Sunday, October 19, 2014


Women are said to be from venus while men are from mars and the conflict of interaction begins with trying to please one another in expressing our emotional and sexual attractions. The two major components that either bond men and women together or apart. Because both species are wired to  comprehend the content of what is being expressed but confusion arises in what is not necessarily being met . We search for one another to fill specific voids and it seems that we constantly grow more controversial to understand the emotional and sexual progression of our individual thought's.

I specifically reiterated to a male species today why these two ingredients are vital to one another if you plan to invest the time of understanding any women's inside and how your role will be utilized of feeding into her "emotional and sexual" appetite is when you'll comprehend that an alternate tool used in place of your hands is only a sign that you the male species has not properly penetrated through her heart and mind with the  proper pipeline.

Family, Friends & Relationships

The challenge we face is accepting to change the things we do that either affect ourselves or hurt someone else. Because everyone seeks validation and the truth. But not everyone is ready to handle the transformation we must go through.

Families of all races deal with discrepancies. Because of so many elements involved; favoritism between children, death, incest, money, marriages or someone's contribution of excessive responsibilities. And this twist of fate can result in a family dispute turned into a family feud.

Friendships require commitment, patience and loyalty but what I have discovered is not everyone is committed to initiating the truth. And the reason could possibly be; that friend is the self-infliction of  what they refuse to believe of " insanity". And this twist of fate can break a bond because people candidly want to see if you will mentally entertain what they may not be willing to necessarily change.

Married people is a mirror of what a finalized commitment should be. But take a deeper look inside their eyes individually not collectively. You will see the joy or pain of what their fairy tale actually reads, in reality. There is work involved in any relationship but prayer must come first so no person is left behind to struggle mentally in hard times.

Relationships are rare to find but once someone initiates quality time to reveal themselves to you don't be so quick to alter your original plans. Instead search for clarity so that your both on the same page. And if there are children involved make sure you have spent quality time to love them yourself, before sharing them with someone else.

Short testimonials created to salvage a weary mind. Because we can either agree or disagree that people are guilty of desiring to posses wants over God given needs in a mission to sustain some form of  Peace, Unity and their Sanity.

Aging Water

Aging Water, I will not dwell on breaking down the knowledge. Humans age as we as Water. We have so much to learn regarding mother natures r...