Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Court fees

Outlawed in the U.S.A over 200 years ago. Is when the U.S. Supreme Court expressed "Judges cannot send people to jail, because of their disposition to financially pay court fines". Pay attention closely to how money targets land to implement a term plan.

In the case of Bearden vs. Georgia, which held; that a judge must  consider 1st; if there exist the "ability to pay, but refusal to pay a court debt that exist". It would behoove you to understand legal formation rendered from the judges hand but written in our Constitution. So the format of "willfully" not pay does mean one thing. That people are destined to serve time behind court fines if money is not exchanged, to zero out what remains.
The amount of time spent online should be more productive or else people sabotage their own lives.

Publication information is detrimental to your present situations.   Research law. 

1st Of The Month

A single mother awoke today with a case of some anxiety. A working class household has stretched the limitations of both payroll checks. An elder is laying weak; because they can no longer afford to pay the pharmacy, regardless of medicare or medicaid. And the reason why it's the first of the month and bills must be paid on time. To avoid the rapture of evil economic times where only a fool would think; money can buy everyone and anything.

Unfortunately ordinary people were handpicked and trained to act in vicious ways, depending on the bill due date. And before you adjust your noise and cyclone attitude please grasp the importance of the messages below:
We live in a "Right To State" which means any person can be fired, at anytime without "recourse". But in case you are safe; turn away from what affects another person in a more crucial way.

The Koch Brothers have raised an estimated $889 million for the 2016 Presidential race. Now it's your turn to figure out who stands a winning chance "Red or Blue" for another term. If people decide not to stand in line and vote next term.

Once you put up collateral for a bank loan make sure you understand the full payback with interest terms. And just in case you are going to pay late; you better notify the head person on the prerecorded phone line, backed up with an email line. So when this debt is paid in full; you are due back ownership of your initiated collateral. Unless there is a scenario number 2; where overdraft rules is when the bank has allowed you to spend money in which they knew did not exist. Is when that paid in full collateral is now at the mercy of the bottom line list.
The Federal Trade Commission should be your next move to investigate how our Constitutional laws written by legislature will either assist or deflate a alternative plan to payback what should have been originally avoided. Also, check out FTC v. AT&T, LLC "mobile cramming" maybe you have an interest in the future settlement.

The term lease means temporary. And rent is due on the 1st if not the 3rd. The water addendum implies the bill is due 15 days after the rent is paid. Then why is it included on the 1st or 3rd, and on one entire page. If you dare to ask, be prepared, to be referred, to the water company provider in your residential area. And lastly the late fees begin at the end of business day, payment drop box has been sealed, gate card access taken away. But in one year be prepared to be greeted again with a smile and pen. To lock you in once again.
It would behoove you to research the "Tenant's Union".

Single moms understand you are not damaged goods. Because you don't need extra hands in your present situation without a working plan. Instead thank the lord for your kids and the commitment you give. Because welfare is no longer prejudice, against any race of nationality.

Some people love to mock other people who are either clueless, show minimum interest or lack in finances. Some people posses good intentions while other people thrive on power and control to restrain a strong hold.

I mentioned earlier the big 3. So before you reach for lent and in some of our cases that is money already spent; visit the website www.ClarkHoward.com to verify why you are being denied for paid, due or uncleared "credit lines.

Life will set you up for change, logic is crucial, words or prolific, people play mind games and if money is not  the bitch people say it is. Then what really is?


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...