Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Journey

To a young black boy and girl this passage is written with you in mind. As you proceed on what will seem to be a “twisted journey in these questionable times. You will be challenged and tested but keep in mind the key to finding “balance” is managing your “attitude and time” so that situations don’t always determine you’re move in a society of unbalanced or balanced people, who are watching you.  
Today you will struggle to make the most important decisions of your lives “and it will determine whether you survive or die”. And I know this statement may be harsh to listen too. But society is in a fragile mood. And I’m not singling you out but I am making you aware of what has yet to be figured out; of fear and anger, people and politics. 

Today you will figure out what growing up is all about, you will be instructed by people, you will learn from other people, you will be driven by situations created by people that will test your wisdom and strength. Please think before you give into what people are situations will prompt you to do .

Today you will feel the anticipation in the atmosphere but before you allow things to escalate first “THINK” before making one choice. Today some of you will experience your ancestors past history but don’t be afraid these situations are meant for you to break. Simply acknowledge when you are physically on the verge of loosing it. Today some of you will complete high school, community college or attend the best colleges. Today you will remove your self's from the responsibility of someone else. Just don't stray to far from home  until you have learned the importance of utilizing wisdom.

Today you will be challenged with "motivated moves, negotiations and unequal rules". Today you will change your minds and manage your time wisely. And if you don't believe it now; watch what happens today, or tomorrow that will show you how.    


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...