Monday, January 19, 2015

Rebel Children

What would cause a child to rebel against a sacrificing and loving parent?  The answer is clear “life was already predestined to take a toll on their once innocent souls; leaving them no choice but to trample on our loving hearts. But if they would better appreciate how a parent shows concern it would save them time instead of wondering through life full of anger and strife. Destined to experience a shorter life. Where strangers prey they can lead them astray, to an early GRAVE.
ONE message I took to heart "life will teach all of us the significance of obedience, and if we fail to listen and learn; it will deal with each and everyone one of us through a short or long term. Despite the fact of being young or old this is how life's story will go. While some people silently think “who is she to tell me about life” and my response will be; what my elders often shared with me” keep attempting to challenge life your way eventually you will pay by turning grey in your young or middle age”. A small reminder of how time does not refuse to reprimand smart ass children. Even if your parents pray it’s about time you pay closer attention to the signs before it's to late. And you join the place where your friends lay never to awake.

Life purposely chose the journey we would take, time allowed us to appreciate our lives and disobedience would close the chapters of our minds.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...