Friday, November 20, 2015

Hostile Territory

Every human being has a stressor in their life. And on any given day any adjustment in that person’s life could stir their destiny to the left or to the right, for a life time. So help me understand a “selfish human being”. Who only identities with “nobody has, can or will help me” or “right now or immediately” in this life. Is often how stressors begin in trying to comprehend the reasoning to why people make free will choices that bring on more stresses in their lives. Is why companies love people who are self-prioritized in order to keep other people under their eyes. Which holds someone else accountable to sharing with them information they use for control. Another reason to why selfish people are not satisfied until they inflict pain on other people's life. 
Anger is an expression that can be triggered at any moment. And no HUMAN BEING is exempt from the wrath it brings. So if you can’t deal with the truth and prefer an entourage of people who think alike in getting “what they want not necessarily what they need” watch out because I’m about to GO DEEP.
Today I stand to be corrected before beginning this passage. So what I have learned is people are not necessarily selfish. They just have not been taught certains things so they act out differently. Which may be a true ststement. But observation overtime also has proven the world has changed so it's excusable for people to remain unknowing? And If this is another true fact; then we're about to experience a phycological break in Humanity . 

We’ve all required some financial assistance when time gets rough. The wealthy ask for lines of credit or call on friends with immediate access to “ESCROWS and LIQUID ASSETS”. The working class will come up with a plan, pay day loans or a budgeting friend. And some of us will refuse to waste one minute of time to ask for what “has to be thought about or call me back” simply means I don’t have anything so how does one person give money to help another person who always promises to pay it back; at income tax or my next check? And what about the mentally sane and capable person who refuses to work; sits on their ass, waste gas, have random sex, live on the internet then ask for a portions of  your welfare, royalty check or paycheck. How does this even make sense? I have yet to meet any man or woman that fine or beautiful who deserves what they have not labored for where some people will say; the sex was good and that is why HERPES and AIDS supposedly have no cure.
We’ve heard of blended families where grown people combine children from previous or existing relationships. But here’s the twist and things get complicated for the kids. Once those young and old adults begin to make this relationship all about ‘THEM” is when people figure out they can no longer PLAY HOUSE. And the real responsibilities require grown-up accountability. So young ladies not all older men are looking to love a life with you in BED. And for my mature in age women not every young man is planning a long term investment  in between your legs. When he can find a younger woman to grow old with.  

Who disrespects a parent then turn around and ask them “can you keep my kids”. In what educated society do Women and Men agree to have unprotected sex that will make more babies without a marriage ceremony not just shacking and a promise to purchase a ring? Then turn around and scream “who going to help me” and you better watch out if the help is not “immediately now”.  See what love has come to be about. And if you think you got time to play with the older caring people in your life; you're in for the suprise of your life.

What kind of parents play twisted mind games by making one child responsible for another child’s infliction of pain? And must I remind you these are not small children in age. These are adults who love to say “I’m grown” that range from 17 to 60 years of age. So if you're heart is in the right place you better stand up and make your peace before it's to late. Are those grown parents with children of any age will bury you 6 feet deep. Due to their insanity.
In Society we pay for things we normally would not gain just being a good person on our own such as; love, time and respect and the reason is "dry begging" and “selfishness which is priceless” but if a person can play on your vulnerability they will take from your children, elders, parents and whatever they see to GAIN. The problem is that selfish people don’t understand why they struggle with everything. So it’s seems “that no one is helping me or hearing me out of what I need” so this selfish person lacks 2 minutes to spare of  anytime to communicate what they refuse to change. But they will take a moment to relax your mind, manipulate a two-way conversation and pour out their hearts; to why things are not working and how they feel like giving up.
There are different classes of status. There are different cultures and religions. There are different social groups. And all of Humanity will one day need help from the stranger you pass and flare your noises at. And to think Humanity ignores the fact that we're created with the same pair of limbs but quick to judge our differences. Have we forgot how we wear our skirts and pants in the same position. Oh i forgot Money makes the difference of who we become.
We're familiar with the saying "I'm under pressure" but with what. I won the lottery and people from all over the world are bothering me. I broke up with a person with whom I was in a questionable relationship. I had more kids with different men or women, now I'm struggling with daycare, clothes, pampers, milk, child support payments, alimony and self confidence because LOVE was not in it. I'm rich and can buy people's time but the problem is; I can't determine who is a TRUE FRIEND. I'll quit why I'm ahead. 

Every move we make in this life is our choice.  And attached to those choices there will be responsibilities and no one cares to owe you anything. So it would behoove PEOPLE that you give over and over again. To Take Back what you have earned or time invested with no return in. Because people will leave you emotionally drained. And always find a way to remind you of why it’s hard to deal with one another in this life. Simply because we as a PEOPLE refuse to ACT and Treat one another with some Human Respect.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...