Sunday, February 1, 2015


The IRS a third party will say it's in your best interest to proceed in writing their entity a check for your old debt, or risk your possessions. It seems like the creditors "RECOVERY PORTFOLIO " have negotiated a deal to stimulate what the fallen economy took away "now coded 1099c". Which is considered a portion of earned salary of the middle class who can barely maintain the ability to pay what was once a alternate remedy of invisible money "credit". 
The CREDIT line has become a universal threat of debt once appreciated now being taken for granted. And it may seem the middle class scrambles to survive but remember there is another Country who holds our nations capital debt in interest. Which has come to pass of how lenders have negotiated a new way to take-back borrowed money in a justifiable "NON LEGAL and LEGAL way" because the system was never created for man to live debt free of what is a desire not necessary need only "GREED". 
This is why it would behoove you to take control, consult, retain, or initiate a consultation call with  a Tax Attorney today. Starting with the Bar Association to say "please assist in protecting my remaining INTEREST".
People have changed and everybody's seeking surreptitious ways to obtain "old & new money",


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...