Friday, May 22, 2015

"LL" Love Lessons

The warning signs are clear to see if a woman or girl would like to know the truth to why her  heart  is not being fully satisfied but denied the LOVE from a man who really has no real intentions of making her a part of his plan. Because no woman was created without the idea of a man involved to replenish the earth and share her life with. But the reality is some men choose to pleasure themselves in any type of relationship. Which leaves some women broken hearted.  And this may not apply to all women but there is a reason why; some girls and women choose the other side, and confide in other women about there intimate lives.

Women are nurturers born at birth but often forget their worth. Women are quick to sacrifice for a man but often fail to receive the same in return. Some women pray for a man while others prey on a man. Women will root their faith and fight for a man until the dual end. But often deal with not forgiving themselves in knowing this man has no intentions of “changing” who he really is.  
Celibacy is a gift. Courage is not being afraid to wait, loneliness is only a opportunity to evaluate what is a mandatory requirement in your life including standards and expectations to starting off with proper communication. Because no one is capable of 100% in a life of  occasional disappointments.

Women just incase a man chooses a younger  mate count your blessings because life will not allow women or men to physically remain the same. Simply stay on top of “your game” because one man’s lack of visiĆ³n and performance is another man’s Harvest.   
A good girl can be turned bad in many ways. A bad girl can turn good in many ways. Simply remember how MEN HUNT THEIR PREY!

Women there are men who will shower you with no intentions just one mission. And it's up to you in showing this man how you appreciate the things he will do to earn your trust with trips, gifts and more stuff.

A mans multitude of excuses does not equal to; what he makes of a promise to change for you.

A woman can have a man who finds time to do what is on his mind. But a woman who sets her expectations in place is almost destined to conceal that man’s heart and space.  
A man is capable in identifying his family or a woman's need. So therefore this man does not require a lead to proceed in providing for the obvious things.  

A man knows exactly what to say; at any given moment on any given day. And he does not require you to prompt him on what to do to persuade you into the groove. In all due respect of  song writer "R Kelly” he mastered a technique with little words to speak . Therefore watch closely to see what a man has to say; but never finds a way.
A woman can birth a child. But a mother takes responsibility of ensuring that child has a solid environment and family. So when a man requires a portion of your parental time it’s time to re-evaluate what will eventually cause you heartache. 

Ladies once a man say's he requires time out from your relationship or he is not happy in a present relationship. Understand exactly what is being said; not what you would like to hear in your head.

A woman's intuition notices the change in her man. Especially the little things like “acknowledging birthday’s, holidays, compliments and love making”. So when a man fails to recognize what is of importance of making a sparkle in your eyes; it’s time to accept the truth in what this man has no intention to do.
Woman and men will get lonely even with someone by their side. And the reason why is because it does not mean everything is  GOING “all right”.

A female is limited to time in a small space. A woman of interest is carefully planned to fellowship with family and friends. And casual sex is just a booty call which really means dont get relaxed with confidence.

Finally, women and young girls be careful of envying women who are always engaged but never married. And women who brag about their 3rd or 4th marriage. 

Experience is the reason why I can testify to burying what was dead of "brokeness". So now I clearly see how a man will either initiate you in his plan or leave you wondering; where and why, do I or not, stand in your life.  

Isaiah 4:1 Reads “In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, "We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...