Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The following message is not intended for every viewer’s conscious. So to avoid a monotone voice in your head I will present it with accuracy. And no pun intended to make you question the people you know or will meet.

We've all heard the old cliché “it will never happen to me” just consider in every move either you or your children will make it could simply be the reality of another person’s choice, mistake or act of a jealous rage. On any given day but please proceed to enjoy life freely and most importantly cautiously. No matter if you are young or old just simply be careful, engage in being sociable but also manage control of what you do and who is around you. Be submissive to your conscious which is only wisdom that will attempt to guide you through. In an unfamiliar space where the BFF you once knew has suddenly turned face against you.

People search all over the world to find a compatible friend, mate or associate to occupy their window of time with but once the chemistry of these relationships no longer mix, guess what is a possibility of coincidence that will happen next where someone ends up having to prove their loyalty and commitment. And it's ok to silently chuckle because the show "MISSING" or "THE First 48" is not on everyone's pick list of reality shows. But it's all over society and in the news with an important message to understand of who, how and why relationships fall apart and people once found "go missing" without a trace. Only to later find out they were the victims of foul play.
I'm not implementing the people in your life or not safe. What society has proven is that situations in life prompt people to change. Now proceed in having good day.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...