you ever fallen upon hard times and the people that you would least expect; have
your back. And I’m not referencing hard times with less money or negative in
the bank account. I’m talking about when sh!# is not going right. For example the car breaks down and it’s the
first of the month, grown adult kids are acting as if they are out of orbit, adults
are questioning the attention you give to children because they can no longer
get your attention, the land sinks into the ground which causes the house to
take a shift, and why is the insurance agent quick to say they don’t cover it, the
mailbox is full of bills current and past due, kids or out of college and school, summer daycare is due before
5pm before late fees kick in. And don’t dare ask anyone else to inconvenience
themselves, those caring friends all of a sudden begin talking arrogant so they
can suck you into enlightening their “foolishness”, and let’s not forget about the
family who will pitch in; but only for a wink in a moment.
See the reality is some people will swear they have
not dealt with real situations like this. But the real truth is people really
prefer you don’t know what they allow themselves to go through. So allow the
truth to enlighten you; when going through life’s journey you will see people who choose what they want to believe, you will deal with non-logical thinkers that sound influential
low moments, and you will hear the truth but respect a lie simply because you won’t
to continue in doing what is comfortable to you. Children will be
disrespectable no matter what age they are but you will justify their wrongs to
make it right. People you know will bring you joy or pain; just remember this “we
all are destined to change”. And just in case you find a person or people that
are conducive to your life; be more grateful that sh!# s going right.
How times have changed significantly from the importance of understanding wisdom
to living in a false reality.
To a young girl who has given birth to kids and the fathers or father show
little, some or no interest.
One day a young girl read what I had to say and asks the question “do I feel
like a loner some days”. And I kindly replied as a young girl I lived a
full life with tons of people who influenced the choices I made. That were not always great. And I said "do
you understand there are real consequences in the choices you have made. Because every
choice is not a mistake. Immediately this young girl looked at me with a
strange stare in her eyes. Is when I kindly replied "until you have
lived life and clearly comprehend the choices you make never attempt
to analyze what you can't understand until you have knowledge in experience to understand WISDOM.
To any young girl or woman; you can’t raise a man but you can guide him. And
before you try to control his life with innocence that grows inside; first do a
reality check of what may be your “long term commitment” then you will have
the wisdom in knowing not to challenge a mother who made the sacrifice to carry
this son to a full term in life. And the reason why this statement was necessary is because what you give up is powerless until
this boy grows into his own mature man.
do not have to progress at the same time. But you must develop a mature STATE