Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Life sometimes can make a PERSON feel as if they no longer fit in the world. Similar to an elastic band first you position it around your waist and then over-time it unravels again. And no matter how you set this elastic band in place eventually it will unravel around your waist.

Today I felt a funny tingling in my brain. Today I had a different view about many things. Today I know longer could process the word “Repetition” but we do it every day as the world continues to change. Today my mind and heart, feet and hands were in align is when these thoughts settled in my mind. But it was not because of the things Society has become accustomed too. It’s because my ELASTIC BAND had stretched and pulled out of place over the years so it could no longer fit in the same position.  

You’ve saw the campaign around the world protest and address DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. And after generations of HITS and Family Violence, CPA and Funeral Arrangement the law created Restraining Orders. And you would think people would have changed where they lay their HANDS.
Men who beat down women emotionally and physically is “quite unsettling”. But it may be normal to someone else’s CONSCIOUS of what love is.   

I am a man who thinks with my HANDS: How is it I live each and every day to curse the mother of my children and sleep around with other broken women. Then return home to lay hands on this woman I promise to protect. Like a master to his pet and dare her to find another man, I disrespect her most precious jewel “no not her ass, her mind you fool” this woman whom I claim to give up my life for, the children I adore and claim to do anything for. May turn out to be the women I raise to walk the streets and expect a man to mistreat them, the son I bear may possess lack of confidence, commit a murder, suicide or be raped in the prison. All because of what I manage to do with my hands. Where I stand behind these close doors I'm the man who implements fear in my family's head. Just to control what I know someone else will not take for granted but LOVE “A Family”.

The law is set in place for civilians to live bye. But when our 1st amendment finds it challenging to reprimand a grown ass man over 21 years of age for sexting a 13 year old in middle school. As the SUBWAY man it summoned to 15 years for child pornography. But the concerns increase to why do our laws allow situations like this to wait for the actual sex act or crime to take place, when it's to late. The CPS system was set in place for the best interest of our innocent children. But something is wrong when there are stacks of cases untouched. And over worked faces to execute a thorough house check to see their modeled residence. Someone cease those checks until there is some confirmation these kids will not turn up to be the next statistics.

I am your conscious young men and women why do we treat one another with a rare type of RESPECT and dress the OPPOSITE. I’ve been in places around the world. I've been living on street corners and have seen what we demonstrate behind closed doors with our bodies. I'm a young man who has entered into a daughter and mother's bedroom. We've shared each other's company with many friends in whom we don't even know and for money. So how dare you shout on  live T.V "you the BABY DADDY ”. I witnessed young men and women slap one another around then say "go away BITCH” until we end up cuddling. Daily I watch my groomed young people interact intelligently with their peers and for the most of us we RESPECT our conversations and debate our book sense. But what mommy and daddy don't know is that were struggling with this growing up and being real ADULTS. So inside we hide what we “entertain of recreational drugs, orgies and other stuff” while some of us attempt to find RELATIONSHIPS on the internet. Or find real closure in a RELIGION. 

They say you can’t help whom you love which is why POLITICIANS don't fear being judged. Their here to get some order in this world of ANGELS and DEVILS. So why the world was exasperated with "i did not have sex with that woman or allow same sex marriages" is when the next leader inherited centuries of the people's "burdens" with threats of "impeachment" for choosing to assist and adjust laws that should not be tampered with such as "HEALTHCARE, The WAR on DRUGS, WAR, Equal Rights, MINIMUM wage, Prison Systems and TAXES" 

I am porn star and my riches comes from years of experience. So when AIDS was revealed it caused a scare and people realized their conditioned state of mind. Where people around the world have sustained in uncontrolled environments dealing with politics and inflicted diseases. While in an educated SOCIETY other people were comfortable with one another's sexuality which spiraled out of control. And now AIDS is no JOKE.

We’ve heard of children murdering the entire FAMILY. We’ve heard through generations members sleeping with family and children. We’ve heard of a mother’s and father’s choosing favoritism between there children. Which brings me to the story of REBEKKAH who stole one of her son’s inheritance then passed it down to a non-deserving child. And in the end that child was cursed because of his mother’s attitude and deceitfulness.

I am your conscious and there is no room in here because you have clutter from the past and refuse to mend things with my “siblings, mom and dad”. Will you please find away to clean up this cluttered space and mend our brokenness. If not the years you waste will be your eternal heartache. When all you could of simply ask was; can we find some “FORGIVENESS”.

So if you’re an ADULT or child in this predicament where mommy are daddy refuse to allow your siblings room to grow-up and make their own responsible choices. You may have to walk away to save yourself from MENTAL PAIN. Before returning and attempting it again. Why, because some people feel it’s normal to always step in and FIX what someone else manages to keep broken in their children, spouses and friends. And you will find yourself stressed out and in need of help yourself from the people you attempt to understand. But the problem is they would like you to agree with them.

The 1st, 15th and the 30th are days we either become excited or exhausted. And the reason why is this what we live for the American Dream a chance to pay a few things. And if someone was to take that dream away of what we expect to receive on those dates. It would destroy our FAITH. Now let's calculate there are 24hrs. in a day now how many of hours do we honestly spend with our spouses and kids to do family things, vacation and homework. Also, include the time you left out for yourself to re-group from after working MON-FRI. If not Saturday and Sunday for overtime. And don't forget why we are thankful to breathe in this life because "God still lives" in our over sight of; hold up something is not right I'm short on TIME.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And everyone has seen in People and FORBES Magazine of most BEAUTIFUL AND WEALTHY People around the world. Where some have managed to do HEIGHNOUS CRIMES and others are awarded for contributing good works of PHILANTHROPIST around the WORLD. Good or Bad Life is still worth LIVING.  
What if we never judged one another by the color of our skin, what if we could love one another in relationships and through hardships without revenge of taking someone's harvest. Because riches come a dime a dozen when People labor for it or earn their inheritance. So real LOVE is genuine. But unfortunately people under estimate God's Faith and curse the possibilities of easily having what we need.

Sometimes PEOPLE can make a PERSON seem as if they no longer fit in this life. Similar to that elastic band you position it around your waist. Then eventually over-time it unravels again. And no matter how you try the ELASTIC in your mind will wear overtime-time.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...