Thursday, May 7, 2015


Once a seed is released into a woman’s womb progression takes place and within those 9 months a life is born. And if we apply logic to development the measurements of human life can only progresses in stages over time.                

Reference Jeremiah 1:5

One day a male species will implant a seed into a woman species womb and within trimesters this seed will progressively grow until there is no more space in the mother’s womb to grow. Which is when conception will take its course and life with be revealed from inside of growing in moms hive.  Is when the developmental pattern begins never to return into moms womb again.  

A newborn has his or her first taste of life once they realize there is light and lay upon a mother’s breast to be fed which reciprocates the rest of what will happen next in the early stages of child development. Eventually this newborn grows into an infant stumbling to take his or her first steps with less or no desire of the feedings from mommy’s breast. Next is the adolescent stage of  puberty and figuring out what independency is all about. Is when this child will begin to recognize their fullest potential of using their "hands, feet,  mouth, ears and eyes. And the last stage is "ADULT" years. So what is the possibility that medicine can reverse the maturity of child birth? None, and the reason why is woman and man were created with time to replenish the earth with new life.
And just incase any child, woman or man feel as if you can go against mother nature's plan with your own GROWN UP PLAN "THINK AGAIN" because growth progresses at a rapid pace once you're conceived from mommy's space. 

Growing Up Can Be a Pain but if you're so grown; why not leave the breast milk alone.



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...