Friday, November 13, 2015


Back in the day black people paid to vote. And in 2015 all races of folks are required to show Id's without misdeameanors and felonies. And if pulled over by the police authorities people have the nerve to say "I don't have my Drivers License or ID on me".
What happened to the intimacy of women and men being able to have small talk and long weekends?
What happened to young men opening and closing doors. What happen to grown men pulling out a ladies chair. In a world were young girls and women are called bitches and taking beatings like a man. And we all know the story in India women that are not respected but subdued to this man's thrust of whom she may or forced to LOVE. So the question is what if God would have never created women for this boy or man to mate. Then there would be no chance of reproduction for generations in this entire life. See how ungreatful we act but plead to God for forgiveness. 

Domestic Violence is an act of insecurity and fear of what is hidden beneath. Females if you lack self confidence in yourself allow your kids to have a fair chance at life to live. Until you are strong enough to find a real purpose in fighting for "your life and kids"

What happened to baller and ballets sending over a drink before walking away with a smile and wink?

What happened to Pajama sleepovers with the girls. What happened to campfires and boys night. Something is not right when men are creeping into lit rooms at night. And young men are dressed up with high heels and finger nails prancing around like little girls. And young women switching rolls demonstrating in bed a man's summoned DUTIES. No pun intended but are we continuing to update our children about the new world we live in.

What happened to men or boys crying on the shoulders of their confident “favorite GIRL or WOMAN” who understands a boy or man needs instead of “CONVENIENCE” of what is between temptations "knees". And yes a young girl can relate to this young boys energy.

What happened to bringing the date home to meet the family instead of smashing and texting before going out to eat.
What happened when healthcare, government, legal, corporate and court systems responded in a timely fashion in order to direct or assist people with hardships and crucial situations.   
SO HOW DOES SYSTEMS AND BACK IN THE DAY FIT AROUND THIS PASSAGE: With every emotion there is a cause and effect. And with every system created it was meant to test our inner strength.    

What happened to young people hanging out; throwing block parties and park cookouts?
What happened to the good days when a baby momma and daddy came to one agreement. Which was supporting their kids in little league, award assemblies or a school play? And dared anyone to interfere with their relationship.
What happened to respecting our elders no matter what kind of mood  trials drove us into?
What happened to saving pennies in wine jugs so when hard times came the family had enough to purchase some cornbread and pinto beans?
What happened to the red light, OLD SCHOOL “R & B” I HOPE THAT WE CAN BE TOGETHER SOON, RAP, COUNTRY Love Songs, JAZZ and the down home BLUES?
What happened to making a late night call and both of you waking up with a SMILE?
Young girls and older women some of you may already know; that you can’t change a man who will allow certain women to partake in “roles and positions” of what they will accept of being ordered around or hen pecked is what we love to label it.
Which brings me into the next session of how we have managed to lose our focus on the way, from BACK IN THE DAY.
The object of communication is for two parties to agree on a mutual understanding of one another’s boundaries, wants and basic needs. So when a woman or man, young boy or young girl decide to make a choice and lay down with someone of preference. The choice will be made in a moment of PASSION until a twist of fate turns into “RAPID RAGE”. All because of people  who chose to tell the truth or a lie in order to CONQUEOR what was on their minds so how do we find ourselves BLAMING everyone else without first beginning to QUESTION ourselves?
And I know some of you are trying to figure out what this passage is ALL about; so little understanding is what we have yet to figure out.

I spoke to a woman today who shared a co-workers testimony of how two 37 year old women wanted to retaliate with a third women of youth in age. Over a man “who obliged their request”and the twist to this is the kids because of “child endangerment” due to a “SMASH”.   
I spoke with a "fine azz aged wine" well to do mature man who shared a conversation referencing "I was married 20 years and my ex was awarded half of my PENSION". I replied have you moved on with your life? The man’s key word was I “CAN’T” commit but I am dating a younger woman. Immediately I said in order for you to find contentment in your life it has to begin by removing the word “CAN’T”. And figuring out how to tell this young lady the truth. About what you need and what she may never be able to catch up with and PRODUCE. Because 
every woman or man has met the most BEAUTIFUL woman or man in their own eyes and head. 

I’m not saying people in love don’t get hurt. What I’m saying is STOP ALLOWING YOURSELF TO BE THE VICTIM. Because men and women, boys and girls do lie or speak the truth. It's on you, me and them in accepting the next move.  
We’ve all been BROKEN in this life and overtime situations will challenge us, if not change our mind. With age and the purpose is to figure out “HOW TO GET INTO A PLACE Of Confidence in MATURITY”.
HUMANITY can understand you don’t necessarily have to wear the same titles, serve in the mega church and display college degrees to figure out what life, people and systems. Are set in place. To mold and navigate you into something OLD or NEW.  










Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...