to find out inner strength. Once the world grew colder and even disrespect. The elders & children.

How so, by using every ounce of control. To negotiate. Our own faiths. But know the bridges are totally different. We will cross. Why, betray in mankind has ripped a whole in our; human souls.

If the respect and power. Was fear in Prayer. This day would make sense. It was written for mankind. Not mankind written for the life of humanity.

So, We've accepted passing down what is or remained denied. Of the tearing; down of each other. Over how you suppose to  love the world. More than you have experienced life. Enough is enough. To figure out; why you must first live yourself. 

In some human hearts; neither one of us. Was ever prepared. To letting go. Why, some of us never had one intended to hold.

Why, we just needed a space to work on each other's; weakness & strengths.

On earth to gain or appreciate what we Together; accomplished. Are we individually succumb; to in these souls of man or woman. That decided to speak of 'life or death'. Is in the power of the tongues. 

And on today, the swords & arrows are drawn; not turned down or up. But positioned. With no where to hide on Earth. Of these hearts & minds. Is the souls. Of who are of mankind. In the skin of walls. We throughout generations birth. In love, lust and hate. 

Who, How so, Heaven & Earth shall surely pass away. We just can't locate the exact date. But Time is of GOD that remain.

Every where throughout the Universe. No one knew who would grow weary; first. To admit who is or was prepared. To say out final farewells. 

To Earth. 




           Coming Soon.

Let them Talk, While we're figuring the magic that works for US; out.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Tell IT

Today tell the Children & Grandchildren we have a journey before US. To continue in. But don't be discouraged about what you see. Be encouraged through how you feel. In your birthrights is the choice of self understanding of the Religion & a Human Freewill. 

And if any human being. Regardless of their human title are delegated role over you. Intentionally continues to deny you of any type of mental freedom. You continue to rise up. On your tiny are growing feet. We as humans all walk on them. And look up higher, beyond their human chest & heads. And search higher beyond the sky. In prayer. That change has to occur. 

Why, we did not respect on earth. In how to treach each other with Respect. Is appreciating even our own; human history. Humans created with each other. So, yes my children and even to my beloved son. There will be human adversity. Because of the struggles we will forever; sustain in to one day Overcome.

One day children & grandchildren. You will feel a presence in your heart; of disparity if not pain, confidence & Joy. You will forever desire what's missing in your life. Including death. This inkling in your mind & heart. Is a gift only from GOD. To feel human emotions. And in these feelings. Is human intuitions. To evaluate spiritual & real life in the physical messages. in every environment. That the breath of life. either encourages you. Are restrains your mind. Of chain thinking about each other & life.

How do we know so much are even less of knowledge. The Book of Hosea 4:6. As children it's our parents instructions that will lead us for more understanding in Proverbs 22:6. But if one denied his or her self. Over self preservation. Then one is capable to judge; cast the first stone unto others.

So, yes beloveds. The work has always been plenty. But of the believers in GODs Prophecy to work in Faith. Is not of many of the world we live in today.

But let me & other's share with you, in the living. The stories have not All been told. Of its Truth. Your history carries weight. The weight you eventually will carry on your own shoulders. Just remember in these tiny moments of your life. Who was in the world are a room. You did not know who was telling of the truth. As you needed time to grow. And in yourself search for;  peace, truth and love.

Surely it was & is. Time on Earth. To change the way we think about how we personally live. And impeding on the living to choose; of deciding whom grows and or mentally progresses.

Why, we all received a title. And accountability first to ourselves. And then to be taught is to each other. 

But where there is internal hate in these hearts; race is the least. of our human issues. As we adjust to  existing. In the State of this world.

There are those who are still here. That will declare it. As I agree for my only reasons is to plant a growing seed. Towards one day it won't alway's be this way; humans antagonizing each other. So, its only the favor of GOD. today a Declaration and Promise to you. As long as breathe is Gods main priority in of life. As human beings. We will. Are some will; purposely  Implement a seed of encouragement. For seeds of denial. In you. To avoid shining light on themselves. Hindrance for you in figuring out your own Truth. Of sooner that latter of finding Hope, agape Love, unity of Family & convenant in Faith. Over the preservation of our personal life choices. Are if any other human in your life continues in making choices & decisions. While justifying; their own self preservation. Is knowing from life  events - human relationships is from our experiences. That a change has to come. Why, the world is going to one day change. The way we as human beings; cast judgement, love & hate. And struggle to protect each other. In are without the substance of Hope, Prayer & Faith.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


The saying in the world is 'Pimping ain't easy'. But let's acknowledge under the influence; what is.

