Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Angel L is the narrator of short stories based on life’s overall “events and actions”. And i know someone will say "get over it" well many of us have progressed and moved on from our past. But its the mindset in Humanity that resurfaces. Therefore I’m not judging the wrong doings of our past history. I’m only writing the last of this generations LEGACY, moral, values and beliefs.
The answers we seek in our deliverance are not hidden in pages of a book. Or neither in someone else’s thoughts where we pray, search and look. Sometimes you have to remove yourself from what you think the answer is. To clearly get an understanding to what the problem really is; HUMANITIES distress of accepting what we can’t see is “FEAR”.  Why, because people would rather live a lie than to face their own truth. Or acknowledge their own truth and remain to live a lie. Which is SLOWLY opening up the gates of HELL and HUMANITY is falling by the way side.  

Today San Bernardino has suffered a tragedy where 20 people if not carried away alive, may live the remainder of their lives traumatized. All because of 2 or more gun men who decided to go a rampage only to make the front page. What a waste to live a life only to die.

Tomorrow the KKK is planning a rally. Hopefully they come in peace. But that’s not the disturbing part which is people who are against MUSLIMS proactively support the attention of what may one day be the REVOLUTION in this place. So how can we find PEACE here on this EARTH in which we have managed to destroy ourselves with HATE, GUNS, ACTIONS AND WORDS?  

Centuries later in Chicago at least 5 children were found distraught in an environment of more than 2 adults who demonstrated acts of physical violence. The CPS was established for their best interests. Until people became obsessed with receiving monthly checks and workers found rest by clearing off their overloaded desk. Century’s later men and women still consecrate to making babies. But what state of mind is a parent in to re-enter into that child’s womb that has not maturely grown.  Century’s later men and women, or both in sex have organized domestic living relationships. And in other countries there culture is to have more than one wife or children with their kids. Century’s later drugs are a household remedy but I wonder in the biblical days did the government legalize weed, watch pornography- oh I’m sorry these were human beings without access to internet and TV’s.   

Centuries later human beings are the victims of mules and human trafficking, racism, poverty and disease, children are sold for crack while adults are running around mad about “dysfunctional relationships, or I’m trying to stack my bread while over 80% of people globally struggle with healthcare or paying car notes, rents if not the extortionist to control their family owned business. While in Leadership and Power there is a plot to down play ballots and black ball the next candidate with genuine potential who is now a real threat. 

Centuries later your homestead should be yours after 10/15/or 30 years. Except HUMAN GREED and the Feds turned up interest and rates to justify stimulating the economy. But what about the pay increase to  keep up with what is consistently rising of new developments. Presented as  a module and plan but not all will benefit from it.
Centuries ago men fought with swords, kangaroo courts and pallets of manmade law judged Humanities faith. And there is evidence to why this new system angers people in a new day and time. Simply by control through passwords and limits to monitor each and every movement. 

Refugees are fleeing to safety from war, famine and poverty. But if they only knew terror and war is taken place throughtout the land and know one really has an escape plan.

I spoke with a couple in their early 20’s today that came to the conclusion of forming a relationship with previous kids.  And here is where “genetics and physiological patterns” reflect “differences” in the mannerism of those kids. Patience must play a significant roll but first we must learn the purpose in having it.

The prison system was designed in history to maintain a sense of fear in SOCIETY through a “6”8 confinement of ones reality while boxed in a cage. And for those who were found guilty of false or real crimes they must be able to afford legal representation. Until we adjust to life in society, prison will only keep you locked up mentally.

Why can’t the young and old PROTEST their beliefs in silence? Instead of acts of RANDOM VIOLENCE demonstrated in SOCITETY where innocent people are made CASUALITIES.
Why can’t OUR SYSTEM of GOVERNMENT manage care for MENTAL ILLNESS? How can we plan beyond the SANDWHICH GENERATION? How do we manage beyond RENT and EQUAL HOUSING? And how much do we pay for the STATE to care for our EDLERS and YOUTH once we decide they are consuming our unmanaged TIME? How can the FDA approve meds that people will die for if their WAGES, SSC and WELFARE never balance out to meet the BASIC requirements?

Why is the IRS allowed to go back 10 years on people that file every year? But the TEA PARTY managed to get a reprimand, slap on the hands.

Centuries ago food was farm grown not mutated and stored for years to come. Bread was 5cent if not made out of yeast and baked, jam preserves aged in a jar and clothes were cleaned white on wash boards.  

People can candidly speak in open-conversations about the life of reality shows, internet relationships, pics of penis and women's inflated butt cheeks, who’s getting paid for sleeping around with the next NFL and NBA PLAYER or CELEBRITY chick, dam has anyone check the kids homework? But when the sirens ring in the air, silence and smoke is everywhere many will struggle with what to let go and who to leave with whom.  Religious beliefs has existed throughout history and people have always found chaos in what another believes and eventually HUMANITY will open up HELL here on earth due to our REDUNDENCY in DEMSONTRATING self- purpose ACTS IN Humanity.

Good news is not every employee working 8 to 5 releases 40 pounds of AIR while walking towards their cars. Some people are just happy to get a check, some are blessed to make a difference, some are consumed with power because they have lost control at home and some people feel the need to see what the world really needs.
Good news is “Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan plan to give away 99 percent of their Facebook stock, worth $45 billion”, now that's a PHILANTHROPIST. I'm not sure what's invested but for that charity 1 billion will accommodate someone's needs if not pocketed by GREED.

TO YOUNG to DIE, TO OLD to LIVE: HUMANISM exist in ‘Foreign and Domestic of positive and negative” morals, values and beliefs “B.C. and A.D” in all of history. Where people rationalize, challenge, contest or accept resolutions to finding peace and unity. But how is it the young die and the old live until death is what they find of REST.




Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...