Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Blood Money

For the love of money if not  deceptive intensions.  We the people of the world have manage to change the laws of truth into legalized loop holes.

Who does not want to be associated with the word "MONEY". And it does not matter what title or image you up hold the truth is MONEY drives people out of CONTROL.

Why is money so powerful that it makes people think that they are "INVINCIBLE" and there is no game to which people will limit themselves to play. Just to hold onto that green printed paper "MONEY".
Why is it money can influence a presidential election race, the purchase of water rights so the wells can't produce freely what will preserve human life globally, corporate has a front woman or man to leverage your negotiated salary then encourage the investments of 401k and medical plan, Hollywood selects who will receive CREDITS through AWARDS and EMMY's and race does play a role on who stays in the lights or satisfied their pay stays "AIGHT", the music industry is filled with deceit of manipulating copyrights and other things, but not anything that will disturb the distribution of money, legal representation for a fee can cover up a murder case to man slaughter or a plea, near by illegal immigrants can cross a barb wired fence and enter into a land of independence, governments have the power to fund classified jobs and assassinate a man's faith, profits are rising from the advertisement of billboard and aired pornography and not limited to age or sexuality, drug deals are fabricated with rules and only granted to corporations or individuals who have clearance or else you will be locked down in jail or the penitentiary, sales and trades of human bodies for sex and slavery are happening before dawn breaks in every state on any given day, car sales are making loot on what will increase the original sales amount quoted to you; by the sale of extras with limitations that will halt you to use now read the law of how Deceptive Trading Practices are being calculated into what may default you, then there is the real reality of what will or not be paid through filing claims of torts and injuries, for injections, or plastic surgery you paid for to have that new IDENTITY.  
Every wonder why they say having money is not enough money in this life. It became simple for me to see clearly how man is wired to manipulate you into his or her plan of reversed thinking. And yet some of us continue to struggle with the intent or motive by man to head which is; what we place our trust, morals and values in. That is either reiterated, written, sold or promised with a paper, ink and pen.   
And I know you're probably wondering how I can write about stories such as this. It's because I learned to react to the silent assassin in man. Which taught me how life is my best friend because it revealed to me real "identities" of the characters who would mold me.   

I was advised to take a day and read The 48 Laws of Power by Arthur William Greene

The STATUTE OF LIBERTY READS  “Give me your tired, your poor," ... found on the tablet in her left hand, engraved by man.



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...