If anyone has to invest time to make up a reason. To keep you on a rope of hope. It's time to cut all ties. Unless you're more invested in. What you can't get out of.

Why, anytype of pressure is enough. To manage control. In a situation.

Therefore peep game. Of those who repeatedly appear to relapse; mentally. Back into a repeated; trans. Of a line that repeats itself. How so, if any grown up says. 'I don't have a choice'. Either recognize who is the puppet.  And who is the puppet's master.

See how holding in secrets; hinder the brain. Are not escaping the pressure of knowing; games are being played. It's enough to have a conversation. It's a challenge getting caught up. To find yourself walking around in; with your eyeballs; pushed out.

Where there is a pattern. And always a quick response. You can almost figure out; the head ring leader.

Low self esteem; is a dangerous state of being. Trust carries many burdens. How so, once it's broken.. humans don't heal well.

Jilted lover's; go on a rampage. Why, to accept the succumb in the mindset. I no longer possess a stronghold; over her or him. But not before time has been exhausted. Of what's no longer an interest to debate. The same topics; we go back & forth regarding life is hard. Which Includes what's the investment of posting another bails bond. Simply take a breath. And look around the room or the world. It's never to late. To push rewind. Then replay. While recalibrating in a state of a mental relaxation or a trance. Why, once you realize whose a part of playing the mind games; and with what. It's the getting played. That  appears. You were  the one; not being genuinely appreciated. 

It's ok. Life happens. To the best of US. just don't get caught up on; repeating the same steps. Different person. Also including the Opportunist. Be aware. Of the Hunter & Prey; first pray on it. If you like yes. Are slow to saying no. But maybe so.

How come, 

Early bird catches The wom.The pillow talkers are methodical. So, get some rest first. I promise you. Before picking up the line, email are text. If not a response to the unexpected messenger. 

Why, this human will invest time on a calendar date. To locate your ear. To plant a seed of a hustle. Right before bedtime. Earlier in the morning am. What about the daylight; those are the hustlers that are unfamiliar with your pattern. A true hustler is well aquatinted; of the right time. To align with a schedule to work on your vulnerability, matters of the heart & mind. We all know people. Who play the same mind games. Just different faces, familiar titles and Statuses. Playing a game that never changes. It's just a different day.

For The clout chaser. To entrer the stage. Always creating the ground work; to set up the Casper argument. That never really existed.

As  every viewer throughout the world watches. From a community. Is also the lookout. Whose position and roll is consumed of; always creeping around. Regardless of male are female. This individual will sale to anyone a; hook & line. For a small fee or object. In return of your; information & location. So, prepare to take the pill to accept the truth are deny it. Of what. The why, no human status is exempt are negotiable. Look how far we've come. To reach this moment.

Of  the silent instigator who plants every seed. This entity appears in rare form. Often if grace. Is of innocent & emotionally; concerned. But in the blink of an eye. Will play the victim. Unaware are why when are where; it will ever happen.

While the mute; sits in silence. And if you're not careful about the company kept. Not limited to one human title in this world.. It's time to keep your head on a swivel. Why, it's a reason it's Lonely At the Top. The presence of this individual. Is like existing in the Matrix. You just don't know who else has been called. To get involved. Therefore keep up. 'never pull up'. To make a point. Without first doing some homework. I'm figuring out who is scooping up All the info. On every anxious answered call or text. Then watch the channel; flip to an entire different station.

If life don't teach some of US, hard lessons. Walk away with respecting for every situation. Life is destined to shape us.

