Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A New Year

Another season is ending and a New Year is approaching. People are making plans to bring their New Year in. But somewhere someone is not feeling the same joy of planning for the New Year's. And I could speculate but it may not accommodate the person who is feeling JOY or going through some type of PAIN.

I overheard a young foreign girl speaking to her mom and say "everyone has a home in the USA". The cars have homes to shield them from the rain, the birds have homes in the trees and lastly the dogs have their own homes where they bury doggy bones. And the reason why this story was extraordinary to hear is because where this little girl lives there are no walls, no doors only wide open space where they are able to find a resting place to lay.

I observed hard workers who stretched their lives working through hard times with a focused mind, loyal and committed to long hours and the bosses promises to promote them once the economy is in better condition. Only to be sold something short of a dream that leaves a person, silent, bitter and cold with low self-esteem and if the next human being does not value their own worth they will also be the next victim of another person’s hidden intentions

I grew faint as children wondered around this entire place with fearless eyes, twerking hips, smacking of the lips, eyes and tongues pierced and lack of intelligent verbiage, no pun intended. But some adult or mature person fail to compliment "precious time" to prepare our children of all colors for what is in store down the line " A New Day of Old Times" and the failure would only be in not utilizing their gifted 'MINDS" on any given day, in any given moment of time.

I witnessed a mother racing through life trying to find someone or something to spice up her life. In the meantime her children waited for a special moment in time just for her to show them they were in her heart and on her mind. Unfortunately for these babies were the seed of the man she intensely loved but this man did not reciprocate the same love in return, so these babies continued to grow up to be strangers that were once a seed in this mothers once empty womb. Simply because she did not take the valuable time to love herself first before seeking that same love from a man who only stuck around to share a relationship that produced God's most precious gift's "children".

I walked into a room lit of colorful faces where some people were cordial and polite or just not nice. But what I also learned is what some people have managed to move past in their lives while  others continue to hold onto; what brings them misery and strife.

I grieved a family's death regardless if there was no association. And the reason why is only a mother carries a child nine months out of her life and meets a new man immediately to fall in love online before they meet. Sometimes things turn out ok and other times catastrophes occur in one day.

Prey is the person who is vulnerable not necessarily weak only because they don't show strength to communicate their ability to think beyond what other people would like them to  further investigate of finding the truth. But a predator intentionally seeks to devour all possibilities of this prey at any time, on any given day.

All people lack patience in someone or something we don't take the time to understand, all people lack experience in what we don't take the time to learn, all people fear unclear threats, all people have skeletons buried in their closets, all people have self-esteem whether high or low, you dictate how it goes. All people of all races really share common things no matter what we would like for one another to falsely or truly believe.
I've heard countless resolutions before entering into the New Year of on television, at work, family dinners, networks, weddings, church services, traveled trips and being a witness to how people are going ahead with their lives. So remember this life will only allow people who are willing to attempt in finding the fortunes they seek or the dreams in which they believe.
A poet once shared; you have to learn to comprehend what is being said in your mind. What most people will miss with their eyes"-Richard Saxon


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...