Friday, August 1, 2014


Some people will never comprehend what they find irrelevant to understand, some people have been  conformed to think they are weak because of lack in money, some people will research public information to apply it to their past or present situation, some people will see the truth but afraid to speak because the evil that men do, some people exist in a fairy tale place they think will keep them safe, some people think power, poverty and ammunition will force people into fear and the reality of the truth is to understand there is an agenda in place it's just unfortunate it will never allow anyone in humanity to keep up pace. So live your life freely by enjoying your family and friends, grow your harvest off the land and travel while you still can because the by-laws designed to control this great land will not be mightier than the original creator who invented all races of man!


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...