We're almost done. On earth nearer to the last episode. Before we retire from the Pimping in this world. And there could be some other areas: we chose to be left out. But here comes the detour out of the blue. The tricksters who reference the Biblical scriptures. To set up the extra stage; of Defamation of Character. If you don't know. You're going to learn today. How to watch the legal system. With your third eye; intuition. For this  attack. Either manipulation are a human feels emotionally damaged. Due to the cause of an action. But be mindful regarding the physical switch; watch for the slick smirk & switch off & on of tears. Why,  entertainment. Is for watching. How  human thinks inside of their own rendition of sincerity. If not a clever mindset. That they just made the ultimate chess move. In validating the character of themselves.

Lord help, we got some real issues. And testimonials, prepared; to share down here. In earth. 

And lastly, we do possess emotions.  Sometimes not; I  love you. Is when we figure out; good old faithful delegate. By the parents of those guardianships. You know who sat & watch hostage; the children. And once released from their appointed duties. Return to sender. What? Remember this a game. And on the cool if you are humble. The story teller will admit; by extending an Oliver branch. Off the record. To witnessing the questionable; human nature s. No pun intended. No humans on earth is perfect. SIN is pressure. And no there is exemptions. Why, would we  loose our entire minds; over who has or not the Power in money. Are who is getting possession of the kids. Well, everybody has to validate themselves. On who is are not is part of; each other's plans. Including politics. Circle back to the preservation of the kids life. And let's include the generations who travel with a pack. In the drama. That eventually appears; the outbreak of tempter tantrums. Could occur at any moment. Of any location. In a space or room. Are platform.

Why, it gets weird. Regarding what is really happening in All these; mental state of the world.. Good & Bad. We all possess a human roll title & position. It's the master minded missions. That gets old. How so, every human has skeletons. And if money is the narrative, let's be real. Do we really demonstrate maturity is the best of our; behaviors. While there is world concerns. And human affairs. That is occurring in every environment. Some prefer; others to sit in silence. As others speak out loud. Saying whatever..Until things get out of hand. Are we humans don't agree; who should of, could of but even if someone does. it will not accommodate; Peace in Earth.

Now how is this behavior about; the balance in the world. For the next generation of children. Is the best of interest. And let's be honest. Not All people are involved. Hands on. Are hiding out in the background. Of the ones who pull up mentally. To  invest in. Of the insecurity are negotiable arrangements. What plans are in place.. In the event of a life changing; state. Look around how many children are left in a world. A beautiful world in chaos; over who has or not. It's human feelings arguing between another human emotions; payback. Therefore it's going to take respect of the time. We should All get some mental rest. And never ever wonder why, eventually what's done the dark. will be revealed in the light. To alleviate this added stress. Why, doing the most. On Rogue & Buck wild. Of All the Yelling, and running back at forth. That created our current situations to justify. I did not get something from another human. To still remain; in oneself. the same of a human in being.

Again, pray over All the children. Pray over ourselves. Pray for the existence of Peace to calm this world. Stay alert and mindful. Get some rest for tomorrow; humans will resume.. To doing. Take an emotional break. Until we as human beings figure out. What condition is of world; we together are divided in humanity. Will work in respect.. of each other. To rebuild are tear apart. The remaining ingredients in our human relationships. Needing is of; patience, love, prayer and Trust.

Eventually the headliners will display another transparent are a rig title. But before click bait. Remember why the Life Experience is the fact holder. Not so much of what is said and heard. Without facts & evidence. For the vehicles to drive Anxiety & Panic Attacks; only move if passengers are onboard. On a different day, same humans. Of different emotional channels.  Regarding the same type of crimes are theft; jilted lover's, financial gains, losses and profits. Poverty & Wealth. Infrastructure. Politics & Religion and no checks & balances. As another bail bonds company; inherits wealth. While the dismantling is occurring amongst the entire world. Is Civilization; human titles & associations.. is Unbelievable. Until we're forced to digest. The Believable of each other's; human emotions.

Throughout Civilization. Life is what you make it. It will be some adversity in this life. It's time that allows US in all to laugh. Are cry buckets of tears. Pray or not. Eventually we All get the feeling of being victorious. If not defeated.

Why,  Pimping ain't never been easy. If we're going to tell the truth to each other. In who really playing with; who.

Pick your battles wisely in this life. Select your company with a strong pic. According to what you can later. Can mentally process in who and what your dealing with. Then sit back to watch. In another shift. Of Pimping that has already; started.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...