Friday, September 11, 2015

Angel L

Today I shared real Life Stories from our experiences with a sheet of paper and pen.  
Today I did something that someone told me I did not have the courage to do.

Today I shed some insight on what people have been followers of most of their lives.
Today I challenged a mindset from average minded thinking of what is reiterated through someone else; with not thoroughly investigating the information for themselves.

Today I separated cluttered thoughts into solidary thinking; today I healed a wound that experienced a rape, incest, domestic violence, abandonment, co-dependency, human trafficking, slavery, divorcees, financial illiteracy, suicides and generations of chains breaking away in their life.
Today someone is confident to know they fully comprehend that Attachment to “TITLES” goes only far as people will accept of “wisdom and knowledge” to grow beyond poverty thinking. Relationships will endure “hardships”, and marriages survive based on two-party communication and commitment, leadership, preachers and servants are appointed for Gods assignments not PEOPLE”S handwritten commandments.  Today I encouraged victory over tragedy if people will allow themselves to escape Pharaoh’s strong hold; of bondage and fear of what they lack in wisdom and choose to know .

Today a child has re-connected with his or her self-confidence because he or she did not allow life’s circumstances to DESTROY what was rooted in them; passed down through generations “FAITH, FIGHT and The WILL TO SURVIVE”
Today enemies have been redirected to the chapters of REVELATION, friends may or not abandoned ship just remember what “JOB” did, families will fuss and fight then seek the journey of Abraham and Lot, workers will seek the story behind “fishers of men” but their truth will be hid if they seek it in WOMAN or MAN .

Today freedom is not limited to the United States and race. The word Freedom is now a mission to conquer GLOBALLY.   

Whether we chose to believe in scientology, exorcism, supernatural beings, religion or super HUMAN beings we all were born with a specific purpose, talents and mortal not immortal cloned genes. To embellish one another in life  not justify re-occurring events in this new day from past centuries of what has not change in humanities attitude, beliefs and ways; The Good Samaritan reappeared in 13 years once 911 had the world in tears, The Prostitute currently “Women and Men of the night and day with one mission to get paid through pornography are simply feed their sexual fantasies”, The Adulterer currently is the danger you attract just to be in a relationship , The 187 once was Cain and Abel,  The Thieves who hung in misery simply ask forgiveness and mercy; currently misdemeanor and felonies, The Parent who plays favorites currently Rebekah the mother who misled her husband in order to manipulate one gift and deny the chosen kid,  The pleas to be delivered from Financial debt currently a plead for insanity for killing the entire family, The Tax collectors who came to collect on a debt but the mother had no money to pay so instead the collectors threaten to take her kids is currently the IRS, Physical attributes, butt injections and attitudes was once The Strength of Solomon who thought he could resist “the power of manipulation” of another persons intention, Direction as the Children who were lost in the wilderness currently the entire nation that has grown out of LOVE into weariness in every direction, Sodom and Gomorrah sealed their faith with "lust and a kiss" currently a law passed for same sex marriages and I'm not judging your preference I'm just writing the acts, Leaders who took on the challenge of building Noah's Ark manage to save 8, but obviously the new world has changed in to "conspiracies and assassinations" of leaders who aim to make a difference. Which bring forth unwanted change.
The book reads of a servant name Nehemiah who prayed over a plan prior to kneeling down in front of his masters hand. And in return the king declared a clear path for Nehemiah's journey to go and rebuild his city and in our new prayer request we seek if not "change, healing & deliverance" to win the lottery, overflow our closets with fancy clothes, fancy cars, adjust the natural beauty we were born with in exchange for implants, sex change and fake butts to bleaching the surrounding of their anus, expensive homes that range above our financial status. If not leaving someone empty and grief stricken without children and marriage. And until a situation affects our individual lives some unfortunate elder, grown up and child will have to struggle if not die.
And no I'm not perfect in anyway but to write what is written I had to live and learn from my choices and mistakes. Then humble myself in order to change my foolish acts and boxed thinking. And just in case any human being finds fault in what is written in the stories of The Days of Our Lives remember everyone plays a "Free Will" role in how LIFE's story will be TOLD.

So much of life to talk about  
On Kindle: "The Burdens of Heavy a Heart"
Coming to Kindle: "The Compilation 1,2,3"  








Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...