Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Insanity "You Don't Have to Cry No More"

If we only knew what the future would bring. And in those unpredicted moments of despair, hurt, stress, laughter and loneliness who would be our night & shining armor, angel, queen or person whom we would seek refuge in or a plead for “forgiveness”.    

Some people cry, some people lock-up their minds, some people hardened their hearts and some people just lose their way. So remember this in every season of personal, internship and business relationships, marriage and courtships, friendships and acquaintances, hardships and family relationships there are destined to be test and passed down judgment. And we as human beings should realize there is reasoning to why we all have an individual PAST full of choices and mistakes to bring us into a FUTURE of what we determine will be full of LIFE or HEARTACHE.  

If we could predict the moment of consequences, life and death then how would we change things and what would we do knowing that life and death is predestined for me and all of you.

If money could change the world we live in then why are PEOPLE still struggling, with money they struggle to find genuine people, when lack they struggle to hold one another’s back, with a desire to build they sabotage one another’s dream by “false accusations and doing  immature things”.

If religion is destined to be GLOBAL WARFARE then why do we still take or interrupt others from having their SPACE in PRAYER. Or maybe RELIGION is the answer to what people contemplate to or not to do.

What if every young boy could save a young girl; simply by saying and promising her the world. But the problem is this young boy or girl has to realize in order to keep those kind of promises you have to first appreciate real life EXPERIENCES, disappointments and heartache. So continue to be a child while you can instead consecrating and saying “I’m a grown ass WOMAN or MAN”. The world hears enough of that already from Grown people who have some life experience but insist to live in the PAST like small kids.

What if we could control time not limited to DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. But in every moment we utilize or waste what would we accomplish and appreciate.

What if every woman and man could be fixed by human hands would we wire them to accommodate what we are feeling? And once we have matured in that emotional space do we throw them away. And the reasoning is its “HAPPENING every day in how we treat one another and then justify in leading people on in our forever CHANGING LIVES”

What trials will a BLENDED relationship deal with where young and old women and men add to new and old relationships of dealt or unresolved issues with innocent CHILDREN. And of course someone will say” I don’t do drama in my life”. But the reality is you can help who you get involved with. But many will take it on as a CHALLENGE to make it out of a PROJECT. So be mindful of whom you are willing to JOURNEY with.  

How does HUMANITY get themselves right? What if HUMANITY was not always trying to accomplish things by robbing and destroying other people’s dreams through their CORNAL WAYS. Are maybe Humanity revolves around the thought of being sane; is really living in INSANITY.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...